"Then Yuan Yuan and I will leave first." Glancing at the sun that was about to set, Luo Feng said, "Wait..."

Village Chief Yang seemed to remember something, ran into the room tossing for a long time, and finally took out a three-foot old cloth.

Handing the cloth to Luo Feng, the village chief smiled with yellowed teeth: "However, it is also the Yang family's greeting gift for this child."

After some push, Luo Feng finally accepted.

After all, it was a gift for Yuan Yuan, and it also made the village chief feel at ease.

The evening breeze blew lightly, Luo Feng held Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan nibbled the white steamed buns given by the village chief, and walked under the afterglow.


Zheng Zha was stunned the moment he saw Yuan Yuan, and asked stupidly, "I know that Xiao Li from the village chief's family has a crush on you."

"Why even children..."

Luo Feng didn't hesitate to give a punch, and then said angrily: "God, I adopted this, you have an opinion."

"Adoption?" Zheng Zha looked at Yuan Yuan in surprise and took a closer look

"That's right!" Luo Feng replied, then waved his hand: "Let Rang, don't get in the way."

Throwing the useless Zheng Zha aside, Luo Feng then led Yuan Yuan to the kitchen to drink a bowl of millet porridge.

Then go to the backyard cabin, where is the bathroom, the little girl should be clean.

After Luo Feng put away the hot water and towels, he was about to bathe Yuan Yuan, but found that Yuan Yuan climbed into the barrel by himself and bathed himself quietly, without saying a word.

Busy, the sky is getting dark

There is no child's clothes for the time being, Yuan Yuan is wearing Luo Feng's large robe, sitting on the bed.

"Yuanyuan..." This time, Luo Feng hadn't finished speaking


Yuan Yuan nodded, lay down consciously, put himself in the bed, and closed his eyes obediently.

Since Yuan Yuan entered the house, no matter what Luo Feng said or did, Yuan Yuan would nod his head.

Very obedient, very obedient, and obedient makes people feel distressed.

Compared with the bear child, Yuan Yuan is simply a little angel.

Luo Feng didn't know, what expression should he show now, gratified?Compassion, or anger.

Quietly closing the doors and windows, Zheng Zha had been waiting in the courtyard for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Zheng Zha frowned.

Luo Feng repeated the origins of Yuan Yuan in [-], and casually added fuel to the evil deeds of the Black Dragon Gang.

Compare a gangster that destroys humanity to the devil who destroys mankind.

Although the difference between the two is not big, both should be damned.

Chapter 8 Level [-] A and Level [-] Package (Third watch for tickets!)

Zheng Zha's face turned cold, a small black dragon gang actually had the courage to bully the woman his brother liked!

The breeze blew gently, Zheng Zha squinted his eyes, and said leisurely: "It's getting cold, it's time for the Black Dragon Gang to go bankrupt."

Luo Feng raised his head, looked at the sky, and was sure it wasn't green or pink, and he didn't enter the wrong channel.

Alright alright"

Zheng Zha reluctantly waved his hand: "If you come to provocation, you must find an excuse."

Very good, the young man is very promising and provocative. I think you have the qualifications to be a hunter.

Zheng Zha asked, "When will we act?"

"I'll go tomorrow night." Luo Feng picked up a piece of dog's tail grass and said casually, "Are you sure?"

Zheng Zha glanced at Luo Feng, a little surprised.

This is not like Luo Feng's cautious character, but rather like himself in a hurry, rushing to kill the door when his forehead is hot.

"Bullshit, sure and sure"

Luo Feng was decisive, and then he thought about something and added: "I've prepared everything else, tomorrow you will bring the inventory of the first half of the year."

"Playing so much..." Zheng Zha was taken aback

Three cards per minute, one hour at a time, 1 cards per day, more than 36 cards in half a year.

Half a year's worth of inventory, you are going to blow up Ping'an County!

Luo Feng sneered: "Since the shot is taken, it must be carried out to the end!"

"Otherwise, if you hit the young ones, the big ones come, if you hit the big ones, you come to the old ones, it will be annoying to death!"

On Earth, when Luo Feng was reading a novel, there was a resentment, that every time the protagonist made a move to eliminate evil, he would only kill the evil leader, but let the younger brother of the evil person go!

But I don't know that the King of Hell is good, and the little devil is difficult to deal with. Sometimes Xiao Lala does more evil than the leader, and it is even worse.

The leader still cares about his own face, while the little ones will only pretend to be arrogant and do whatever they want!

Gangsters and bandits, if you kill all of them, there may be innocent people, but if you kill nine out of ten, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net.

There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and it is necessary to do everything to eliminate evil!

Cut grass without eradicating its roots, but the spring breeze blows and grows again!

If you don't make a move, you're done, and once you make a move, the firepower will cover it, and one will not stay!

The sages once said: "The enemy cannot stand, and he will be in danger. First strike, and then he will become ashes." 】

Zheng Zha was dumbfounded, it really was his own delusion.

I still underestimate this product, it's old...

To deal with a small gang in the county town, as for?

"However, I support it." Zheng Zha smiled.

The Black Dragon Gang had a grudge against them, this time the new account will be counted together with the old one!

