"Well, I have, and I have studied it for a while, so I know something about it."

Zhao Hua was overjoyed when he heard the words, and his writing speed accelerated, and then he drew a sketch.

"Look, President, the principle of this spell is to use mental power to forcibly influence and dominate beasts.

Because the beasts have low intelligence and weak mental power, they can be influenced by mental power to achieve the effect of control.

Here I have some doubts, how this effect is formed. "

Mo Lan said after pondering for a moment.

"Spiritual power comes from the soul, and it is the tentacles extending from the soul.

Affect the mental power through the effect of the spell, and have a certain degree of influence on the soul, so as to achieve the dominance effect.

And due to the protection of mental power, the magic effect only stays on the surface. After a period of time, the magic effect dissipates, and the beast will regain its freedom again. "

Zhao Hua asked aloud after listening.

"Then can the spell effect be directly applied to the soul of the beast? If it is directly applied to the soul of the beast, can it achieve permanent domination?"


Mo Lan immediately thought about it, and said casually.

"Is this the career path your guild studies?

Royal beast flow?fine. "

Zhao Hua smiled when he heard this, but did not speak, and waited silently.

However, Mo Lan shook her head.

"Unrealistic, it is impossible to directly act on the soul under the premise of spiritual power protection.

Protecting the soul is the instinct of spiritual power, just like the beating of the heart, even if the beast is in a coma, it will not disappear.

And forcibly breaking the mental power often only shatters the soul together. "

After Mo Lan finished speaking, Zhao Hua suddenly said.

"But what if there is only a soul and no spiritual power?"

Hearing this, Mo Lan glanced at him suspiciously, then thought for a while and said.

"If there is such a special situation, it cannot be permanently controlled.

This is the limitation of Beast Domination, and this spell model itself cannot achieve permanent control. "

"Is that so?"

Zhao Hua seemed a little disappointed, and smiled wryly.

"I felt that it was not good before, but I still had a glimmer of hope in my heart, so I wanted to ask the president.

But I didn't expect your conclusion, President, to be impossible. "

Zhao Hua shook his head, but at this moment Mo Lan spoke out after pondering for a moment.

"You can continue to study the principles of the Beast Domination spell to control beasts and affect beasts.

I think if you can study this clearly, it may not be impossible to create a spell or technique of permanent control. "

Zhao Hua nodded upon hearing this.

"That's the only way. Thank you, President, for your guidance. Then I'll go first."


Mo Lan looked at Zhao Hua who was leaving, shook her head, walked to the element pool, sat down cross-legged and began to meditate.

And Zhao Hua was still thinking when he left.

"Beast Domination does not permanently control beasts.

Now that the storage of dead energy has been solved, there is probably a solution to the problem of controlling the corrosion of dead energy mental power.

But how can we control this revived undead? "

Zhao Hua fell into deep thought.

Chapter 168 Summoner

"Permanently control the beast? Isn't this like catching pets and raising babies?"

Mo Lan was a little puzzled.

"Can this make a career? Not enough?"

Based on Mo Lan's current understanding of job creation, it is very simple to create a job, as long as one of the two conditions is met.

[-]. Envoy and utilize a brand-new energy, such as vindictiveness, magic power, and elements. The current three professions are all based on this foundation.

Two, a unique use of energy, arcanists and mages can barely be included in this category.

Recalling this, Mo Lan pondered.

"If it's just catching pets, it's not a job at all, there is no use of new energy, and there is no new use of energy.

At most, it can only be regarded as a new method of strengthening strength.

Well, but if there is a unique way to control the spirit power, it can control the beast troops in large quantities and finely, even the monster troops.

Or form a partner with a monster, and if you can find a way to practice with the monster partner and share traits, it may also be a very strong profession. "

Mo Lan literally writes and draws, and finally sighs.

"This Geng Tao still knows how to play, and he has ideas. If these two can be done, well, not weak.

You don't need to do it yourself, just control the baby. Now that the death penalty is increasing, and under the expectation that the death penalty will continue to increase in the future, this combat method will become popular properly. "

Mo Lan was just guessing randomly, but what he didn't expect was that although his guess was a little off, it also hit the core of the Necromancer profession.

And Mo Lan herself was also inspired by this route of envoy baby.

"Mages can't be out of fashion, they have to keep up with the times.

Gotta catch the baby! "

And when this idea popped up in his mind, Mo Lan suddenly burst out with a lot of inspiration.

"Yes, I have always felt that the mage itself is too fragile, so I tried every means to strengthen the defense and increase the displacement.

Shield, flash, but why do you think so?Why run?

Isn't the mage known as the fort?Standing in place is the fort, and can output better.

If there is a team of babies with thick blood and low attack directly in the front, the mage will output wantonly in the back.

Well, it would be even better if these babies could also share health bars with mages. "

Mo Lan wrote quickly with the pen that was spinning in her hand, and wrote a long paragraph in an eloquent way.

