Zou Peng looked at the element pool, but saw nothing after a while.

Just when I wanted to ask a question, I suddenly found that there seemed to be something extra in the pool.

I saw strands of smoke-like things appearing out of thin air, filling the center of the pool.

Warm red, brisk cyan, thick yellow, vibrant blue...  

The strands of smoke, the bright colors, the four elemental pools, and the four different colors made Zou Peng suddenly feel a little bit moved.

"Is this the color of the elements?"


Mo Lan can see more from the perspective of spiritual power. The light spots of the elements are sucked into the element pool, and the dense light spots soon fill the element pool.

However, the element pool is still running, and a steady stream of elements are sucked into the element pool.

And all elements are full of inertia under the suppression of the element pool, not as active as the outside world.

Just when Zou Peng was called to stop, the elements that were just spots of light gradually gathered and turned into strands, like gas, also showing their form.

"Zou Peng, do you know? The gas exposed here is almost equivalent to your energy level."

Zou Peng: "...Thank you, I was offended."

Mo Lan smiled when she heard the words.

"I didn't mean to talk about your dishes, I just wanted to tell you and give you an idea.

If all four element pools are filled, it will be a terrifying energy.

And if elements can be liquefied, how terrifying it would be. "

Zou Peng was taken aback by Mo Lan's words.

"Will it become a real elemental pool?"

Mo Lan smiled.

"Who knows."

Mo Lan walked out of the basement, out of the mage's tower, and looked up at the towering white tower from the outside.

While sighing in his heart, Mo Lan also calculated silently.

Size, direction, position, one after another data is silently deduced in Mo Lan's mind.

The data of the water shield technique was substituted into it, adding deduction, and finally, the optimal solution was obtained during the high-speed rotation of the ink cartridge.

"The superposition of quantity, I hope, can cause qualitative change."

Mo Lan murmured, looking at the layout plan in his mind, Mo Lan started construction after preparing the mercury.

"Water shield, second ring spell, 45 spell nodes.

The mage tower has six sides and five floors......A total of 45 water shields are arranged to achieve a magic resonance to form a giant water shield covering the entire mage tower. "

Water Shield is a second-level spell with 45 spell nodes, which means that 45 mages are required to complete the spell resonance of Water Shield.

The difficulty of this is much higher than that of fireball, earth wall, etc., which only have more than a dozen or 20 spell nodes. Of course, the effect is also much higher.

It's like the effect increases exponentially. The larger the base, the more the effect will be increased, and the smaller the base, the greater the gap.

Mo Lan carried a bucket of mercury and walked up, starting from the top of the tower, the water shield spell model on the top of the tower will become the core node of the resonance of 45 spell models.

Mo Lan chose to stabilize the core first, and then determine the rest of the spell nodes according to the position of the core.

Grab mercury, adjust the frequency, and achieve resonance!

Little by little, the mercury sank into the stone, forming spell nodes one after another, and silver-white mercury lines extended from the spell nodes to form an energy circuit.

Mo Lan is still drawing the spell model, but it was originally drawing a plane, and now it is drawing a three-dimensional model.

Time passed slowly, and when Mo Lan was building the mage tower, other people were not idle, and at this time, the president of the evil fire guild had already returned to the guild.

The guild residence of the Evil Fire Guild is in a huge valley surrounded by mountains, and there is only a path a few meters wide leading to the outside world.

In the valley, the land is flat and fertile, and there is a wide river flowing slowly in the center.

The members of the Evil Fire Guild built a fortress on the trail, and built villages and small towns in the valley. Large areas of open space have been reclaimed, and various vegetables, fruits, and grains have been planted.

And there is a corner of the valley covered by the shadow of a big mountain. That corner is in a strange position, no matter when it is always covered by the shadow of a big mountain.

Although this place is open to the air, no matter what time of day it is, the sun cannot be seen, and it will always be covered by shadows.

There are pale skeletons all over this area favored by shadows, wolves, bears, tigers, leopards, and pigs. This place seems to be a natural cemetery, where countless wild animals have passed away, the ground is filled with skeletons, and the surface is also everywhere.

As soon as you walk into this area, people feel a little cold.

"Damn it, who leaked that we were studying necromancers? Who is it! Who is it!"

Geng Tao shouted loudly, and the vice president next to him beeped softly.

"Didn't you brag about it last time?"

Geng Tao's tone froze.

"Oh, so I said it, so it's all right."

"How is the progress? Is there any new progress?"

Geng Tao asked as if nothing had happened, the vice president curled his lips and muttered something before speaking.

"This kind of energy diffused from bones and dead bodies... Well, that is, dead energy is indeed useful. We have initially determined that dead energy is not an element.

That is to say, as long as we don't condense spell slots, if we cast spells with such dead energy, we won't be recognized as mages, and this will initially have the basis for becoming a new profession. "

"What about the effect of death?"

Geng Tao's question made the vice president smile.

"We've managed to animate the skeletons of some death beasts.

