
Countless thoughts flashed through Lin Zheng's mind instantly.

Before, he was really just a subconscious guess.

So now this passage comes from "A reminder from Detective Charlotte".

No doubt he was telling him that Lan Mengjie's death was definitely not a suicide.

And indeed it was a murder!

Even if there is no evidence, even if the King of Heaven is here!

It's also a murder!

Kind of like a murderer!

Lin Zheng raised his head and looked at the old law enforcement officer named Zhang Chengmin in front of him.

He organized the language and said very seriously: "Police officer, this case is very likely to be a murder!

As for the murderer, it is very likely that Lan Mengjie was a person who was relatively close to Lan Mengjie in this city.

When you check, you can check in this direction... By the way, I suggest to control all the people who are close to her first, lest they escape. "

Lin Zheng's words made the old law enforcement officer stunned for a second. He paused for a second and couldn't help asking, "Do you have any evidence for that?"

Lin Zheng shook his head.

The system didn't give it, so of course he had no evidence.

The old law enforcement officer smiled and said: "If there is no evidence, it is better not to talk nonsense.

You are the first friend of the deceased to arrive at the scene, and you are very, very suspicious of the case.

If it was true, I should have arrested you now. "

"Ah this..."

Lin Zheng was a little embarrassed, and after hesitating for a moment, he said it again more sincerely: "Although I have no evidence, please believe me, I really didn't mean to cause trouble, nor did I have a psychological problem.

You can take what I said as a suggestion, as long as you don't ignore this possibility when you investigate. "

Speaking of this, Lin Zheng suddenly had a flash of light in his mind: "By the way, did you find her cell phone?"

The old law enforcement officer said, "Why do you ask that?"

Lin Zhengdao: "Before the accident, I just called her on the phone, but then, when I called her, no one answered, and after that, I just turned off the phone.

If you can find her phone, turn it back on, and see how much power is left, that can be evidence! "

Lin Zheng said excitedly: "If the phone's battery is not used up, it means that her phone was not turned off by itself, but was turned off by someone else!"

The old law enforcement officer flipped through the documents in his hand, then shook his head: "We did find her mobile phone, but it also fell into the bathtub."

Lin Zheng hurriedly asked: "Can it still be turned on? Is her mobile phone IP68 waterproof?"

The old law enforcement officer Zhang Chengmin opened his eyes wide and looked surprised. This man has a very active mind.

"It's a pity." He shook his head, "Her phone is not waterproof, and now it's completely soaked in water, it's burned out, and it can't be turned on. We'll send it in for repairs later to see if it can be repaired and restored, but...it's unlikely. "

"Oh shit……"

The reasoning was repeatedly rubbed, and Lin Zheng couldn't help scolding, but then, he thought of another key.

"and many more!"

He looked at the law enforcement officer with a serious face: "If her mobile phone fell into the bathtub with her, it means that she took the mobile phone to the bath!

In that case, why doesn't she answer my call?

Is she in such a hurry to take a bath? "

As Lin Zheng said, he quickly flipped out his phone call records and put them in front of the other party.

"Look, I called her for a long time, but she didn't answer a single one, and she didn't reply.

This can be found at the operator.

Anyway, this is a little bit unreasonable! "

As soon as these words came out, the face of the old law enforcement officer could not help but become serious.

The old law enforcement officer Zhang Chengmin frowned and pondered for a moment.

Then, he immediately started to record everything that Lin Zheng just said.

Also, a horizontal line is drawn on the notebook to indicate that this is important information.

After all this last night, he solemnly said to Lin Zheng again, "This is indeed a suspicious point. I have written it down and will focus on investigating it."

Lin Zheng also had a serious face: "I'm not sure about the other two deceased people, but the case of Lan Mengjie is really, really not as simple as suicide.

Please, be sure to investigate carefully, and don't let the real culprit behind the scenes continue to go unpunished! "

Chapter 75 is almost certainly a weird event!

Lin Zheng naturally believed in "a reminder from detective Charlotte".

But he could not speak of the existence of the system.

So I can only use this stupid method to constantly emphasize.

I hope it can attract the attention of these law enforcement officers.

The old law enforcement officer looked straight into Lin Zheng's eyes, and after a few seconds, he finally nodded, with a very serious expression on his face: "Yes, please believe that we will never let any criminals go!"

