The monk finally said the third method: "The third method is to make up for the mistakes, go to the netherworld, and use the five innate virtues to erase the sins in the book of life and death, so as to reincarnate normally."

"If others help, not only must offset the five innate virtues, but also shoulder the sins of the reincarnated."

The Skeleton Ghost Emperor is a little disappointed. The relationship between the ghosts of the underworld and the ghosts and gods of the Netherworld is the government army and bandits. It cannot be said that the army and the people are fish and water, at least it is the incompatibility of water and fire.

In the past, it was okay to bribe small things, but once it involves such a big matter as the book of life and death, it is destined to develop into a fellow villager who borrows a ghost to receive a reward.

Ao Bing couldn't help muttering: "This method is more difficult than the previous two."

Who is willing to waste the precious five innate virtues, which are helpful for enlightenment, on a group of hellish ghosts.

In the end, you have to shoulder the sins. This is no longer self-sacrifice. Whoever wants to do this is a big fool.

The next second, Ao Bing saw that the bald-headed saint in front of him seemed to have turned into a big fool... Ao Bing slapped himself, almost thinking it was an illusion.

The skeleton ghost emperor shed tears of blood and murmured, "Great Sage!"

The monk showed perseverance and compassion, and the thousand-leaf green lotus under his seat bloomed with endless light. The gentle green glow illuminated the woman on the fire of the soul of the skeleton ghost emperor, and it continued to expand, illuminating the realm of the underworld, like daytime.

The pearl in the palm is like the light of three thousand worlds blooming. Hundreds of millions of Jingzhao light shines into the depths of the underworld, forcibly opening a channel to lead all living beings to do good.

With a shake of gold and tin in his hand, the gate of hell suddenly opened, sinking into the underworld, and the ghosts who have been persistent for hundreds of millions of years seem to have glimpsed a glimmer of hope.

It seems that under the shining of the brilliance, the obsession of hundreds of millions of years can be ended, entering the gate of hell, and starting a new reincarnation.

"The bright pearl illuminates the road to heaven, and Jinxi shakes open the gate of hell." Ao Bing trembled all over, and suddenly remembered an allusion, and a famous supernatural being rang out.

The four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, who are as restless as the earth, meditate as deeply as a secret treasure, and symbolize the great wish of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

"Ksitigarbha, are you meddling again?!"

A majestic and vast voice came from the depths of Huangquan

In the sky, a gentle female voice persuaded: "What's so good about monk hell, if you want to save all living beings, it's better to go to the human world."

Ksitigarbha showed compassion and perseverance, and clasped his palms together and said, "Hell? The three realms are huge, and the sea of ​​suffering is surging. Where is not hell, and where is not the sea of ​​suffering."

"Wish to do it!"

An extremely ugly giant came from the depths of the underworld. It had nine heads, each with a thousand eyes, nine hundred and ninety hands, and eight legs. If you want to enter the underworld to save evil spirits, okay, pass me first."

"Disaster, disaster!" The Skeleton Ghost Emperor exclaimed, he had been making trouble for a long time without triggering the taboo of Huang Quan, but this great sage triggered it as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he is extremely capable of doing things.

Chapter 79 Law and Mercy (3/5)

Huangquan is divided into three sections. The upper reaches are the corrupted world universe and a small number of wandering souls. The middle reaches have a large number of evil spirits and evil spirits and most of the corrupted worlds and universes. On weekdays, the evil spirits will break through the middle reaches of the fallen universe, and the creatures in it will for food.

The downstream is pure corrosion and depravity, the cosmic world that falls into it turns into blood, even the most vicious ghost king and ghost emperor can't avoid the downstream of Huangquan.

Because the lower reaches of the Yellow Spring no longer go to the Yellow Spring, but an endless sea of ​​blood, covering the filthy and dirty sea of ​​blood of the entire multiverse!

For the group of ghosts, the taboo of Huangquan is not the second demon ancestor in the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor Styx.

Patriarch Styx is too tall and too far away to ignore these little ghosts at all. For the group of ghosts, the real terror is the Asura clan under Patriarch Styx!

Asura males are ugly in stature; Asura females are handsome and beautiful, and like to kill and fight, they are born war races.

