After more than half a month of chopping wood and carrying water, Zheng Zha was exhausted.

But fortunately, he cheated with Huang Fu and showed amazing talent for talisman.

The Shangqing faction is the great talisman faction, in which Zheng Zha is like a duck to water, a dragon entering the sea.

If in the past, Zheng Zha was a pistol for single-person painting, but now he has learned how to cast spells on the Taoist platform, and Zheng Zha, who relies on spiritual things, is a machine gun, and the firepower has been raised a notch.

In one year, Zheng Zha has made a lot of fame in the outer door. If it is not for his unknown net worth, he needs to be rigorously assessed if he is a teacher with an artist.

Zheng Zha had long been accepted as a disciple by Elder Shui.

At the same time, Zheng Zha did not forget Luo Feng's practice problems, and asked teachers and seniors everywhere, and finally came to a conclusion.

The innate that Luo Feng wants to promote is not a warrior innate, but a congenital real person. He needs to open a profound entrance to be regarded as a real innate!

What is an orifice at the entrance, Zheng Zha wrote on the last page.

Luo Feng opened the seventh page of the letter, which was filled with dense text, all of which were commented by the sages, and the cipher texts were circulated by the predecessors.

This orifice is not in the body, but also in the body; not outside the body, but also outside the body.If this orifice is opened, then the hundred orifices will open, and the hundred pulses will be smooth.After a long journey of cultivation, at this point, the door opened and suddenly became enlightened.

The entrance is the time when Taiji will be divided and Liangyi will be judged.When the entrance comes, the cultivator seems to be sleeping but not sleeping, awake but not awake, and suddenly moves when he wakes up.There are 360 pores and [-] joints in the whole body, all of which burst open at the same time.


How to open up an orifice, a Taoist pointed out that the three flowers gather on the top, and the spirit and essence are mixed into one.An orifice at the entrance is the acupoint of spirit and essence.

The three flowers gather on the top, the spirit, energy and spirit are perfect, Fang is the great congenital, opens up an orifice, and respects it as a real person!

Before Luo Feng felt something, he let go of the shackles, so that his true qi rushed to the gate and opened up the second meridian of Rendu.

Now, the Luo Fengqi flower has been completed, and the essence flower and the divine flower have not yet been formed.

If you want to go further, you must cultivate your body and soul.

A true word is passed on, and a thousand volumes of books are falsely passed on.

Three flowers gather on the top, five spirits are at the top, everyone knows these eight characters, but if they don't break it, they will never know where they are going.

After having a clear goal, Luo Feng's temperament changed.

If an acquaintance from Earth sees it, they will definitely laugh and scold: "Isn't this the temperament of a liver emperor player?"

Liver Emperor, ascetic monk, fearless.

Never be afraid of the long and difficult journey, but only be afraid that there is no road ahead!

Jinghua, as the name suggests, refers to the perfection of the flesh.

Arhat Boxing is the most low-level martial arts in the world, but it is also the most popular and safest martial arts.

It is extremely suitable for a practitioner of the Liver Emperor like Luo Feng.Zheng Zha's consideration is very comprehensive, and it can be said that he has good intentions.

In addition, qi is not separated, and at the same time as the meridians are opened, the true qi is also nourishing the body.

Cultivating a fine flower is just water grinding.

The focus is on the cultivation of the gods. Fortunately, Luo Feng also has some eyebrows, but he just needs some tests.

Previously, while saving the undead, Luo Feng used the breathing technique to accompany the reading of the scriptures, and the sound was like thunder, sweeping the world.

It can purify the dust of the soul and clear the yin.

The scriptures have the effect of destroying the yin and exorcising evil spirits, and there must be scriptures that can assist the spiritual practice.

After reading Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, thousands of scriptures and classics.

Luo Feng picked out three scriptures, and only these three scriptures were beneficial to his soul.

Huang Ting Jing Jing, Huang Ting Outside Jing Jing, and Jing Jing Jing.

The first two books were specially sent by Zheng Zha, and they were the scriptures read by the disciples of the Shangqing School.

Taishang Laojun said that Changqing Jingjing was discovered by Luo Feng himself.

Chapter 18 The Flower of Essence, Consummation!

Other scriptures are not lacking in jins and liangliang, and cannot see the effect, even if they are obscure and difficult to understand, and even some scriptures are made up indiscriminately, which are harmful and useless.

Thousands of years have passed, taboos, revisions, and abandonment, even the true scriptures have become false scriptures.

After practicing Arhat Boxing once, read the three scriptures once.

The physical body drives the meridians to rotate, and the soul appears ethereal in a matter of seconds.

This kind of feeling is extremely subtle, only [-]/[-] of the normal one. If Luo Feng is not practicing the breathing technique, he will not be able to sense it.

Being and not being are completely two concepts.

Holding the three classics tightly, Luo Feng smiled slightly: "Oh, mother, you scared your father to death. I have been worried for more than a year, and finally there is a solution."

Sure, the scriptures are useful.

one.Tight muscles, slowly relax.

Do what you say, do what you say, live on the liver!

On the second day, he went into practice.

Luo Feng has never been a hesitant person.

Just have some caution.

Act as a person and do what you want.

However, his Taoism is not strict at all, but he is upright and bright.

Before there was no way forward, he dared to rely on a breathing technique to keep moving forward.

