Facts have proved that the nature of the lava core is similar to that of the extraordinary core, and the same method can be used to contract not only monsters, but also this elemental life.

After confirming this point, Mo Lan finally felt relieved. Looking at the giant lava beast with only one ring, Mo Lan pointed to the ground.

"Stone Wall Technique!"

The concentration of earth elements in the Fire Elemental Realm is still quite considerable. Using the Stone Wall technique does not need to use the method of an arcanist to consume one's own magic power, and the spell slot is enough.

"Stone Wall Technique!"

"Stone Wall Technique!"

"Stone Wall Technique!"

A series of stone wall spells fell to the ground, the earth parted, and a deep well gradually appeared in front of Mo Lan.

The deep well is tens of meters deep, and Mo Lan opened a small channel at the bottom, connecting it to a branch of magma in the ground, allowing magma to gradually flow into the deep well.

He turned his head and looked at the first-order lava monster next to him.

"Go down!"

Hearing the order, the lava behemoth jumped directly from the mouth of the deep well, fell into the magma with a plop, and was completely immersed in the magma.

Mo Lan began to cap.

Starting from one meter above the head of the lava monster, the deep well was completely closed without leaving a single gap, and it was restored to its previous appearance, and it was even strengthened a little.

Feeling the comfortable mood from the giant lava beast, Mo Lan gave the giant lava beast an order to sleep.

The giant lava beast, which was sleeping, changed into a more comfortable and high-quality environment, and immediately slept more soundly.

Mo Lan looked down at the time, and exactly ten hours had passed since she entered the Fire Elemental Realm.

Stepping on the back of the Winged Void Beast, carrying the fire grain wood and the little fire spirit, it flew directly towards the space crack.

At this moment, the space crack has shrunk too much compared to before, but the size is still considerable, and the margin left by Mo Lan has not come in handy.

When Mo Lan arrived at the crack in the space, he immediately saw Lu Bin, who was studying seriously and fascinated, and Zou Peng, who was sitting next to him on a stone bench with his legs crossed, watching the live broadcast and eating pancakes.

"I'm going back."

After Mo Lan finished speaking, she passed through the space crack, flew out of the passage, and soared into the sky.

"Hey, is that Mo Lan? Why is he in such a hurry?"

"I don't know, is the house on fire?"


Mo Lan rushed all the way back to the Magic Tower, and the winged beast stopped outside. After putting down Mo Lan, it flew over the mirror lake, and then relaxed all over, turning into a free fall and hitting the lake.

After Mo Lan entered the mage tower, he went down to the elemental pool layer. Looking at the fire elemental pool protected by the water shield, Mo Lan slowed down instead.

First put the fire pattern wood aside, and then turn on the water shield above the fire elemental pool.

The mage's hand controls the fire spirit that looks like a small flame and puts it into the pool of fire elements.

There are no other elements in the fire element pool, only the purest fire element.

As soon as the little fire spirit entered the fire element pool, it immediately jumped up when it came into contact with the pure fire element, and the flames danced with high frequency.

In addition to refining the fire element into magic power, only the attack spell dark fireball will consume it.

For a long period of time, Mo Lan neither refined the magic power nor used the dark fireball technique. Although the element pool gathered fire elements independently, it was slow, but after a long period of time, there was already a relatively large amount.

The fiery red smoke in the elemental pool is lingering. At the bottom of the elemental pool, a shallow layer of red liquid contains shockingly huge elemental power.

After the little fire spirit came into contact with these fire elements, it became more active and excited. After a while, a strong attraction and ability to control the fire elements erupted from the little fire spirit, and the gestation continued.

Mo Lan's face was full of joy and anticipation. The little fire spirit absorbed the fire element and the earth element at the moment of formation, and then formed an elemental life lava beast with dual elements of earth and fire.

According to Mo Lan's speculation, in this process, the ratio of absorbing other elements may also cause the attribute bias of the lava monster.

If there are more wind elements, maybe the final formed lava monster will be faster and more flexible.

