Dongying Yiren thought that his actions were extremely secretive, but in fact they were all recorded by a certain eye.

Five days have passed, Luo Feng...

Luo Feng didn't act any more, just let Divine Sense continue to monitor Dongying Yiren.

Because, the headmasters, gang masters, and leaders of various factions have already arrived.

Inside a large camp.

More than 20 top aliens gathered together, this is most of the strength of the Huaxia alien world.

Any big boss stomps his feet, and the Inhuman Realm can set off a storm.

The moment Luo Feng walked into the camp, except for a few, such as the headmaster of the Shangqing faction.

The other top-notch aliens were stunned for a while, or surprised, or doubted, or...

Without him.

Luo Feng is too young.

With a handsome face, long hair fluttering, and dressed in white, he looks like a fairy in the sky.

Youth is permanent, it seems that it never grows old.

At this moment, Luo Feng looks younger than the disciples of the head teacher and the sect master.

"Which one are you?"

A homeowner from Sichuan questioned Chi Chi.

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Pindao Shangqing Taoist priest, commonly known as Luo Feng, the headmaster can testify. If you don't believe me, you can take a look at my Taoist plate."

The headmaster of the Shangqing faction on one side announced the Boundless Heavenly Venerate, nodded and said, "The leader of the Demon Punishment Alliance is indeed Uncle Luo Feng."

After joining the Shangqing School, Luo Fengtian was the elder of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, and he was respected by generations.

"The Supreme Holy Venerable!"

"Mengzhu Luo, he is really a young talent."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Master Zhang Tianshi of Longhushan declared his superiors, and praised that if counted by seniority, Luo Feng can be counted as many elders present.

It seems a bit inappropriate for you to call a young master uncle.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the headmasters, sect masters, and patriarchs of each family started to exchange greetings.

Only talk about the leader, not about seniority.

Only the headmaster of the Shangqing faction remained silent, his eyes full of pity.

These melon dolls...

Later, let you see how cruel the world is.

Seeing that, Luo Feng smiled lightly and said: "Poverty, it is already the age of forty."

Chapter 57 Heart is Heartbroken

The expressions of the big guys are like this at first.


After getting the confirmation from the headmaster of the Shangqing faction.

The expressions of the major headmasters, sect masters, and patriarchs are like this.


We are strangers who practice Qi, not immortals as the storytellers in the rivers and lakes say! !

The face is immortal, the vitality is immortal, and the previous rumors are gathered.

Are you on the wrong channel? !

The fairy tale next door, the ancient immortality, is your old studio.

Thoughts go back and forth.

The eyes of the big guys are gradually becoming more eager. Since ancient times, foreigners have practiced Qi, what are they asking for?

However, Feathered Fei Xian is immortal.

The 36 thieves who have made a lot of noise in recent years can be traced back to the root.

It's just that, longevity!

But now, there is a living example...

A white-haired sect master couldn't help but asked, "Meng Master Luo, I have a friend Shou Yuan who is approaching. I would like to ask him how to continue his life."

Every word he said caught everyone's attention.

Continue your life?

Luo Feng suddenly remembered that his props, Amon's gift.

Just as he was about to reply, the sky was like a thunderbolt.

"Ahem, fellow Daoists, let's discuss Dongying Yiren first."

Longhu Mountain Zhang Tianshi coughed softly, his voice was like thunder.

It resounded throughout the camp, awakening those who were thinking about their own little abacus.

There is also a difference between the top aliens and the top aliens.

Before the headmaster and the headmaster, there is also a distinction between superior and inferior.

Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain will always be the strongest group of people.

There are many Taoist traditions present, all of which are branches of the Zhengyi faction.

If the alien world is likened to a big mountain, the headmasters are standing on the top of the mountain.

As for Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain, he was standing on the top of the mountain.

The further the avenue is, the bigger the gap is. The slightest gap is the difference between heaven and earth.

When Master Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain spoke, many top aliens were shocked.

The old sect master who asked the question just now changed his face and silently retreated.

He didn't know whether Luo Fengli was powerful or not.

Heavenly Master, that is quite powerful.

People of my own generation live in the shadow of the Celestial Master.

