"Hey, you don't know that there are people in Hongfeng City who sell candied haws and pancakes. I was shocked when I first saw it."

Zhang Haobo: "What, pancake fruit, my favorite, where is it, I want to eat it."

Zou Peng: "666."

Ding Jin: ( ′Д`?)?彡┻━┻

Ding Jin, died!

Mo Lan smiled and looked at the chat records in the group, closed it, and started to stroll on the street.

It seems that there is no such thing as urban layout in Hongfeng City, only the simple outer circle of the poor, the inner circle of nobles, and the core circle of the city master's mansion and the castle.

And the people here build houses casually, and they start to build houses when they find a piece of land, resulting in chaos in Hongfeng City.

Mo Lan watched for a long time, only to see a barely passable pedestrian street in front of the Adventurer's Guild and the Warrior's Guild.

The prosperous pedestrian street seems to be the commercial center of the city. The shops in the entire street almost embody the essence of the business of Hongfeng City and the caravans of nearby cities.

Mo Lan was strolling on the street and saw a blacksmith shop, a weapon shop, a pharmacy, an alien slave shop, a tavern, a grocery store, a grain store, and so on.

Finding a grocery store, Mo Lan walked in and asked directly.

"Are there any monster skins above level [-]?"

The shop owner glanced at him.

"Level [-] monster skin, one silver and one square."

"How big is a square?"

The shop owner took out a piece of cloth and showed it to Mo Lan, it was about one square meter in size.

Looking at the cloth of the size of a square, Mo Lan pondered for a moment, a square of animal skin can probably take out six scrolls, and one silver square...

"What kind of attributes do you have?"

"Fire is six, water is three, earth is eleven, and wind is wind. Which one do you want?"

"Fire attribute, wind attribute, a total of seven parties, I want all of them."

There was a slight surprise in the shop owner's eyes, but he didn't say anything. He took out the animal skin from the back room and planned to divide it.

"Don't divide, I want the whole piece."

Mo Lan held down the animal skin and took the opportunity to feel the fluctuation of the elements in it. After confirming that it was genuine, he took out seven silver coins and handed it to the shop owner.

"Do you have animal blood here? Fire and wind."

"Yes, a bottle of ten copper Nas, how many bottles do you want."

Mo Lan looked at the pottery bottle about twenty centimeters high and said aloud.

"Three bottles of fire attribute and one bottle of wind attribute."

Mo Lan felt a little distressed after paying the money. If it weren't for the fact that his previous animal blood was buried in the mountains because it was inconvenient to carry, he wouldn't have spent this unjust money now.

The shop owner took the forty copper nas, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Do you have an extraordinary core?"

Mo Lan continued to ask, but this time the boss gave a negative answer.

"No, if you are going to buy it, you can participate in the Adventurer's Auction in half a month.

At that time, there should be a lot of extraordinary core sales on it.

In addition, the Adventurer Auction Conference can also conduct consignment auctions. "

"Well, isn't there any other store?"

"No, no one will sell the Transcendent Core."

The shop owner's decisive answer disappointed Mo Lan, but he dared to react in a flash.

Yes, an extraordinary core almost means an opportunity to transfer to a warrior, which is indeed more precious than he imagined.

After thinking about it, Mo Lan probably glanced at other items and found that there was nothing of interest, and left the store with the packaged animal skins and animal blood.

However, when Mo Lan left the store, two people wandering on the side of the road saw the large package in his hand, and their eyes suddenly lit up, looked at each other, and followed silently.

Mo Lan didn't go for a while, so he carried his things back, came to the back of the Adventurer's Union, and followed a small alley to the street behind.

This street is called Back Street after Mo Lan's name, and the streets of Back Street are the shops rented by Mo Lan.

And Mo Lan entered the back street along the alley. Just as he was about to return to the store, he suddenly noticed something, turned directly, and walked towards the direction of the Black Crow Gang.

With two people slowly approaching the Black Crow Gang, this is a person who helped him expand the door before Mo Lan suddenly saw it on the street. What kind of bull is it?

Seeing him, Mo Lan walked over immediately, the bull saw this, his face became colder, and then he raised his head to look at Mo Lan.

Mo Lan didn't talk to him, just made a look, which made Man Niu immediately notice the two stalkers behind him.

Seeing this, Mo Lan showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and continued to walk forward. The two were about to follow, but just two steps away, he found that his body was shrouded in shadows. When he looked up, a burly man was standing in front of them.

The faces of the two men froze, but after seeing the full body on the burly body, they suddenly showed a flattering smile.

"Misunderstanding, you... Poof!"

The big fist of the casserole landed heavily on the man's abdomen, and his overnight meal was knocked out in an instant.

The two tried to escape, but were stopped behind.

Boom boom boom!

After a while, the two of them became bruised and bruised, fell to the ground and rolled around with their stomachs in their arms. Not far away, Mo Lan folded his arms and looked at them, whistling.


Chapter 38 Spell Structure Analysis

"Your name is Man Niu? Hello."

The two people with blue noses and swollen faces fled, and Mo Lan walked over to Manniu and stretched out his hand.

"You, cough, cough."

Man Niu raised his hand to shake hands with Mo Lan, but halfway through he suddenly remembered something, and immediately put it away, and his face became expressionless.

Seeing this, Mo Lan put his hands away naturally and said with a smile.

"Don't be so nervous, we are a group, and now I think this choice to cooperate with you is the right choice."

Man Niu's face was cold and expressionless, and then he nodded heavily.

"Haha, has anyone told you that you are very interesting and you should come to my shop when you have time."

The bull looked blankly at Mo Lan and turned away. After Mo Lan walked away, he tilted his head and scratched with his hand.

Mo Lan carried the animal skins to her small shop that was not yet open.

