Luo Feng smiled indifferently: "Be willing, be willing, only gain if you are willing."

Wang Dahai didn't know why, so he looked bewildered.

Without further explanation, Luo Feng changed the subject and asked, "What level is your breath technique?"

Wang Dahai clasped his hands and said: "Practice qi 120, nine levels, already awakened the innate qi, just a disciple, so it's hard to improve."

Luo Feng shook his head, Essence Qi 36, Mana Qi 36, True Qi 36, a total of [-] layers.

Wang Dahai practiced to the 120th level of Qi training, and he only saw the innate qi, but he had no chance to witness the ancestral qi, and it was impossible to deduce the breathing technique into the technique of breathing in the ancestral qi. Although the ancestral qi and the ancestral qi are both Innate, but the gap is like a leaf and a big tree.

This life is Dao Tong's fate, and he has no chance of Dao. Even if he is lucky enough to become an immortal in the future, he will not be able to go to Xuanyuantian of Heshui Mansion that day.

"Cultivation in the Taoist sect, refining essence to transform Qi, refining Qi to transform spirit, refining spirit to turn back the emptiness, and turning back the emptiness to join the Tao."

"Acquired souls start from refining and transforming qi. Congenital creatures with a strong physical body start directly from refining qi to transform spirits, and then reverse the process of refining and transforming qi."

"The breathing technique is between the innate and the acquired, and the acquired soul directly trains qi."

"You transform the spirit into a spirit, and you can be called a spirit spirit."

"There are three vehicles to seek the right fruit."

Wang Dahai immediately knelt down and said, "I beg the teacher to guide my disciples."

Luo Feng nodded, and pointed to this Yin-earth world: "The law of the lower vehicle is here. The Yin-earth of this world is opened up, and reincarnation is first revealed."

"As the god of Yin, you will be the leader of the nether world, and you will save all ghosts and form a world of your own."

If it were a mortal, Wang Dahai immediately kowtowed to such an authority similar to that of an emperor.

Now that he has entered the immortal way and has the hope of immortality, how can he be willing to be a ghost.

"Teacher, please explain the middle vehicle, the superior method." Wang Dahai respectfully said

Luo Feng smiled: "The method of the middle vehicle is quite simple. Ghosts and immortals, gods and phenomena are unknown, ghosts have no surnames, and three mountains have no names. But Yin is detached, there is reincarnation, and the opportunity to solve the mystery of the womb."

"As for the superior vehicle method, great wisdom, great determination, and great perseverance are required to overcome the three calamities of wind, fire, thunder, pure yin into pure yang, and prove the immortality of the earth."

"Or, go directly to the nine-fold thunder calamity and ascend to the position of the gods, hoping to purify the natural gods."

Hearing these words, Wang Dahai's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Teacher, if you dare to ask this superior multiplication method, what is the probability of success?"

Luo Feng smiled slightly: "It's not low. If you practice the multiplication method, there are thousands of ghosts and immortals in the vast world. About nine immortals will become enlightened, and one immortal will transcend."

There are only ten places in total, such a low probability

Wang Dahai, even though he had the body of a ghost, was terrified.

"Master is merciful, point out a clear path for the disciple."

Knowing that my teacher is a big leg, with such a great choice, I don't want to hold on to it at this time.

Crying children have milk to eat.

In an instant, Wang Dahai cried out

"Forget it, you go to the world for a lifetime, accumulate some achievements, and then let you enter my sect."

Luo Feng sighed

Wang Dahai is more than 200 years old and also a businessman. He is so shrewd. When he heard something interesting, he quickly asked, "Teacher, what kind of achievement is it?"

Luo Feng pointed to the spy disciple in the realm: "Look."

Suddenly he opened the golden rope, and the jade lock was torn off here. After connecting the cause and effect, Wang Dahai came to a complete understanding.

There is something to gain.

Years turn into songs, time goes by like flowers, spring goes and spring comes, flowers are still there, and people don't return year after year.

One year, nothing happened.

Two years, nothing happened.

