Dragon Mother and Jade Emperor seem to have a certain tacit understanding.

The Dragon Clan crowns the king, listen to the tune but not the announcement!

Chapter 18 Departure

The dragon clan took the initiative to present the surrender table, and the majesty of the heavenly court expanded again. This is a good thing for you, me, everyone.

In a joyful atmosphere, Taibai Jinxing couldn't help staring sideways at Luo Feng.

Because, another purpose of this envoy to the Dragon Clan is to ask why the Dragon Clan attacked Tianting Shui De Xingjun.

I want to ask for an explanation.

Now that the Heavenly Court has won the face, what will happen to Shui De Xingjun's face.

"Brother Dao."

Taibai Jinxing walked forward slowly and asked softly

Luo Feng waved his hand, and said with a smile: "I, Luo, have always been broad-minded, repaying evil with kindness."

"For heaven's sake, personal honor and disgrace are nothing to worry about."

Taibai Jinxing took a deep look and said nothing.

On the contrary, Gui Xiang changed his mind, strode forward and cupped his hands and said: "Xing Jun was attacked by a temporary worker of the Dragon Clan, and it was not ordered by my Four Seas Dragon Palace!"

The smile on Luo Feng's face became brighter, he lifted the turtle and said: "From now on, we will be ministers in the same palace, why should a family talk about two different languages?!"

They are all hundreds of millions of years old foxes, what kind of chat room are they playing?

The Shui De Xing Junyue was like this, the more uneasy Gui Xiang felt, and before leaving, he had the instruction of the Dragon Mother.

After pondering for a while, Xianggui changed his subject and said, "But the evil dragon is also my dragon clan. After all, it is our lax discipline that caused King Xing to be attacked and killed. My dragon clan is really ashamed, ashamed."

"I heard that Xingjun is in charge of the Ministry of Water, and our Dragon Clan is born with the gods of the water system. We are in charge of many rivers and water systems. Now I would like to give the authority of the Yellow River God Department to Xingjun."

Luo Feng's eyes flashed, and he asked: "Dragon Clan really have such intentions?!"

The water element in the world is divided into three rings, the first is the heaven, the second is the human world, and the third is the underworld.

And the power of the water system in the world is divided into the Great Desolate Continent and the Universal Ocean.

Among them, the continental water system is multifarious, with a total of four main veins and tributaries.

Yangtze River, Yellow River, Huai River, Ji River!

The weight of the Yellow River is indescribable, the first-rate emperor Tianzun, the second-rate main god Uranus Xingjun, and the third-rate Marshal Daoist, they are also the honor of kings in the heavenly court.

As soon as the Yellow River water system was acquired, Luofeng was one step closer to the position of the Black Emperor.

How can the Dragon Clan be willing, how can they tolerate it? !

However, the reality is that Prime Minister Gui offered the power of the Yellow River Water God Department with a smile on his face.

This is a heavy gift, if you don't accept it, let it go, once you accept it, Luo Feng will not be able to target the Dragon Clan, at least publicly.

After all, everyone is a god with a head and a face, and there are some things to follow the rules.

"I don't think so."

Luo Feng smiled and refused.

If the Dragon Clan is weak and just a small prehistoric clan, he can safely accept the power of the Yellow River, but is the Dragon Clan a small clan? !He is a chess player, but he just took a step back on the chessboard.

Not to mention other things, just the Whale General outside, together with a few dragons, is no less than the firepower of a legion in the Heavenly Court, and the body of Shui De Xingjun is likely to die here.

The Yellow River system is not a cake, but a hot potato.

Seeing Luo Feng's resolute attitude, Prime Minister Gui sighed and said, "In this case, please Xing Jun accept the authority of Luoshui as compensation."

Luoshui is no more than the Yellow River, but just a branch. Although it is precious, it is also reasonable.

Luo Feng pondered for a moment and then accepted it. If he didn't accept it, it would appear that he had always hated the Dragon Clan and had no capacity for accommodating dragons.

In the future, if something happens to the Dragon Clan in Heaven, it is easy to think of him immediately.

It's better to accept it first. As the saying goes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.Luo Feng has no good points, just a little patience.

If you can't do it for ten thousand years, you will have a one-yuan meeting, and if you can't do a one-yuan meeting, you will measure the calamity. As long as you prove the Dao in the future, you will have a chance one day.


"Hey hey hey."


Luo Feng accepted the gift calmly, and the atmosphere in the Dragon Palace suddenly eased up. The dragon clan was laughing, and the gods in heaven also laughed together.

The blue sea is vast, and the waterway of the Dragon Clan was opened up. The Heavenly Court Mission left unscathed and returned to the Heavenly Court along the Tianhe River.

Did not fight.

This disappointed many great powers who were concerned about this matter, they withdrew the melon seeds and peanut tea one after another, and left in a dispirited mood.

