So, he turned around and walked to the table in the middle of the living room, and put the computer on it.

Directly in front of everyone, he opened the script file: "He greeted warmly: "Come, come, Lin Zheng's new script, let's watch it together, ah, everyone can give your opinion, the more the better! "

"Yo, didn't you say that just now?"

"That's right, doesn't it mean that this is all secret, we are not qualified to see it?"

"Whatever it is that the minister has given you as a person, we cannot violate your rights."

"Where did the prestige just now go?"

"Tsk tsk, Captain, it's only been an hour, why are you so rubbish?"

Listening to the sarcastic words, Li Changsheng could only accept his fate with a wry smile: "Just now, it's true that I didn't think about it carefully, and it must be a lot of wisdom. Let's work together, come! Everyone, please don't be polite."

Zhou Xinyi still looked reluctant, but she did not move slowly at all, and leaned directly towards the computer.

After all, Lin Zheng's film is no longer a simple film.

In the short term.

They need to use the opportunity to shoot this movie to eradicate the weirdness in Zhifu's apartment.

And in the long run.

Although it is still uncertain, Lin Zheng's films are more or less related to reality.

Just in case, from today onwards, all the films that Lin Zheng has shot, they must study them carefully.

Of course, more importantly, this is Lin Zheng's movie.

When Lin Zheng was able to disperse a strange one casually.

In the eyes of the group of people like Blade of Destruction, even if he is making cartoons for babies.

This animation is definitely not easy!

Several people stood in front of the computer, looking at the script and deliberating.

Luo Hong: ""The Devil's Mansion"? The seems a little scary."

Cao Desheng: "Yeah, why isn't it called "Ghost Apartment"? Isn't the place we want to shoot at Zhifu Apartment?"

Zhou Xinyi: "Introduction... The movie tells the story of the male protagonist 'Yi Wenshi' and his new wife who have just returned to the police station after their honeymoon.

The wife was forced by the police boss to go undercover with two other policewomen and her niece in the 'Zhifu Apartment', pretending to be a dancer.

In this way, approach the criminal 'Dasha' and investigate a case of counterfeit banknotes!

At this time, there were frequent haunted incidents in the 'Chifu Apartment'.

The old lady of the landlord invited an eminent monk to hunt ghosts, but due to negligence, a female ghost escaped and wandered in the apartment.

By chance, the female ghost collided with the people investigating the case, and started a story of a nonsensical confrontation between a human and a ghost... Just this introduction, it looks so interesting! "

Mei Jixing: "As expected of Director Lin, he is indeed a genius. I can't think of ten scripts for this script!"

Li Changsheng twitched the corners of his mouth and said patiently: "I called you here to give opinions, find loopholes, and... see how the plot can be combined with our handling of the strange apartment, not for you to praise him."

Luo Hong said with yin and yang peculiar anger: "People write well, why not let them praise?"

Zhou Xinyi rarely stood on the same front as him: "That's it."

However, having said so.

But after all, they still restrained their minds and quietly read the main content of the script.

And the other side.

Lin Zheng was sitting in his room, quietly waiting for the reviewer's reply.

According to his experience, the so-called reviewer's response speed will definitely not be too slow.

Maybe he will rewrite another one, or make some modifications.

It's better to just wait here, so as not to waste time running around.

at the same time.

in another room.

Zhang Xirou hadn't been out of the room for a long time, and at the same time, she had not slept all night.

Although, at the beginning, she did have some skepticism about this "Lin Zheng Zheng Zheng Zhen Jing".

After all, the name, at first glance, was made up by Lin Zheng himself, showing his narcissism most vividly.

But when she was patient, studied, and, in the way taught by Lin Zheng, tried to practice for a while.

But I found that... this practice seems to be really useful!

I don't know if it's because of her extraordinary talent, the emperor is outstanding, or this technique is too simple.

After returning to her room last night, it only took two hours for her to successfully enter the entrance and cultivate the first ray of skill in her body.

Zhang Xirou was immediately overjoyed, and then she devoted herself to cultivation even more.

All night long, it didn't stop at all.

In the morning, a message was specially sent to Lin Zheng, saying that she was going to practice and would not eat for the time being.

Therefore, Lin Zhengcai did not go to her.

And until this time, Zhang Xirou has always been in a state of cultivation.

And the skill in her body is naturally growing rapidly.


Chapter 99 Ladies!my dream!

After half an hour.

Li Changsheng sat on the sofa, holding a pen and paper, looked at Zhou Xinyi and the others in front of him, and said, "Okay, there is not much to look at, so let's summarize the problems and return the email to Lin Zheng as soon as possible."

Zhou Xinyi and the others should also enter the working state.

As soon as Li Changsheng finished speaking, they expressed their doubts and opinions about the script one by one.

