For a long time, Mo Lan stood with his eyes closed, feeling the cool and comfortable head, and he felt that he was very clear at the moment.

Suddenly, several hungry wolves surrounded by the smell of blood attacked Mo Lan.

The strong wind blowing from his face made Mo Lan open his eyes, and a cartridge in the depths of his pupils spun rapidly, but it disappeared the next moment, leaving only deep pupils.

And Mo Lan, who had just opened his eyes, was already ready to die, but as soon as he saw the wild wolf, he realized that the situation seemed wrong.

He did not panic in the slightest, thinking in his head, and while thinking, the ink cartridge also rotated.

At this moment, Mo Lan's thoughts are unprecedentedly clear, and the previous second seems to have become a minute now.

Just one glance at the wild wolf Mo Lan knew how to deal with it.

"Turn left, take a half step back, lower your waist, clench your fist and hook up."

Mo Lan muttered to herself, and her body moved with it, directly punching the wild wolf's softest abdomen.

His ears moved slightly, and the captured information was quickly imaged in his brain, which prevented him from chasing after the victory.

"The first half step, then hit back, grab the tail, and shake!"

Mo Lan took a half step forward, avoiding the sneak attack behind him, and the next moment he rammed directly back, his shoulder fell on the neck of the wild wolf, and hit him hard!

Then he grabbed the tail of the first wild wolf and slammed it, smashing the wild wolf in the air to the ground.


After the wolf was smashed to the ground, Mo Lan jumped up and slammed down.



With Mo Lan's low drink, the hard knee fell on the wolf's neck, breaking it directly.

Bai Yan didn't enter the body, and the other two wild wolves fled with their tails in between, but Mo Lan didn't chase, but looked down at his hands.

"Have my head turned into a computer? It's so strong, and my control over my body seems to have improved a lot. I couldn't have done it before even if I knew how to do it."

Mo Lan looked at the wild wolf at his feet excitedly, but the pain that erupted from his body the next moment made him take a deep breath.

"Hey, it hurts, I guess I just strained a muscle."

Mo Lan rubbed the muscles on his body, glanced at the wild wolf at his feet and walked towards the stream.

Without grumbling, he jumped into the stream directly, washed his body with his clothes on, and washed away the smell of blood.

When he went ashore, he frowned and seemed a little disappointed, but he didn't do anything and went back to the big tree before.

He originally thought of roasting some meat, but the difficulty of drilling wood to make fire made him feel that pure natural and pollution-free fruits are a good choice.

After eating a few sour fruits hastily, he endured the pain and climbed up the branch of the tree, squinting and resting.

Eyes narrowed, Mo Lan's spirit was tense.

"what is it?"

Just when he was fighting the wolf, he heard the sound of leaves sliding on the tree not far away.

At that time, I thought it was the wild wolves that were surrounded, but I didn't care, I was just a little surprised that the wild wolves climbed the tree.

But when the wolf ran away, he realized that the sound from the tree was not right, and it kept hanging behind him, but it didn't attack.

Even if Mo Lan deliberately revealed flaws in the bath, she did not do anything, and has followed until now.

The wild wolf didn't make Mo Lan nervous, but snooping in the dark made Mo Lan feel a sense of oppression.

These feelings made Mo Lan very uncomfortable.

"bring it on."

Mo Lan muttered to herself, her eyes closed, her body muscles relaxed, and her breathing gradually became longer, as if she was really asleep.


The breeze is blowing, the leaves are rustling, but there is a murderous intention hidden in the beautiful voice.

In the noise interference, Mo Lan lost his perception of the outside world, but he didn't move at all, as if he really fell asleep.


At this moment, the sound of leaves shaking violently came from a tree three meters away from Mo Lan, which surprised Mo Lan.

The enemy actually touched him three meters away in silence.

At this moment, he only had time to open his eyes and saw a leopard passing by, his cold eyes deeply imprinted into Mo Lan's pupils.

The ink cartridges in Mo Lan's mind were running, and the powerful computing power instantly had a response and countermeasures.

But before Mo Lan could move, he felt a chill in his neck, blood spurted out, and his throat creaked, and he died a few seconds later.

Mo Lan looked at the leopard on the tree branch from the perspective of the soul. The leopard did not eat Mo Lan, but looked at it from a distance. Even if Mo Lan died, it did not mean to approach.

When Mo Lan was resurrected, the leopard disappeared into the forest, as if it had already left.

But the rustling leaves made Mo Lan understand that the leopard didn't leave, and was cruising not far away, spying on him with cold eyes.

Spying on this weak but eerie human being that can be resurrected.

Mo Lan's heart shuddered at the changes her ears caught from time to time.

"This leopard is staring at me, and I can't do anything about it at all. Even if my head can react, my body can't keep up."

"We can only find a way to upgrade."

Mo Lan glanced at the experience bar in the corner.