On Daluo Mountain, a divine light appeared, and the fairy voice was faint.

Skip the many mountains and go straight to the peak cave, a fairy cave with eight sceneries of fairy palaces.

There are "nine wonders" in the Bajing Palace!However, since "nine" is the extreme number, it is not in line with Daode Tianzun's way of "not daring to be the first in the world", so Dao Dao Tianzun named the Taoist temple "Bajing Palace".

Stepping into it, you can see the first scene: vast sea and dark sea, the second scene: Luansheng Kunyue Mountain, the third scene: Zhonghua Shenxiu, the fourth scene: Yueyang Yaohui, the fifth scene: Yaoguang Luohuan, the third scene Six Scenes: Misty Water, Misty Clouds, Seventh Scene: Clouds, Rainbows, Eighth Scene: Fallen Star River, Ninth Scene: Primal Chaos.

From the mundane to the end, from the vulgar to the real, from the immortal to the holy, the inner scenes of the world's practice are all here.

It is said that if a mortal steps into it, travels through the Nine Scenes, and finally shatters the chaos of the Ninth Scene and emerges, he can immediately prove the Taoism of the Great Luo Heavenly Immortal.

At this moment, the three circles of perfect self-nature in the palace are surrounded by two Daluo Tianzun, who traveled through the Nine Scenes and came to the Eight Scenery Palace to talk with the Daode Tianzun.

Seeing the Heavenly Court Mission leave the Dragon Palace unscathed, Lingbao Tianzun immediately turned over, spat out melon seeds with a bah, and cursed: "Zulong dared to cut us three back then, why is he cowardly today?"

Daode Tianzun smiled without saying a word.

Only Yuanshi Tianzun took Yu Ruyi and smashed it, coughing: "Pay attention to the image."

Dodging to the side, Lingbao Tianzun curled his lips: "Everyone in the world likes idols, and the image is for them to see. The treasures of Buddhism are solemn. Didn't Sakyamuni say that if you see all appearances and non-appearances, you will see the Tathagata. That's it. mean."

"Besides, it's only the three of us here. If there is any paparazzi who dares to take pictures of my dark history, let Zhu Xianjian visit him some other day."

Yuanshi Datianzun rolled his eyes, closed his eyes and rested his mind, fortunately, he was quiet when he couldn't see.

After a long time, the bored Lingbao Tianzun asked: "The dragon clan has all died, should we brothers go to help Haotian and stand for a while?!"

"Let me go this time, and make sure to cut from the other side of the blood sea to the foot of Buzhou Mountain, so that the idlers can understand the power of changing times."

Lord Lingbao was full of evil spirits, but it was by no means empty words.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, morality survived, and Lingbao ended. Now the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods is about to begin. Lingbao Tianzun is stronger day by day, and under the tumult of killing, it is stronger than Baidi. Baidi is only in charge of killing, and Lingbao It is to destroy the world! .

"The Tao is damaged by the sun, I will go."

Daode Tianzun coughed lightly and saved the prehistoric multiverse.

As soon as the Taoist crown is pushed, a moral energy of great purity evolves into a Taoist.

The old man's face is full, his head is high and raised, his white hair and eyebrows are white, his beard is flowing, his eyes are simple and unsophisticated, but clear to the bottom, just like a kind elder.

"I have seen Tianzun."

"It's too much work."

I saw Taishang Laojun patted slightly, and the green bull appeared, and Laojun stepped out of the Bajing Palace on the green bull, and slowly went up to the sky.

Chapter 19 It is impossible to work part-time

The mission of the Heavenly Court completed the task beyond the standard, and the beaming God saw the emperor return to his life.

At the same time, in order to show their sincerity, the Dragon Clan sent five divine dragons of the celestial ranks to serve in the water department, which is quite proton.

Outside the Lingxiao Hall, Taibai, Shuide, Tianpeng, and the five dragon gods of the Dragon Clan are waiting outside.

With the sound of a drum reaching the sky and the ringing of a bell, the Great Court of Heaven will open.

Stepping into the main hall, the divine light is magnificent, and there are gods and sages among them. A golden wheel of merit and virtue at the back of the head shines on the great thousand, saving all living beings and demonstrating their achievements.

Regardless of the status and influence of the Heavenly Court, it is always the orthodoxy of the Three Realms, and it is its duty to defend the way of heaven, maintain order, and demonstrate justice.

An ordinary immortal is placed in the establishment of the heavenly department, as long as he fulfills his duties, does not break the law, does not violate the law, is not corrupt, and while exercising power, he will also operate the way of heaven and benefit the common people, and he will naturally have a ray of merit and virtue.

The great gods and immortals who can enter the hall and enter the house, operate the way of heaven all the year round, and their words and deeds can affect all living beings. They are ranked in the Lingxiao Temple, and they all have great merit.

