"Running the mission, this mission is very complicated, garbage game, you can go down after spraying, bye bye."

As soon as the words fell, Zou Peng and Zhang Haobo didn't speak.

"Do you know what their mission is?"

"It's not very clear, it's mysterious, and I planned to call me over there before, but it was too far to go, so I didn't tell me directly."

"I asked me before, I didn't go, I thought you knew."

Mo Lan and Ding Jin chatted for a while and then stopped. Not only Zou Peng and Zhang Haobo were busy, but Ding Jin was also very busy.

He also plans to play games full-time like Mo Lan, but the difference is that Mo Lan has already put it into practice, while Ding Jin has not. For the time being, he is playing games while going to work.

I want to wait until I see the money back in the game before I quit my job and play games full time.

So Ding Jin also played very hard, and set up traps in the wild alone.

Compared with Mo Lan, who is not doing a proper job, Ding Jin is either on the way to set up traps or on the way to check traps. He has gone through this upgrade frantically, and has now become the highest level in the dormitory group of four. When he reaches the third level, he is not far away from the fourth level. It's almost one of the fastest leveling up in the game right now.

"Oh, that bird is so cute."

Mo Lan gently untied the bird from the noose and held it in her hand.

With a click, the experience points are credited.

"Should be delicious, right?"

Walking down one trap after another, Mo Lan quickly collected 88 experience points, which is [-] points away from getting rid of the weak state.

"It's too slow, I still have to find an opportunity to hunt the supernatural beasts. As long as one and a half supernatural beasts, I can be promoted to the second level, and I can also get a supernormal beast skin, a few bottles of supernormal beast blood, and a brand new beast. The spell model is simply perfect."

Mo Lan thought silently in her heart.

The ink cartridge can use the wind blade technique every half an hour, so as long as Mo Lan finds a good opportunity to find a good target, it is entirely possible and possible to hunt down an extraordinary monster.

"The problem now is that I can't find the extraordinary beast at all. I suddenly feel that the leopard before has become cute."

"Oh, my leopard is cute, why are you dead?"

Mo Lan seemed to be walking in the southeast direction, thinking about how to find the supernatural beast, and he was still carrying a vine in his hand. Behind the vine were the corpses of birds one after another. He walked with Fang Fan, and the smell of blood softened. Drift away slowly.

If there is an old saying to describe Fang Fan, it is the toilet and the lantern.

Tired of living?

But obviously Mo Lan didn't care, and even thought a little about it.

"Come on, come on, anyone who can kill me will do."

Mo Lan murmured while walking, but unfortunately there was nothing else to gain except attracting some hungry gray wolves along the way.

Walking all the way for an hour only killed three wolves in total, with a total of 53 experience points, and it took a little time before the weak state was lifted.

Mo Lan, who was advancing, suddenly found a "blank" area not far ahead when he climbed the tree to observe the terrain.

The trees in this area fell chaotically to the ground, the trunks were broken, and the situation could not be clearly seen from a distance, but according to Mo Lan's speculation, this should be the place where the loud noise came from before.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse. Although Mo Lan can see this area from the trees, in the face of rough terrain, Mo Lan finally chose to compromise and take a detour. It took half an hour to reach this area. edge.


I couldn't see the specific situation here from a distance before, but I didn't see it clearly until Mo Lan stood in this area.

This area is circular, and there are cracks and cracks on the ground, which are diffuse.

Mo Lan looked at the area of ​​dozens of meters in front of her, and her heart was shocked.

"Is this hit by a meteorite?"

At this moment, if someone told Mo Lan that a meteorite fell here not long ago, he would believe it.

This is a circular earth fragmentation mark, with a dot as the core, the earth is like a water surface, setting off a circle of ripples, and the ripples continue to spread, covering a circular area of ​​about [-] meters directly.

On the broken ground are broken tree trunks and broken branches, obviously not hit by meteorites.

