

As soon as these words came out, the cave instantly became noisy.

Words similar to Baga popped out.

Accidentally, he spoke his native language.

All of them are aliens from Dongying.

"Shut up! So loud and speaking Japanese, are you courting death?!"

The leader of many aliens, Tian Zijun suddenly shouted

There were a few more drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

The aliens in the cave are like waking up from a dream, their hands and feet are cold, and some of them can't even hold a cane.

"This place is five hundred miles away from the heart of the war, so the devil won't hear it."

An alien said cautiously

Not only is he convincing people, he is also comforting himself.

The air was silent for a long time, a long time.

Tian Zijun breathed a sigh of relief, having not come for so long.

This wave is stable!

This is when people think they can sit back and relax.

A voice with a smile rang out.

"Not surprised, not surprised."

In an instant, his hands and feet were cold, and his limbs were indescribable.

It should be said that it seems to have come to the legendary Avici Hell!

Do not!Worse than hell!


Tian Zijun summoned his courage and shouted loudly.

As a result, it was found that only him and a few seriously injured Inhumans were left in the cave.

Facing Luo Feng, there is no need to remind him to escape.

It has become an instinct.

As for the resistance, uh, you must be scared crazy.

At this moment, a sneer came from the sky.

"Can you escape?"

Tian Zijun instinctively raised his head to look, this look almost didn't mention his eyeballs popping out.

In the sky, there is a golden statue of a god with a height of six feet, about 20 meters, majestic and magnificent.

What is even more terrifying is that the golden body god is holding a small mountain hundreds of feet in his hands!

"Is that human being?!"

Tian Zijun had given up his resistance, his eyes were blank, staring at the sky stupidly.

In my mind, the strong men of Dongying's past dynasties appeared, but none of them could stand side by side with them, not even one tenth of them.

Going back in time, a hundred years, a thousand years...

Suddenly, Tian Zijun remembered a fairy tale.

"That's what I heard... At that time, the World-Honored One changed his dharma attire, and with the big finger of his right foot, he lifted the rock up to the Brahma Heaven. He held it with the right palm of his hand, turned it three times into the void, and went to the ground four feet and nine feet to the ground. In the palm of the hand. Three fingers smash the crumbs, blowing the order and pinning it down, and the three thousand great thousand worlds are shaken six times."


It circles around the mountains and forms a four-sided domain.The people of Manchuria are so full of divine satisfaction that they are like big eyes, and they fill the three thousand great thousand worlds one by one. They are not as powerful as the Tathagata’s divine power a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred million times, and a huge billion times.It is for the strength of the Tathagata God. "


Fifty miles away, the old monk Yehu Chan recited a Buddha's name: "This is the Sutra of the Buddha's teaching of the warriors moving mountains."

Everyone looked different, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"I have a word, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Yang Yungun looked at the monks in Shaolin Temple, then at the old monk, and asked cautiously, "Are all your Buddhist scriptures true?"

Whether or not the scriptures are true is a great insult to monks.

However, the expressions of several monks present were indifferent. Apart from the extremely high state of mind, there was another reason.

The little monk of Shaolin Temple declared a Buddha name and said in an extremely plain tone: "I am a little monk, and I know the Buddha Dharma."

Looking at the sacred figure in the sky, the little monk had committed anger for the first time since he was born.

In the end, it was the old monk who gave the answer, in the tone of describing legends and myths: "Most of the scriptures are true, and monks do not dare to falsify."

"It's just that there is no true Buddha in the world."

The scriptures are naturally not false, and the same scriptures are circulated in the heavens and the world, and the Hengsha universe.

It's just that there are no real Buddhas in the mountains.

Among the aliens, several Taoist priests also recited Tianzun Dao: "It is this principle, the Taoist scriptures are the same, and there is no Tianzun."

Who in heaven!

Buddha? !Immortal? ? !


For a time, the sound really resounded through the sky, and for a time, the earth really shook the cracks.

Nothing is true, nothing is false.

It's not the martial arts artistic conception of the storytellers in the rivers and lakes, but it really happened.

The smoke and dust are clear, and the situation is moving.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Li Yanfu read a poem: "Heaven and earth are not bound, everything depends on the heart."


When Luo Feng came back, everyone bowed.