It was this moment that Mo Lan deliberately isolated Little Fire Spirit from the perception and contact of all elements.

In Mo Lan's understanding, there is only one place that has a single element, and that is the element pool under the mage's tower.

"At this moment of formation, the core formed by the single fire element should be able to meet my requirements?"

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

At this moment, a vortex has already set off in the fire element pool.

All the fire elements in the pool rushed towards the little fire spirit.

At this moment, Mo Lan took out a second-ring magic slot in his brain and sent it directly into the core of Little Fire Spirit.

The moment the core was formed, Little Fire Spirit's consciousness and soul were directly exposed, completely defenseless.

In this gap, the magic slot directly took advantage of the void to wrap its soul.

A spell bit is suspended in the fire element, and the changes are still going on.

Countless fire elements gathered, and just when Mo Lan thought to form a core of pure fire elements, something unexpected happened to Mo Lan.

Countless pure fire elements washed away the spell slots, and the spell slots disappeared without a trace under the washing.

Unable to see, without a trace, but Mo Lan can still sense the existence of the spell slot.

And this spell bit seems to be combined with the essence of Little Fire Spirit.

Another premonition in Mo Lan's heart was that the spell slots had truly disappeared, and it would never be possible for him to dissipate the pet contract and condense the spell slots again.

Because there is no contract at all, and there is no spell slot, the spell slot has been returned to the most essential spiritual power and merged with the soul and consciousness of Little Fire Spirit.

What really shocked and surprised Mo Lan was that Little Fire Spirit's consciousness had disappeared, or in other words, at the moment when it merged with a part of Mo Lan's spiritual power, the consciousness that was originally born from ignorance was directly assimilated.

At this moment, Little Huoling and Mo Lan have become one, inseparable.

The change of the little fire spirit is still continuing, and the fire elements in the fire element pool are flocking to the little fire spirit.

The surprises continued.

No tangible core appeared, and all the fire elements were integrated into it, as if it had directly become a part of the little fire spirit.

When fully half of the fire element in the element pool was integrated into Little Fire Spirit's body, the changes finally stopped.

A fire-element life form with a humanoid upper body and a lower body made of fiery red smoke appeared in front of Mo Lan.

With a thought, the fire element collapsed, but it condensed again in a blink of an eye. There was no substantial core in the whole process.

Fire element!

Chapter 231: Connecting to the Elemental World?

"If I die and come back to life, will the fire element still be there?

Do you want to try?Just try it. "

Mo Lan muttered to himself, and after thinking for a moment, he built a fireball spell model in his mind, and then filled it with magic power, and the spell model was formed.


Mo Lan only felt a burst of heat in his head, and then there was a soft bang, and his head exploded like a ripe watermelon, red and white all over the place.

Click Resurrection.

The debris on the ground disappeared without a trace, and Mo Lan was resurrected, feeling a little bit of the state.

The resurrection penalty for the first death was not serious, and Mo Lan felt that she could solve the weak state by meditating for a period of time.

After confirming this point, Mo Lan focused on the fire element.

The fire element that was still in the fire element pool had disappeared without a trace. Mo Lan did not rush, but chose to look inside.

I saw a fire element slowly burning in my mind.

Mo Lan smiled.

Obviously, the fire element and Mo Lan have been integrated into one and are regarded as a part of Mo Lan.

When Mo Lan is resurrected, the fire element will follow him.

This discovery surprised Mo Lan even more, and after she calmed down, Mo Lan began to feel the control ability of the fire element.

As soon as the thought moved, the surrounding fire elements danced with it.

Mo Lan no longer needs to use her mental power to capture the fire element bit by bit.

At this moment, controlling the fire element is like controlling hands and feet, like instinct.

"Shouldn't the fire element just take shape be a first-order fire element? But why do I feel like a third-order fire element.

Why is it a third-order fire element? Could it be that it has become stronger because of the strength of my spiritual power?