"Tianshi is not in a hurry, fellow Daoists are interested, how about talking about the Dao."

Luo Feng smiled slightly.

People must be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses.

I can make layout because my strength is strong, my spiritual sense is vast, and I have opened the perspective of God.

But there is no certainty about the human heart.

You can't go to the Shaolin Temple to recite Buddha for a few days, and then have an epiphany, and master the power of understanding people's hearts.

Opening and hanging also need to pay attention to the Basic Law!

Therefore, to deal with the old fox, Luo Feng does not like intrigue, nor will he use intrigue.

Playing with a group of old foxes who have been in high positions for decades, playing with their minds and intrigues, I am afraid they will be played to death.

Similar to the historical traveler, instead of farming, click on the technology tree.Instead, he went into the court to play officialdom.Eat jujube pills!

Playing the short board with the long board is the correct way.

One force to break all laws is the right way.

"There are three treasures in the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the three treasures, water, fire, wind, and people."

"Pin Dao's cultivation of longevity is only three words of spirit and energy."

Luo Feng smiled slightly: "Everyone, please take a look."

A little bit, three lotus flowers appeared, and the white air floated up, dragging the three lotus flowers, pure white as jade, green and green, with a mighty purple energy.

"This is the flower of essence!"

He stretched out his fingers to pinch the flower of the tenth-grade essence, and threw it to the outside. The lotus grew with the wind, swaying to give birth to vitality. The agile and active white lotus occupies a high place in the void, swaying in the wind.

In the lotus, stood a little golden man, the golden man descended from the sky, shouted loudly, stepped on the earth, and the heaven and the earth suddenly sank.

In the open space ahead, the earth dragon turned over, and suddenly a large hole appeared, 500 meters long and 20 meters high, like a high-rise square standing underground.

"This is the flower of God!"

He stretched out his fingers to pick up the flower of the Eighth-Rank God, and threw it out. The lotus flower was scattered into powder, and it became eight hundred thoughts scattered around the world.

Spiritual Mind is like a skilled craftsman who carves the hollow pit below.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, the original pit turned into a sophisticated square.

Like the Colosseum in Rome.

Simple and unpretentious, at first glance, it is a violent excavation, which turns into steps, layer upon layer.

"This is the flower of qi!"

He stretched out his fingers and pinched the small, cute, verdant [-]th-grade qi flower, and he took a breath.

Stepping out one step, Luo Feng carried the air dragon, and the air dragon brought the big men to the underground square.

Do everything.

Luo Feng turned around and said with a smile: "The way of longevity is not difficult, as long as you practice hard."

"Essence, energy and spirit are complete, naturally light and healthy, and there is no disaster or catastrophe!"

"You can understand"

The old sect master who asked the previous question swallowed his saliva and nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Understand, understand"

The other headmasters, the Patriarch also woke up like a dream, nodded frantically and said, "Understood, understand."

Luo Feng glanced at it and sighed.

Sure enough, the essence of human beings is a repeater.

At this moment, Longhu Mountain Zhang Tianshi stood up, with a solemn face, and gave a sect salute: "I dare to ask the uncle, what realm is now."

Luo Feng smiled indifferently and said, "I'm just an ordinary acquired monk, an ordinary acquired alien."

Longhushan Zhang Tianshi's mouth twitched, the day after tomorrow?

How much do you look down on the acquired cultivator!

The unwilling Longhushan Zhang Tianshi bowed again and asked sincerely, "What level are you in the day after tomorrow?"

Luo Feng thought for a while, then smiled: "The avenue is profound and mysterious, and unattainable. Pindao barely takes a step, and he can be regarded as a near-innate cultivator."

Longhu Mountain Zhang Tianshi's face twitched, innate?

He has never seen any of the innate masters on the rivers and lakes.

I read less, you lied to me!

Looking at the appearance of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi, Luo Feng couldn't help sighing.

What is going on in this world.

To be honest, no one believed it.

I am really just an acquired cultivator, and I haven't even touched the profound entrance.

"Everyone, take your seats."

"Let's talk about it first, Dongying Yiren."

Luo Feng said slowly

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