Zhou Xinyi: "What level is this female ghost? This is a good mark. According to the classification system provided by Lin Zheng before, that's all, and there should be nothing else."

Li Changsheng recorded it, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Okay, this should not require an explanation. In fact, we can all agree with each other, and Lin Zheng should not have any opinions."

Mei Jixing: "My question is, at the end of the movie, the third prince Nezha, the soul boy, was invited to come and kill the ghost, and there are four other guardians of the heavenly kings. Is this true? Can you really invite them? Who are these people?"

Zhou Xinyi: "This should be fine, right? It looks fake."

Luo Hong: "This is really not fake. I have studied ancient mythology before. These people are all gods in the Taoist heaven."

Li Changsheng: "Then it's even more important to ask, after all... the 'land' that the bizarre mouth of the broken temple before was also in myths and legends.

If there is such a way to invite God, it's fine, but if not, then you really have to change it.

When the time comes, tell Lin Zheng...may it cause disputes between sects (anti-harmony)?After all, the ghost catcher here is a monk, and the monk should be from Buddhism, right? "

He looked at Luo Hong.

Luo Hong nodded, but said again: "But in our country, Taoism and Buddhism have long since declined, and not many people believe in them."

Li Changsheng frowned and thought for a while, but he couldn't think of a solution, he waved his hand: "Never mind, just say it's politically correct."

Luo Hong: "I also have one here, why is the female ghost chasing after the male protagonist and doing the things he loves to do with him? Does it have any special meaning?"

Zhou Xinyi: "Maybe it's because the male lead is handsome."

"The male protagonist is handsome?" Luo Hong glanced at her and teased: "Be careful, don't you think that in this movie Lin Zheng plays the male lead, and you play his wife?"

Zhou Xinyi blushed and lowered her head: "I don't have it, don't talk nonsense."

Luo Hong immediately laughed: "That's good, then let me play the wife."

Zhou Xinyi immediately raised her eyes and glared at him: "You want to be beautiful!"

"Okay! Don't make trouble!"

Li Changsheng said, nodded thoughtfully, and said, "This plot is indeed up for debate.

So that some lewd people will go to the female ghost after reading it.

Record it first and see if he has any reasonable explanation. "

Luo Hong also nodded, with a serious expression, and said: "Well, in this way, the female ghost must also make up to be ugly and scary.

This will completely prevent similar situations from happening. "

"Also, it is said in the script that in the end, the female ghost takes revenge on everyone and calls over the strange people from many miles away.

Shouldn't this be true?It's impossible, all those weirdness are the red clothes that Lin Zheng said?

We can change it to, the ghosts caught by the eminent monks were released again. How about it? It’s reasonable, right? "


"I suggest that this eminent monk should be played by Lin Zheng. Only he can kill ghosts, so he can't play the male lead."

"This, we communicated with Lin Zheng privately and tried to persuade him. I also wrote it down."

"Some of them use guns and explosives to deal with weird ones, I think some adjustments should be made.

After all, it is to be broadcast, and we have to ensure a high box office, which may be seen by many audiences.

It's best to replace it with something that really works for the weird. "

"Yes, this is really important, I think about how to explain it to him..."

"and also……"



"This is also possible."

Li Changsheng nodded his head, and wrote down the opinions of everyone in great detail.

The five of them talked for several minutes.

After that, the room fell into a brief silence.

"Anything else?" Li Changsheng couldn't help but ask after seeing no voice for a long time.

"Um...can you replace the female ghost with a male one? I don't want to wear women's clothes."

Suddenly, a weak voice rang out.

Miao voice turned his head and found that the speaker was Cao Desheng.

Then I remembered that according to their plan, Cao Desheng should be playing a weird role.

Because Cao Desheng's ability is to control weirdness.

Therefore, in some cases, he can control the weirdness around his body and let Lin Zheng deal with it.

But in the script at this time, there is only one female ghost.

That is to say, if things go according to plan, Cao Desheng will disguise himself as a woman.

Everyone looked at Cao Desheng, who was 1.9 meters tall, standing in the room, his head almost touching the chandelier.

Think about the scene when he was dressed as a woman.

Qi Qi was stunned, a chill.

They even suspected that it was impossible for Lin Zheng to agree to let Cao Desheng play the female ghost.

"But there are a lot of plots related to female ghosts in the script, and they are all very interesting. If this setting is changed, these plots will be gone. Will we go too far?" Zhou Xinyi was a little worried. said aloud.

She is different from Li Changsheng and others.

These people were all thinking about how to embarrass Lin Zheng.

Unlike her, she only knew that she felt sorry for Lin Zheng.

No one spoke,

Thinking about how to solve the problem of Cao Desheng.

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