"Lin Hui, now that so many black iron stones have been salvaged, it has reached our one-time delivery limit, so I suggest sending this batch back first.

The rest of the salvage can be done a little later. "

Hearing this, Lin Wu didn't reply in a hurry, so he contacted Lu Bin first, and then spoke after confirming the time.

"Load the car first, and when Lu Bin comes to change shifts tomorrow, I will escort this batch of black iron stones back. As for now, I will work hard and continue to salvage."

"it is good."

The elder left, and Lin Wu stood beside Heitieshi, staring at Heitieshi for a whole day.

When Lu Bin came to take over the next day, Lin Wu directly escorted Heitieshi back.

After casually beating down a few teams of players who were daring to make money, Lin Wu successfully escorted Heitieshi into storage.

After signing for storage, Lin Wo immediately found Mo Lan on the fifth floor of the Mage Tower. When Lin Wo looked for him, he was translating the six-ring summoning spell model.

"President, help me with a..."

Before Lin Wu finished speaking, Mo Lan's eyes lit up.

"Hey, Lin Wu, you came at a good time, come here, come and take a look at this spell model.

The six-ring spell model is definitely the highest spell model we can see so far.

And this is the six-ring summoning spell model that can open the space crack of the fire element, which is of strategic significance to us. "

"Uh, is this a spell model? Why is it so messed up?"

Lin Wu answered subconsciously.

"That's right, it's messy, this is a spell model without a three-axis coordinate system.

Here, I will give you a pen and paper. Let's first translate this spell model into the coordinates of the three-axis coordinate system we are familiar with. "

Lin Wo was holding a pen and a piece of paper in a daze.

What am I here for?What's wrong with me?What should I do?

"Hey, what, what's the matter? Put it away first, come on, translate them.

I struggled all day and night, and I have already translated most of it. "

Lin Wu started the translation work with a dazed face, converting a large amount of text descriptions into coordinates in the three-axis coordinate system, and expressing each data in their usual way.

In this regard, they have formulated a set of standards, and now this set of standards has basically been followed by the entire mage world.

No way, when Mo Lan announced the mage system, other people had to learn Mo Lan's habits and methods if they wanted to change jobs.

Later, when the Mage Association led the mage world, other mages had to learn and get used to this set of standards if they wanted to understand articles published in mage journals.

As a result, some standards have been quietly set and affect the entire mage world. This is one of the biggest influences of the mage association.

The development of standards!

Mo Lan and the others are translating according to this set of standards at this time. The standards of both of them are the same, so naturally they will not translate works that are wrong.

The next day, Lin Wu, with red eyes, looked at the long list of data in front of him, and looked at this clear mage model, and he felt relieved.

"It's finally over, and I'm going to go blind."

At this moment, Lin Wu suddenly reacted.

"Wait, what am I doing here? What have I done?"

"Well, by the way, what are you looking for me for?"

Mo Lan also looked at him and asked.

Lin Wo thought for a while, then took out the fist-sized black iron stone.

"I don't think this gold elemental stone is very reliable. It is probably an elemental metal that we have never seen before."

Hearing this, Mo Lan immediately sat up straight, took the black iron stone the size of a fist and looked around.

"I'm going to try to smelt it to see if I can extract the metal in it, but the temperature of the purple flame technique is not enough to smelt it, so I want to ask the president to help."

"Oh, if you didn't say it earlier, I would have helped you earlier."

Lin Wo opened his mouth when he heard the words, and suddenly didn't know what to say to show his high EQ.

"High temperature is fine, right?"


"That's easy."

Mo Lan opened his hand, and the black iron stone was suspended in Mo Lan's palm, and then Lin Wu felt the fire element gathering rapidly.

With the release of a spell model from the spell slot, the fire element was ignited, and a fireball appeared in Mo Lan's hand.

"Huh? President, what kind of spell model is this? It seems incomplete, right? Also, the order of your spell casting is not right."

"Oh, this, I forgot to tell you, this is a spellcasting method I just created.

I will teach you later, from now on, this is the method of casting spells by Master Sihuan.

Without the full help of the spell model, the sense of participation in the casting process is enhanced, and the manipulability can also be enhanced.

And can break through the limit of the number of rings, just like me, although I haven't broken through the fifth ring, but the power of my attack should be able to reach about the sixth ring. "

Such awesome words came out of Mo Lan's mouth in such a casual way, which made Lin Wu open his mouth, and finally said with some admiration.

"President, you haven't moved for a long time, but when you move, there is a big movement, which directly revolutionizes the entire method of casting spells."

After speaking, Lin Wu suddenly found that the black iron stone in the center of the fireball technique had started to turn red, and asked subconsciously.

"Huh? President, is your fireball so hot? Why don't I feel the temperature at all?"

After he finished speaking, Mo Lan looked at him suspiciously.

"Isn't the so-called temperature the overflow of the fire element? Just control it, isn't it very simple? Just have a hand."

Lin Wo recalled how he was before, and silently twitched his mouth with his hand.

"Make you talk more."

After smoking, he immediately changed his countenance, moved to the side of the fireball, and asked without shame.

"President, I don't know how to do this yet, take me with you."

Mo Lan nodded in a good mood.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Chapter 254 The Path of the Mage

"As I just said, temperature is a way of expressing the fire element.