It is clear that there are alien sects in this world, and there are countless magical magical powers, but they do not steal or rob.

One can live in the world, but not the Tao.

You can't lie to anyone, you can't lie to yourself.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is an extremely stupid behavior. Children only see good and evil, and adults only see benefits!

In front of one's own life, secular rules, good and evil in the world, ethics and morals are not worth mentioning at all!

After I die, who cares about the flood.

However, Luo Feng doesn't see it that way, doesn't agree with it, doesn't accept it, and will never be different!

My generation struggles all the way, not to change the world, but not to let the world change us!

This is to cultivate the heart, cultivate oneself, cultivate the inner!

If you are not yourself, what is the use of strength?What is the use of longevity?What is the use of being rich and prosperous?

The biggest difference between man and beast - self!

People who stand up to the sky!


Second day

In the early morning, a trace of purple air will rise before rising. Luofeng climbs the mountain on foot, sits on the top of the mountain and recites the pure scriptures, "The old man said: The avenue has no form, but it gives birth to the world;

"I don't know its name, so I called it Dao."

"The way of husband and wife: there is clearness and turbidity, there is movement and stillness; the sky is clear and the earth is turbid, the sky is moving and the earth is still; men are pure and women are turbid, men are moving and women are still; descending from the root to the end, and giving birth to all things." "The clear, the turbid. The source, what is moving, is the foundation of stillness; people can always be quiet, and the world will return."


After reading the scriptures several times, after contemplating, the Great Sun Golden Crow has leaped out of the sky.

Luo Feng went home, set fire to cook, and watched Yuan Yuan go to school.

At this moment, I began to figure out Arhat Fist in the courtyard, from boxing, flesh and blood, standing, breathing...

At noon, relax one by one and rest for an hour.

Fire, cook, bathe, take a nap.

In the afternoon, I got up at two o'clock on time and continued to practice Arhat, from one move, two moves, three moves, to one set, constantly adjusting and adapting.

In the evening, pick up Yuan Yuan to go home, talk and teach.

At night, take a bath and purify your body, sit cross-legged on the bed and recite the Huang Ting Jing in your heart.

"The old gentleman lived in leisure and made seven words, explaining the body shape and the gods. There is Huang Ting Xiaguan Yuan on the top, and Youque Qian Mingmen on the back."

"Breathing into the dantian, the jade pond is filled with clear water, and the root can be cultivated for a long time. The people in the yellow court are dressed in red."


One day, ten days, one month, one season, one year, two years, three years;

Luo Feng still lived his life, chanting cleanly in the morning, Huang Ting in the night, and figuring out the days of Arhat boxing.

Unwavering, steady as Mount Tai.

Suddenly, one afternoon, Luo Feng's mind moved, and the sound of thunder crackling came from his body.

Breathing out a long mouthful of dirty air is still not enough.

Luo Feng coughed several times in a row, his internal organs vibrated, he coughed up a few mouthfuls of black phlegm and a lot of dirty blood.

The stench was unpleasant, and there were a few coagulations the size of fine sand.

After vomiting, a feeling of refreshment ensues.

Luo Feng laughed at himself: "It's all harmful substances mixed with additives. It's no wonder that I can't grasp the ancestors."

The patriarchs and sages who became immortals and ancestors in the past dynasties all attached great importance to physical cultivation.

The Taoist door has a pure glazed immortal body, and the Buddhist door has a six-zhang Tathagata golden body.

Lu Zu once said: But if you cultivate your ancestor's nature without cultivating elixir, it will be difficult for Yin spirits to enter the sage for ten thousand eons.

Body and soul are the foundation of practice.

After the initial grasp of Luohan Boxing, Luo Feng continued to work until the second day.

Stop the practice of Arhat Boxing and start to solve the problem of infuriating congestion.

Heaven and earth are the big universe, and the human body is the small universe.

The rupture of the Yellow River has been regarded as a catastrophe since ancient times.

However, if the flow can be controlled, [-] mu of fertile land can be transformed, and millions of Dawn people can be born.

The way of heaven is impermanent, it does not exist for Yao, nor does it perish for Jie.

All things have a degree, this is about proportion.

With a good sense of proportion, you can control the destiny and use it.

Luo Feng also has a Yellow River in his body.

It is the accumulation of many years of practice, and the delay in breaking through, resulting in congestion.

It is like building a dam on the Yellow River, blocking the Taotao River, and it is calm for a while.

Once the gate is opened, it will flood into the sea, unmatched and unstoppable!

Sitting on the rock, with his own perseverance and strong physical body, he forcibly opened the gate and guided the river water to flow through the limbs and bones, so as to achieve the effect of moisturizing the essence of flowers.

Layers of white air soared into the sky, and a large flower that seemed to be true but not false, like an illusory flower of illusory energy, emerged above the head, occupying all of it.

"Um, ah!"

Moaning all over, the majestic True Qi broke through the black hole and hit Huanglong directly.

The twelve layers of breathing technique were completed, and the flower of qi emerged, driving the Zhou Tian to move.

With a sudden force, he sat down on a hundred-pound rock, and there were cracks.

Tick ​​tock!

A little sweat dripped on the ground, and countless dust swayed.

The flower of qi turned into vitality, and Luo Feng got up naturally.

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