This night, they have arrested dozens of times.

Hu Hai also swallowed dozens of times.

Now both of his arms are covered with gauze, and under the gauze, there are one after another scars from his own bites.

However, the devouring was still unsuccessful.

And they didn't find out what the problem was.

"According to the current situation, there are two weird ones in this apartment, one male and one female.

The two strange appearances are very similar. Judging by their age, they should be couples or other relatively close relationships.

The resentment in the two strange memory fragments is exactly the same, and they seem to have some special ability to make our devouring invalid...

There is no point in continuing to try. We have to go back and study it and think of new countermeasures before we can continue to act. "

Li Changsheng said.

After working all night, he was also full of exhaustion.

Zhou Xinyi and the others naturally had no objections.

Using the weird power in their bodies all night is a huge challenge to their mental and physical strength.

Cao Desheng was undoubtedly the most exhausted, dragging his weak body and wanting to go outside.

But at this time, Hu Hai shouted angrily again: "Can't we discuss countermeasures here? Why do we have to go back?"

Li Changsheng glanced at him impatiently: "We all need to rest, and if we stay here, if Lin Zheng sees it, it may arouse suspicion."

"Lin Zheng, Lin Zheng, Lin Zheng, and this Lin Zheng again, can you let him go!" Hu Hai roared angrily, failing to succeed all night, his mentality had obviously exploded.

But Li Changsheng was in no mood to quarrel with him anymore.

He looked at Hu Hai and said coldly: "I don't want to waste my tongue. If you don't go back, I'll knock you out and drag you back."

Of course Hu Hai was frightened, so he could only suppress his anger, obediently followed behind Li Changsheng and others, and left.

Mei Jixing bid farewell to his teammates, returned to the hotel he rented, and continued to spend time in jail.

Li Changsheng and the others dragged their tired bodies and went to the restaurant first to have breakfast.

After finding out that Lin Zheng was not in the restaurant, he sent a message to Lin Zheng.

Pretend they just woke up.

Not long after, Lin Zheng also came to the restaurant.

Hu Hai wanted to say something, but was glared back by Li Changsheng, who had been prepared for a long time.

After eating, Li Changsheng said goodbye to Lin Zheng on the pretext of going out for a meeting today.

Lin Zheng naturally had no doubts, and immediately opened his mouth at the hotel, first to meet Zhang Xirou, and then, at the door of Zhifu apartment, the old law enforcement officer Zhang Chengmin waited.

Zhang Chengmin came here in the car of the law enforcement team, but when he got out of the car, he brought someone with him.

The man was wearing white pajamas full of dust and stains, and his face was very tired, full of sadness.

It is the landlord of Zhifu Apartment.

Lin Zheng stepped forward: "Officer Zhang, this..."

Zhang Chengmin smiled and said, "Landlord Liu said he didn't believe his wife and children committed suicide, and wanted to come and see for himself, and begged me to bring him here."

Landlord Liu next to him also looked at Lin Zheng and Zhang Xirou, with a difficult smile on his face.

"Is this okay?" Lin Zheng was stunned by the behavior of this old law enforcement officer. This person is really capable, and he really dares to disobey the orders of his superiors when something happens!

Zhang Chengmin waved his hands indifferently, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll be responsible for any problems, let's go, go up and have a look first!"

Lin Zheng didn't speak, but when he looked at Landlord Liu, there was a look of thought in his eyes.

As soon as he heard the other party's request, he brought him here... Zhang Chengmin should not be such an unreliable person.

At that time, if it wasn't for the help of Li Changsheng and others, he couldn't have stayed in the apartment to investigate the case.

Could it be that Landlord Liu has some important clues or major suspicions?

Lin Zheng thought about it...

In fact, Lin Zheng also had doubts about Landlord Liu before.

Because although the other party has not been close to the scene of the crime, there is no alibi.

According to his statement, when the incident happened, he was drinking on the roof of the apartment building.

That's his daily habit too.

It is true that some tenants have seen it.

But on the day of the incident, no tenant ran to the roof of the apartment building.

Moreover, the time between the two cases is too short.

According to the forensic examination, almost half a minute after the 609 jumping incident, Lan Mengjie from 401 also had an accident.

Therefore, the thinking of normal people is basically that these two cases cannot be done by the same murderer.

In addition, this landlord is also a victim, and it is obviously more related to the case of his wife and children.

That's why Lin Zhengcai didn't think much about it.

A group of people walked into Zhifu Apartment.

Zhang Chengmin pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's go to Room 401 to check first."

At this moment, Landlord Liu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "The captain, I won't follow for now, lest I see something that shouldn't look at me, I'll go to my house to have a look first." ?”

no problem.

Zhang Chengmin nodded, and then watched the other party run upstairs.

Lin Zheng stared wide-eyed, and after the landlord surnamed Liu left, he asked in a dazed voice, "Aren't you afraid that he will destroy the crime scene? Besides, he should be suspected, right?"

Zhang Chengmin said: "Of course he is suspected, otherwise why would I bring him here?"