While taking pictures, Mo Lan walked forward to the very middle of the circular area, stood here and looked around, swept his eyes, and suddenly found a trace of reflection not far ahead.

Mo Lan walked over to take a look, and a palm-length silver-white hair fell on the ground.

There are a lot of wolf hairs here, and Mo Lan even saw a piece of big slap wolf skin. The traces around it were obviously torn from a wolf by sharp claws. In addition, there were a lot of mottled bloodstains.

The answer is obvious, there are two extraordinary monsters fighting here.

And in this area, the shattering of the earth must be the aftermath of one of the two supernatural beasts.

Mo Lan seemed to have thought of that shocking scene.

A powerful extraordinary beast stood in the middle and confronted the extraordinary beast on the opposite side. At this time, the legs of the powerful extraordinary beast shook, and the terrifying power poured out on the ground.

At this moment, the hard earth was like the surface of water, and a stone fell into it, setting off a circle of ripples.

The trees above were shattered by a powerful force, causing them to fall to the ground, and the slightly weaker branches above were all shattered, covering the ground.

"What level of spell is this? It's too powerful. If I learn it, I'll be invincible."

Mo Lan immediately called out the camera, shot the scene, and threw it into the group. Ding Jin in the group was shocked when he saw it.

"What kind of monster caused this?"

"I don't know, I only know that there was a battle here, and one of the supernatural beasts may have been killed."

Speaking of which, Mo Lan paused for a moment.

"But I have a guess, I'm afraid it's..."

"The armored bear you mentioned earlier?"


"Then you have to be careful. If you are stared at by the armored bear, if you control it like this, you won't be able to run away."


Chapter 16 Lake Yamanaka

"It's really shocking. I don't know when I will be able to achieve this level. Looking forward to it."

This is the first time Mo Lan feels so much looking forward to becoming stronger in the game. This game is too real, the environment is real, the people are real, the coercion is real, and even the sense of power is real, as if it should exist. generally.


Mo Lan collected all the silver hair and fur on the ground nearby.

The fur, which seemed to be scattered and scattered, also had a long handful in his hand at the moment.

"It should be very suitable for making a wolf pen."

After many failures in drawing spell models, Mo Lan found that compared with the weak rabbit brush, the tough and harder wolf brush is very suitable for drawing spell models, especially the fine parts.

Putting these silver hairs away, Mo Lan turned around and strode towards the south, gradually staying away from this battlefield.

Mo Lan went over the mountains and mountains, it took a long time, and finally found the giant bear peak that she saw before before she lost her way.

That mountain with a huge flat terrain halfway up its waist is also a mountain with a giant armored bear.

But when approaching the mountain, Mo Lan couldn't help but breathe lightly.

Instead of going up the mountain directly, he chose to spend a lot of time going around and came to the stream that was flowing downstream. Looking at the gurgling water, Mo Lan began to climb the mountain.

Compared with the previous cautiousness, Mo Lan has become more aggressive now, kicking over a stone from time to time, breaking a branch from time to time, and using sticks and daggers to clear the bushes and weeds in front of him, so that he can pass more easily and more easily. Be comfortable.

Therefore, it took Mo Lan three times as long to climb the mountainside again.

Stepping on the mountainside platform, Mo Lan seemed to feel a pressure coming from the middle of the mountain, making him breathless.

But obviously, this is just an illusion. In fact, the armored giant bear looks rough but also has the instinct of a hunter-hide.

They subconsciously hide their existence all the time, and this kind of hiding even made Mo Lan discover its existence until he entered the cave.

"Huh, God bless, I hope our Mr. Xiong sleeps well."

Mo Lan continued to move forward after a short rest, heading towards the cave.

But now, instead of using a stick with too much movement to open the way, I chose a dagger to clear it bit by bit, and the sound was very soft.

Mo Lan's mowing work didn't stop until next to the cave, where there was a small open space, like a courtyard in front of the cave.