LV0: 0/100

After reading the experience bar, I looked at the cartridge again.

10st order: 1000/[-]

"It is estimated that the ink cartridges cannot be advanced in a short period of time. Only if I upgrade first, can I gain experience faster when I become stronger."

Mo Lan's experience in looking at the ink cartridges is considered to be more relaxed. With the ink cartridges there, even if he is stared at by this terrifying leopard, it will not affect his upgrade.

"However, no matter how strong a normal leopard is, it's not worth it, right? Hunting wolves with this leopard's strength is not difficult at all. It's unrealistic to kill them easily."

Mo Lan calculated in her heart.

"According to the analysis on the forum, this leopard is probably involved in the extraordinary field."

"There should be a lot of experience points."

Mo Lan muttered to himself, the leaves beside him rustling.

Chapter 5 Upgrade

"In order to ensure fairness and justice, from now on, the real game will be fully operated and deduced by the brain. No country, organization or individual can view or read the game data for any reason. The five countries supervise each other. In addition... ...."

Mo Lan went offline and took a look at the latest announcement before logging into the game again.

Sure enough, Mo Lan was in a state of death as soon as she went online, and there were many traces beside her body, as if she was caught and rolled a few times after she died.

Before he could be resurrected, he saw the leopard coming over again, standing next to the corpse, his claws scratched across the corpse, leaving a few traces.

"This leopard..."

Mo Lan frowned, aiming at the leopard's position, and pounced at the moment of resurrection.

But this was still in vain, only a gust of wind blew through the leopard and disappeared between the forests, but Mo Lan could feel that it did not leave.

Standing on the spot, Mo Lan's eyebrows were a little angry, but in the end, she could only look helpless.

Because he knew that he couldn't take it, he was just incompetent and furious.

"Sooner or later kill you."

Mo Lan picked up a stone and smashed it on the wolf's body, the blood that had not yet congealed splashed around, and the strong smell of blood drifted away.

To Mo Lan's surprise, it was different from before. Now, even if the smell of blood drifted away, no animal came close.

"Is that leopard afraid to come here?"

"That's not right, I have to say one thing. With this leopard's method, it should not be discovered by other beasts."

"Is this area already regarded as my territory by default, or has my status as a predator been recognized?"

"No, I knew this method wouldn't last long, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Mo Lan was helpless, but she was not too disappointed. She shook her head, got up and walked towards the place where she set the noose.

Before getting close, I heard the sound of flapping wings, accompanied by the sound of birdsong.

Seeing this, Mo Lan had a smile on his face, and when he looked over, there was a desperately struggling bird on the rope, with feathers splashing all around.

"Tsk tsk tsk, such a beautiful bird must be very cute to raise."

Mo Lan lightly held the bird, and then squeezed it hard.

EXP +2

"Well, not much."

Mo Lan disliked and pulled out the trap, placed it in another place, and then walked to the next trap.

Soon, the traps were all gone. A total of three birds were caught, and a total of seven experience points. This efficiency made Mo Lan feel a little slow, but there was no better way for a while, so he had to continue to play twine on his body. To set up traps, he set up fifteen traps in this area before he stopped, and the sackcloth on his body had become tattered, barely covering his shame.

"I'll have to wait at least half a day here, or I'll walk around in the forest to see if I can try to grab the territory of other predators and provoke them?"

Mo Lan pursed her lips and thought, but when she walked to the creek, she suddenly had a flash of light.

"I'm stupid, isn't the fish also weird? Hehe"

Mo Lan didn't grumble, she just did what she said, she took a twine from her clothes and wrapped it around her fingers, then tied a few knots at the other end and tied a small piece of meat.

The meat was thrown directly into the shallow water, and then the man squatted beside the grass and remained motionless.

It didn't take long for a big black fish with teeth to burst out of the water plants and bite directly on the meat. At the same time, Mo Lan yanked the rope violently.

Heiyu bit the meat tightly and didn't let go, and fell directly to the shore, where he was stabbed to death by Mo Lan's wolf teeth.

EXP +3


Mo Lan showed a smug smile on her face, and continued to perform the stunt of hookless fishing in another place.

At dawn the next day, Mo Lan, who was awakened by the alarm clock, went online on time to check the trap.

It is still the familiar death interface, I don't care, click on resurrection, and check the traps one by one.

"One, two, three, that's enough!"

The number on the cartridge reached one hundred again, and without hesitation, it was immediately transferred out and clicked to upgrade.

"Level up, attribute panel opens."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white box popped up in front of Mo Lan.

"Name: Mo Lan

Rating: 1

Occupation: None

Power: 9

Constitution: 8

Sensitivity: 10

Intelligence: 11

Charisma: 6

Free attribute points: 1

Features: None"


Looking at the attribute panel, Mo Lan's forehead appeared several big question marks.

"Six points of charisma? Got it wrong? There's no sense of substitution."

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