"What are you doing? What are you doing? You became angry after being exposed by me?

Let me tell you, kill me if you have the ability, you are a selfish hypocrite! "

At this moment, almost everyone looked at Mo Lan, waiting for Mo Lan's reply.

Mo Lan stood in mid-air, the smile on her face didn't change at all, and she didn't even look down.

"Okay, the question raised by this candidate is very good, and it goes straight to the core. For this question, I will simply give an example to answer it.

During the Warring States Period, the State of Lu had a law that if you saw a Lu State being enslaved in a foreign country and bought them back, you would be rewarded by the State.

However, Confucius' disciple bought a slave and came back, and refused the reward very noblely, but was scolded by his teacher Confucius.

Why?The disciple is obviously very noble, and he has given the teacher a face, so why is he being scolded instead?

The reason is very simple, because if he refuses to accept the reward, then other people will not accept the reward for the sake of face. In the early stage, some people may buy Lu people back, but after suffering a loss, gradually no one will do so.

Is this a good thing?Is a noble disciple still noble?

In the same way, if I share knowledge for free, what about others?

If everyone contributes for free, who will study new knowledge after all suffer?

Isn't it good to wait for others to contribute?If things go on like this, there will be no return for their efforts. Will there really be anyone who will continue to study mages?

Of course, I also have some selfishness in it, but I still think that it is the best state for those who contribute to get the adoption they deserve, and can enter a positive cycle.

As for this point just now, the Mage Association did not hesitate to use force to protect the interests of every member and their sincere heart to study magic.

Candidate, do you have any questions? "

Mo Lan looked down at the person just now, still with a smile on his face. Seeing this, a gleam flashed in the person's eyes, and he shouted loudly.

"Hmph, what are you talking about protecting everyone's interests? In the end, you just don't want to part with the technologies in your hands. If you want me to trust you, it's fine.

If you publish all the relevant knowledge about the mage tower, flying, and cultivation in your hand, I will believe you.

After that, I will do what you say, and I will definitely be the first to follow to protect the intellectual property rights of the mage and your intellectual property rights. "

Mo Lan smiled when she heard this, and looked up at the crowd.

"Did you understand my answer just now? If there is anything you don't understand, you can raise your hand and ask questions. I will explain to everyone. This is everyone's right.

If not, then I'll move on to the next point...."

Halfway through Mo Lan's speech, the person below saw that Mo Lan was ignoring him, and cursed out of embarrassment.

"Hypocrite, don't you dare to tell me? Ah bah!

What rubbish ink god, what magic association, nothing!

Just a bunch of rubbish! "

Mo Lan smiled.

"It was my fault, I wasted everyone's time, sorry."

After Mo Lan finished speaking, the smile on his face faded, he glanced down, and said in a cold voice.

"Kill him and throw the body out."

"How dare you... ah!"

Mo Lan raised her head, with a smile on her face again.

"A funny episode, don't worry about it, let's continue."

Chapter 174 "Alas, me too."

"Okay, let's talk about the second point, the second point is nothing.

It's just a very simple expulsion item, expelled for falsifying and stealing other people's research results.

In addition, within the association, a simple assessment will be conducted every year.

There is no assessment in the first year, and from the second year, as long as there are results, you can basically pass the assessment.

Those who fail the assessment for three consecutive years shall be dismissed.

Pay attention, here is three consecutive years, and the three-year interruption is not counted. You can pass the assessment for two years, then pass for one year, and then fail for two years.

Haha, just kidding, the main purpose is to prevent people from eating and drinking in the association and wasting everyone's common resources in vain. This shouldn't be too much, right? "

"Not too much!"

Suddenly a person below responded loudly, Mo Lan looked down and smiled.

"Okay, that's all for now, now your papers have been covered on the examination table.

As for the discipline of the examination room, I don't think I need to emphasize it.

No loud noises, no leaking questions, no discussions, no copying, and copying to others, etc. Once caught in these situations, you will be disqualified directly.

The right to interpret the above belongs to me personally, so stop arguing, I'm just so domineering.

If any of you say no, your ashes will be thrown away! "

Mo Lan said exaggeratedly at the end, causing bursts of laughter.

"Okay, now each waiting area draws numbered balls to determine the order of the exam."

As soon as Mo Lan finished speaking, a person walked to the test waiting area with the box in his hands, and each waiting area asked someone to draw a number.

"In the first round, candidates in the waiting area [-] will start the exam. The exam will last for one hour, and there will be three questions. Just choose one and answer it.

An hour later, the test waiting area No. [-] is ready! "

After this person finished speaking, the gate of No. [-] waiting area opened instantly, and candidates came out one by one, finding their own seats and sitting down.