Three years, nothing happened.

Four years, nothing happened.

In five years, something big happened.

Some disciples escaped from Tushan and disappeared. The Labor League sent people to look for it.

One day, in a certain place, a disciple who did not want to be named, by chance, coincidence, came across a traitor disciple offering longevity to the leader of the Qi Dao League.

It immediately caused an uproar, the two sides confronted each other, and even Tu Shan got involved.

Sixth year

Under pressure, the leader of Yiqi shared the longevity method with the elders and the major forces in the alliance.

In exchange for support, I did it once with the Labor Union and stabilized the situation.

tenth year

The elders of the Dao League who have obtained the longevity method are growing stronger day by day, and the leader of the Dao League is unwilling to see this.

With a heartbeat, he spread the longevity method widely in the alliance and attracted a group of new forces.

The Dao League is balanced, but the Longevity Method is widely spread all over the world, and there is a tendency for people to have a share.

Another ten years later, Wang Dahai woke up from the retreat and had practiced 130 layers of Qi.

In theory, breathing technique is endless, but a theory is always a theory, or it is the theory of the master, and the actual situation must be considered under the master.

Just like a math problem, the process of solving the problem will be explained to you clearly.

I moved my hands, moved my feet, and started to do the questions. At this time, my mind couldn't understand. Wang Dahai bid farewell to the two brothers who have practiced for many years, Han Lili and Han Bing.

I can't help but feel a little sad.

After all, the friendship of hundreds of years is not real brothers, but it is better than real brothers.

After weeping silently, I came to the place of reincarnation in this world, where the sky is cloudy.

This time, Luo Feng sat on the bank of Huangquan River, surrounded by red and white, surrounded by flowers.

Wang Dahai's pupils shrank, and the other shore flower.

There is only one kind of flower, Bianhua, blooming on the banks of the Huangquan River.

Bianhua has two colors, one is red Bianhua, also called Manjushahua, which represents endless love, the omen of death and the call of hell; the other is white Bianhua, also called Mandalahua, which represents endless Longing, desperate love, and letters from heaven.

With a caress, the two Bana flowers turned into one, Luo Feng squeezed the flowers and smiled, just like Sakyamuni said, the Supreme Master preached.

When Wang Dahai realized it, he was filled with grief and joy, but his heart was like a mirror, turning over with one thought, turning pure yin into pure yang.

The spirit of yin goes, and the spirit of yang emerges.

This time reincarnation, live up to the mystery of the womb.

Luo Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Three years later, someone will take you there."

Yang God Wang Dahai bowed to his teacher, entered reincarnation, and was reborn in the home of an oriental deacon in the territory of Yiqidao League.

Dongfang Deacon's family background is mediocre, in the middle and upper reaches of the Dao League, not a prominent family, but not a casual cultivator.

The days were peaceful, until the firstborn was born.

Wang Dahai transformed from yin to yang, with a trace of fire in himself, and then went into reincarnation, bred a divine fire, and carried it into the world.

The Dongfang family was overjoyed immediately, and decided that this was the eldest son's innate supernatural powers, and the heaven-sent unicorn was the hope of the Dongfang family's rise.

So he vigorously cultivated his eldest son Dongfang Changming since he was a child.

Dongfang Changming is the reincarnation of the Yang God, and his memory is not lost, so he naturally lives up to everyone's expectations, which further confirms his reputation as a genius.

It's just another quirk of this genius, that is, looking at the sky and seeing the earth every day, muttering in his mouth: "Three years and three years, why haven't you come yet?"

Chapter 29 Logic Teacher

Everything in the world is a point at first, and then gradually decreases. The high-level tends to be low-level, and the energy information is transmitted to the next level, and the next level is passed on to the next level. High-level people, high-dimensional people, big Luo people, these upper-level life forms , the body of information, the incarnation of the avenue, standing at the top of the pyramid.

Regardless of whether Da Luo is intentional or unintentional, they will pass on information and evolve myths, because their information is engraved deep in the Dao and becomes a part of the Dao.

