And feel that shit is filthy, which is equivalent to your mother or your aunt telling you that weirdness is scary and terrifying since you were young.

Even if the shit in my hand is clean and doesn't stink at all, you all look down on it, keep it at arm's length, and feel disgusted.

And even if ghosts don't come to bite you or harm you, you will still feel scared.

In fact, what makes us afraid of those things is not that those things are really scary, but our traditional concepts.

If we can reverse this concept, then we won't find ghosts scary..."

This string of lines made everyone's eyes widen.

People in Lin Zheng's previous life saw such a line, although they would think it made sense, but in fact they didn't think much about it.

After all, people in Lin Zheng's previous life naturally believed that there were no ghosts in the world.

But this world is different.

Everyone in this world believes that there are ghosts in the world.

So one can imagine how huge the impact such lines had on them!

"I'll go, why do I feel my scalp is a little numb?"

"Just now the leader recited the lines too fast. Although I understood it, I still want to listen to it again. Is there any way to push the movie to the front? I still want to listen to it again!"

"I also want to listen to it again, I always feel that I heard something amazing just now!".

"What the fuck is saying really makes sense, I'm so stupid!"

"So this movie is to tell us, aren't ghosts scary?"

"You can be regarded as a traditional concept. In fact, you want to tell us that we don't need to be afraid of ghosts. Why should we be afraid of ghosts? Why are ghosts scary? Why can't we beat ghosts?"

"Fuck, it's so profound, I just watched a movie, but it felt like I was taking a lesson..."

"It feels like this movie and the knights are teaching the security guards in the movie to catch ghosts, it might as well be teaching us..."


In all movie theaters, almost all of them are discussions from the audience.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock at Lin Zheng's words.

But there is no way to pause or relive the movies in the cinema.

The movie is still constantly performing dizzying plots and various settings, as well as classic lines, and leads the audience to keep watching.

The more the audience watched, the more surprised they were.

This movie is still very funny and still has the original taste of Lin Zheng, but many things are also disappearing.

The most important thing is Taoism!

The ghost hunter played by Lin Zheng has almost nothing to do with the previous Uncle Nine. Not only are the characters different, but the methods are also different.

This time Lin Zheng was no longer invincible, but was tortured back and forth by two ordinary little ghosts.

The ghost-hunting methods used are all that ordinary people can think of.

Although there are also some drawn talisman papers, but more rely on himself!

All the plots of fighting ghosts in the second half of the whole movie almost only illustrate one thing.

That is, as long as you are not afraid, ghosts will not be able to harm you!

On the contrary, he was able to make the ghost helpless with his lonely courage.

At least those ghosts who have just appeared and are not too strong are like this.

But in the whole movie, Lin Zheng is the only one who is not afraid at all.

Several security guards died in the hands of one of the ghosts.

Let the strength of one of the ghosts increase greatly.

It can even have some influence on the protagonist Lin Zheng who is not afraid of ghosts at all!

After the audience of the Zombie series, after having some basic knowledge, they can see very clearly.

After killing several people, the ghost has reached the point of red clothes.

It can be said to be a very powerful ghost.

So they don't think there is any problem with the setting.

But it doesn't look as much fun as it used to.

When the ghost became the red dress, the sense of horror and tension in the whole movie suddenly reached a very high level.

In the end, after a series of escape operations, the protagonist group was still chased by the ghost.

The protagonist Lin Zheng came up with a solution.

He wanted to associate his life with that flower, and then seduce that red-clothed ghost to get on him.

After success, ask teammates to destroy the flower.

In this way, even if the lotus flowers are bound together, Lin Zheng will also die, and at the same time because of the special ability possessed by Hua'er.

The red-clothed ghost on Lin Zheng's body will also be dragged to the underworld.

This made the audience even more nervous. In the past, Uncle Nine played by Lin Zheng was always invincible, but is he going to die in the movie today?

But an accident happened.

An accident occurred during the implementation of Lin Zheng's plan, which bound the flower to the heroine played by Zhang Xirou.

As for the heroine played by Zhang Xirou, after Lin Zheng's special training during this period, she is no longer afraid of ghosts.

After discovering that he was bound to Hua, he even made a decision to sacrifice himself.


The plan went well.

The heroine played by Zhang Xirou and the red-clothed ghost go to Huangquan together.

The protagonist and a group of security guards were all arrested and taken to a mental hospital.

the end of the movie.

Lin Zhengzheng was in the mental hospital, looking at the flower that had withered and no longer possessed special abilities.

Sitting alone watching the sunset.

A familiar figure suddenly walked in from the side.

It was the heroine played by Zhang Xirou, who had died before!

The two looked at each other.

smile at each other.

Neither spoke.

This is the end.

The movie is completely over.

Lin Zheng also made some changes in this "Returning Soul Night".

The biggest change is naturally the ending of the movie.

In the original ending, it was the actor played by Zhou Xingchi who died.

But Lin Zheng changed it to the heroine.

This is to at least let the audience know the sacrifice Zhang Xirou has made for them through the film.

Even in the eyes of the audience, this is fiction and falsehood.

It was also Lin Zheng's wish to give Zhang Xirou some faint comfort.

As for Zhang Xirou's return in the end.

The film does not explain, nor does it give any lines.

Apart from wanting to make the ending more satisfactory, this ending is also Lin Zheng's expectation for himself and Zhang Xirou's future destiny.

He hoped that he could find a solution to everything as soon as possible.

It can make Zhang Xirou return to her side as soon as possible.

Another thing worth mentioning is.

The Zhang Xirou in this movie is naturally not the real Zhang Xirou.

When filming this movie, Zhang Xirou had already become a part of the seal of the Three Realms.

The person in the movie is a virtual person made entirely by computer means.

That's why this movie took so long.


In a quiet movie theater.

All the seats were empty except for one person sitting in the middle.

The man was dressed in black, wearing a hat, and sat quietly watching the movie end.

When Zhang Xirou's smiling face completely disappeared from the screen.

The man stood up, walked out of the auditorium with firm steps.

Outside, female zombies, white witches and others also dressed in black were waiting there quietly.

Even brother chicken has a special suit.

The faint yellow light shone on the face of the person who had just walked out, making the identity of this person ready to be revealed.

Lin Zheng!

He has become the official leader of the Great Xia Kingdom's special operations team.

All the weird things will go through his hands in the future.

At the same time, after the release of "Returning Soul Night", the official will gradually begin to lift the restrictions, so that everyone can know that there is a real weird existence.

Afterwards, the people of Blue Star will spend a period of time knowing the existence of strange things.

This will be a new era.

Although there would still be dangers, with Lin Zheng, everything would be under control.

After all, the seal is intact, and things will no longer get worse.

With Lin Zheng's current strength, it would take almost no effort to deal with the current weirdness.

He just needs to lead his subordinates, continue to do his previous tasks well, and then wait for new results in the research of human beings on weird things.

In the past, when Lin Zheng completed those tasks, most of them were not entirely for himself.

It is not only for the sake of righteousness, but also mixed with various factors such as wanting to get closer to the official, so that his film can get a higher box office.

And this time.

Among these factors, a more important thing is added.

He needs to get this all sorted out sooner rather than later.

Let Zhang Xirou, who shouldn't be responsible for those things, be able to get out of that dark seal!

This will be a new beginning.

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