Take a step and run to the subway station at the fastest speed.

Only the old lady of the landlord was left, standing there alone.

After a moment of silence, she took two steps back.

As if he had lost all his strength all at once, he leaned against the railing of the building.

Her complexion was complicated, her lips trembled slightly, and tears seemed to flash from her cloudy eyes.


She sighed deeply.

At this moment, in the shadow next to him, the black cat that had torn Lin Zheng's pajamas, walked out slowly with graceful steps.

It seemed to be hesitant, but it still took a step, jumped onto the railing lightly, and then jumped onto the shoulders of the old landlady.

Then, sticking out her pink tongue, she gently licked the wrinkled, old face.

According to the plan, the black cat should have just rushed out of that place and jumped on Lin Zheng, scaring him.

But it never appeared.

A trace of grievance flashed in the old lady's eyes, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

She squeezed a helpless smile on her face, without saying anything to blame, she took the black cat on her shoulders into her arms and stroked it gently.

He muttered slowly in his mouth: "It's okay...it's okay...it's okay..."

The black cat lay obediently in the arms of the old lady, making a slight meow from time to time.

In the open mouth, you can see a tiny canine tooth that has just grown out.

The sun was slowly setting from the top of the mountain.

Under the rosy red light, the figure of one person and one cat looks a little lonely.


Chapter 72 Dead female tenant?

"You can recite this incantation, it can help you meditate and concentrate, and at the same time, it also has some resistance to those things."

"Remember to keep in touch with me at all times, I'm on the subway now, come right over."

"If you are really scared, you can keep calling me, but on the subway, the signal may not be very good."

Lin Zheng sent the exact version of "The Curse of Rebirth" to Lan Mengjie by text message, and then sent a few more comforting messages.

Of course he knew that this thing didn't actually work.

But for Lan Mengjie, this thing is more useful than calling the police.

For example, for some truly religious people.

"The law will punish you" is far less effective than "the Lord will punish you, and you will go to hell".

After the text message was sent, Lin Zhengcai lay down on the back of the subway seat and let out a long breath.

Even with 30 years of skill, running all the way, he is still somewhat tired.

"The old lady of the landlady is either intentionally scary, or she really has a mental problem...

If it doesn't work, when the box office share of "Happy Ghost" comes down, and I have a little more money, I will move out directly. "

Lin Zheng thought of the landlady's old lady again. He really couldn't understand her strange behavior.

The subway moves quickly.

Lin Zheng lived on the north side of Perlis, while Lan Mengjie lived on the southern edge.

The two are far apart.

Even the fastest intercity subway takes more than an hour and 40 minutes to get there.

Lin Zheng rested for a while and took out his mobile phone, only to find that the text message sent a few minutes ago had not received a reply.

He waited another 10 minutes, still no reply.

Lin Zheng couldn't help but get anxious. When the signal was good, he took the initiative to dial the phone.

Of course the phone was on.

Blind tones kept ringing.

But no one ever picked it up!

Until the carrier automatically hangs up the call.

Lin Zheng became more anxious.

He immediately made another call, but still no one answered.

So I continued to send messages, but it was still sinking into the sea, and there was no reply at all.

His heart gradually sank.

After several more phone calls.

He finally changed a number and called the Perlis Law Enforcement Team!

"Hello, this is the Perlis Law Enforcement Department. How can I help you?"

Lin Zheng gave a brief introduction to the process.

Then reported the address that Lan Mengjie gave him before.

But after hearing the address, the law enforcement officer on the other end of the phone was suddenly stunned.

Then, he said something that made Lin Zheng's heartbeat stop for a moment: "Are you sure it's this place? We received a call to the police two or ten minutes ago, saying that there was a murder case here."

Two 10 minutes ago?

Lin Zheng made a hasty calculation in his heart, probably when he ended the call with Lan Mengjie and left home.

Lin Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly asked, "Comrade law enforcement officer, what's the situation? Who is the victim?"