"No, it's definitely inconvenient to walk around with pets, if you can design a spell to summon it at any time...it would be wonderful.

And if the number of pets is enough, if you find a way to summon a large number of them, then the mage may or may not be able to work as a summoner part-time.

As for the control and fine command of pets, isn't mental power just the specialty of mages? "

Mo Lan finished thinking, looked at the messy pile of ideas on the paper, slowly sorted them out, and then neatly and neatly listed the ideas, advantages, feasibility, and operation methods bit by bit.

"There should be two main difficulties."

Mo Lan looked at the paper, resting her chin on her hands and thinking.

"One is how to control the monsters. The monsters must be able to understand the player's detailed commands and execute them. This is the basis for cooperation.

The second is how to summon monsters out of thin air, well, let’s not consider this for the time being, it is also acceptable for the mage to take the baby with him.

Whether it is to open up a pet space or remotely summon a pet from an unlimited distance, it involves extremely difficult space problems, which I cannot solve at present. "

"How to control Warcraft?"

Mo Lan thought for a while and caught a rabbit.

Mo Lan's spiritual power shrouded the rabbit, every detail and every part of the rabbit's body, from the internal organs to the skin, was within the detection range of Mo Lan's spiritual power.

Especially the brain area, which Mo Lan focused on observing.

This is the first time Mo Lan has done this, and it feels very strange.

The beating of the heart, the flow of blood, the roughness and trembling of the skin, everything was reflected in Mo Lan's mind.

Mo Lan still felt a faint trace of mental power in her brain, so weak that Mo Lan felt that her mental power might be wiped out at the slightest touch.

"Beast Domination!"

A ray of light entered the rabbit's mind, and after entering, it diffused and enveloped that ray of spiritual power.

This process is only a moment, so fast that Mo Lan can hardly see it.

Mo Lan took a deep breath, and slowly gathered the mental power distributed throughout the rabbit's body to the brain area.

Glancing at the surroundings, he closed the door on the fifth floor, activated the sharpness technique on the door, and withdrew all the vigilant mental power scattered around.

Mo Lan's not-so-weak spiritual power as a mage of the fourth ring was almost completely compressed in the rabbit's mind. Mo Lan tried his best to keep restraint so as not to affect the rabbit itself.

Under such a highly concentrated mental power, time seems to slow down, thinking becomes quick, the blood in the rabbit's mind flows drop by drop, and every beating of the blood vessels is clearly visible.

"Beast Domination!"

A ray of light entered the rabbit's brain, and when it took effect, the ray spread and turned into a big net to catch the rabbit's mental power, and closed in an instant, turning into a ray of light again, but the trace of mental power had been wrapped in it.

The rabbit was controlled by Mo Lan, but it was still the same as normal, its nose twitched slightly, sniffing left and right.

But Mo Lan didn't care about these at this time, but recalled the net in her mind.

Although the effect of the beast control spell only took effect for a moment, Mo Lan still caught the appearance of the big net.

One strand after another, one horizontal and one vertical, turned into a fine net to envelop that strand of spiritual power, as if it was still penetrating into it.

And that big net Mo Lan looked very familiar, it seemed to be the same as the magic brand he had stamped on the mage's tower.

"If I use my mental power to create a mental brand, and then hit the beast's mental power, or even the soul, will I be able to control the beast?"

A tempting idea popped up in Mo Lan's mind. When she came back to her senses, she looked at the controlled rabbit and thought.

"Two steps."

clap clap clap!

The rabbit took two steps on the table, then looked left and right suspiciously, but found nothing, and continued to sniff left and right.

"stand up."

The rabbit man stood up.

"Fuck off!"

The rabbit rolled twice on the table, rolled to the edge of the table, and fell to the ground with a thud.


The rabbit didn't move, and didn't respond to Mo Lan.

"Well, no goals?"

"Attack the table leg."

The rabbit rushed forward, braked and turned around when it was close to the stone table legs, and kicked its hind legs!


With a crisp sound, the rabbit fractured.

Seeing this, Mo Lan burst out laughing, grabbed the rabbit and walked downstairs.

"The order of the controller cannot be disobeyed, but when the order is too vague, it cannot be understood and is not carried out.

This should be because the rabbit is too stupid, and even if the fuzzy command is understood, the action may not meet expectations, which should also depend on the IQ of the rabbit.

But generally speaking, mental power directly transmits information, which is fast and can be understood across races, so it is not difficult to control pets. As long as the mage's orders are detailed enough, it is not a problem to ask pets to help with summer homework.

Well, let's try whether the mental imprint I imagined works or not, if it can't, then I have to find a way to transform and improve the spell model dominated by the beast. "

Mo Lan had already walked out of the mage tower at this time, came to the canteen next to him, and smiled at the canteen master.

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