Death Qi can harden their skeletons, increase their strength and speed, in short, it can improve their strength in all aspects.

But once the improvement of strength reaches a certain limit, the dead energy needed to improve will increase exponentially.

And the better the quality of the skeleton, the higher the limit, and the stronger the strength we can exert after resurrection.

But now we are mainly faced with three problems, how to carry death energy, control death energy, and control the resurrected undead creatures, as long as these three problems are solved, then we will definitely be able to form a brand new profession..."

The vice president looked at Geng Tao and said slowly.


Geng Tao had a smile on his face when he heard this, and looked into the distance.

"Yi Fei, Zuo Qingwen, Lao Li, maybe I have to go first, how about you?"

Geng Tao muttered to himself.


Chapter 145 Start running!

"President, this spell model can indeed suppress elemental fluctuations.

Just standing in the blood pool and releasing the magic power is only about half of the original.

This also means that as long as we can expand the scope of this suppression and increase the intensity of suppression.

When facing a mage, releasing it can definitely ban magic directly, and the rest is the performance time of the fighters. "

"Okay, very good, keep working hard, and then we must give Mo Shen a small surprise.

I really want to see his shocked expression when the time comes, thinking that the most precious thing is the extraordinary core?

No, no, the most precious thing is actually the seemingly inconspicuous things below.

By the way, what is the principle of this forbidden magic field?Got it? "

"It seems to suppress the activity of the elements in the environment and make them inert.

Generally speaking, spellcasting is to make the accumulation of elements active, so as to achieve the effect of spellcasting. If the elements are not active, then spellcasting will naturally become nonsense. "

The mage said excitedly.

"It's worth mentioning that this anti-magic force field has a very poor effect on the elements in the body.

Perhaps it is due to physical barriers, but in my opinion, this is good news.

The grudge in the fighter's body will not be suppressed, or the suppression effect is very poor.

One ebbs and another, in the forbidden magic field, mages are almost completely abused by warriors. "


Yi Fei laughed.

"I can't wait to see Mo Shen's shocked and unbelievable look.

One person suppressed us for so long, are you kidding?Our God of War Guild is about to stand up! "

After Yi Fei finished speaking, he remembered something and asked again.

"By the way, is this useful for the spells that have been released?

Assuming that the opposite side releases a fireball, can I use the anti-magic force field to suppress the fireball for me? "

"Well, this can't be done, the effect of the forbidden magic force field is to inhibit the activity of elements.

The elements in the spells that can be released are extremely active, and there is no inhibitory effect at all. "

"Oh, forget it, keep working on how to increase the range, increase the strength, and then preferably make it portable.

I want to give Moshen a big surprise, and I want to give a big surprise to all the guilds that have prepared mage groups. "

Yi Fei left with a smile, as if he had seen the day when the God of War Guild stood up.


"Phew, the last spell model is over!"

A light smile appeared on Mo Lan's face. After a few days of stabilization, he had successfully stabilized 45 water shield spell models on the Mage Tower.

"Then the next step is the energy pathway, uh."

Mo Lan began to connect the energy pathways. Although only 45 spell models were arranged, Mo Lan did not relax at all.

When arranging the energy passages neatly, extending from the corner of the fifth floor to the central wall, a separate center is set here, and it extends downward from here.

There is a center on each floor, and finally it is connected to the element pool by the main energy path.

When the elemental pool was seen again, the elemental pool was already filled with smoke.

Smoke of four colors in the four element pools flows slowly.

The dense smoke seems to be light and fluffy, but Mo Lan is very aware of the terrifying elemental power contained in it.

With the current level of condensing, I am afraid that a strand as thick as a thumb can hit a Zou Peng, and here is a whole pond.

Mo Lan is very curious about whether the elemental pool absorbs the power of elements continuously, and will eventually form a real liquid, like water, or even a more condensed crystal?

The idea flashed by, Mo Lan did not rush to connect the energy pathway of the element pool and the energy pathway of the water shield technique, but chose to set a series of switches between the five element pools.

After the switch is set, directly extend the energy path to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is Mo Lan's living room. The energy pathway extends to the fifth floor and stops, forming switches one by one on one wall.

Taking advantage of the feature that the energy pathway can be freely interrupted and closed, these switches can be controlled by Mo Lan's mental power.

Coupled with the following design, Mo Lan can cut off the energy of the entire mage tower with one thought, and can also activate the water shield spell, or other constant spells in the future.

More importantly, there is an output port in this energy pathway, which means that Mo Lan can draw a large amount of magic power from the element pool to cast spells at any time.

After connecting the water shield technique, Mo Lan came to the elemental pool, looked at the four elemental pools with thick fog of various colors, and looked at the empty core elemental pool.

Mo Lan took a deep breath, sat next to her, and went deep into the five element pools with mental power to explore the energy pathways between them.


The moment it was opened, the four strands of elements poured directly into the core element pool.

The originally inert elements became active instantly when they left the element pool.

Of course, this is because Mo Lan did not activate the spell model of the core element pool.

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