The theocracy of heaven is the glory of authority, and it is also responsible.

Although the five dragon gods of the Dragon Clan came from a powerful family, there are countless strong people, and there are many big Luos, but after all, they are local tyrants, occupying the whole world, holding their own force and laughing proudly. Never have they seen such a grand, bright, sacred and coercive scene, how can it be compared to the heavenly court? atmosphere.

In an instant, the two wars fought, and my heart was uneasy.

Marshal Canopy, Taibai Jinxing, and Shui Dexing Jun couldn't help smiling when they saw this.

I saw Taibai Jinxing stepping out one step at a time, and a beam of clear light rose from my mind, just like the holy light of the vast universe.

Taibai advocates killing, and killing is not evil. Killing is an important tool to preside over the cycle of heaven and earth. When the grass dies, the land will be fertilized, and after winter, spring will come. Cleaning up sins and returning vitality to purify peace.

The merits of Taibai Jinxing are not small, the old Xingjun paid homage to the Jade Emperor, and then he was placed in the first row of ministers.

Shui De Xingjun was not to be outdone, a slightly shallow but not inferior to Taibai's clear light merit rose from his mind, highlighting Xingjun's achievements and symbolizing the divine brilliance of heaven.

Everything dies without water, and there is no life without water. Although the water system in the human world is not under the control of Shui De Xingjun, the heavens have been spreading clouds and rain for many years, regulating the imbalance of vitality, and reshaping the water veins. The merits are not small. The emperor bowed first, and then he was included in the second row of ministers.

Although Marshal Canopy is not as good as the previous two Star Lords, he is also guarding one side, clearing up sins, and commanding the Tianhe Navy to defend the peace of Tianhe.

A shallow clear light emerged, allowing Marshal Tianpeng to be included in the ranks of military generals smoothly, but only the last few seats.

The first-rate Emperor Tianzun, the second-rate Master God Xingjun, and the third-rate Marshal Daoist

Looking up, the emperor's seat above is brightly lit, the Jade Emperor Tianzun shows the light of coercion, the dharma body suppresses the universe, and the majesty of the heavenly emperor is vividly displayed.

Three heavenly emperors came to the thrones on both sides, two of whom Luo Feng also knew, Gou Chen and Ziwei, representing the lineage of the Star God.

There is also a benevolent and kind-hearted Heavenly Emperor. Although Luo Feng does not know him, he can guess it.

The four emperors of the Heavenly Court assist the Jade Emperor, Gou Chen and Ziwei are already everywhere, and the rest are Houtu and Changsheng.

Houtu has his own reincarnation basic disk, if you say something disrespectful, even if the heavenly court collapses, Houtu will still be the emperor of heaven, and all spirits will still be enshrined, it doesn't matter if they come or not.

Moreover, the benevolent and benevolent emperor is a man, not a woman, and he is probably one of the four emperors, the Antarctic Longevity Emperor.

When the Emperor of Heaven descends, two squads of warriors stand side by side. The generals include the Seven Kings of the Big Dipper and many god kings.

The ministers are led by Taibai and Shuide, supported by the Six Divisions of Nandou, assisted by all the celestial masters, and then there are all kinds of real people and gods.

Going down, either the merits are insufficient, or the status of the gods is too low, and there is no place for them in the Lingxiao Temple.

But it's enough for now, all the heavenly emperors, star kings, god kings, celestial masters, real people, and gods all focused their eyes on the four real dragons of the rank of celestial gods and gods.

The five real dragons were so frightened that they almost crawled to the ground and showed their original shape.

The five brothers wanted to cry, but for such a big event as the dragon clan going to heaven, Da Luo Zhenlong should have personally participated in the battle, and at worst, Prime Minister Gui would be the representative.

But the actual situation is that the dragon clan listens to the tune but does not listen to the announcement, and still regards the world as king.

To put it mildly, the five of them are surrendered by heaven, but to put it bluntly, they are protons.

Unexpectedly, Tianting made such a big battle.

"Qizou Your Majesty, the envoys of the Dragon Clan will meet you!"

Just when Wu Zhenlong was about to lose his hold, Taibai Jinxing stood up and sang.

Immediately the pressure was relieved, and the five true dragons cast grateful glances one after another.

Luo Feng, who was in the same place with the old god, was also slightly taken aback. Taibai is indeed an old star king who has accumulated many years, and he has maneuvers.

"Xuan! The envoy of the Dragon Clan sees you!"

"Xuan! The envoy of the Dragon Clan sees you!"

The five real dragons crawling outside the hall immediately stepped forward, and when they saw the Jade Emperor, they immediately bowed to the sea, and one after another official flattery poured in, from crawling outside the hall to kneeling inside the hall.

It was just a bunch of unnutritious nonsense, and the Jade Emperor Tianzun had a good temper and listened patiently. Most of the gods were far away.

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