"Thank you so much!"

Lin Zheng immediately bowed to the other party very gratefully.

He knew very well that he was incapable of investigating the case.

Except for the prompt from the detective just now, he may not be able to find out anything.

As an ordinary person, what he can do now is to run aside and wait for the judges' conclusions.

Unless, he can draw another reminder from the treasure box similar to "a reminder from detective Charlotte".

Even better stuff comes out.

"By the way, can I see the surveillance video of the scene? Or other evidence, I want to try... Can I help?" Lin Zheng asked again tentatively.

The old law enforcement officer shook his head unexpectedly: "No, this is still a secret for our case handling for the time being.

If you have any clues and evidence, you can come to me at any time.

If nothing else, I'm going to keep busy. "

"Okay, thank you, Officer Zhang, you are busy, I won't disturb you!"

Lin Zheng nodded.

Finally, after taking another look at the vehicle where Lan Mengjie's body was placed, he turned around and left.

After sitting on the subway for nearly two hours, and having stayed up for so long, he was so hungry that his chest was pressing against his back.

Going to find something to eat nearby.

After he finished eating, he wanted to stay here for a while.

See if there will be any updates on the case.

Anyway, the subway will not stop operating until 11:30, which is relatively early.

After finally getting out of the crowd, Lin Zheng let out a long sigh, feeling that the depressed and nervous mood finally eased a little.

But at this moment, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of when he was talking to the police officer Zhang just now.

Because I was a little excited, the voice was not small at all...

At the scene of the crime, he said loudly that it was not an accident, but a murder, and also pointed out the possible existence of the murderer.

If this is heard by the murderer, wouldn't he be in danger?

Lin Zhengjing's vest froze, and there was a little cold sweat on his forehead.

He glanced around, and suddenly felt that everyone was a murderer.

It wasn't until I remembered that I had 30 years of skill by my side that I felt a little relieved.

"Yes, I also have a PDD armor that can resist 9 normal damage..."

Thinking of this, Lin Zheng felt more at ease.

He let out a long breath, turned and walked to the side of the street.

But because I was too absorbed in thinking about things, I didn't notice the protruding floor tile in front of my feet, and kicked it directly.

[PDD armor takes effect, the number of immune attacks is reduced by one, the current number is: 8]

A system prompt immediately appeared in front of you.

Lin Zheng glanced at the prompt, and then looked down at the toe that was kicking a stone but didn't feel any pain at all.

People are stupid.

This is my first time... so gone?

Is this the PDD?

With a depressed mood, he walked for a while on the road and found a pleasant restaurant a few hundred meters away.

Got a bowl of beef noodles.

Wait until the boss brings the noodles and start eating.

Lin Zhengcai finally fully reacted.

The person who called him two hours ago and said that he had seen a ghost and begged him to save his life.

The person who was obviously very scared, but when he knew that Lin Zheng was "in danger", he still had to take him away with him.

The person who felt that he was hindering Lin Zheng after learning about the "identity of the Celestial Master" compiled by Lin Zheng, was at a loss, and quickly apologized.

That one was obviously very afraid of ghosts, but he had the phone number of Lin Zheng, the "Ghost Hunting Master", so he didn't want to disturb him.

For such a long time, not even a single call was made, not a single text message was sent.

living people.

It's really, so dead...

He remembered the pale face of the corpse, the twisted expression, and the...soaked hair that looked like it had been plucked out of water.

This is Lin Zheng, the first time he has seen a dead person seriously in reality.

Moreover, it was a person he knew and had asked him for help.

Although he has always been very calm, but in fact, this incident, the impact on him, is not small...

In Lin Zheng's mind, countless ideas emerged.

When Lan Mengjie called him, what was it like to be afraid?

What made her afraid to be like that?

Really ghost?

But immediately, he threw this idea out.

After all, "A Reminder from Detective Charlotte" said that the murderer was the "people" around him.

But if it's not a ghost, what is it?

What did she see on the ceiling?

She really had a mental problem and saw hallucinations.

Or, is there really a problem with that place?

The person she is closest to in Perlis... who is it?

In the end, all the thoughts in his mind came together into one thought.

That is, he must find the murderer and let him pay the price!

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