It was the old silver coin in the Taibai court disguised as a good old man who killed Xingjun with a sword, and the kind-hearted old fairy Xingjun in the heavenly court.

Where there is Taibai, there may not necessarily be Jade Emperor, and where there is Jade Emperor, there must be Taibai to complement each other.

"Brother Taibai."

Luo Feng shouted

Taibai Jinxing turned around, let many spiritual officials let him go, and saluted: "Shui De Xingjun has not seen you for a long time, and his demeanor is still the same."

"To each other, to each other," Luo Feng stepped forward to greet each other, and then asked: "Your Majesty is in Tongming Hall."

Taibai Jinxing smiled and said: "Your Majesty has ordered you to enter by yourself."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of Tongming Hall opened automatically.

Tomb-sweeping yesterday, so there is no change

Chapter 1: The Ancestral Dragon of Subjugation

The Jade Emperor Tianzun had already instructed that Luo Feng had no accidents, not to mention the power of the future as a movie.

Just talking about the struggle between humanity and ancestor dragons in Tianhe, Jade Emperor Tianzun also has to intervene.

Tidy up your clothes, apologize to Taibai Jinxing, and step into the Tongming Hall.

The Tongming Immortal Palace is very cloudy and misty. Although it is a palace, the internal space is folded layer by layer, which can accommodate ordinary innate Dao bodies, and can also accommodate the golden body of Dharma that is as high as ten thousand feet.

The Jade Emperor Tianzun occupies the first seat. He is not wearing a crown suit, but a white Taoist robe, and the immortal breath is far better than that of the emperor.

Seeing Luo Feng coming in, Jade Emperor Tianzun put down the Daoist book in his hand, and chuckled lightly: "I have gone through ten thousand calamities, and before ascending to the throne, I am also a Taoist immortal, the patriarch of a sect."

"Your Majesty is the Patriarch of Xuanmen, and the immortals in the world are also disciples and grandchildren, and they should pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven."

Luo Feng cupped his hands and flattered him casually.

The Jade Emperor Tianzun couldn't help laughing, and shook his head: "The Taoism in the world comes from Zixiao, and I am not the only one who is the Patriarch of Xuanmen."

"If you really want to worship, regardless of the orthodoxy of the Three Purities, Dong Gong and Jin Mu opened up the two ways of pure yang and pure yin, and their achievements are far superior to mine."

"There are also those two from the West. They are still the Western religion, the Golden Immortal Taoism. Speaking of it, they are also the ancestors of Xuanmen."

"There are too many twists and turns in discussing seniority based on orthodoxy."

Luo Feng thought about it, and it was the same. Although Xuanmen ruled the prehistoric world, it was large and complicated. As the patriarch of Xuanmen, it was okay for the Jade Emperor to be respected by the disciples of the three religions.


He was about to quote the scriptures from other aspects to maintain the legitimacy of the Emperor of Heaven.

I saw the Jade Emperor Tianzun looking up, and said leisurely: "But I will always be the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven who was elected by all Da Luo and hand-picked by the Taoist Patriarch."

"If a sage is born, I will abdicate, but if I have no talent or virtue, can't rule the saints, lead the prehistoric past, and have a record of failure, even if I agree, the gods will not agree, Zi Xiao The palace will not agree..."


In the end, Jade Emperor Da Tianzun paused, a ray of golden light burst out from his eyes, illuminating the ten directions, the three realms, and all the heavens.

It seems that the statement is also a declaration that Da Luo Weili belongs to himself.

"No crown can be crowned, I crown myself."

Luo Feng's mind tightened, the Jade Emperor's words to himself seemed to be calm, but actually contained a slight murderous intent, so naturally it was not for him.

It's for some ambitious people who want to hear it.

When he came back to his senses, the Jade Emperor Tianzun regained his natural and elegant fairy temperament, looked at Luo Feng, and said slowly: "I already know the reason for your visit."

"The Zulong is nothing to be afraid of, I am still the Emperor of Heaven."

With the temperament of a fairy, speak the words of the emperor, this is the emperor of the immortal way, the emperor of heaven.

Luo Feng cupped his hands and bowed: "Of course Zulong is nothing to be afraid of, but it has always been possible to accomplish things, and it is by no means one person and one dragon."

"Ancestral dragon camp..."

The three cobblers are the best Zhuge Liang, and there are factions and camps among Da Luo, and there are very few fighting alone. There are three brothers in Kunlun, and Jade Emperor Tianzun also has the support of the star gods. Zulong is no exception... …

After all, he was the overlord of the past.