Moreover, the Asura tribe is orthodox in the netherworld, with the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, and the power and malignity of gods and ghosts.

Even old ghosts are nothing more than sandbags and snacks to the Asura tribe. They come to eat snacks when they are happy, and play sandbags when they are unhappy.

And the four kings of the Asura tribe, it is said that they have reached the legendary Daluo Eternal Realm after their meritorious deeds!

Although the Skeleton Ghost Emperor has never met him, he has also heard about King Asura's reputation.

"It has nine heads, each with thousands of eyes, nine hundred and ninety hands, eight legs, and a fire-breathing mouth." The Skeleton Ghost Emperor wailed like a groan: "He...he is Vimazhitara."

King Asura of the Eternal Realm of Da Luo confronted a saint from outside, their swords were on edge, their bodies exuded a terrifying aura, that aura seemed to be brewing the calm before the storm, it was frightening!

This is a big Luo fight, the gods suffer!

When the skeleton ghost emperor was terrified, he glanced at Ao Bing's relaxed expression, and couldn't help asking: "Boy, why don't you panic?"

Between Ao Bing's eyebrows, the seeds of catastrophe and seeds of doom swirl wildly, absorbing disaster disaster Zhiqi, but his face is indifferent: "You don't need to run away for a small catastrophe, but you can't escape a big catastrophe."

The Skeleton Ghost Emperor was speechless for a while, and after a while, he choked out a sentence: "As expected of a real dragon, the mentality is not so good."

Ao Bing smiled calmly, and he was less panicked when encountering major events, because such a major event that affects the time and space of the heavens is destined to attract the attention of the great sages of the heavens, and his teacher, Emperor Dongyin, is bound to be among them.

As a member of the Da Luomen, he is not afraid of big events, Ao Bing is ready to lie down, if he is ignorant, but if he meets Tie Wa, an extraordinary leader, it will be a monkey making trouble in the Heavenly Palace——The Jade Emperor has troubles that cannot be explained .


Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is going to the underworld to save countless evil spirits. This is a matter of great compassion, great perseverance, and great merit. It can even be regarded as a patching procedure for the six reincarnations.

However, the position often determines everything, and one hair can affect the whole body.

If Ksitigarbha wants to enter the underworld, there will naturally be Da Luo who will intercept him, and King Asura is the first level of the force test!

Asura, who is famous for killing, is destined to fight.

Holding a jewel in his left hand and a tin staff in his right, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva standing on the green lotus flower of Qianye is about to let King Asura see the richness of Buddhist culture and the kindness of Mount Sumeru, and understand what is called great compassion!

The fruit status of Buddhism is divided into three classes from Vajra Arhat, Six Paradigm Bodhisattva, and Nirvana Buddha.But there are exceptions to everything, and Bodhisattva status is no exception.

The four great bodhisattvas symbolizing "wisdom, compassion, action, and wish" treat them as ordinary bodhisattvas, and they really don't know how to die.

Why do you want to be a Bodhisattva instead of upgrading to a Buddha? Because a Bodhisattva has the title of Dharma Prince, which is equivalent to the successor of the Buddha.

Becoming a Buddha is only the president of a branch company, and only becoming a Bodhisattva can become the chairman of Lingshan Company.

"The reason why the four great Bodhisattvas of Wisdom, Compassion, Action, and Vow are Bodhisattvas is because they are willing to be Bodhisattvas.

"The supreme, profound and wonderful dharma is difficult to encounter in hundreds of thousands of kalpas. I have learned and accepted it, and I wish to understand the true meaning of the Tathagata." Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva recited and sat down on the lotus platform.

The poor monk is sitting here today, if he can hit me with a lotus flower, I will lose!

Vimazhidara felt that he was being despised, and he shouted angrily, venting his endless mana, and drew the incarnation of Daluo from the 12 Jingzhao time and space, and in an instant, countless Asura kings blasted ten 8000 billion punches, like the divine light flowing backwards in the galaxy, bombarded the body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva overwhelmingly. That scene was too spectacular, covering the underworld, annihilating time, and covering the underworld!

All the great sages watching the battle said in unison: "What a King Asura, really good."

They can also do this kind of energy series mobilization, but they can't be as fast and orderly as Vimashitara. There are ripples between fists, resonating, and amplifying in a vibrational way.