Looking at the dark cave, Mo Lan took a deep breath, took out the three wooden sticks collected on the road, tied them together, and erected them on the ground to form a support.

Then he hung a pottery pot below it distressedly, and finally put the plant ashes he carried, and the half-burned charred firewood under the pottery pot.

After completing this series, Mo Lan stepped on the water, and the straw sandals fell directly on the mud.

Lifting the muddy straw sandals, Mo Lan walked directly towards the cave, and the mud and water left a line of footprints directly on the ground.

When he reached the entrance of the cave, Mo Lan had held his breath, his heart almost stopped beating, stood at the entrance of the cave, took off his shoes, wrapped his feet in a dry cloth and walked outside.

Get out of the cave and go down the mountain.

Mo Lan breathed a sigh of relief after walking away, and turned back to take a meaningful look.

"Hope that big guy isn't interested in pot."

"Well, good luck."

Mo Lan shrugged, not knowing to whom the blessing was expressed.

It was getting dark, and Mo Lan condemned herself for wasting so much time.

"It's really a waste of time. It's been a day and I basically haven't done anything. Alas, this feeling...is so cool."

Mo Lan stretched, and when she returned to her hut, the stars were already shining in the sky, and she closed the door immediately to sleep.

Dream while you sleep, play games in your dreams, sleep in games.

While sleeping, Mo Lan had a dream, dreaming that he was playing a game...

"Drip drop, drop drop, drop drop."

The alarm clock rang, and Mo Lan turned off the alarm clock without waking up.

It wasn't until the third alarm clock sounded that Mo Lan gradually woke up from the daze, stretched out, and breathed in the fresh air in the forest.

"Ha, time to work."

Mo Lan drank a few bowls of broth that was obviously too salty, then picked up her weapon and set off, heading west-north along the stream in front of the door.

"Water is the source of life. Extraordinary monsters need to drink water. When I am by the water, I will encounter extraordinary monsters. Well, it's logical. That's it."

The stream flows in the forest, a small stream has nine bends and eighteen bends, and Mo Lan goes around more and more towards the north.

After a while, Mo Lan saw some mountain peaks. These peaks and Giant Bear Mountain seemed to belong to the same mountain range.

Passing from the valley between the mountains, after passing through several mountains, Mo Lan came to a slender valley.

Between the mountains, a wide, calm water is like a fine silver mirror inlaid in the middle of the mountains.

The lake reflects the blue sky and the steep mountains on the shore. The breeze blows, and the ripples in the water shine like fish scales under the sun.

In the lake, Mo Lan vaguely seemed to see the shadow of the island.

Island in the Lake!

It's a really tempting name that shouldn't be let go.

"I've decided that I want to build a house here too. As for the Giant Bear Mountain...as a mage, it's reasonable for me to have two residences.

emm, Giant Bear Mountain has a nice name, and this lake can't be missed, so let's... Mirror Lake, from now on, this place will be mine. "

Mo Lan regained her attention and turned her head to look around.

On the edge of the lake, there is a meadow at the foot of the mountain, which seemed to belong to the lake in the past, but now the lake water leaves, and the silt at the bottom of the lake has given birth to a very fertile meadow.

And there is a group of cows grazing leisurely on this meadow.

The flexible long tongue stretches out and rolls on the tender grass. When the tongue is retracted, the tender grass also enters the mouth and chews slowly.

These cows all looked very strong, muscular, with broad and sharp horns on the top of their heads, gleaming coldly in the sunlight.

The most striking is the cow in the middle of the herd.

The cows in the herd are all black, but this cow's hair is black and shiny, and there is a faint purple meaning under the bright cow hair.

The height is directly higher than the cow next to him, obviously it is a character like the cow king.

On the head of the Bull King was a pair of big horns, a pair of delicate, jade-like, but sharp horns that were lavender, and the sharp horns half a meter long made people dare not doubt his power.

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