Lin Zhengdao: "Then you still let him go? Aren't you afraid that he will destroy the evidence?"

Zhang Chengmin smiled and said: "I'm putting a long line to hang a big fish! Slowly find clues, how tiring, if you catch the murderer on the spot, don't you know everything?"

Lin Zheng looked at Zhang Chengmin's confident look, and couldn't help asking: "Is this landlord really a murderer?"

Zhang Chengmin nodded: "There is a high probability."

Lin Zheng thought for a moment, and was even more puzzled: "Then why did he kill his wife and children?"

But Zhang Chengmin shook his head again: "It is very likely that he did not kill his wife and children. No matter how vicious a person is, he can't do such a thing."

Hearing this, Lin Zheng narrowed his eyes for a moment, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "You mean... Lan Mengjie was killed by him?"

Zhang Chengmin looked closely at Lin Zheng, remained silent for a moment, and then nodded slightly.


at the same time.

On the other side, Hu Hai was in his hotel room, looking at the gauze wrapped around his arms.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

After a while, with trembling hands, he took out his mobile phone stiffly, unlocked it, found Minister Yan Zhengguo's number, and called.

The moment the phone was connected, Hu Hai immediately opened his mouth and said what he had been brewing countless times before...

"Minister, I want to report Li Changsheng, the captain of the fourth team, and they contacted the director Lin Zheng privately to participate in this weird mission.

And when it was clearly determined to be a weird incident, he still acted with that Lin Zheng and said it was a murder case.

Give all the time during the day to the director, let him investigate the case, and only deal with the weirdness at night, and work passively.

Moreover, I don't know if they did it on purpose or if they didn't have the ability. Last night I followed the procedure and devoured it more than ten times, but it still didn't work.

What's more, we've established that there isn't one creepy in the apartment, but two.

But in such an urgent situation, early this morning, and because of that Lin Zheng..."

Hu Hai added fuel and vinegar, and made the matter very serious.

Push all the existing problems to Li Changsheng and others.

He also mentioned many problems that did not exist at all, and forcibly pushed them on Li Changsheng and others.

He spoke for a full minute and a half by himself on the report call.

"Minister, I feel that Li Changsheng and the others are incapable and don't have the intention to deal with this weird one properly, so I apply to let other teams handle this matter.

If there are no other teams that are free, please ask the minister to put a little pressure on Captain Li and the others.

Moreover, I hope that the minister can hide my identity, otherwise, I am worried that they will avenge themselves publicly. "

On the other end of the phone, Yan Zhengguo's calm voice came: "Yes, it happens that Luo Hong, the captain of the third team, is going to Lishi. I'll ask her to come and help you. Is there anything else you want to say?"

"No more." Hu Hai said.

Wait for the phone to hang up.

Hu Hai's face immediately showed a look of pleasure.

Although he did add a lot of fuel, many of the things were actually done by Li Changsheng.

This call.

No matter what, Li Changsheng could suffer a bit.

No matter how bad it was, he could get rid of that annoying Lin Zheng.

In this way, when the captain of the third team arrives in Lishi, he can immediately become the Destroyer.

Hu Hai thought, he really wanted to be the Destroyer.

Therefore, he was unwilling to wait for a moment...


More than ten minutes later, Li Changsheng, who was in the room discussing countermeasures with Zhou Xinyi and Cao Desheng, received a call from Yan Zhengguo.

After a few minutes, the phone hung up.

Li Changsheng came out of the bathroom, looked at the two team members, and sighed: "The minister knows that we gave Lin Zheng authority to investigate the case, and he doesn't support us in doing so. Let's deal with the weirdness first."

Zhou Xinyi said, "Didn't you tell the minister that there might indeed be a murderer?"

"I said it, but that's not something we should care about, and people from the law enforcement department will investigate later.

The minister said that he has contacted the law enforcement department and ordered us to speed up the progress and try to solve the weird one tonight... The entire apartment and its surroundings, nearly a hundred households have been isolated, and the pressure from other departments is also increasing. very big. "

"It will be resolved tonight, but there are obviously problems with those two weirdos. They are not so easy to deal with. How could it be so fast?"

"The minister said that the captain of the third team just planned to come over. He just got on the plane and will arrive in two hours."

"Luo Hong? The task of their team has been solved?"

"It should be resolved."

"Then... are we going to drive Lin Zheng out?"

"That's the only way, the minister has already spoken... pack up your things, Luo Hong should be here soon."


Chapter 87 Is this Lin Zheng so defiant?

two hours later.

In a black commercial vehicle that just drove out of Perlis Airport.

Luo Hong closed her eyes and rested.

But in his mind, what happened in the ruined temple last night kept flashing.

After the strangely dressed ancient man appeared, Luo Hong originally thought that they would be greeted by a fierce battle.

After all, the concentration of yin qi soared to over 30 crazily. In addition, it was able to talk for an unprecedented time. Logically speaking, that ancient monster should be a very terrifying existence!

But she didn't expect it.

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