In the store, Al was busy cleaning and tidying up the display cabinets. The display cabinets that were originally dusty were wiped clean by him.

Seeing this, Mo Lan didn't say anything, just smiled.

"Did I sweep upstairs?"

"Clean up."

"Well, well, get the meal ready before the sun goes down."

Mo Lan spoke, opened the chat group, took a look, and continued.

"Well, just for two."

"Yes, sir."

Looking at Al who was not resting for a moment, Mo Lan walked upstairs with the materials.

The layout of the upstairs is very simple. The four rooms were all tidied up by Mo Lan. The two windows facing the intersection and the room behind the Adventurer's Union were arranged as bedrooms by Mo Lan.

A windowless room serves as a storage room, but now there is nothing in it, just three empty wooden shelves and some charcoal.

And the last room facing the narrow alley is the quietest, with a wooden table as a study and studio.

Mo Lan directly carried the animal skin and animal blood into the studio, sat on the chair, closed his eyes, and completely relaxed.

A few minutes later, after the breath was completely calm, Mo Lan took out a piece of fire attribute animal skin.

There are a total of three fire-type animal skins. The three pieces are different in size and have irregular edges, but they are roughly rectangular.

At present, the piece that Mo Lan has taken out is the smallest, and it can probably cut out a standard rectangular animal skin.

The black hair on the hide was very short, and Mo Lan didn't know the breed, so he gently stroked his hand, took out two pieces of wood and made a gesture of size, and finally used a dagger to cut them out one by one.

The last thing that appeared in front of Mo Lan was a rectangular animal skin, with the fur side down, and then using the skin as the paper and blood as the ink, the silver-white wolf-hair pen was sharp and straight at the front, lightly sticky, and non-solidifying animal blood Immediately rushed to the front of the pen, turning the silver-white wolf brush into a dark red.

The ink cartridge in his head slowly rotated like an armillary sphere, and the wolf brush in his hand tapped lightly on the animal skin.

Spell nodes quickly took shape, and thin blood lines connected them, one node, two nodes, three nodes...

The fire element solidified in the animal skin and blood was pulled out, and Mo Lan used his mental power to try to actively pull the element to assist in the formation of the spell model.

After a while, a fireball technique slowly took shape. In the flame, the spell model was branded into the animal skin, and the hair on the animal skin disappeared, just like a thick kraft paper, becoming simple and precipitation.

The fire element on the animal skin swelled, but when the animal skin was rolled up, it immediately converged. Even if Mo Lan put his mental power on the scroll, it was difficult to feel the fluctuation. The fire element on it became extremely restrained. The slender fur binds the hide and turns it into a brand new spell scroll.

Putting the spell scroll aside, Mo Lan felt his energy slightly, and estimated that he took out a wind element animal skin after a while.

Wind Blade has fewer spell nodes than Fire Ball, and consumes a lot less. After a while, a wind blade scroll will be formed, and Mo Lan's mental energy just bottoms out, not much, not much.

"Just right!"

Mo Lan was exhausted and muttered to herself.

The dark blue wind blade scroll was also tied with animal hair and placed next to the fireball.

Mo Lan, whose mental strength was depleted, did not rest. He couldn't afford paper. He opened the blank panel that came with the system, called up the records and screenshots left before, and muttered to himself.

"The last time I came to the conclusion that the first three nodes are the basis of each spell model, and maybe the form is a little different, but the function is exactly the same, whether it is a fairly high-level Earth fissure technique or a low-level wind blade technique.

In this way, an inference to be verified can be drawn, which is one of the structural components of the spell model: the spell.

Inferring spells is the basis of all spell models, and spells are used to induce elemental power or as a channel to import and export magic.

And no spell reference is not a complete spell model. "

Mo Lan created a document named "Spell Model Structure (Tentative First Edition)"

Record the relevant inferences and three cases cited by the technique.

"The current problem is that there are too few samples. Next, we only need to find samples of a large number of spell models, and then we can determine whether this inference is correct or not after verification by the samples."

"But this still takes time. Let's assume this is a fact for now. Under this premise, maybe I can deduce the function of the structure behind the fireball technique."

A three-dimensional fireball model was formed in Mo Lan's mind, allowing Mo Lan to expand, rotate, and observe.

After the introduction, Mo Lan divided the complete fireball magician model into independent structures.

In Mo Lan's view, the spell model is composed of one structure after another, just like a car, with wheels, an engine, a casing, a fuel tank, an accelerator, a brake, and a steering wheel.

As long as every structure of the spell model is analyzed, their composition is understood, and their functions are clarified, it may be possible to change the engine of the car to increase the power of the fireball technique. Adjusted Fireball.

Maybe if you add a little bit more, the power of the current grenade will become the power of Dongfeng Express?

Or after clarifying the composition of the spell model, in the absence of a spell model, Mo Lan can also create spells in reverse according to the effect he wants to achieve?

With this idea in mind, Mo Lan took the two simplest spells of fireball and wind blade as the research objects, decomposed the nodes of the two spells one by one, tried to speculate the structure one by one, and studied it bit by bit.

While researching, Mo Lan stopped as soon as his mental power recovered and began to draw the spell scroll.

A scroll of fireball, a scroll of wind blade, and Mo Lan's mental power was completely clean after the two scrolls ended.

Mo Lan found that every time he used up his mental power completely, and when he regained his mental power, his mental power would increase a little bit. Although it was very small, it did change.

Before finding other more effective ways to increase his mental power, although exhausting his mental power would make his head extremely uncomfortable, he persisted again and again.

That's it, until a few days later.

chapter 39

"Huh, I finally feel a little bit more secure."

Mo Lan walked into the storage room with a pile of spell scrolls, and sorted and stacked the newly drawn spell scrolls on the shelf.

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