First day

"Monsters from other dimensions crossed the Hulao star pass and appeared on the star road."

Second day

"The unexplainable Human Slaughter Demon King is approaching Tianzhongxing Pass."

Third day

"Despicable and shameless kleptocrats have entered the hinterland of the empire."

fourth day

"The Star Salvation Army has come to Turing Star."

fifth day

"The great Luo Shengxian is approaching the star port."

The sixth day

"The powerful and terrifying Supreme Marshal arrived before the imperial capital today!"

the seventh day

"Our great sage, marshal, mentor, Luo Feng, came here alone in a carriage this morning. Blessed is the Empire, the Star Salvation Army is invincible!"

Chapter 37 The Lord's Conspiracy

Since the Lord God Empire came across the border, it began to build an empire. With its own huge power, it conquered many civilizations in the universe. Facts have proved that those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish.

A huge and deformed empire, from zero to strong, didn't work for a few years at all.

The advantage is that there is no need to consume vitality, but the disadvantage is that without the baptism of blood and tears, an empire will be a castle in the air after all, lacking a spirit and an ideology that dominates society.

In the past, relying on the high-pressure policy and absolute power of the main god emperor, these disadvantages were suppressed to the point of insignificance.

But now that the Star Salvation Army is approaching the city, the past problems are like spring vegetation violently overthrowing stones and flourishing.long.

Shouting outside the city: "Gun in hand, follow me, kill the Lord God, grab the empire!"

The hearts of the people in the city are scattered, and rumors are everywhere. People who used to dare to be angry but dare not speak out now stand up.

In a dark corner in the south of the city, the two faced each other. One of the black-robed men said in a low voice, "Brother, you are already a four-star master. You can leave the mercenary and become an official in the empire."

"Why do you have to come back?"

A single-eyed middle-aged man stepped out of a dark corner, came under the light, and twitched his mouth: "Do you still remember our oath?"

The two coincidentally read in a low voice: "Don't ask whether the bonfire should burn, first ask whether the cold and darkness are still there; don't ask whether the bullets should be loaded, first ask whether y, bx is still there; don't ask whether there is a tomorrow for the cause of justice , first ask if the injustice in the world is still there!"

Although the middle-aged man has one eye, it is as bright as a star.

"If there is a sacrifice, I am willing to be the first."

"The empire has been established for 300 years and has never declined. Today is the only opportunity."

The tiny flame was in the corner, but it was noticed by the black crow.

Because this city is already dark, the faintest brilliance can be easily detected, and there is no chance to grow.

However, this time is different from the past, the black crow did not win the killing, but flew into a courtyard according to the order of the boss.

The information was uploaded layer by layer, from low-level reincarnators, to imperial officials, to high-level reincarnators, and finally reached the core of the empire.

A pair of scale-like hands took over the information, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Not knowing is ridicule, whose ignorance.

Layers of palace gates are like nine heavenly gates, opening meanderingly, deep and magnificent; the person in charge of the imperial intelligence bowed down to Dan Chi, and met the main god emperor, a majestic and majestic tall god.

The scaled hands handed over the information, Gao Dashen took it for review, and couldn't help sneering: "Okay, okay, it's really a blessing and a curse, these ants jumped out together."

The person in charge of the imperial intelligence said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, do you want to kill these ants?"

"No need." Gao Dashen waved his hand and said disdainfully: "The ants are just bait, and their function is to test the few big fish that are still in the water."

"The focus now is on the few big fish that have been hooked, don't let them get away."

The head of imperial intelligence bowed his head: "Of order"

"How many senior reincarnations have the rebel group recruited?"

The person in charge of the Empire's intelligence said in a deep voice: "Headed by Qingyuan Jinxian, there is the commander of the Poison Immortal, and there is the Forbidden Army Fighting King, there are..."

A series of names were announced, and the expression of the main god emperor became darker.

Until the person in charge of the empire's intelligence reported the last name: "And the leader of this rebellion, the imperial intelligence envoy, the king of heavenly dragons and demons."