Little fist prints fell like rain on the glass body of the bodhisattva, creating waves and ripples, illuminating the ten realms of law.

The blue lotus under the base of the earth storehouse turns into a lotus flower of great treasure. Its flower is vast, equal to millions of three thousand great thousand worlds. All the deeds are completed, and the light is constantly shining to illuminate the Dharma Realm.

It is not visible to all heavens and myriad worlds. The lotus platform is made of the gems of Vilikuli Mani as the stem, the king of sandalwood is the platform, the manao is the beard, and the gold of Yamafuta is the leaves. There is always immeasurable light in its flowers. Covering the thirteen thousand great thousand worlds with as many lotus blossoms as the dust particles in the world.

Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, with compassion on his face and full of smiles, sits on the lotus platform. Innumerable Bodhisattvas are regarded as his family members. Each sits on the other lotus flowers and surrounds them. Each of them has a million samadhis and pays homage to the great Bodhisattva.

"Because of kindness, I vow to save all beings. The gold and tin in my hand shake open the gate of hell. The pearl in my palm, the light captures the world. In the sound of wisdom, in the clouds of auspiciousness. For Jambudvipa, I will be a great proof of meritorious deeds. Great compassion and great vows , Great Sage and Great Mercy. The deity Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Mahasattva!"

Endless arhats, immeasurable bodhisattvas, heavenly dragons and heavenly beings, golden flowers scattered, reciting names, and blocking fist seals one after another.

Standing on one side, Ao Bing saw Da Luo Zhe's full firepower output for the first time, even knowing that he was safe, he couldn't help being stunned for a long time.

After a while, Ao Bing said from the bottom of his heart: "I can't bear it, it's like the earth, and I meditate deeply, like a secret treasure."

If force fails, you know you are invincible.

King Asura snorted coldly, retreated by himself, and returned to the sea of ​​blood in Huangquan.

However, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not relax at all, and became more and more solemn, staring closely at the place of the underworld.

Sure enough, a moment later, a god-man dressed in imperial clothes rose from the throne, asking like Hong Zhongchui, "Ksitigarbha really has great mana and supernatural powers."

"Of course, the Underworld Division has strict laws!"

"I, today I want to ask Ksitigarbha, what about compassion and law?!"

"If a ghost does evil and is not punished, can it really go to reincarnation?!"

Chapter 80 I am the Demon Ancestor and so am I

The brilliance of black and white burns like a flame, illuminating the entire underworld, spanning the nether world, eighteen layers of hell, endless netherworld and all kinds of people bowing down to the majestic emperors and gods on the frame of the nine dragons. Facing the judge, the big and small Yin Shuai mightily support him by his side.

The Nether Dragon is the driver, the Netherland, the sun and the moon are the forerunners, so majestic and brilliant, only the Son of Heaven in the Yin, the Nether Emperor, who is in charge of the Division of the Underworld, is the master of ghosts in the world, the Northern Yin Emperor of Fengdu!

Reincarnation Houtu is the pioneer of the Nether System, Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu is the leader of the Nether System, and the Asura tribe, well, at most they are the nails of the Nether System.

Asura King's fight against Ksitigarbha was just the resistance of the local creatures of the Netherworld. His attack was a test of Ksitigarbha, and it was just the simplest test, a test.

The basis of force can solve most things, but not all things. The six realms of reincarnation, life and death in the nether world are entangled, and it is impossible to break through all laws with one force.

The appearance of Emperor Beiyin in Fengdu symbolizes the real beginning of the Nether World's assessment of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

When compassion and law conflict, how do you deal with it? !

If a ghost does evil and is not punished, can it really go to reincarnation? !

If this is the case, is there justice in the universe if the evil ghosts go to reincarnation and the victims cry? !

Facing the questioning sound like a mighty voice from the sky, it was as if countless beings persecuted by evil spirits shouted and asked: "Why, why do you save those murderers!"

"What qualifications do you have to forgive them for me!"

"Ksitigarbha, you are a bitch!"

Endless grievances entangled, countless disasters poured in, Ao Bing almost vomited blood on one side, countless disasters poured into his body too much, too big.

