Shaking his head with a wry smile, he said, "This is the most effective method known so far to increase the chances of your dependents being promoted to the Holy Spirit."

"It is to build [absolute loyalty], a divine imprint that can only be used on one's core family members after igniting the divine fire."

"Then select some core dependents, consume a lot of divine power, and plant the seeds of your own thoughts through [absolute loyalty] from the embryo, thereby increasing the probability of the birth of the Holy Spirit."

"But the premise of using this method is that the divine fire has been ignited, so even if I tell you now, you can't use it."

After listening to Wang Jitong's explanation, Han Fei completely gave up.

"Madan, the holy spirit or something, if you don't have it, you don't have it. Anyway, as long as the number of swarms is enough, I will be able to ignite the divinity of the god fire sooner or later." Comforting himself sourly in his heart, Han Fei resolutely gave up and continued on this issue tangled up.

Instead, he began to carefully observe the situation of the other contestants in Shenyu who were docked around.

Because there were only more than 600 participants, Han Fei quickly got a rough estimate of the fighting intensity of this competition through the size of their God's Domain.

There is not much difference from his previous estimate. Most of the contestants' god domains are less than one million square kilometers.

Few of them reached a million square kilometers, but to his surprise, he discovered that there was a divine domain area of ​​a participating student.

Like him, it also reached the level of 1500 million square kilometers.

The demigod spirit body of the other party also stood outside the barrier of God's Domain, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the other contestants around him.

This is a young man with an arrogant expression on his face, and his eyes reveal a strong look of disdain for the contestants around him.

Suddenly, as if sensing that someone was looking at him, the young man turned his head and noticed Han Fei, the demigod who was looking at him.

At the same time, I also saw Han Fei's 1500 million square kilometers God's Domain docked quietly in the void.

Chapter 103 Be Careful

The look of disdain in the young man's eyes slowly subsided, but a wild smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As if he had found his prey, he scanned Han Fei up and down.

At the same time, an idea quickly passed from the other side.

"Your domain is not small. It seems that only you are qualified to be my opponent in this match. I am looking forward to your performance."

Hearing the other party's speech full of breath, the corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched, resisting the urge to complain.

Based on what the other party said now, Han Fei has 80.00% certainty to make a decision.

This is another pink and tender young man who is overconfident and has never experienced beatings from society.

Han Fei was very curious. Now that the third year of high school is almost halfway over, there will be such a person?

People who have been in the resource well for a long time should have learned to be cautious long ago, why are they still so flamboyant.

"He showed hostility before entering the arena. It seems that he has confidence in his own strength, and he doesn't look very smart."

Putting away the desire to complain in his heart, Han Fei put on a smiling face, waved at the other party, and returned a thought to the other party.

"Your God's Domain is also quite big, and it looks like it should be very strong. The rules of this game are melee. Are you interested in cooperating to clear the others out of the field first, and finally come to fight for the championship?"

Li Yingji received Han Fei's thought, and was not moved at all. Instead, he put on a sneer and replied: "Hehe, it seems that you are weaker than I imagined, and only the weak need cooperation."

Hearing Li Yingji's reply, Han Fei also put away the smile on his face, turned his eyes away, and ignored the idiot opposite him.

After two sentences of exchange, he was already too lazy to continue chatting with this kind of person who has grown so self-inflated that his brain is not working.

Wang Jitong, who had listened to the whole conversation between the two, saw that Han Fei had stopped paying attention to each other.

Only then did he say to Han Fei: "Xiao Fei, you have to be careful with that kid opposite, he should be the kind of demigod who has a rich family background and is forced to rely on resources."

"The strength of this type of person is generally not weak, and they will be your strong opponents in this competition."

"I see." Hearing Wang Jitong's reminder, Han Fei frowned and nodded thoughtfully.

"It turned out to be the second generation of gods. No wonder the domain of gods has grown to 1500 million square kilometers, and they are so stupid."

Li Yingji gave Han Fei the feeling that he didn't have the cautious temperament that he naturally brought with him after spending many years in the resource well.

It is estimated that following the teacher to experience in the resource well is just a formality.

