The above is the official evaluation.

I thought that Dongying Yiren was exceptionally powerful.

Can summon the super-sized evil god Orochi.

Luo Feng made various precautions for this.

Unexpectedly, this year's devils are so ineffective, they will smash the streets as soon as they appear.

Let the puppet doll hide and assassinate secretly.

I touched it distressedly, No. [-] Luo Feng.

This is his only puppet with a limit of [-]%, and it takes a lot of effort.

Made a full day.

The No. [-] Luo Feng just now is just a puppet on the limit.

The pressure bearing capacity is too poor, and the strength is estimated to be equivalent to 28 Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi.

I patted No. [-] Luo Feng's handsome face.

Luo Feng shook his head and sighed: "Still poor!"

After destroying several big families and capturing treasures, the sixth floor was given to Li Yan to rebuild his strategy, and the first floor was given to Jingtian Laodao.

The three layers of wealth of the four great families can only create a puppet with a limit of [-]%.

"I hope that in my lifetime, I can forge the ultimate hundred-layer puppet."

Luo Feng sighed

However, he knew it was impossible.

No matter how advanced his skill is, the more he himself will improve.

As the level of the puppet increases, his strength also increases.

The ultimate hundred-layer puppet is just an imaginary.

However, people always have some dreams.

There is no difference between no dream and salted fish.

There is No. [-] Luo Feng socializing, Luo Feng stays in the valley with peace of mind, repairing No. [-] Luo Feng.

Picking up No. [-] Luo Feng, a bag suddenly fell from No. [-].

"Hundred Treasure Bags?!"

Luo Feng looked at the space magic weapon with evil objects, and was anxious about No. [-] before, and almost forgot this one.

Open the treasure bag, and there is a statue of evil spirits.

It is full of resentment from living beings. If you listen carefully, you can still hear screams and wailing.

"The Orochi?"

Luo Feng frowned, the evil god of myth.

According to myths and legends, the eight-headed snake has eight heads and eight tails. There are often dark clouds of eight colors floating, and his body is as huge as eight peaks and eight valleys.

Sensing the breath inside the statue, and then comparing his own strength, Luo Feng shook his head.

This kind of evil god is very difficult to kill, forget it, forget it.

Putting the Evil God statue away, Luo Feng focused his attention on the treasure bag.

A long time ago, Luo Feng had an idea to practice a kind of space supernatural power to contain things.

It is a pity that time and space are the cornerstones of heaven and earth, elephants are invisible, and loud sounds are loud, and they can never learn from heaven and earth.

Luo Feng retreated and asked for the next best thing, and put his idea on the space magic tool.

It is a pity that the space ring refined by Yuan Huang of the Shangqing faction is extremely small.

After a few fiddling, it was destroyed.

Meichuan's treasure bag is considered to be of high quality, with a space of [-] meters, which is enough for Luo Feng to toss.

Transfer the spiritual sense to the treasure bag, and carefully grasp the laws and traces of space floating.

If you want to open up space, you must understand what space is and where it comes from.

Luo Feng murmured: "The space magic tool is attached to the space by virtue of its material. It is said that it is a magic tool, but it is just a channel."

"The way of space is unpredictable, the only thing I can be sure of is the word attachment."

"In the scientific community, it has long been concluded that space is a relative concept, which constitutes the abstract concept of things, and the abstract concept of things exists with reference to space."

"So, participation and attachment are the key points!"


Time passed by a little bit, and at the moment when the sun went down, Luo Feng stared at the treasure bag that was already riddled with holes in his hand, and sighed.

Sure enough, the way of space is mysterious and mysterious, and it is extremely difficult to comprehend.

After sitting cross-legged for a whole day, I could sort out my thoughts.

But there is always something missing from opening up space.

Luo Feng sighed, embarrassing himself to the transmigrator.

After a day of comprehension, still no small space has been opened up.

"Master, your dinner is ready."

Ma Ben trotted over and shouted

Luo Feng nodded and smiled, strode forward, the food should not be let down.