The three worlds and ten directions, the great sages and heavenly deities are all watching this place, waiting for a reasonable answer. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva took a deep breath, his heart was stirred by the angry interrogation, his face showed compassion, and he clasped his hands together and said: "All dharmas are based on The principle of cause and effect can be generated or destroyed. Cause can be born, and effect can be born. If there is a cause, there must be an effect, and if there is an effect, there must be a cause. From the cause to the effect, the cause and effect are natural. "

"Cause and effect pervade the past, present, and future, and everything is governed by the law of cause and effect."

"Evil consequences cannot be offset, only borne."

"The poor monk is willing to set up eighteen layers of hell to deter the evil spirits from the heavens"

A Buddha's trumpet sounded, and countless lights emerged, projecting the [-] hells in the nether world, such as Tongue Pulling Hell, Scissors Hell, Iron Tree Hell, Evil Mirror Hell, Steamer Hell, Copper Pillar Hell, Sword Mountain Hell, Iceberg Hell, Oil Pan Hell, Bull pit hell, stone crushing hell, mortar hell, blood pool hell, vain death hell, punishment hell, volcano hell, stone grinding hell, knife saw hell.

All kinds of cruel criminal laws in the world are included, and the time of the first level of hell is longer than that of the first level. From the first level of 1 years to the last level of 13 billion years, it is a period of time for Da Luo Tianzun. The long years.

Many evil spirits in Huangquan were completely dumbfounded. Grandma Li, this bald donkey with a bald head can speak better than she sings.

Are you sure you are here to save us, not to help the evildoers? ! !

Ao Bing was completely stunned. The [-] hells of feelings were established by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and you are the ones who are cruel. No wonder later generations always say that Buddha and demon are one. This is the great mercy of Buddhism.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had a calm face, clasped his palms together and asked, "What do you think, the Emperor!"

Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu was silent for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Not bad, not bad, really good!"

"Baldhead, consider jumping to this emperor's place, we are short of talents like you in the underworld, how about I give you a Dongyue Great Emperor position?!"

"Ksitigarbha devotes all his heart to the Dharma." Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows and said, "I am determined to overcome all sufferings and save all ghosts!"

Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu sighed slightly, every era has always answered like this, could it be that he really can't dig the corner of the Buddhist gate.

Just as the emperor was thinking, a sinister laugh sounded like a villain, "Jie Jiejie..." The endless black lotus rolled, and a black-clothed ancestor appeared on the stage and sneered: "There are countless tortures in the [-]th hell. People are stunned by the compassion of your Dharma."

"Ksitigarbha, why don't you enter the nether world, how about coming to my magic way?!"

The patriarch of the demonic way who came out of nowhere made the air quiet, and the eyes and pupils of Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu shrank. This tone, this familiar attire is Luo...

Before the sentient beings could think for a moment, another Demon Dao Luo

"That's right, that's right!" Holding up the sea of ​​blood in Huangquan, a blood-clothed ancestor said sarcastically: "I just fell into hell, and now I am here to rescue him, and I will stand again. The perpetual motion machine of merit and virtue belongs to it."

"Buddha and demon are one, Ksitigarbha, you are a plastic talent, you should join the ancestor's sect."

"What you said is very true!" Countless destructive spirits rolled, and an ancestor in white stepped on a black lotus flower, his face was as cold as ice, and he understood in a cold voice: "Kill all the ghosts, and hell will be empty!"

Endless slaughter erupted, countless evil spirits wailed, countless resentful souls roared, countless sinful auras rolled, Huangquan changed color, thunder and lightning danced wildly, and Hidden looked surprised. There was no such scene in previous scripts?Which Taoist Taiyi is adding drama to himself!

"Dare to ask, what are the names of the three fellow Taoists?" Ksitigarbha weighed his words, and asked cautiously.

"This seat is Mie Shi Luo Hou!"

"I am Baidi Luohu!"

Above Huangquan, the three great powers all burst out their names, and Da Luo's coercion swept through the nine heavens and ten places, and Huangquan began to divert.

Many mysterious beings in the void began to whisper.

"Haha, this is so much fun."

"Is this called self-eating evil consequences?"

"However, then again, what is going on here?" "But this is very interesting, shall we join in?" The three Rahus who were fighting fiercely above fell silent suddenly, showing their faces one after another. An awkward yet polite smile.

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