But if it is in sync with my mental power, it should be the fourth level. Although there is only one level difference between the third level and the fourth level, there is a big difference between the professional level and the elite level. "

Mo Lan sensed the state of the fire element while thinking, and when she sensed the state of the fire element clearly, Mo Lan suddenly realized.

"It's not that the fire element cannot be promoted to the fourth level, but some conditions cannot be met, so it is stuck at the third level."

Mo Lan immediately understood.

"The strength of this fire element is indeed directly linked to the strength of mental power, but if the fire element wants to advance, besides mental power, what else seems to be missing?"

Mo Lan kept this matter in mind, and then began to test the control range and strength of the fire element life over the fire element.

With a thought, the fire element with a radius of nearly 100 meters was controlled by Mo Lan, and immediately gathered towards Mo Lan at high speed.

Mo Lan stretched out his right hand and held it empty, and the fire element within a radius of nearly 100 meters was compressed towards his right hand.

Without deliberate compression, just the instinct of the fire element gathered all the fire elements within a radius of 100 meters to form a red ball the size of a fist.

A trace of fiery red smoke appeared inside the ball, obviously, its energy density was definitely not low.

Feeling the fire element in the palm ball, Mo Lan was slightly disappointed.

"It won't explode?"

Mo Lan threw out the ball in his palm, and as soon as he left his hand, he let go of his control and it collapsed immediately, spreading out again.

"It seems that there is no tricky way, if you want to cast a spell, you must study the spell model honestly.

Let's find a way to solve the adaptation problem of the fireball technique first. Since you want to be a master of the evocation system, then the fireball technique should be the most basic, right? "

Mo Lan muttered, looking down at the element pool, the element pool was still smoky at this time, as if nothing had changed, but Mo Lan knew that the fire element contained in the fiery red liquid at the bottom of the element pool was the proportion The largest, and now most of the liquid has disappeared, and it can't even cover the bottom of the pool.

"I have to save up slowly again."

Mo Lan was a little helpless.

"This element pool is good for everything, but the speed of collecting elements is too slow.

The mage tower is cool, but it eats too much of the element pool, and it has been stored for such a long time, which is enough to put dozens of rounds of dark fireball · group spell casting version.

This is the group casting of the third ring. The element consumption of the fourth ring spell is not at the same level as that of the third ring. Release it. "

As a fourth-ring mage, Mo Lan naturally couldn't understand the difference in consumption between fourth-ring and third-ring spells.

"Group casting, the third-ring group is equivalent to the sixth-ring magic attack, and the fourth-ring group is equivalent to the seventh-ring magic attack, which directly crosses the elite level and the master level, and consumes heaven.

Damn, if I'm in a hurry, I'll catch a few more fire spirits, which are specially used to control the fire element and to replenish the element pool with fire element. "

Mo Lan had just finished speaking, but after thinking about it, she felt that something was wrong.

"Wait, this doesn't seem to be very useful. The speed of improvement seems to have a limit, not much faster. There are only so few fire elements around, and it's not the fire element world.

No matter how fast I absorb it, it is only so fast, and I am greatly constrained by the environment.

Unless...... Unicom Fire Elemental Realm. "

Mo Lan was frightened by her bold idea, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was feasible.

"If the space channel opening and maintenance technology is mastered in the later stage, then this idea is not impossible.

Open a space channel directly in the element pool, and then place the part that absorbs the element in the fire elemental world, or place a part in the fire elemental world, so can you use the rich fire element in the fire elemental world?

In the same way, if other element worlds also exist, element pools of different attributes are connected to element worlds of different attributes. If this step is really achieved, then energy should no longer be a problem for me, right? "

Mo Lan muttered to herself, there seemed to be stars shining in her eyes.

"This idea can be kept for now, but it is estimated that it will be difficult to realize it in the short term. It depends on Lu Bin's performance. I'd better get down to business first."

Mo Lan picked up the fire pattern wood that was put aside, looked at the fire element pool, thought about it and gave up.

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