Before the words were finished, a dwarf jumped out from among the tall gods. The dwarf was embroidered with talisman pictures, his eyes flashed brightly, and he smiled triumphantly: "Yes, yes, even though these old bastards are as cunning as ghosts, they must obediently drink my bath. Foot water."

"Who would have thought that the Heavenly Dragon God and Demon King, who is innocent and has been promoted all the way to the Heavenly Dragon Realm, is the avatar of this seat."

The Heavenly Dragon Demon King lowered his head and suppressed a smile, and complimented: "I have all-hands and eyes, and I can plan strategies. I have all the rebels under control. How to deal with them, please try it!"

The main god smiled crookedly, and the victory was already in his hands.

"From the moment the imperial rebels appeared, I noticed that there was a ghost inside."

"Don't mess around, let them break into the palace tomorrow, conduct the last test, and determine the target for a big cleansing."

The Heavenly Dragon Demon King bowed his head to promise, and then reminded him loyally: "My lord, it is important to deal with the inner ghost, but there are still soldiers outside the city."

When it comes to judging the army, the Lord God is even more dismissive: "It's just some native cannon fodder, the white gloves of the empire's traitors, it's not worth mentioning."

The Heavenly Dragon Demon King loyally reminded: "It is said that there are more than 4000 innate immortals in the Star Salvation Army."

"It's just a fairy, it's just a fairy."

The main god raised his head arrogantly, and said arrogantly: "This deity is in charge of the main god's space. After many years of practice, I have reached the realm of Hunyuan Yiqi God Emperor Taishang Supreme Hongmeng Chaos Supreme Golden Immortal."

"That congenital is nothing more than the realm of the natives, and the real combat power is equivalent to that of a fairy. Even if there is a little magic, it is nothing more than an ant to this deity."

"The gap between Xiantian and Jinxian is as big as the sky!"

"The important thing is that Qingyuan old man and the ghosts of the empire behind the rebels."

The Heavenly Dragon God and Demon King nodded seriously: "Yeah, you are right, my deity."

"The gap between Xiantian and Jinxian is really as big as the sky."

"I'll do it right now."

Everything went according to the script.

There is chaos outside the city, and undercurrents are surging inside the city. People outside the city want to come in, and people inside the city want to go out.

Day two.

The Jiuchongtian Palace was opened, and the Lord God Emperor summoned his ministers in the Taiji Hall to discuss countermeasures against the rebels.

As soon as they stepped into the hall, ordinary ministers did not respond, but the expressions of several ministers at the core of the high-level reincarnation empire changed drastically.

Kneeling in the main hall were several generals and officials, all of whom were from the Jinxian lineage of Qingyuan.

The tall god-man and god-emperor sat on the imperial throne, and said coldly: "The rebellion is coming, I thought you and the others would work together, but I didn't expect, I didn't expect, there are people who want to collude with the rebels and destroy the empire, what is tolerable?" Intolerable!"

"The four generals of Tianmen, headed by Gao Dasheng, have a total of five, and I had to dismiss three. The commander of the imperial army, I had to order one to be buried alive. Five star governors who escaped back, I had to kill five with my own hands. .”

"Look at these few people, which one is not white at the temples, which one is not the pillar of the empire, which one is not the old man in my reincarnation space, they are dead, my heart is about to break!"

"The Lord God of the previous generation handed over the reincarnation space to me, but it turned out like this. I am heartbroken."

"The people kneeling below are guilty of the empire, ashamed of me, and of the reincarnation space. I can't wait to kill these traitors! And you, I know, some of you are more cowardly than the two saints! I always want to collude with those rebels!"

"Until now, I didn't understand that the troubles in the empire's heart are not outside, but in the court, in this court meeting! There is a second-five son here, and the outside will attack one step. If you are all second-five sons, all parts of the empire Hearing the wind, he will come down and let you and me die without a place to die!"

"Think about it, it's only been a few years since the power of humanity has blocked the space of the Lord God? Forgot!!"

The Lord God was so angry that he scolded the officials so that they dared not look up and trembled.

Many people were even ashamed, because the Lord God Emperor definitely knew that he was involved in the conspiracy.

