The ability of fire grain wood to purify fire elements and cause the surrounding fire elements to resonate cannot increase the spellcasting of spell slots, but what about this brand new spellcasting method?

Chapter 241 The Staff

"I think we already have the answer."

Mo Lan dispersed the fireball that was almost the size of a washbasin in his hand little by little, and extinguished it when it was only the size of a fist.

At this time, Mo Lan's right hand was holding onto the trunk of the fire-grained wood, and the fireball just now was floating on the palm-length branches of the fire-grained wood.

It turns out that this fire-grained wood is a very strong fire staff.

When using the fire-grained wood to cast a spell, inputting a little fire element can cause the resonance of the external fire elements, and they will gather quickly, and under the fire-grained wood, the fire element will become more docile and easy to control.

This greatly accelerated Mo Lan's casting speed. The fireball that originally took a few minutes to condense was condensed within 1 minute.

In addition, Mo Lan once again broke through the limit through the increased ability to control the fire element through the fire pattern wood, increasing the fireball that can be released to nearly the size of a washbasin.

This is almost the ultimate power of the sixth ring. Although it has not yet reached the seventh ring, Mo Lan can feel that if the fireball exploded here just now, it cannot be stopped here, and the group-casting version of the water shield here cannot stop it. All the mage towers will collapse.

"Well, why? I clearly feel that there is only a layer of membrane from the seventh ring, but I can't pierce it no matter what."

A trace of doubt appeared in Mo Lan's heart.

When he was holding the fire pattern wood just now, the reason why he worked hard to strengthen the power of the fireball technique, and even took the risk of pressing his own limit, was because he felt that the power was only a thread away from the seven rings.

As long as it is a little bit stronger, it will be the power of the seven rings, a little bit stronger, a little bit stronger.

But this seems to be an illusion, no matter how it is enhanced, it will always be only a little bit short.

From Mo Lan's spare strength to the real limit, it will always be just a little bit short.

From the original power of the six rings to the ultimate power of the six rings, it is still a little bit short.

Mo Lan even suspected that if he continued to persist, this "sixth ring's ultimate power" could continue to be strengthened, but it was still a little short of the seventh ring.

"The distance between the sixth ring and the seventh ring is a qualitative leap."

Mo Lan took out an extraordinary core, looking at this extraordinary core, Mo Lan fell into memory.

This extraordinary core was obtained after he led the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce mage group to kill the little devil, and under the competition of many powerful guilds in Hongfeng City, it was the one that was embedded in the core of the altar. Hiding in Tibet, lived a life of digging, filling and filling.

The altar itself brought Mo Lan the Mage Tower, Elemental Pool, and Forbidden Pillar, and brought Yi Fei the profession of a law-breaking swordsman, which contained extremely terrifying wealth.

But the real core of the altar, the truly precious and extraordinary core, has been immersed in Mo Lan's desk.

This is an extraordinary core of the lowest level seven, which bred a seven-ring space spell, and this is Mo Lan's only spell model above the seventh level.

Mo Lan saw the silver extraordinary core pinched in his hand, and his spiritual power penetrated into it to spy on the complex spell model like a starry sky.

Inside the superhuman core is a piece of empty space, and on the background of nothingness are dotted with stars one after another. Thousands of bright or dark stars together form an extremely mysterious star map.

The change of light and shade of the spell node is a technique that will appear in the four-ring spell model. The hidden information behind it refers to the energy requirements of different amounts, not more, not less, only just right.

Obviously, this point is also highlighted in the Seven Rings spell.

The core part of the cosmic starry sky composed of thousands of magic nodes is completely different from the peripheral nodes. It is obviously in this extraordinary core, but it is like another latitude, which is inaccessible at one level.

Before, Mo Lan could only guess out of thin air and think wildly, but it's different now.

Now Mo Lan has a solid theoretical foundation, has a few bold guesses, and can carry out daydreams that have no factual basis.

The mental power tried to perceive the situation of these internal magic nodes, trying to analyze them, but after many attempts, they were all in vain, and they could only make guesses in their hearts.

"I'm afraid this is something that directly points to the essence."

