Daomen and Heavenly Court do not know what kind of transaction to make.

Only Jade Emperor Tianzun and Doumu Yuanjun knew about it. Afterwards, Emperor Ziwei couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "If this happens, there will be one more pervert in the world."

"In the past, the golden immortal avoided the big Luo, but in the future it will be the big Luo who avoids the golden fairy."

Doumu Yuanjun said with a smile: "Isn't this what the Heavenly Court would like to see?!"

"The fifth congenital wife, it can be said to be a different scene."

The nobility of Da Luo comes from immortality, transcending time, space and universe, incarnate into billions, and the myth is passed down forever.

If you compare Honghuang to a game, Daluo is a player of level [-]. He has been invincible on the server for a long time.

But in the face of a golden immortal who has been certified as the innate Wu Tai, Da Luo may capsize.

The congenital Wutai is different from the acquired five elements. The acquired five elements have no effect on the congenital Daluo, just like a two-dimensional attack can never kill a three-dimensional person.

And Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, Taiji, after a cycle of cuts, Da Luo's privileges disappeared, leaving only one hundred levels of cultivation.

In terms of the deep foundation of cultivation, Luo Feng has never been afraid.

That's why Emperor Ziwei said that once the innate Wutai Luo is certified, he will avoid it.

If it happens, it is easy to be hanged and beaten, and Da Luo's face will be lost by then.

Even if he was shameless, he directly lifted the chessboard, exposing Da Luo's true combat power.

It is true that the other big Luos who want to play games are eating dry food, and Hong Huang is a game of compromise between the heavens and big Luos, not a game of one person.

The last big Luo who wanted to eat alone was still staying in Guixu.

A demon ancestor who did not want to reveal his name.

So Doumu Yuanjun said that once Luo Feng becomes powerful, Da Luo's dignity will be weakened, and at the same time, the authority of the heaven will also be able to rise.

"However, there is another problem to consider at that time."

Doumu Yuanjun laughed

Emperor Ziwei asked in surprise: "Who will be the enemy then?!"

In the future, heaven will sign a covenant with the human race and establish an alliance with Taoism, who can resist.

Buddhism, it's impossible, those two guys, thinking about making money to repay the loan every day, and four against two, can't afford big waves.

Doumu Yuanjun said leisurely: "At that time, this kid will not play for life or death, but will stay in the heavenly court and prepare to become a supernatural being. Even if he plays, he will not use his real body."

Emperor Ziwei was taken aback for a moment, then laughed dumbly and said: "What what Ah Mu said is absolutely true."

With Luo Feng's temperament, this kind of situation is very likely to happen.

But when the time comes, the general situation has already been established, it doesn't matter if Luo Feng makes a move or not.

After so many years of prehistoric development, violent means can certainly solve problems, but they cannot solve all problems.

The use of violence is the last resort and also the last resort.

Going to Daotianxing, along the way, Luo Feng saw the interstellar empire fighting endlessly, the star behemoths passing through the void, and also saw the fire crows on the big sun star, and the bright evolution of the indigenous stars.

The other side of the starry sky is a magical place where everything can happen.

Technology, immortality, magic, Zerg, supernatural are all kinds and strange.

It is not affected by the projection of the immortal information from the upper reaches of the prehistoric world.

What he saw and heard along the way gave Luo Feng a sense of enlightenment.

The so-called other side of the starry sky should be the primary universe developed by Doumu Yuanjun himself, but it only coexists with the prehistoric universe, opening up chaos for it, and expanding its territory.

If the Great Desolate Universe is the central emperor, the Doumu Universe is a feudal official with military power, who listens to the instructions and does not listen to the announcement.

However, Luo Feng didn't pay attention to these things, but rushed to Lord Greedy Wolf.

With the help of the space channel, return to the heaven.

Looking at the familiar scenery of the fairy house in front of him, with misty clouds and mist, Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

There's no place like home.

In this icy prehistoric world, only staying in the heaven can give oneself a little warmth and comfort.

After all, participating in such a big event as the alliance between the human race and the Heavenly Court involves the interests of all parties, even if it is kept secret.