Chapter 38 Gourd wins

At this critical moment, the head of the empire's intelligence, the Heavenly Dragon Demon God King, stood up and shouted angrily, "Shut up!"

"You scolded many ministers, but you don't know that the loss of the reincarnation space and the fault of the empire are all due to your lack of morality."

The Lord God smiled gratifiedly, and the avatar came out to sing a bad face, and went fishing.

After Qingyuan Jinxian and others were slightly surprised, they all stood behind the Tianlong Demon King to express their support.

The Lord God has already seen through their rebellion, and it will not help if they continue to pretend, so they simply rebelled.

"Follow the way of heaven, kill the faint king!"

"Wish to be with me today, stand on the right side, and share wealth and honor in the future."

"I don't want to participate, I don't want to help and stand in the middle, and I won't pursue it in the future."

Qingyuan Jinxian is also a veteran, and he made a political commitment in an instant.

After a burst of commotion, the main hall was clearly divided. Most of the reincarnated people stood on the side of Qingyuan Jinxian, Tianlong Shenmowang, and a small number of reincarnated people stood in the middle.

The ministers who stayed on the side of the main god emperor were all local talents cultivated by the empire in the universe, and they were somewhat loyal to the empire and the main god.

On the throne, a cold light flashed in the pupils of the tall godly man. Sure enough, only those he cultivated by himself can be trusted.

One of these reincarnations counts as one, and they all deserve to be killed!

"Is that all?!" The Lord God said coldly, facing the majority without fear.

Qingyuan Jinxian took a step forward and couldn't wait to shout: "Fun Lord, don't pretend to be a ghost, and die quickly!"

The Lord God smiled slightly: "In that case, then please die together!"

With a wave of the right hand, the grand formation in the Tai Chi Hall is activated, and spiritual energy, magic, supernatural powers, supernatural abilities, and supernatural laws are all banned!

When the form changed again, everyone in the hall turned pale and lost the power they were proud of.

"Unscientific array!"

Qingyuan Jinxian exclaimed, recognized the history of the formation, and then stared at the main god and shouted: "What are you going to do, this formation is activated, even you can't use supernatural power. Only the power of pure race .”

As soon as he said a word, countless eyes looked around, for fear that a giant dragon, Balrog, Titan, such a guy with natural supernatural power would jump out.

In the end, in the end, all eyes stopped, on the Heavenly Dragon Demon God King, because in the Tai Chi Hall, only he was a pure divine beast, and the rest, even if they were special, were only a few hundred catties in strength.

"Dragon King! You"

Qingyuan Jinxian looked embarrassed, as if thinking of some bad possibility.

The ministers who dared to rebel were neither smart nor fools. They could naturally think of things that Qingyuan Jinxian could think of.

This time, the core issue on the Qing emperor's side actually focused on the Heavenly Dragon Demon King.

A series of expectant gazes came to him, but the Heavenly Dragon Demon God King remained unmoved.

I saw the Lord God Emperor chuckle: "Ai Qing, come forward!"

The hearts of the people on the side of Qingyuan Jinxian fell to the bottom, while the ministers standing on the side of the main god, some breathed a sigh of relief, some showed excitement, and some even started to cheer.

I saw the Heavenly Dragon Demon God King, standing behind the main god, pull out a golden gourd from under the throne, which is an ordinary magic weapon used by the imperial guards on patrol, nothing special, just full of weight and heavy enough.

The Tai Chi Hall was originally the meeting place for the big bosses of the Lord God Empire, and it had been removed to the left and right a long time ago. No one thought that there would be a golden melon artifact left in the hall.

Countless people's hearts were ashamed, many six-star, seven-star, and even eight-star masters were paralyzed on one side, and they closed their eyes in despair.

They are all gods, demons, gods and Buddhas who destroy stars and destroy worlds, and have foreseen their own death.

She never expected that her ending would be a gourd.

The Lord God Emperor stared at the rebellious officials and thieves below, and sneered again and again: "You also have today."

The rebellious ministers below knew that their lives were in danger, and they didn't care what happened, so they cursed one after another.

"Bastard, stupid king, go to hell"

"A lowly slug, a gristleless fellow"

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