Wander around the outermost area twice casually, bully the rookie whose god domain is only tens of thousands of square kilometers, and then come back.

After all, there is no shortage of resources, and there is no need to take risks and enter the deep area of ​​the resource well.

At this moment, a divine sense spread from the referee's position to all directions.

"I am the Ministry of Education of Qinghai Star, the appointed referee of this competition, please come and gather all the participants."

After receiving this divine thought, Han Fei did not hesitate and greeted Wang Jitong.

Immediately took control of his domain of God, and leaned towards the center.

The other contestants around also moved, moving towards the central area.

After all the contestants had gathered, Han Fei looked around.

The more than 600 demigod domains participating this time are no different from what he observed before.

They are all within a million square kilometers in size, and there are very few that exceed a million square kilometers, so it doesn't hurt too much.

Only he and Li Yingji have a 1500 million square kilometer God's Domain, which stands out from the crowd in this area.

Seeing that all the participating students had arrived, the chief referee led the other two assistant referees and the field manager, and then the demigod spirit body appeared in the void.

The referee standing in the middle of the four of them moved two steps forward. This was a middle-aged man with a flat expression. He looked around at the students who had gathered.

Raising his hands and clapping lightly, a sound of surprise spread in all directions with his movements, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

The calm-faced chief referee said, "This match is a scuffle mode, and everyone is connected to the field management's God Realm at the same time, and sent their family members into the arena."

"All the dependents who entered the field management god's domain died, and those who could no longer send their dependents into the arena will be considered eliminated."

"It is forbidden to pass through the competition field and invade other people's gods, and those who violate it will be eliminated."

"After the start of the competition, the half-god spirits of the contestants are prohibited from leaving their own gods and appearing in the void to observe the situation in the arena. Violators will be eliminated."

Speaking of which, as soon as the referee raised his hand, more than 600 cards scattered in the void, and each card flew to a participating student accurately.

"This is an inward shielding card for spiritual thoughts. After establishing a connection with the field management God's Domain, use it on your own God's Domain barrier immediately."

"It will temporarily block your perception of things outside the barrier of God's Domain. As long as your demigod spirit body crosses the barrier of God's Domain, this layer of shielding will disappear, and it will be counted as voluntary abandonment of the game, and you will be eliminated on your own."

"During the competition, once you are eliminated, you are prohibited from interfering with the situation on the court in any form."

"The time limit for the competition is up to one month. The competition will automatically end when it expires. Among the players who have not been eliminated, kill the family members of other people, and the person with the most number will win the championship."

"If there is anything unclear, you can ask questions now."

After speaking, the referee stood in the void and waited for 10 seconds. Seeing that no one asked questions, he nodded to the field manager behind him.

After receiving the referee's signal, the venue immediately controlled his 1 million square kilometers of God's Domain, approaching the location of the participating students.

At the same time, there are more than 600 apertures around the god's domain. These apertures are equally spaced and evenly distributed around the god's domain of the field tube.

At this moment, the referee's divine sense continued to come.

"Move your God's Domain to the location of the aperture, wait for the order to start the game, and then you can establish an invasion channel, let's act."

After listening to the rules promulgated by the referee, Han Fei looked at the divine sense shielding card in his hand.

There was nothing to wait for, and he directly controlled God's Domain, and began to move closer to the location of the competition venue.

Also acting at the same time as him is Li Yingji, the second generation of gods, two gods with an area of ​​more than 1500 million square kilometers.

In this way, it stands out from the area where the contestants are concentrated.

There was a short distance from the other players behind who deliberately slowed down.

Han Fei glanced at Li Yingji Shenyu who was still accelerating not far away from him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Hehe, you are really a naive problem child, do you want to show off?"

Chapter 104

Thinking of this, Han Fei directly reduced his movement speed in God's Domain.

Let Li Ying remember that God's Domain took the lead and arrived at the competition venue first to occupy a circle of light.

After confirming his location, he was also confirmed, the area that will be connected to the field management God's Domain.

Han Fei directly changed the direction of his God's Domain, which was originally moving.

Slightly deviated from the original direction, bypassing where Li Yingji was.

Stop the God's Domain at the aperture farthest from Li Yingji's position, forming a diagonal line with the other party.

