Intelligence: 15

Ah, very good.

Disperse the fire element in your mind, and start to condense again at a place one meter away.

After a while, enough fire elements slowly turned into a spherical shape under the compression of mental force, and then was compressed to a suitable size by Mo Lan with mental force.

At this time, the ink cartridge in Mo Lan's mind had been spinning rapidly, and Mo Lan, who was concentrating on it, carefully made a small hole on the first spell node.

The fire element blazes out and forms a line under the constraint of spiritual force, an element line, the fire element line continues to extend, and the element line is cut off at an appropriate distance. Under the pressure of spiritual force, a new spell node begins forming.

But suddenly, the first spell node lost too much fire element and the node collapsed.


A small flame appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared.

"The fire element of the first node should be a little more, come again."

Mo Lan was not discouraged, and started again after a little calculation.

This time Mo Lan condensed five times the fire element before starting to compress the spell nodes.

After a while, a huge spell node takes shape, the element line extends, and the fire element flows. After a while, the second spell node takes shape, the fire element reaches a balance, and the two spell nodes become normal size.

The next moment, the element line on the second spell node extends, but at this time the first spell node and the second spell node conflict, and the node collapses.


A flame appears and disappears, failing again.

Keep experimenting.





After a string of failures, another experiment begins.

Under the condition of getting used to it, the first spell node and the second spell node quickly formed, and then the third spell node appeared quickly, little by little, slowly, in Mo Lan's expectation, the three Spell nodes are balanced.

"If I guessed correctly, the role of the first three spell nodes should be to attract and condense elemental power.

The previous fireball technique was like this, and the wind blade technique also had a similar structure. "

Sure enough, the three spell nodes exuded a gravitational force, and the fire element in the environment was continuously attracted and quickly filled the three spell nodes.

Seeing this scene, Mo Lan showed a smile on her face, and immediately began to build the next spell node to guide the saturated fire element out, but without waiting for Mo Lan to guide, the three spell nodes collapsed directly, and a fire appeared out of thin air.

"Come again."

Mo Lan continued to practice, but this time was different from before. Although he had always failed before, he could feel progress every time, and he was getting closer to success.

But now it's different, the gap is too big now, and the difficulty is so great that even if Mo Lan's mental power doubles, it's just a drop in the bucket.

"How could this be?"

For this situation, Mo Lan fell into silence.

The attracted fire element is very active, the more the amount, the more active, and in the case of compression, it becomes more manic.

"No, I can't even compress it. With the increase of fire element, the difficulty of compressing into a spell node is almost an exponential upward trend.

It's simply impossible for me to build spell models while condensing them into spell nodes.

This can't be done even if the mental power is ten times stronger. "

"Try other elements again."

Mo Lan said without being discouraged, he did what he said, and despite being exhausted, Mo Lan began to condense the mildest water element, and after condensing enough, it directly began to compress.

No attempt was made to model spells, but simply gather and compress.

In the early stage, Mo Lan completed the compression very easily, but with the increase in the amount of water element, the water element suddenly began to become violent and failed.

The wood element and the earth element, Mo Lan tried one by one, but there was no difference in the results, and they failed one after another, which made him have an idea in his heart.

"The elemental forces in nature are themselves very active, and there is no distinction between the types of elements.

As long as any elemental energy is condensed to a certain amount, it will become violent, which is probably also the source of part of the lethality of the spell. "

This speculation made Mo Lan fall into silence.

"So this direction is wrong?"

In the silence, Mo Lan asked himself, he didn't say it, but he already had the answer in his heart.

Yes, this is the wrong direction, at least not currently achievable.

Experiment... Failed!

Chapter 24

"If this method is wrong, how does the scroll of spells achieve spellcasting?

How do monsters and professional warriors complete spellcasting?

And how did they deal with the activeness and rage of the elements? "

Mo Lan unfolded the only remaining spell scroll, and took a closer look at the extraordinary core of the armored giant bear.

"What do they have in common?"

Mo Lan muttered to herself, a smile on her face, obviously thinking of something.

"Their spell models are pre-existing, not ad hoc.

Warcraft and Spell Scrolls don't need to solve the elemental activity and rage, because its spell model is already constructed, it only needs to introduce the fire element into it, and then release the spell. "

"This is one direction, but how do professional warriors cast spells? Do they also have extraordinary cores in their bodies?

No, there is no such thing in the main body of the Viper Gang. "

Just as Mo Lan pondered, the chat box suddenly jumped, and Mo Lan opened it directly.

Zou Peng: "The task is completed, the method of transferring a soldier is very simple. After level five, kill a monster, activate the spell model in the extraordinary core with materials, and then use the body to carry the spell model.

Under the premise of sufficient physical strength, the transfer is successful, and the body carries the spell model, which can attract the relative elements to temper the body, and continuously strengthen the physical quality and strength.

And it will also form vindictiveness in the body. Using vindictiveness can suddenly burst into a powerful force in battle, and at critical moments, the spell model can be activated and spells can be released.

This is probably the case for a soldier’s career change. I took a photo of the details and posted it in the group, you can see for yourself, and I went to leveling.





After reading this, Mo Lan suddenly realized.

"@Zou Peng, thank you."

