
It really hurts!

The little girl grimaced in pain and blew on the back of her hand.


The footsteps are vain, like a dream, walking down the mountain peak and returning to the village.

Looking at many people, coming and going, holding soft furniture in their hands, and looking anxious.

Luo Yuan quickly grabbed a familiar uncle and asked curiously, "Uncle Qin, what's the matter with you?"

Uncle Qin said in surprise: "Girl, didn't you hear such a loud voice? The earth dragon turned over, hurry up and move things!"

Say it, leave in a hurry

Luo Yuan stood there, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and finally muttered, "Uncle Feng, are you an immortal?!"

Chapter 20 Micro-Visual Reality

Back in the yard, Luo Yuan saw Uncle Feng packing his things and luggage as soon as he saw the door.

"Uncle Feng, what are you doing?" Luo Yuan asked curiously

Luo Feng sighed: "Girl, the earth dragon turned over, go out with me to avoid disaster."

Luo Yuan: (╯"-")╯︵┻━┻ (Turn up the table!? ─┬ノ("-"ノ){Set it up)(╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻(Fucking up again )

Do you have any idea about who made the earth dragon turn over? !

"Ha ha."

Luo Feng sneered and said, "Well, let's not tease you, your Uncle Zheng sent a letter, and in a few days, you will officially become a true disciple of the inner sect, and invite me over to see you."

Uncle Zheng?

which man? !

Luo Yuan was stunned and reacted randomly.

If Uncle Feng can move his old nest and step out of Ping'an County, he is probably the only one in the world.

Luo Yuan said coldly: "Why are you looking for him? At the beginning, I said I would come back in three years, but now, three years and three years later, I'm already 15 years old?!"

"Don't go!"

"You don't go either!"

Luo Feng smiled and shook his head, this little girl is really vengeful...

It's no wonder that the person who hurt Yuan Yuan the most was not himself, but Zheng Zha.

Because the cute and cute Yuan Yuan always reminds Zheng Zha that if his first love hadn't died, the two might have a daughter.

He is the most loved and the most cruel.

Holding Luo Yuanqian's thin hand, Luo Feng persuaded: "Don't blame your Uncle Zheng. When he went to the Shangqing faction, a large part of it was for me."

"Besides, it's not that he doesn't come back, but that the disciples of the outer sect of the Qing Dynasty are not allowed to leave the mountain gate without authorization."

Luo Yuan muttered: "If it weren't for this, I would have hacked him to death long ago. This time I go to Maoshan, I will definitely beat him to half death and keep him from going home for ten years."


Luo Feng laughed dumbly, who couldn't say it just now, and his heart was divided.

Seeing Luo Yuan like this, he didn't worry anymore.

"When is the departure time"

"Afternoon, no time."


Maoshan is a famous mountain of Taoism in China, and it is also the ancestral land of the Shangqing School of Taoism. , known as the first blessed land, the eighth cave.

The Shangqing School took Mrs. Wei Huacun as the founder of the school, and regarded Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Daojun as the supreme gods.In terms of cultivation methods, the focus is on adjusting the mind and spiritual cultivation, and refining the form is achieved by refining the spirit.

It is one of the most respected and upright sects in the world of foreigners, and the strong men of all dynasties have come out in large numbers, occupying the entire Maoshan.

The Shangqing faction is divided into outer door and inner door.

The outer door is a miscellaneous disciple who lives in a group called a dormitory.

The inner door is a true disciple, an independent small courtyard, self-contained.

Zheng Zha was spotted by Elder Shui, and he was already an inner sect. He only needed to pass the precepts and receive the casket, log in the genealogy, and set a name.

In the southwest corner, there is a small courtyard dedicated to Zheng Zha.

There is still one month before the precepts are received.

Elder Shuiyue is a high-quality, high-level cultivation base. Although his hair is white, his blood is rosy, and he ranks first.

After drinking the tea, Elder Shuiyue caressed his beard and said with a smile, "Zheng Zha, do you know why I accepted you as a disciple."

Zheng Zha stood on one side and said without hesitation, "Of course it's because my disciple is handsome, handsome, talented, and has extraordinary luck..."

Elder Shuiyue's face darkened: "Speak human words."

My apprentice is good at everything, even if it is too skinny, I don't know who to learn from.

Zheng Zha: (???)?

Hehe smiled, added a cup of tea to the teacher, and then said: "The disciple takes the liberty to guess that it should be the teacher's fancy for the disciple's talisman talent?!"

What appears to be a question sentence is actually a declarative sentence.


"It is because of your talent in the Tao of Talisman."

Elder Shuiyue nodded with emotion: "Since Shangzhensi ordered Nanyue Zhenren's patriarch, my Shangqing faction has been based on alchemy and ritual."


Elder Shuiyue paused for a while, and said angrily: "I went to Maoshan Mountain in Qing Dynasty, together with Dragon Tiger Tianshi and Gezao Lingbao, and said, "The three sects of Fulu are the same, how can the way of Fulu be ordinary! "

"But the orthodox talisman of the Shangqing Dynasty was actually covered up by the Ye Maoshan Mountain! It is really humiliating to the ancestors, ashamed of the ancestors!"

"I accept you as a disciple, which is to carry forward the Tao of the talisman of the Shangqing, and to be orthodox."

Zheng Zha nodded thoughtfully.