Walking down the path down the valley, Luo Feng looked at the faint stars in the sky, and asked with interest: "Benzai, what do you say the heaven and earth are made of, and how do Qiankun and Qiankun connect?"

Ma Ben smiled honestly and said: "Uncle, how do I know this, I am a carpenter, barely a refiner."

"As for Qiankun, I heard from the elders that Qiankun is the human world, and the human world is the mountains and rivers."

"Uncle Shi, Uncle Shi?!"

Ma Ben turned back suddenly and found Luo Feng stunned.

He waved his hand, indicating that Ma Ben was taking a step forward.

Alone, to the valley creek.

"Shanhe Sheji, Shanhe Sheji, so it is."

Luo Feng's eyes closed slightly, his feet stepped on the ground, and there were ten thousand water vapors gathering around him.

Heaven and earth, heaven and earth, the world, the society and the grain, all lie here.

Luo Feng realized!

Heaven and earth are a big universe, and the human body is a small universe.

Heaven and Earth are composed of mountains, rivers, and trees, but one piece of soil and one piece of water.

Where is the soil of the human body, where is the water of the human body?

Flesh and blood!

Luo Feng let go of his body and mind, and let the qi and blood in his palms run according to the laws of space.

"Plop, plop!"

A little condensation, and it explodes in an instant!

Luo Feng smiled knowingly and flicked his robe.

The creek ahead suddenly dried up.

Extend your palm.

Flowing water, endlessly.

Business as usual!

"Well, yes, I finally have a place to store things in the future."

After solving the problem, Luo Feng felt very comfortable.

But the next second Luo Feng fell into thinking, what should this trick be called?

Tricks are created, there is always a name.

Luo Feng thought about it, since it is used to store things.

"It's called the primary Tibetan technique."

Luo Feng nodded seriously.

Ready for dinner.

Luo Feng's face froze just before he took two steps.

You, you!Always give me something new!

In a large mansion in Ping'an County.

Headmasters from various schools gather here to celebrate their achievements.

During the banquet, I saw Longhushan Zhang Tianshi suddenly stood up and bowed to Luo Feng and said, "I also invite a real person to serve as the first dean of Kunlun Xian Academy!"

The No. [-] puppet Luo Feng waved his hand quickly and said, "It's not that I'm being modest, you should ask another person to be wise."

Zhang Tianshi said solemnly: "Apart from the real person, no one is convinced."

"As the saying goes, the opportunity cannot be lost, it will never come again."

"It should be noted that China has been behind the West for many years."

"As far as I know, the Western cultivators have been reformed."

"The Millennium Faction in the West, the four Hogwarts colleges have been reformed into Gryffindor Special Operations College, Hufflepuff Service Support College, Ravenclaw Information Engineering College, and Slytherin Infantry Command College."

"It's time to make a change when we practice Qi Yiren!"

Luo Feng, who was far away in the Heavenly Escape Valley, gradually became dazed.

Chapter 63 Kunlun Fairy Academy

The Kunlun Immortal Academy was established by imitating the four major reform academies of the Alchemist Yiren.

Led by Zhang Tianshi from Longhu Mountain and supported by various bigwigs, the Kunlun Immortal Academy plan was proposed.

It mainly cultivates young aliens and ensures that the inheritance of the alien world continues.

Times are changing and the world is changing.

There are also people with long-term vision in the Inhuman world.

In fact, this idea has existed before, and many sect families have also practiced it.

The Kunlun Immortal Academy accommodates hundreds of rivers, and the children of various factions will be included in it.

In the future, the position of the Kunlun Immortal dean will be much higher than that of the head teacher and even the heavenly teacher.

Location is critical.

Lack of convincing people.

Even Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain has the qualifications and strength. He was born in Longhu Mountain, and as the headmaster of Tianshifu, he was suspected of being selfish and brushed it down.

The emergence of Luo Feng, the birth of the Demon Punishment Alliance, and the invasion of Dongying Yiren made it possible for the plan to be implemented.

Strength, qualification, righteousness...

All are available.

The most important thing is Luo Feng's strength, which everyone can see.

No one dares to be jealous, no one dares to disobey.

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