Although I didn't see any tricks, in fact, the existence of this phenomenon can explain a lot of things.

This means that if you want to advance to the Seven Rings Mage and want to touch the realm of the master, you must conduct a deeper study of the elements themselves and have a deeper understanding of the elements.

Otherwise, you will not be able to release the seven-ring spell at all, and you will never become a seven-ring mage.

"Well, it's also possible that the space spells are special, or that this extraordinary core is special, but it's unlikely.

This should be the generality of the seven-ring spell, otherwise it cannot explain why I have been building fire elements and cannot touch the seven-ring field.

The power is obviously much higher than that of ordinary sixth rings. Although breaking through again and again to create a higher limit of the sixth order, the further you go, the more difficult it is, and the further you go, the smaller the increase in power.

It seems endless, but in fact the power can't increase much.

It's as if something is cut in half every time, although there is a small amount left, it will not disappear. "

With the answer in his mind, Mo Lan put away the extraordinary core, and looked at the fire pattern wood standing in the elemental pool again.

"Not to mention other things, just greatly increasing the casting speed and reducing the cost of casting spells is enough to show its value.

Sure enough, I didn't miss it. I picked it up like this and found a treasure. "

A smile appeared on Mo Lan's face, but Ke Dang once again looked at the roots of the fire-grained wood.

"Should I cut off the roots now and make this fire-grained wood into a staff?"

Mo Lan hesitated for a moment, but shook her head after pondering for a moment.

"This staff hasn't grown into my shape yet, so I'll pull it out to make a staff, and wait until it grows into the shape I designed."

Mo Lan looked at the fire-grained wood that was gradually growing thinner and stronger, and had an idea in his heart.

"And I feel that this fire-grain tree has great potential to be tapped.

It is still a living body, and I spent a lot of effort to transplant it back. There is no need to cut off its foundation and possibility in such a hurry.

Such a tree suitable for making a wand has been completely controlled by me, and I can spend time cultivating it.

Give it high-quality fire element stone, magma, soil, and all kinds of treasures that are effective for plant growth can be used.

Instead of looking for top-quality materials that can be used to make staffs, it needs to fully meet my requirements. In comparison, it is better to dig out all the potential of fire-grained wood and create a top-quality staff by yourself. Although this is difficult , but it should be much more stable and less variable. "

Mo Lan looked at the few branches on the top that were gradually closing together, anticipating silently in her heart.

"Perhaps when you were born, the world was shocked!"

Chapter 242 Studying the Four Rings

"Well, just leave it alone, thank you for your hard work."

"Not hard, not hard."

A few members who were temporarily called by Mo Lan said with a smile.

They brought a few boxes of red rocks over, put them aside, and left.

Mo Lan looked at the red rock under his feet, picked up a piece, penetrated it with spiritual power, and immediately sensed the fire element in it.

Although this kind of red rock is obtained by killing lava monsters and decomposing their corpses, its nature feels similar to the elemental stones bred by the earth, and they should be the same thing.

"It feels like what Lin Wu said. Resonance is easier. The constant spell model is quite simple, but I don't know how it will work. It should be good."

"These few boxes are just defective products, and those top-quality ones should be better."

Mo Lan walked to the edge of the fire-grained wood, pulled it up, and walked up to the fifth floor directly with his shoulders.

There are already several elemental pools on the fifth floor. After building the meditation room, Mo Lan built a meditation room on the fifth floor with the idea of ​​saving two trips to the elemental pool floor.

After coming to the meditation room, he didn't rush to put the fire-grained wood into the fire elemental pool, but put a layer of red rock on the bottom before placing the fire-grained wood.

The fire pattern wood stood in the fire element pool, and Mo Lan spread a layer of red rock on it, as if planting with soil, with the fire rock as the substrate, and planted the fire pattern wood on the fifth floor of the mage tower.

After a while, Mo Lan breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the fire grain wood had started to absorb the fire element.

It didn't matter if Mo Lan was still there before, and he took the Huowen wood back carelessly, holding the idea that it can be planted, and if it can't be planted, it doesn't matter.