Luo Feng was afraid that one day, he would jump out of a big statue and kill Shui De Xingjun.

Let yourself lose a golden fairy incarnation.

A few days later, the affairs of the Ministry of Water were stable, and the Jade Emperor did not summon him, nor did Lord Doumu Yuan send a message.

Luo Feng regained his composure and breathed a sigh of relief again.

It seems that the combination of heaven and humanity is enough to suppress all backlash.

After consulting Jade Emperor Tianzun again, Luofeng's heart finally relaxed a little for the third time, and then began to concentrate on the deployment, the affairs of his own water department.

It is easy to practice among the six doors. Even though the Heavenly Court is not yet the ruler of the Three Realms, it is still orthodox. It is a breeze to brush up the merits and luck.

In Luo Feng's eyes, the Ministry of Water is no longer a department, but a cash machine for merit and luck.

In the Ministry of Water, there are more than 30 red astrolabes, 1000 million white astrolabes, and as for the most serious black astrolabe, there are 120 ones.

Most of the red astrolabe and black astrolabe were completed by Luo Feng's star god body or puppet clone.

One by one, the accumulated merit can form a small and thin golden wheel of merit.

As for the white astrolabe, Luo Feng promulgated a decree to let the gods of the Ministry of Water follow the rules and laws of the sky.

As the saying goes, helping the emergency is not helping the poor.

Red astrolabe and black astrolabe represent the situation is very serious, even close to death.

Therefore, Luo Feng quickly resolved the problem and won the greatest merit by the way.

Second come

The white astrolabe is different from the others, it has common water element problems, this level of damage is relatively light, can be healed slowly, suitable for the water department gods to carry out, through each character, let the decayed and loose water department reunite Three, it's easier.

There are many white astrolabes with few hazards, and every time they are refreshed, they are counted by hundreds or even thousands.

It can be seen from the data of hundreds of thousands in red and tens of millions in white.

Let the gods of the Ministry of Water continue to brush these difficult dungeons to save the common people in the world. Luo Feng, as the main god of a movie, also has merit.

It's just very rare, but considering the establishment of the Ministry of Water and the establishment of the Heavenly Court, it will take a long time.

This is destined to be a smooth business.

It was another early morning, and the originally clean and leisurely Shui De Hall looked very lively.

The gods who come and go are all priests from the Ministry of Water. The ones with high cultivation levels are the earth immortals, who call the wind and rain, and the ones with low cultivation levels are Jindan real people, who can control water, invite gods, and control rivers.

Relying on the task network of the Ministry of Water built by the Heavenly Court, the fluorescent lights flickered, and tasks were received one by one.

Let the whole Ministry of Water get busy.

To open up wasteland in the dungeon of the water and cloud world, three primordial spirits are needed, the water system is given priority, and those who are proficient in opening up great rivers are given priority, so call them quickly!

A water god waved his bowl and shouted desperately

Hurry up hurry up!Urgently in need of friends who know how to deal with large-scale water and rain!The higher the cultivation level, the better, and the Earth Immortal is the priority!It's urgent, hundreds of millions of creatures are waiting for your help!

The fairy officer holding the floating dust wandered back and forth, looking anxious, and recruited loudly.

Sort out the water veins, a fairy official

Is there anyone in the Emperor Fenghe God?

There were constant shouts in the hall, and the good-natured Xianxia style was played out of the game style.The originally clean Mizubu Immortal was extremely busy.

However, while they are busy, there is a hint of cheerfulness at the corners of their mouths, and their upward smiles are different from those of the former six divisions of the Ministry of Water.

Luo Feng carried out various reforms in personnel, system, and behavior in his last term.

Going to the lower realm to create clouds and rain, sort out the water veins and other tasks, although hard work, but there is merit and luck!

Although there are few mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, they are still meat. The days with hope are good days!

Chapter 80 Proving the Dao to the Celestial Immortal ([-]rd watch)

Streaks of merit and luck gather together, the golden light is shining, and the purple energy is majestic, turning into silk threads and running towards the golden wheel of merit in Luo Feng's mind.

