And Lan Mengjie, who died two days ago.

Just one of countless victims over the past six years.

It was also Liu Yutian's only victim who died.

From the first day Lan Mengjie moved to Zhifu Apartment, Liu Yutian set his sights on her with a beautiful face.

And successfully recommended one of the problem rentals to her.

According to the previous rules, Lan Mengjie will live here for a few months, or a few years.

And the number of U disks in Liu Yutian's secret room will also increase by a few more.

Other than that, nothing else should happen.

But by chance, Liu Yutian discovered that Lan Mengjie was very afraid of ghosts!

Just scared to the point of nervousness.

This discovery successfully ignited Liu Yutian's curiosity.

So, when he purchased those pinhole cameras and U disks, he bought some pico projectors by the way.

Even if the quality is poor, the image quality is not good.

But it was enough for him.

Because he just wanted to use these things to create ghosts and intimidate Lan Mengjie.

That's right, the ghosts that Lan Mengjie saw on the ceiling of the room.

It was entirely made by Liu Yutian!

Later, Liu Yutian took advantage of the secret passage to let Lan Mengjie "break" the air conditioner and TV in the room.

He pretended to be a good person and said that he only needed to increase the rent of 50 yuan per month, and slowly paid it back with the rent.

Using this method, Lan Mengjie, who was already short of money, could not leave the apartment for the time being, no matter how scared he was.

Then, Liu Yutian began to intensify, using those miniature projectors to create ghost images.

Continue to destroy the spirit of Lan Mengjie.

Until the day of the incident, that is, the night when Lin Zheng received the call.

Because of smoking, Liu Yutian and his wife had a fight.

He ran to the secret room alone and drank some stuffy wine.

Then he started to use the projector to scare Lan Mengjie.

Seeing that Lan Mengjie was so frightened that she burrowed into the bed and dared not come out.

He suddenly thought about it. He happened to be wearing pure white pajamas that day, and he painted himself a little bit of makeup to look like a ghost.

Use the passage to enter Lan Mengjie's room, intending to go further.

He thought that the other party would not resist.

But who knows, Lan Mengjie would rather die than follow.

During the scuffle, Lan Mengjie saw his face and shouted to call the police.

Therefore, he pains the killer.

First knocked Lan Mengjie unconscious, then dragged him into the bathroom, made an unexpected appearance, and was electrocuted alive.

After that, he dismantled Room 401, all the cameras and projectors.

Go back to the secret room through the secret passage.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Chengmin and the others did not contact him at first.

And the reason why he has to rush home these two days.

That is, because there is still a key in the house that can open the secret passage.

He was afraid of being found by the law enforcement officer, so he tried every means to destroy it.

If at that time, Lin Zheng's speed was slower, he didn't see the picture of him throwing the key into the toilet.

Maybe, this time it is really possible to let him continue to muddle through.

After listening to the other party's story, Lin Zheng felt both angry and sad.

Anger at Liu Yutian's despicableness, and sorrow at Lan Mengjie's fear.

A question suddenly popped into his mind.

"If Lan Mengjie wasn't afraid of ghosts, wouldn't all this happen?"

But soon, he thought of the answer himself.

will not!

Even if Lan Mengjie is not afraid of ghosts, it is still difficult to avoid similar tragedies.

Lan Mengjie was really afraid of ghosts to the extreme.

But what really hurts her is money, poverty, and things that don't seem so scary, people!

Just when Lin was grief-stricken here, he was thinking about various sensitive issues such as society, class, capital, and people's hearts.

The old law enforcement officer Zhang Chengmin was not satisfied with Liu Yutian's remarks.

He said, "So you mean that the death of your wife and child has nothing to do with you?"

Liu Yutian cried pitifully: "No matter how mad I am, it is impossible for me to do anything to my own child.

And I didn't have time to work at all, there was a video record of me leaving room 401 on the USB flash drive.

If I remember correctly, the two of them had already jumped off by then. "

Zhang Chengmin narrowed his eyes, his eyes cold: "So the two of them committed suicide?