But it's different now, Mo Lan is full of expectations for this fire-grained wood at this moment, looking forward to the day when it will tap all its potential and be born in shock.

This is also true, Mo Lan is very cautious about the safety of Huowenmu now, even though he only got from the first floor to the fifth floor, he is still worried about problems.

"Well, if I have a chance, I can use my control over the fire-grained wood to sort out its internal structure.

If all the wood fibers are straightened out, all the knots caused by the injury are cleared up, and all the flaws are repaired, maybe the physique can be directly upgraded to a level. "

Mo Lan kept this matter in her heart, and then went back to her desk to start her own research.

Although a new way of casting spells has been researched, Mo Lan deeply understands that the spell model system will never be given up, and it will always be a compulsory course for mages, unless one day someone develops another more superior constant Spell way.

"Some time ago, I sorted out all the spells of the third ring, and all the spell models encountered in the third ring and below have no problems, and all the problems encountered have been solved.

Should be qualified to be involved in four-ring spells, right? "

Mo Lan muttered to himself, first took out the experimental notes of the three-ring spell, and after going through it quickly, Mo Lan took out the very familiar ground splitting technique again and started researching.

With Mo Lan's quick analysis, the secret of the Earth Splitting Technique was revealed little by little in front of Mo Lan, and it didn't take long before it was no longer a secret.

In a very short period of time, Mo Lan had completely devoured the ground splitting technique.

Although the ground splitting technique is a four-ring spell, it is not difficult in Mo Lan's eyes.

In fact, the most difficult part lies in the spell nodes with different brightness. After adding this variable, the possibility of experimentation is greatly increased.

The good thing about the ground splitting technique is that there are not many nodes for this kind of brightness transformation, so it will be analyzed quickly.

But when Mo Lan saw the spell model of Blink, he suddenly felt a little dizzy.

In the spell model of the flash technique, there are a lot more spell nodes than the ground splitting spell, and it is difficult for Mo Lan to find similar brightness of these spell nodes.

Mo Lan has always known that the blink technique is very difficult, but never imagined that the difficulty would be so high.

"It is indeed the most mysterious and difficult space spell model."

When Mo Lan was amazed, there was a knock on the door outside.

dong dong!

Looking up, it was Zhang Guangmo.

"President, did you call me over?"

"Well, yes, how does it feel?"

Mo Lan asked casually.

"It feels great, I feel a lot of strength in my body now.

And after using Feather Fall, my mage's hand can catch me, and I can fly too!

Hey Hey! "

Zhang Guangmo laughed. Mo Lan took a closer look and suddenly found that Zhang Guangmo's feet were off the ground the whole time. Zhang Guangmo's diligence was simply jaw-dropping.

"Sit down, don't be too tired, there is no need to spend every moment practicing.

This kind of extremely high-intensity practice seems to have indeed accelerated the growth rate in a short period of time.

But from a long-term perspective, this may not be a good thing.

Long-term tension, and the main attribute of our mages is mental power, this is the food guy.

If there is a problem with your mental power, it will be a big problem and even affect your whole body.

So now there is absolutely no need to levitate, fall, come fall.

Yes, we'll chat while we do. "

Seeing Zhang Guangmo sitting down, Mo Lan showed a smile on his face.

"President, why did you ask me to come up?"

Zhang Guangmo, who sat down, was a little embarrassed, and asked directly after thinking about it.

"Oh, that's right, didn't you kill that swordsman whose name he didn't know from the Valkyrie Guild before?

I had a doubt about the situation at the time, so obviously asked about the situation.

If you need to keep it secret, then pretend I didn't say it.

If I can say it, then I'm going to start asking you for advice. "

"President, what are you talking about? Do I need to hide anything from you, President?

I also ask, President, you are much better than me. If you want to ask, I will ask you. If you ask anything, President, I will definitely answer whatever I know.

Hehe, after you have finished asking, President, I also have some questions about the spell models that I would like to consult with the President, and I want to see if you can answer them for me.Give me an idea. "

Mo Lan burst out laughing immediately upon hearing this.

"Haha, since that's the case, let's discuss it.

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