After a little chat.

Finally someone couldn't take it anymore.

A foreigner who was carrying a long sword bowed and asked eagerly, "Senior Luo, there is something unclear about this junior."

This is a sword immortal from Shu, whose name is Qingming, with one-handed swordsmanship, which makes Luo Fenghaosheng envy.

Although he can also take people's heads with a sword, but in the past, he was rude and had no artistic sense of beauty.

Luo Feng nodded and smiled: "Qingming Sword Immortal, please speak."

Old Qing Ming blushed and said, "I don't dare to call myself a Sword Immortal in front of the seniors. The junior wants to ask why the seniors can explore the position of Dongying Yiren."

After more than ten days, after the battle, the people of Dongying have long been wary and fearful.

The chosen location is extremely secretive.

If it wasn't for Luo Feng's leadership, Qing Ming and the others would have been searching for at least ten days and a half months.

Luo Feng smiled slightly and said, "I have the help of luck, and the way of the soul will go further."

"Now I can achieve thought differentiation. Before, I separated 72 thoughts,"

"Every thought must be inspected for several miles before the traces of Dongying aliens can be found."


"Differentiation of thoughts?"

The former was an expert from Buddhism and Taoism who couldn't help asking, while the latter was Qing Ming who exclaimed in surprise, Luo Feng said with a smile: "Listen to me carefully."

Chapter 51 Trinity destroys the family!

Luo Feng looked at the aliens from the Buddhist and Taoist families, and said with a chuckle, "I want to come, there is a record of luck in your sect."

Longhushan Mo Yandao muttered immeasurably and nodded in agreement.

However, there are different opinions on the Buddhist side. The old monk proclaimed the Buddha's name and said: "There is no such thing as luck in my sect, but there is also a way of retribution."

Luo Feng said a little: "The avenue is mysterious, and the same destination is the same."

"According to the way of Taoism, I will be loyal and loyal to the country, with the help of China's luck."

"According to the theory of retribution, it should be our actions that have good causes, and then we will have good results."

Having said this, Luo Feng paused, raised a finger and said, "But the Daomen and Buddhism's theory of luck is too mysterious and mysterious, and it is difficult to understand."

"I myself have some insights into the cause and effect of luck and humanism."

"Appreciate further details!"

Everyone was attentive and listened carefully, just like primary school students waiting for the teacher to hand out candy.

This kind of Dao theory is by no means recorded in detail in the book Daojing.

I saw a golden light emerge from Luo Feng's fingertips, slowly converging into a drop of gold liquid.

"This is luck, and I have called it humane merit."

"Humanity is like a human being, there are joys, sorrows and sorrows, and there are natural reflections."

Having said this, Luo Feng paused again, pointed at Yang Yungun and said with a smile: "Brother, set an example."

Yang Yungun stood up dumbfounded, what does he have to do with humanistic merit.

When Yang Yungun stood up, Luo Feng patted him on the chest and asked, "What would happen to you if I slapped you."

Yang Yungun said without hesitation: "I will die without even being a scum."

Everyone listening, nodded subconsciously

Luo Feng's face darkened: "I mean a very light palm."

Yang Yungun thought for a while and hesitated, "A whole corpse?!"

"You don't need a slap of Qi."

"Probably vomit blood."

Luo Feng waved his hand and let the unsuccessful example go back and sit down.

Then, with a serious face, he said, "Although, Fellow Daoist Yang is not a good example."

"However, let me explain that if someone hits someone, there will be a reaction."

"For example, if I hit Daoyou Yang with a palm, Daoyou Yang will be injured, and my hand will hurt."

"This is the interaction force, which is one of the fundamental factors of humanity. As long as one object exerts a force on another object, the force receiving object in turn will definitely exert a force on the force object."

"Similarly, we give humanity a force, and humanity will give back a force."

"The power of this feedback is called luck, and it is called humanistic merit."

Everyone was thoughtful, saying this, they seemed to understand the mysterious luck of the mysterious.

An old Taoist smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist Luo, these words are truly exquisite."

"Yeah, yeah, it's really a lot of hype, and the ground is swarming with golden lotuses."

The little monk smiled and relapsed again.

Next, whether you understand it or not, piles of rainbow farts will be sent without money.


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