And the reason for suicide is that you quarreled with you, because of your smoking habit? "

Liu Yutian shook his head helplessly: "I don't know, I really don't know, I just did such a wrong thing, or because I drank a little bit, my mind was a little unclear...

I just wanted to satisfy my perverted psychology, I really didn't think about harming anyone, I beg you, police officer, I really know I'm wrong..."

"You are lying!"

At this moment, a person who was unexpected to everyone suddenly made a sound!

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Zhou Xinyi who was talking.

I saw that she was holding a USB flash drive in her hand.

On the U disk, there was a piece of paper with the number "7" written on it.

In order to avoid confusion with U disks, Liu Yutian marked all 11 rooms.

The numbers on the U disk represent the contents of which room this is.

Just when Liu Yutian started to tell.

While listening, Zhou Xinyi took a USB flash drive and checked it with the computer they carried with them.

Because Zhang Chengmin's attention is all on Liu Yutian.

So I didn't realize it was illegal behavior.

But who knew, Zhou Xinyi saw this.

It was immediately discovered that the room in the No. 7 U disk.

It was with her, the room I saw in those two strange memory fragments.

Almost exactly the same!

the only difference.

In the two strange memory fragments, all parts of the room are covered with eyes.

Originally, Zhou Xinyi still couldn't understand the scene he saw from those two strange memories.

But now, after listening to Liu Yutian's narration and understanding the whole situation of the whole incident.

She finally understood a little bit.

In that strange memory fragment of conscience, the meaning of those lottery scenes was revealed.

The room full of eyes is likely to indicate the pinhole camera that Liu Yutian placed in the room.

And the blurry picture on the screen is probably what Liu Yutian specially let them see, the content captured by the pinhole camera.

Because in their memory, there is a crucial text message.

Zhou Xinyi remembered the content of the text message clearly.

"My eyes are all over the house."

Such a tone and content.

It is almost certain that the person who sent this text message is Liu Yutian!

And this text message also shows that Liu Yutian is not just shooting videos.

I have also been in contact with those two strange people!

After understanding those scenes, it can be basically determined that those two strange people must have lived in this room 7 for a period of time before their death.

Also, something very bad happened that made them feel extremely scared.

It even made them fearful enough to have hallucinations!

Therefore, after they become weird, the scenes in the memory fragments will be so abstract.

Maybe, those two strange people died in the hands of Liu Yutian!

However, there were outsiders like Lin Zheng present.

In order to prevent any secrets from being revealed, Zhou Xinyi couldn't say these words clearly.

Because her inferences and evidence are all based on two strange memory fragments.

So she could only look at her captain and explain: "The room in this USB flash drive is the one I saw before!

I'm sure it's the same room! "

Zhang Chengmin and the others naturally did not understand what she meant.

But fortunately, after being stunned for a moment, Li Changsheng immediately understood the meaning expressed by his team.

He looked at Zhou Xinyi's extremely serious eyes, and for a moment, his mind changed sharply.

Soon, he came up with a statement that would not reveal the secret, but also convey Zhou Xinyi's meaning.

He turned his head, looked at Lin Zheng and the others who were full of doubts, and said seriously: "Actually, we came here for a secret mission besides exploring and recording these two subjects.

We learned through the company's special channels before this.

In this apartment, there have been two fatalities, both of which are tenants here.

The two victims were supposed to be a couple, but we have only a small amount of evidence.

And one of the evidence is the room where the couple lived.

That room is just right to match the screen of the room in this U disk! "

Having said that, Li Changsheng couldn't help turning his head, looked at Zhang Chengmin, and asked, "Officer Zhang, do you have any impression of what happened in this apartment before?"

He hopes to get valuable information from this old law enforcement officer.

Zhang Chengmin naturally frowned and thought.

After a while, a light flashed in his eyes: "Five years ago, there was a fire here, on the 5th floor if I remember correctly.

It was a couple who died in the fire!

But at that time, because the fire was serious, a lot of evidence was burned, and the room was deliberately sprinkled with oil. All clues indicated that the couple committed suicide by arson.

So at that time, it was over. "

As soon as the words came out.

The whole room was silent for a moment.

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