Early the next morning, Luo Feng and Zheng Zha prepared things and reconciled in the courtyard.

Luo Feng held a heart protection goggle and said, "We are going to the county seat now. According to the game, it is considered a small copy, and there is a high probability of overturning!"

"What's the most important thing about playing a dungeon? It's equipment! What can reduce the probability of overturning? It's equipment!"

"Is this too much of a fuss." Zheng Zha touched the goggles on his body, and Iron Nugget couldn't help asking.

Five directions of heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, lumbar spine, knees, hand joints... I almost didn't package myself as a Kamen Rider.

Luo Feng shook his finger and said, "You are still too young to understand the dangers of society. What if the gangsters put guns behind their backs! Taking a step back, they don't have guns, so there are always a few strong crossbows, even if there are no strong crossbows. , there may be bows and arrows."

"What if all arrows are fired at once?!"

"I'm okay, you are a crispy!"

Zheng Zha was speechless, and even felt that Luo Feng had something to say.

Talking, talking, Luo Feng had already put on his equipment, then took out a pair of boots and asked, "Have you brought your wind charm?"

"Why do you want a wind talisman?" Zheng Zha took out a stack of talismans from his pocket and said, "Five-element talismans are easy to draw, I only have a few wind talismans!"

The way of talisman is to communicate with nature and drive ghosts and gods.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, these five powers are the most common in nature. They have physical objects, so they are the easiest to draw. However, the wind talisman and the yellow turban talisman are intangible and qualitative.

As for the thunder talisman, the yang talisman, and the yin talisman, Zheng Zha has not drawn a single one of these talismans in a year!

"Hey, as the saying goes, before you win, you will lose first."

Luo Feng put a piece of wind talisman on the inside of the boot.

Patting his boots, Luo Feng chuckled lightly: "If we can't win, we can still run."

Zheng Zha's face twitched, just about to refute and stop Luo Feng's prodigal behavior.

As a result, Luo Feng stretched out his hand and shouted, "Five-element talisman!"

"Come on, Momo Haw looks like a bitch."

There are more than a hundred water talismans, a hundred fire talismans, a hundred gold talismans, a hundred earth talismans, and a hundred wooden talismans on the table. Although the items are cheap, five hundred, Not a small amount, enough for Zheng Zha to paint for more than half a month.

I saw Luo Feng carefully put five hundred talismans on top of his underwear, then put on another piece of clothing, then the talismans, and finally put on the cloak coat covered with talismans.

"This is called Level [-] armor!" Luo Feng said proudly

"Anything else?" Zheng Zha struggled weakly.

"Of course, those are life-saving, and you have to bring it with you." Luo Feng said in surprise: "Don't you bring medicines when you go to the dungeon? The third-level package is necessary."

Zheng Zha: "???"

Is there a difference between life saving and life saving? !

Forgive him for being a science student.


Luo Feng ran quickly, took out a wooden box from the room, opened it, all bottles and jars, and the air was filled with a scent of medicine.

"This is Hemostasis Powder, take one with you."

"This is fairy water. It is said that it can temporarily stimulate the nerves. I haven't tried it, and it is probably fake."

"By the way, this is the Heavenly King Protecting Heart Pill, this is Jiuzhuan Oolong Pill, this is Huang Ya Baixue Pill, you must bring a few bottles..."

"And this, the corpse powder, the old pharmacist secretly gave it to me, I don't know if it's useful..."

"Also, this five-poison powder can be poisoned by spreading it out. This is the antidote for the five-poison powder."


For a moment, Zheng Zha was dripping with cold sweat and couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get these things?"

Not to mention that the two are inseparable, they also get along day and night. He has never seen Luo Feng buy these things?

It's hard to believe that there is a peerless doctor hidden in the small Yangjia Village.

"Isn't there a pharmacy opposite the county candy store?"

"Before, I thought that if there was an injury and I didn't have time to see the doctor, I could take medicine to deal with it, and I bought some whenever I went to the city."

Luo Feng divides one bottle of medicine for you and one bottle for me, with a careful and serious attitude, just like lining up and dividing the fruit.

"Are these really used for injuries? Are you too stable!"

"We are dealing with gangsters, not assassinating the king!" Zheng Zha complained frantically, but looking at the bottles and cans in front of him, Zheng Zha hesitated for a while, and still put them in his pocket.

Just in case, just in case, walk the rivers and lakes, and be careful in everything.

"Anything else?" Zheng Zha asked without hesitation

"Of course!" Then, Luo Feng took out a treasure.

This is a map.

Luo Feng explained: "The son of the aunt's aunt, the third niece of the seventh uncle and grandfather of Yang Village Chief, works as a cook at the Black Dragon Gang."

"When I was chatting with him, the words came out, and this is the general map."

... Zheng Zha, what else can he do?

Chapter 9 The Horrible Black Dragon Gang

First, we enter from the front...

Luo Feng didn't know when, he took out a stack of paper and a brush and started to write.

The teacher said that a good memory is not as good as a bad writing.

The pen and ink spread out, and I suddenly saw a few words written on it - plan a-1

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