We use the spell model to create high temperature, and we use the fire element to release high temperature. In essence, it is the use of the fire element, and the temperature is the fire element.

All the temperature overflow is caused by the outflow of the fire element.

Think about it, usually when you release the fireball technique, you will feel hot when you hold the fireball in your hand, will you burn yourself? "

Lin Wu suddenly shook his head and said.

"will not."

"Why? Because the spell model helps you restrain the fire element, and naturally restrains the temperature, so there is no leakage."

Mo Lan kneaded the fireball in her hand, raised her core temperature a little more, and continued.

"In the past, you relied on spell models to cast spells, and you had little experience in manipulating fire elements and spells.

That's why you're asking this question now, because you can't master the fire element proficiently.

This aspect is your shortcoming, or the shortcoming of most professional-level mages, because it is not used at the professional level, and naturally no one will practice it. "

The red black iron stone turned red in Mo Lan's hands and gradually softened.

"And now that you are aware of it, you can practice and strengthen it with a goal.

Because this will be the spellcasting method of the Sihuan Mage, mastering this faster will allow you to adapt to the Sihuan Mage faster, and after completing the transition period, you are almost Sihuan now, right? "

Lin Wu heard the words and nodded.

"It might take a long time, but now that there is a meditation room, the speed of meditation has increased a lot. It should be this week."


While controlling the fireball in his hand, Mo Lan explained to Lin Wu.

"I just said why, now let's talk about how to do it.

There are many ways to improve control ability.

Take the fire element as an example. If you want to control the fire element more carefully, I suggest you meditate on the fire element. First, improve the affinity of the fire element and gain a certain ability to control the fire element.

Secondly, constantly control the fire element. When the four rings cast spells in the future, don't cast spells in a rough way, maximize the power as much as possible, maximize the control, and micromanage as much as possible. "

Lin Wu quickly took notes in his notebook, but Mo Lan's next sentence stunned him instantly.

"The above two methods are the least efficient methods, and it is recommended that you use them with other methods.

Because everyone is doing this, this is an inevitable and necessary step, just like the nine-year compulsory education, everyone is studying and must study, but if you want to be stronger than others, you must secretly make up lessons! "

Lin Wu was stunned.

"And there are many ways to make up lessons. There are more effective ways to exercise. I didn't bother to do this. You can do it, create something, and give some benefits to the brothers below.

As for you, if you open the door to the fire elemental world later, I suggest you go to the fire elemental world to catch a fire spirit.

Grab a fire spirit, spend a spell slot for permanent control, and you can pass through the fire spirit, indirectly... oh no, the fire spirit is integrated with you, it should be said directly.

You can directly obtain the powerful control ability of the fire element. I will put the specific control method in the technical library, and you can change it when the time comes. "

Lin Wu heard the words and nodded.

"There are many ways to make up lessons, and other natural treasures that can enhance the affinity of elements are also available, not limited to the fire spirit."

Mo Lan pondered for a moment.

"Now that I've talked about this, I'll just say a few more words. I've been studying mages for so long, and I've seen all the high and low spell models, so I can probably see the path of the entire mage system, which is vague. I also have some understanding of my own.

Professional level, completely borrowing the spell model bred by the monster to cast spells, easy to learn, can draw spell models to become a mage, no need for elemental control, no need for learning, the threshold is very low, and the same is true for combat power, less spell slots, spells The power is strictly limited by the ring number of the spell model, and a slightly better mage improves and creates some spell models, but that's it.

This is an introduction. If you choose a suitable name, it can be called an apprentice mage. "

Lin Wu next to him heard the words.

"Aba Aba."

"Further up, elite-level spells, borrowing various natural treasures, methods and methods, constantly improve one's affinity and control ability for elements.

In other words, at this point we need to have real control over the elements, rather than simply using mental power to move the elements. This is the foundation.

After completing this step, it is still difficult to cast spells independently, but it can initially break away from the stage of using the entire spell model to cast spells.

Only borrowing the core of some spell models to assist in spellcasting, the entire spellcasting process is about half controlled by the mage and half controlled by the spell model.

At this point, the power of spells is no longer completely limited to the number of rings. We can completely strengthen the power of spells through preparation and various means.

Just like me, although I am still a four-ring mage, I can accumulate energy for a certain period of time..."

"Release the six-ring spell?"

Lin Wu asked suddenly, making Mo Lan choke.

"If you want to fart, return the six-ring spell, and after a certain period of time, the spells below the fourth ring will release the power of the six-ring spell.

To put it simply, at this point, the power of the mage's spellcasting is no longer determined by the spell model, but by the mage's strength.

Even if it is just a spell of the first ring, it can burst out the power of a spell of the sixth ring in the hands of a powerful mage. "

"That is to say, there won't be the hip-pushing scene where a fourth-ring mage casts a first-level spell but can't kill a first-level fighter?"

"Yes, the power of the spell cast by the mage is no longer benchmarked against the number of rings, but directly against the strength of the mage."

"Awesome, this is the real mage."

"Well, so the elite level is basically considered an official mage.

In the end, I dare not say who is higher, but I have a vague guess about the master mage. "

"Master, master, don't be bound by spell models anymore, cast spells completely alone, do whatever you want, spells at your fingertips?"

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