Continually gathering and expanding the richness, perhaps hundreds of millions of years later, you can reach the realm of Jade Emperor Tianzun, a divine wheel illuminating the void and ten thousand realms, ten directions and three realms.

Once the golden wheel of merit is thrown, it is invincible, and the enemy dare not even touch it.

In fact, the life-saving magic weapon in Luo Feng's dream is to stack the thickest armor and practice the fastest agility. As for the attack power, it can be ignored.

Immortals live forever, as long as they live, they will have a day of dancing on the grave.

"However, a little more would be nice."

Luo Feng looked at it reluctantly, and a lot of merit and luck rushed to other branches.

Part of it flowed into the heavenly court and turned into a public weapon, and the other part flowed directly into the hands of Jade Emperor Tianzun.

Layer by layer, it fell into my hands without a few mouthfuls.

As for increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, it is easier said than done.

Luo Feng sighed again, saving money on the one hand, no matter whether it is the public weapon of the heavenly court or the Jade Emperor, he cannot be shaken.

As for open source, it's even simpler.

The water sources in the heavens are in their own hands, and the water in the prehistoric world is under the jurisdiction of the dragon clan. There are jiaos in the water and dragons in the sea, forming a huge system of water gods.In the water of the underworld, a Styx river runs through the multiverse, witnessing countless oaths, and a yellow spring controls life and death, and its power shakes the heavens.

As long as Luo Feng explodes, explodes, and then explodes, he first cuts down the true dragon of the world, then smashes the field of the soil behind the reincarnation, and finally evaporates the blood sea and Minghe, and the mere water element is still easy to capture.

Luo Feng chuckled, and slapped himself a second ago, waking up, it's not dark yet.

Although the Black Emperor Ancestral Dragon is not around, the Dragon Clan is still a powerful clan. If you want to bargain with the Dragon Clan, you must at least be at the Da Luo level.

As for Houtu and Styx, these two ruthless people are really haha.

There is no way to give away people's heads.

Holding a jade scroll in his hand, Luo Feng looked at it with emotion.

"It is impossible to reduce expenditure. If you don't reduce expenditure in your life, you can't increase your income. You can only live by reform in this life."

The Heavenly Court is the orthodox of the Three Realms, and there are still some merits, virtues and luck to be squeezed.Luo Feng likes it so much.

Suddenly, a report sounded from outside the hall.

A fairy official held it in his hand, pushed the jade scroll and walked in.

"Meet Xingjun, this is the record of the Ministry of Water this year, and it is Xingjun's review."

Luo Feng took the paper with a nod of his head, and while reviewing it, he asked: "Lingyuan, why is it that you, the deputy director, came to deliver the paper this year? Just leave such trivial matters to the fairy officials."

Luo Feng brought the Xuanyuan Alliance to the sky, and caused quite a stir in the world of immortal cultivation in the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Heavenly Court buys horse bones for thousands of dollars, and as long as Taoists who are willing to go to heaven, no matter how advanced they are, they will arrange official positions.

In the Xuanyuan Alliance, Luo Feng's direct descendants basically come to the Ministry of Water to work on errands, and the rest go to the Navy Army, or confer a deity in a place, which is more or less related to the Water Yuan.

In this huge water department, from the chief officials of the Sixth Division to the officials of the generals and immortals, many of them are disciples and grandchildren of Luo Feng.

One generation of emperors and one generation of ministers, the Ministry of Water is changing.

Lingyuan is one of them, he can be regarded as the nephew of the master, and he is currently the deputy director of the case department.

It is precisely because of the leadership of the Lord God of the Ministry of Water and the fact that the subordinates are all his own people that the reform of the Ministry of Water can be so successful.

Taoist Lingyuan was slightly surprised: "Didn't brother Jinxin tell the uncle?"

Luo Feng raised his brows slightly, remembering that there was a clone in the Water Yuan Palace, and his family hadn't contacted him for a long time, and the news was a little behind.

After all, my family is not big yet, and it is still a bit difficult to update synchronously anytime, anywhere.

After all, after so many years, there are a little more puppets in his family.

Putting down the volume, Luo Feng said calmly: "Your brother is busy recently, and you haven't had time to contact me."

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