Mo Lan directly closed the chat box, and immediately opened the notepad to record the light that flashed in his mind just now.

"It seems that there should be two directions for the transfer of the mage to be considered.

One is to find a way to refine the scattered elemental power to form its own power, similar to fighting qi, it can be called magic power.

Use this controllable and powerful magic to build spell models in real time to release spells.

The other is to engrave the spell model on your body or other media and casting materials in advance, activate it with mental power when needed, and then quickly condense the elemental power in the environment to release the spell.

This medium can be temporary, such as a spell scroll, or it can be permanent, such as an extraordinary core...."

Mo Lan wrote quickly, wantonly recording the results of her thinking, then took a long breath, and smiled again on her face.

For the first time, he felt that the transfer of mage was so close to him.

Suddenly, he seemed to be in an exotic magical world.

Is this the charm of "Real Games"?Real enough, even comparable to real.

Mo Lan gradually came back to her senses and fell into contemplation.

Open the blank writing pad on the system page, and Mo Lan's hands follow the footsteps of thinking to write and draw.

"The advantages of refining magic-like mages: more flexible and free spell casting, no fixed spell restrictions, you can choose appropriate spells according to local conditions, and can adapt to various extreme non-magic and lack of magic environments.

Disadvantages: Once the magic power is used up, it will be a lamb to be slaughtered, and no spells can be released. The so-called freedom of casting spells is based on the magic power.

The advantage of preparing the spell model mage in advance: you don't need to worry about the problem of magic, as long as the spell model is prepared enough, you can continuously mobilize the elements in the environment to cast spells.

Disadvantages: Due to the limitation of the spell model, the spell model must be prepared in advance. If the problem of material cost cannot be solved, it is purely burning money and throwing money at people.

And such spellcasting is extremely dependent on the surrounding environment, and the foundation of spellcasting is based on the premise that the surrounding element energy is abundant.

The types of spells that can be used on the spot are also limited by the previous spell models. Once an emergency occurs, it is very likely that the combat effectiveness will not be exerted, and the weak chicken will be unjustly killed. "

Looking at the two aspects listed on the writing board, Mo Lan supported her chin with her hands and pondered.

"It's not impossible to balance the two directions. If you focus on refining magic, you can prepare some spell scrolls for emergencies.

In the same way, if you focus on making spell models, you can also extract some magic power and store it in your body for emergencies.

In my words, I would definitely choose the path of refining magic power, all from my heart, and I can fully absorb the advantages of the magic model path, so as to become a mage with relatively no shortcomings, which is also the mage I want. "

"However... it seems that the way of spell models is easier to learn. Temporarily constructing spell models in fierce battles requires an extremely strong heart and an instinctive familiarity with spell models. This kind of requirement is probably not something that ordinary people can achieve. Yes. Talent requirements are high.

And if you sit in the study and calmly prepare the spell model little by little, and then just rudely fill it with elements to cast spells during the war, the threshold will be low, and you can do it if you have a hand. "

"Would you like two versions of the mage? One weakened public version and one high-end customized version? Well, it seems a bit tricky."

Mo Lan scratched her chin lightly and muttered to herself.

"The spell model version of the wizard has basically been finalized in the laboratory, and the feasibility has been determined and confirmed, as long as the cost of the spell model is reduced, and then the micro-manipulation of the spell can be mastered.

Now, let's try to refine the magic power first. How do warriors refine their fighting spirit? "

Mo Lan has even temporarily postponed the study of the armored giant bear spell, sitting cross-legged first, with five hearts facing the sky, and began to capture the free elements in the environment.

Ten minutes later, Mo Lan, whose legs were numb, chose to lie down...

However, before preparing to refine, Mo Lan encountered a problem.

What properties are extracted?

With this question in mind, Mo Lan called out the photos sent by Zou Peng in the chat group and checked them one by one, and suddenly frowned.

"A warrior's fighting qi has fixed attributes, fire attribute spells are fire attribute fighting qi, and water attribute spells are water attribute fighting qi, which cannot be surpassed.

What about magic?Do I also have to distinguish an attribute for magic?

Water attribute magic?Fire attribute magic?Wouldn't this mage only be able to specialize in spells of one attribute?

How flexible is such a spell, it is almost more rigid than the spell model set, and if someone catches it, it will die, which is a fatal shortcoming. "

"Then how to solve it? Way, way, there must be a way."

Mo Lan thought.

Pioneer's road is not a smooth one, only by overcoming obstacles can a new road be opened up. This is the psychological preparation that Mo Lan has long ago.

Since this game is so real and free, why can't I create my own mage and go out of my own way?

Well, this has nothing to do with Mo Lan, mainly because Mo Lan is very clear that his audience is attracted by spellcasting, which is by far the biggest difference and advantage with others.

And now that it has gained something in this regard, it has become No.1 in name.

Then why don't you invest a little more, go deeper, and become No.1 in the true sense?

If nothing else, at least eat the meal first, and let the tired second old man show his heartfelt smile and pride.

"Happy for me, proud of me!"

Chapter 25 Magic

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, according to the ancient legends of our country, heaven and earth are composed of five elements, and everything can be divided into five elements. If this game has this aspect into consideration, then can I use the elements of these five attributes to condense the best elements. What about the magic power of the source?"

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