And the moment they sat down, four two-meter-high stone walls rose around each seat.

"The timer starts, start answering the questions! Candidates, please don't separate your mental power, otherwise, you will be dealt with as cheating."

Examiners wandered through the examination room, their mental power covering their respective invigilation areas.

And Mo Lan looked down in mid-air, and a round stone pillar rose from the ground and came directly under Mo Lan.

When it was only half a meter away from Molan, the top of the stone pillar evolved automatically, the armrest rose, and the two stone dragons behind them swam around, forming a pair of dragons and then solidified into a backrest.

The moment the stone pillar arrived, Mo Lan sat down directly in the air. When the evolution of the stone seat was completed, Mo Lan was leaned back, with one hand on the armrest, his left hand supporting his chin, and his right leg resting on his left leg. The force spread and enveloped the entire examination room.


Under the eyes of everyone, candidates began to answer questions one by one.

Some people's eyes lit up as soon as they saw the topic, showing a look of joy, and after studying it, they began to write eloquently.

The second-ring spell structure is derived from the first-ring spell structure, and the third-ring spell structure is derived from the second-ring spell structure.

When the blank paper was full, he stopped and picked up the next test paper.

And some people scratched their heads after seeing the title, and the complicated examples and dense derivation steps were like a book from heaven.

The first one, no.

The second one, no.

The third one, what kind of rubbish title is this?

It is clear that they know every word, but when they get together, they don't know each other.

At the same time, he was still secretly deciding in his heart.

"These questions are so difficult, no one can solve them!"

However, some people's eyes were empty, and their fingers tapped quietly in mid-air, but often they had just started, and the stone wall next to them was knocked.

"It is forbidden to open the property panel, warn once, and directly disqualify the exam next time."

The examinee was stunned for a moment, and realized that it was because of the mental power shrouded in this area.

"Could it be that he uses mental power to cover my area all the time?

Uh, my mental strength has all shrunk, I don’t know.

Do you want to test your mental strength?verify? "

Boom boom boom!

The examination seat next door was knocked.

"Spiritual power is forbidden to visit outside, one warning, and another one will be treated as cheating."

The mental strength that was just about to go out stagnated, and his face instantly weakened.

With the passage of time, the end of the exam is getting closer and closer, and the heart is shrouded in anxiety, and the mental power directly ventures out of the body.

Eh, not found?

However, Mo Lan's voice echoed over the examination room at this moment.

"In the seventh test area, row No. 20, candidate No. 15 made another act of suspected cheating after the first warning. It will be regarded as cheating, and his test scores and qualifications will be cancelled.

Candidates whose results are invalid can continue to answer questions or apply to leave the examination room. "

Candidate NO.15 looked left and right, and finally applied to leave dejectedly.

Exam NO.15 left the examination room cursing.

Soon after, a fireball exploded in the air, and the voice of examiner Lin Wo echoed over the examination room.

"The time is up and the exam is over. Please stop answering the questions. Candidates leave the examination room in an orderly manner and enter the waiting area to wait for the results. Examiners go to collect the papers."

The stone wall surrounding the candidates slowly fell, and one candidate got up and said cursing.

"This topic is really difficult, I don't know it at all."

The others were taken aback when they heard the words, and immediately understood, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, it's really difficult, I can't even understand it, not at all."

"Oh, I guess I'm out of play."

"Me too."

The sorcerer who just started talking was overjoyed when he heard the words, and his heart that had been strained was relaxed.

It turns out that everyone really can't, it seems that my grades should not be too ugly.

Xu Zongxin was a little puzzled when he passed by.

"Is it so difficult?"

After thinking about it, he walked to the position of a candidate who said he didn't know anything just now, and looked at the paper.

Hey, the three papers are full of writing, all correct, excellent standard!

I went to the seat of the examinee who Yinghe said I was too, and opened it.

The three chapters of the test paper are full of writing, the first and second papers are fine, but the third paper is a little flawed, and indeed he is too.

Finally, I walked to the seat of the person who said no at the beginning, and looked at the paper.


Take a look at the second paper.


Looking forward to the third one.


Xu Zongxin put away his paper after finishing it, and looked back at him still smiling and telling others how difficult the paper was, with pity in his eyes, while the others were still responding.

"Yeah, it's very difficult, this paper is really difficult."

"Well, I guess I'm going to fail the exam, alas, I won't be able to enter the Mage Association, what about you?"

"Me too."

Chapter 175 Me!

"Candidates in the No. [-] waiting area, please enter and prepare for the exam!"

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