The law enforcement officer on the other end of the phone said calmly: "Calm down, don't worry, we also received the call soon, the specific situation will be discussed later."

Lin Zheng asked some more questions, but nothing came out.

He had no choice but to hang up the phone, and then immediately checked the time of his phone call with Lan Mengjie.

Exactly 24 minutes ago.

Lin Zheng frowned tightly.

Of course he also knew that the victim of the murder was not necessarily Lan Mengjie.

But I have to say... this is actually a bit too coincidental.

"I hope it's alright..."

Lin Zheng suppressed his anxiety, picked up the phone, and continued to call Lan Mengjie.

As long as the other party can answer a call or reply a message, it can make him feel more at ease.

But this time, just after the call was broadcast, the operator's emotionless electronic prompt sound came directly: "Hello, the call you dialed has been turned off, please play again later...sorry..."

Shut down!

Lin Zheng's pupils shrank, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger!


Lan Mengjie lives in a private rental apartment in the southern suburbs of Perlis. It is relatively close to the airport and the rent is relatively cheap.

An hour and a half later, Lin Zheng left the subway station and rushed to the street where the apartment was located as quickly as possible.

Immediately, in the late night lights, the entire street was crowded with people.

crowded the streets.

In the middle of the crowd, the unique red and yellow lights of the law enforcement team's vehicles flickered constantly.

And behind the location where the law enforcement vehicle was parked.

It is an apartment building with a height of six stories and a width of about 30 meters.

On the door of the building, there is a sign that has no light and cannot be seen clearly at night.

"Zhifu Apartment"

It is the place where Lan Mengjie rents!

Lin Zheng didn't look much, rushed into the crowd, and with his strong physical fitness, squeezed all the way to the middle position.

Then I saw that there were two white dotted lines painted on the street in front of the apartment gate.

One big and one small.

It was the outline of two corpses.

As for the corpse, it is very likely that the on-site investigation has been completed and it has been moved to another place.

Lin Zheng stared at the dotted line and looked carefully.

It can be roughly seen that the two corpses are not very similar to Lan Mengjie's body shape.

Looking up again, I saw the location on the sixth floor of the Zhifu Apartment, and the window glass of the most marginal room was all shattered.

Apparently, the two jumped from there.

Lin Zheng's mood relaxed a little.

Lan Mengjie did not live on the sixth floor.

At this moment, the voices of discussion in the crowd reached his ears.

"What's the situation?"

"I heard that someone jumped off the building. On the sixth floor, if you see it, it's just that one. The window is broken."

"It's like the mother jumped off with the baby."

"It's the landlord's wife and child. Alas, the landlord of Zhifu Apartment is a good person. I used to live here when I first settled in Perlis. The rent is cheap, and when money is tight, it's okay to owe something."

"Lao Liu is a well-known and good-natured man in eight townships. How could such a thing happen to a good man?"

"He is 58 this year. He is old enough to have a child. The child is only six years old. He is so old... In front of such a big landlord, his family is very happy on weekdays. Why did he jump off the building when he was so good? Liu alone, it's so miserable."

"Huh? How did I hear that it was a female tenant who died?"

Female tenant?

Lin Zheng's heartbeat, which had slowed down a little, immediately picked it up again!

Chapter 73 Corpse

The discussion continued.

"What a female tenant, can't you see the two bodies?"

"That's what my friend told me. He was the neighbor of the female tenant who saw her die in the bathtub with his own eyes."

"Actually, what you said is correct. My cousin was in the team of law enforcement officers. He told me that there were three dead in total, and the one who jumped off the building was the wife and child of the apartment landlord.

The one who died in the bathtub was a female tenant who had just moved in. "

The man's last words immediately silenced everyone else.

At the same time, Lin Zheng finally determined the location of these discussants.

He turned around immediately and walked towards those people.

"Fuck! Squeeze what?"

"Stop, my shit is going to be squeezed out!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Who is this?"

"Brother, you are a bit strong."

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