Luo Feng sincerely considers Tianting, after all, the big tree of Tianting cannot fall down, at least it cannot fall down before proving Da Luo.

It's just that the Jade Emperor Tianzun's expression gradually became strange, and he waved his hand to signal Luo Feng to stop.

Immediately afterwards, he asked with a bit of a smile: "You are also an immortal who ascended from the lower realms. Have you ever seen any dynasty or generation of emperor who lost his country and could make a comeback and recreate the universe?!"

Luo Feng pondered for a while, then shook his head: "There is absolutely no such thing."

The Song Dynasty was just trying to live in peace. As for the Han Dynasty, it was purely an accident, and it was a side branch of Shuzong.

Jade Emperor Tianzun picked up the Taoist book, turned a page leisurely, and then said: "The reason why the last emperor was unable to restore the country was not because of his own ability, but because at this point, his own ability is no longer important. What matters It was the last emperor who offended too many people."

As soon as he said a word, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, blasting the chaotic area of ​​his mind.

Luo Feng seems to understand that Zulong can activate the Great Desolate Universe, but he does not manifest his real body, Sanqing, to sit in the dojo, but hides behind the scenes.

The Great Tribulation of Longhan is the dynasty of Zulong, the empire of Zulong, and the end of the land of Longhan symbolizes the loss of Zulong.

I don't know how many great masters have benefited from the remains of the Dragon Empire, and I don't know how many great masters have backstabbed at the critical moment.

The old people in the past did not want Zulong to return because they had grievances with Zulong. The young people now, because they occupy the interests of the times, naturally refuse to separate, and they do not want Zulong to return.

And the future...does the prehistoric have a future? !

All future history is contemporary history, and the source of the future lies in the past.

"Zulong is really a hero!"

With thousands of thoughts spinning, Luo Feng secretly sighed in his heart.

Being stared at by so many Da Luo, Zulong can still do things everywhere. Not long ago, he was in the heaven to win over his own family who is in charge of Tianhe.

This kind of ability to commit suicide and do things is not a hero, or something.

But the emotion is the emotion, Luo Feng will not sympathize with Zulong, as the future Da Luo, he does not want Zulong to return.

As long as Zulong doesn't return for a day, the position of the boss of the Water Origin God Department will always be vacant.

"My little god understands."

Luo Feng bowed his head and bowed, with the endorsement of the Jade Emperor Tianzun, Zulong is scary, but not afraid.

Jade Emperor Tianzun nodded and got up, said with a faint smile: "In the past, the three clans of liches are all gone, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Although the human nature is great and quite ambitious, I am the Emperor of Heaven, and with a big heart, I can naturally allow the first shot." In the future, I must also be the Emperor of Heaven! "

His heroic spirit has shocked the ages, deterring a large group of big guys in the long river of time and space.

Some unknowable and undiscoverable bosses exited cursingly.

Really shameless, this is your era, we naturally can't beat it, if you are super brave, go to our era.

Guaranteed not to beat you out!

Luo Feng once again turned into a dog licking dog, bowed his hands and said: "The emperor of heaven is kind to all directions, and the holy virtue shines on the prehistoric world, and he will definitely rule the immeasurable."

The Jade Emperor Tianzun was greatly moved, he quickly supported Luo Feng, and said with a smile: "Qing Zhen is a loyal minister!"

As for Luo Feng hooking up with the real person Taier of Yuxu Palace, he is not clear about the human race, and there is a Luo word for Luoshui in his name, and he is in a team with the star god...

The Jade Emperor Tianzun can turn a blind eye to everything, after all, these days, in the wilderness, no one has a few vests and a way out.

Even Taibai Jinxing, who is really loyal to him, has gossip that he is known as the Western Jinde Xingjun, the essence of gold, and the son of the White Emperor.The master swordsman general has the power to kill, and he is respected as the Western Jinde Taitian Haoxing Lord.

What else can Jade Emperor Tianzun do about these gossip and messy unofficial histories?

Of course, he smiled slightly and chose to forgive them.

Jade Emperor Da Tianzun is confident that he can suppress everything, regain the officials, use them, and take them back.

If you don't have this bit of self-confidence, what kind of emperor are you?

As a result, Luo Feng suddenly choked with tears, and bowed three times, "Your Majesty is very kind, and the little god is willing to go through fire and water for the heavenly court from generation to generation, and he will not hesitate to do so."