Maoshan Taoist priest is different from other secret aliens, and is famous even among ordinary people.

In the secular rivers and lakes, there are three religions and nine streams, and there are legends about Maoshan art and Maoshan Taoist priests.

But in fact, the Maoshan Shangqing School is the first branch, belonging to the classical sect, low-key and self-disciplined.

A real Taoist priest from Maoshan Mountain of the Qing Dynasty will not specialize in all kinds of spells, but will devote himself to cultivation, and cultivate his own character and character according to the teachings of the sages.

According to the style of the Shangqing School, it should not be famous in the world.

One of the reasons has to mention Ye Maoshan.

Ye Maoshan refers to a strange person who has no name and no faction, but possesses magic and acts in the name of the Shangqing faction in Maoshan.

Possessing spells, he is not a real Shangqing sect. Without sect rules, he acts unscrupulously.

Over time, naturally, he gained a great reputation.

However, this group of wild Maoshan aliens are both good and evil, the good and the bad are mixed, and the fish and the dragon are mixed.

Good people, but borrow the name of Maoshan Shangqing to deter villains and benefit the village.

The Taoists of the Shangqing School did not have a favorable impression of such people, but they were not hostile either.

However, most of Ye Maoshan practice evil methods and sorcerers.

After all, there are some good people who pretend to be fakes.

The evil cultivators in Yemao Mountain have extremely cruel methods. If they don't move, they will sacrifice themselves. The magic weapon in their hands also needs human blood to open the front.

A strange technique with seven evil spirits needs to be killed, seven innocent children.

An evil talisman, at every turn, the blood of a virgin and a virgin will be sacrificed.

His master, Elder Shuiyue, is a descendant of Shangqing Maoshan Fulu.

For this group of impostors, they are naturally extremely hostile.

Zheng Zha's face was straight, and he cupped his hands and said, "Master, don't worry, the disciple will definitely clean up his evil spirits, correct his name, and return my honor to the Shang Qing faction in Maoshan."

Elder Shuiyue nodded in relief: "You have this heart, great kindness, but don't be too hasty, just stick to it."

"Accumulate soil to form mountains, accumulate water to form abyss when wind and rain rise, and flood dragons to form. This is the right way."

"In the past few days, you should first watch the secret text of Zhengyi Fulu's true biography. After a month, let your fellow disciples see my lineage of Shangqing Fulu, and there will be someone who will follow."

"Thank you teacher."

Zheng Zha's face was overjoyed, and the secret script of the true biography of a talisman was written, which was ranked among the six true biography of the Shangqing, and it was not acceptable to those who were not from the inner sect.

He has been greedy for a long time.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will go back for the teacher first." Elder Shuiyue got up and said.

"Teacher, please stay."

Seeing that Master was about to leave, Zheng Zha hurriedly said that he had one more question to ask.

"What's the matter?" Elder Shuiyue asked suspiciously.

Zheng Zha pulled the master to sit down, and then said, "I asked you about the matter last year, about the secret of the entrance."

"I just want to ask, how can the three flowers of spirit, energy and spirit be mixed together to open up a profound entrance."

Zheng Zha and Luo Feng often have correspondence. Luo Feng mentioned last time that he has accumulated enough, but he is confused and doubtful about the return of the three flowers together.

Elder Shuiyue scrutinized it, then paused and said, "Apprentice, you didn't drink a bar."

Zheng Zha was slightly stunned and said, "Why did Master say this?"

Elder Shuiyue looked at Zheng Zha with the look of an idiot: "As long as you eat a peanut, you won't get drunk like this."

"Three flowers gather on the top, you really dare to think that you are still mixed with spirit, energy and spirit. You can become a ghost and a ghost in this life, and you will have no regrets as a teacher in this life. You can comfort the ancestors."

"Do you know who was the last time the spirit, energy and spirit were mixed together and gathered at the entrance?"

Zheng Zha's face froze, and he asked nervously, "Who is it?"

Elder Shuiyue chuckled: "Tongwei Xianhua into a real person, Zhang Sanfeng!"

Chapter 21 The era that does not belong to ordinary people

The essence, qi, and spirit choose a path to achieve the innate, which is called the pseudo-innate.

Proficient and congenital, most of them are martial artists

Qi breaks the innate, most of them are Taoist masters

Supernatural powers are innate, most of them are sublime warlocks

The spirit, energy, and spirit are mixed together and gathered at one orifice of the profound entrance, this is the true congenital, also known as the great congenital.

In all dynasties, the practitioners of the Three Flowers Gathered on the Top and the Five Dynasties of the Yuan Dynasty are known as innate real people.

The real person goes one step further, in order to transform all living beings, it is called Dao Dao, and the title is Dao Dao Dao Dao, also known as the Great Master, the Innate Great Master!

There are not many people who have achieved this in history.

Daming: The Patriarch of Wudang, who transformed the real person through microscopic visualization, Zhang Sanfeng


Southern Song Dynasty: Southern School Patriarch, Ziyang Master, Zhang Boduan; Southern School Second Patriarch, Xinglin Cuixuan Master, Shi Tai; Northern Song Dynasty: A Hundred Years of Dreams, Fuyaozi, Chen Tuan;...

Datang: the founder of Neidan, the real person of Chunyang, Lv Dongbin;

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