As a demigod who entered the barren resource well several times and plundered other people's gods, Han Fei grew up to this day.

Without knowing the specific strength of the opponent, he was reminded by Wang Jitong in advance.

He still decided to place the connection of the God's Domain invasion channel in an area far away from the opponent.

Han Fei did this mainly to keep a sufficient distance from Li Yingji in the early stage.

In this way, he can avoid direct contact with Li Yingji in the early stage and consume the swarm.

It can also dispatch investigation units in advance to observe the situation of the other party's family members and formulate countermeasures in advance.

Even if you have absolute confidence in yourself, in the matter of manipulating the swarm to fight.

Maintaining due caution and avoiding unnecessary losses has become a habit that Han Fei has developed long ago.

Moreover, the rules of this game are melee, so there is no need to find the strongest person to fight to the death from the beginning.

It is a more correct strategy to give priority to clearing the weak out of the field.

He didn't want to beat himself to death with others, and finally an old Yin coin appeared to take advantage of himself. Now that everything is unclear, the necessary caution is still needed.

After Han Fei selected the aperture that stops at God's Domain, the other participating students also began to seize the aperture positions they were optimistic about one after another.

The fastest batch of contestants, most of the priority selection, is far away from the aperture of Han Fei and Li Yingji.

Judging from the average distance of the aperture, if God's Domain is placed in the aperture next to the two of them, after the connection with the field tube is established.

The distance between the adjacent invasion passages will not exceed 100 kilometers, and there is a high probability that they will be the first to fight Han Fei or Li Yingji.

No one wants to bump into the strongest player when they enter the arena.

This caused the rest of the participating students to suddenly speed up their aperture selection.

After a while, all the apertures around the God's Domain were fully occupied, and the slowest person had no choice but to park the God's Domain at the location closest to Han Fei or Li Yingji.

"Let me emphasize again, all contestants, after establishing the invasion channel, immediately use the divine sense shielding card."

"Don't use it before the intrusion channel is established, otherwise, when the connection is established, the God's Domain barrier brought by the intrusion channel will be turbulent, which will easily make the shield invalid, and this will also be counted as elimination."

After the referee finished the final reminder, he paused, glanced around at the contestants who were already in place, and without any nonsense, simply spread his spiritual thoughts to all directions, with only four words in content.

"Game start."

The more than 600 participating students surrounding the Shenyu competition heard the announcement from the chief referee.

The docked God's Domain lifted up a series of transparent invasion channels almost simultaneously, stretching out to the God's Domain arena in the middle, quickly establishing a connection.

The moment Han Fei completed the connection, he immediately used the divine sense shielding card, and a layer of faint gray light quickly covered his divine domain barrier.

With the blocking of this layer of light, Han Fei felt that he could no longer observe the outside world from the inside of God's Domain.

After confirming that the divine sense shielding card had taken effect, he directly pulled the thread of faith.

The more than one billion bug swarms that had already gathered at the edge of God's Domain quickly poured into the invasion channel.

Because all contestants enter the arena at the same time, there is no need to worry about being ambushed at the entrance of the invasion channel.

Therefore, the selection of the swarm unit that Han Fei entered the arena first this time is different from the usual tentative attack process of the invasion.

The swarm units that are given priority this time, except for the Stinger Dragonfly, which has a clear position in the swarm and is extremely cost-effective, has not been eliminated.

The extraordinary flying springtails with a number of more than 100 million, and the thunder dragons with a number of 1000 are also the first echelon with the highest priority for admission.

Their task is not to fight, but to quickly spread out for investigation after entering the field, and at the same time provide Han Fei with the coordinates of possession to quickly collect information.

After a large number of poisonous stinging dragonflies came to this strange god's domain through the invasion channel, they immediately spread out in the form of low-altitude detection like flying mosquitoes.

The faster supernatural flying springtails began to climb upwards after entering the arena.

It didn't spread out at a speed of more than 350 kilometers per hour until it was close to a kilometer high.

Then there is the fastest thunder dragon in the swarm at this stage. After entering the field, 1000 of them will directly rise to an altitude of 8000 meters and fly away at high speed in a fan shape.

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