Chapter 1: The Worst Big Luo in History

With the endorsement of the Jade Emperor Tianzun, although Zulong is extremely dangerous, he does not name him.

If something unexpected happens, the body of Shui De Xingjun hides in the heavenly court, and no matter how powerful the ancestor dragon is, he can't catch him, unless the dragon clan wants to tear their faces with the heavenly court and have a decisive battle.

But is it worth it to go to war with the orthodox heaven of the Three Realms for a Shui De Xingjun? !

Luo Feng thought that he did not have such attractive value.

"But it's a bad feeling, really bad."

Luo Feng sighed, full of helplessness.

This kind of feeling is like being an otaku, who likes to stay at home and never stays out for hundreds of millions of years.

But suddenly a great epidemic came, and the city was sealed off, and even the streets were not allowed to go out.

Although life is the same as usual, three points and one line-practice, work, and good karma.

However, being active and being passive are two completely different things.

For the former, you can go out for a while if you are bored, but for the latter, you must always worry that a dragon claw will fall from the sky as soon as you go out.

"After all, it's still too weak."

Luo Feng sighed again.

The strongest hole cards in hand now are Tianhe River God and Lord God Fragment, the former is confined to one place, while the latter escapes, he also has to worry about the blocking of the Zulong. After all, the Great Luo has endless time and space and is everywhere.

In the prehistoric multiverse, I have Jade Emperor Datianzun, Doumu Yuanjun, and even Daozu as backers, barely saving my life. There is still a turning point in the future, and maybe I can counterattack.

If you go outside the multiverse and encounter the projection of Zulong, if it is still a Daluo series, you will be dead and even scum.

You have to hug Jade Emperor Tianzun's thigh tightly!


Luo Feng's expression was agitated, tears were shining, and a sense of righteousness was born vigorously.

"Your Majesty, Zulong is the overlord of the past, and he must not submit to the Heavenly Court. Although the little god is weak, I hope your Majesty will die."

"Your Majesty will not bother you, please allocate a Tianhe water army to the little god, and the minister will lead the troops down the river, sweep away the seas, and capture the dragon clan!"

"I'd rather die than bring the head of the Zulong to meet!"

The corner of Jade Emperor Tianzun's mouth twitched, this showman...

However, he still supported it with one hand, and comforted him: "Ai Qing doesn't have to be like this. You are the mainstay of the heaven, the master of the water department, and you have a heavy responsibility. You can't take risks. Although Zulong is big, it's not incomprehensible, just take care of it slowly in the future."

"As for the Dragon Clan, they are also the creatures of the prehistoric world. My people, don't fight lightly."

Luo Feng wiped his tears with his sleeves, and said with emotion: "Your Majesty is really the Holy Emperor. The dragon clan is rebellious and has been reluctant to come to court for a long time, but His Majesty has kindness in his heart... I think this matter should be spread to the world to show the benevolence of my heavenly court." , the sin of the Dragon Clan!"


Jade Emperor Tianzun pondered for a while, his eyes flashed, he applauded and laughed: "This plan is very clever."

If you don't occupy the high ground of public opinion, the enemy will occupy it. The right to speak has been a strong force since ancient times.

The pen is no less than a knife, gun and stick.

Things like righteousness are worthless in the hands of the weak, but they can be used to their advantage in the hands of the strong.

For example, suppressing the black dragon clan, but attracting the various races in the sea, supporting weak races, and often becoming attached to scattered cultivators all over the world, and establishing in their hearts an image that heaven is a good person with righteousness in mind, and the dragon clan is all wicked and deserves death.

When the Heavenly Court sends out troops to encircle and suppress the Four Seas, all it takes is an order to punish the villains of the Dragon Clan, and the rest of the four seas are forgiven, and they are still good people under the rule of the Heavenly Court.


Jade Emperor Tianzun nodded frequently, and then asked: "This matter is your suggestion, you are willing to go."

Luo Feng sighed and said: "Of course the little god is willing to go through all fires and waters for His Majesty, and he will not hesitate to do so, but the Zulong is eyeing him, so the little god may not be able to do what he wants."

Jade Emperor Tianzun smiled and said nothing, just now who said that he would raise the army and kill the dragon.

Luo Feng stood awe-inspiring, but his mind wandered away. Whoever wants to do this kind of errand of an intelligence chief can do it.

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