People, immortals, gods, Buddhas, demons, demons, these mysterious and mysterious concepts.

Even if there is no true immortal and heavenly deity preaching, the Buddha Tathagata will appear naturally, because this is part of the evolution of heaven and earth.

Among them, people are the most special, because the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, so the figures of the human race can be seen in the heavens and worlds, the endless virtual sea, the infinite dimensions, the continents, the planets, the world, the great thousand, the universe, the cave, and the blessed land.

The fox demon world is a world born due to the disturbance of Emperor Wa's information, the radiation of spiritual energy, and the projection of the Dao.

Among them, the love and hatred between humans and demons, the joys and sorrows of life and death, are the main theme of this world.

As for why there is reincarnation, there is a serious reincarnation yin earth underworld that even the great thousand worlds may not be able to conceive.

Luo Feng said: "We don't dare to think about it, and we don't dare to ask."

Presumably there is a bug in the void, well, it must be like this.

On Huangquan Road, under the Naihe Bridge, under the Naihe Bridge, the Wangchuan River, the Wangchuan River flows endlessly, turning blood-yellow in color, filled with countless distracting thoughts, resentments, joys and sorrows, demons and troubles.

Luo Feng picked up a bowl of yellow spring water, picked a few Bianhua flowers, and boiled a bowl of Meng Po soup with the real fire of Samadhi.

Looking at the pure Mengpo soup with a slight floral fragrance, Luo Feng nodded in satisfaction, and then sprinkled a handful of wolfberry on it.

"tsk tsk"

"It tastes good, a bit like hawthorn, sour plum."

"It's just that the water quality is a bit poor. It's just a branch of the Wangchuan River, not the authentic Huangquan water."

Luo Feng commented

The top grade in the water should belong to the seven true waters

The characteristics of Xuanming Zuwu Xuanming Zhenshui; the Tianyi Zhenshui used by the Golden Mother of Yaochi to irrigate flat peaches, the one-yuan heavy water mastered by Zulong, and the Huangquan Zhenshui hidden in the underworld to cleanse all spirits, also known as Wangchuan Zhenshui; collected by Zhulong in Time Light Zhou Guang Zhenshui.

The Tianhe Zhenshui controlled by Luo Feng, and the Sanguangshenshui made up of the three lights of the sun, the moon and the stars, also known as the Sanguangshenshui.

Even though Luo Feng is the leader of Tianhe and a disciple of Doumu, the latter two are readily available, but the first five have never been tasted.

"The quality is a bit poor, but better than nothing."

Luo Feng picked up a handful of yellow spring water from the Wangchuan River and made a bowl of Mengpo soup.

Change the taste this time, sprinkle a little chopped green onion.

The water god tastes real water, like a big brother's female costume, zero times and countless times, it is impossible to stop, and it is out of control.

First day

Reincarnation in Wahuang's world is rare, so I have to urge myself to do more hard work.First, we need to analyze the structure of the information of Naihe Bridge Chapter 8 Tasting on the second day, Huangquanzhenshui

Third day

Taste, real water from Huangquan

fourth day

Taste, real water from Huangquan

fifth day

Luo Tianyi, Luo Tianyi!How can you be so depraved!Have you forgotten the enlightenment plan you made earlier?

The Master said: "I examine myself three times a day." This can't go on like this!

The sixth day

Taste, real water from Huangquan

the seventh day

Taste, the true water of Huangquan.

There is no Jiazi in the cave, and the world has been in the world for thousands of years. After the yellow spring water has dried up, he will still be a fairy in the next life.

The other shore flower originally had the nickname of Wangyoucao, and it was refined into Mengpo soup, which can cleanse the source, return the true spirit, and even the first special product of the reincarnation of the underworld.

Xuanyuan Tianzun is invulnerable to all laws, but Tianzun is Luo Feng, Luo Feng is not Tianzun.

Luo Feng is also a celestial body, so in theory, Meng Po Tang has little effect, but it can't hold a large amount.

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