But the result he got made him extremely desperate.

There is no way to cancel!

There is absolutely no way to break the connection between Zhang Xirou and that flower.

Once bound with that flower, it will almost completely become a victim of this arrangement.

Now it seems that there is only one way left in front of him.

That is to watch Zhang Xirou leave this world instead of him.

Not only was he unable to change and stop it, he couldn't even hide it from Zhang Xirou.

Unless he forcibly knocked Zhang Xirou unconscious and imprisoned her, Zhang Xirou would not be able to continue to practice in this life.

But even so, at most it can only delay the occurrence of all that.

According to that unknown existence, that is, what Qi Ling said, once the matter progressed to a certain stage, even if Zhang Xirou would no longer continue to practice, he would forcefully contact Zhang Xirou through that flower.

This is a dead end, he should have died, but now it has become Zhang Xirou.

Li Changsheng and the others had already gone out to deal with the monsters that appeared everywhere, but Lin Zheng still stayed in the office.

He said he wanted to find better countermeasures, but in fact he was just thinking about whether there was any possibility of redemption.

At this moment, the office door was suddenly pushed open, making a creaking sound.

Lin Zheng looked up and saw Zhang Xirou standing at the door, staring at him calmly.

It's still the sportswear that almost never changes, and the hair is combed into a ponytail and tied high behind the head.

There is always a big piece of hair falling down at the beginning, covering the problem eye.

At this point it is gone.

The fair and beautiful face is completely exposed, youthful and moving.

Even the indifferent expression on his face seemed to have some vitality.

"How do you..."

Lin Zheng was taken aback for a moment.

Zhang Xirou should have followed Li Changsheng and the others to carry out the mission together.

Zhang Xirou didn't answer, but walked slowly into the office, walked to Lin Zheng, found the nearest chair and sat down.

"You have something to hide from me." Zhang Xirou said.

Before Lin Zheng could deny it, he added: "It has something to do with that flower."

"I want you to tell me the truth."

Zhang Xirou looked at Lin Zheng quietly.

When asked about the flower at the beginning, Zhang Xirou really panicked.

Because there was something to hide from Lin Zheng, Zhang Xirou ignored some details and only cared about competing with the thoughts in his mind.

But after calming down, Zhang Xirou immediately recalled Lin Zheng's conflicts and those micro-expressions and micro-movements that he was very familiar with during the conversation just now.

After all, the two of them have lived together for so long.

They ate together, practiced together, and competed together every day. Lin Zheng knew Zhang Xirou, and Zhang Xirou naturally knew Lin Zheng.

As a result, Zhang Xirou immediately realized that Lin Zheng had something to hide from him, and it was very important!

So after leaving, Zhang Xirou and Li Changsheng separated and returned, intending to ask Lin Zheng what happened.

Lin Zheng was flustered at first, and he refused to tell Zhang Xirou what he really wanted.

But it was watched by Zhang Xirou's eyes.

He also gradually began to calm down.

Afterwards, he realized that he could no longer change the outcome of the matter, and had been keeping Zhang Xirou from telling the truth, it would be better to let the other party know the truth.

It doesn't sound good.

This is at least a mental preparation.

Lin Zheng turned around and looked at Zhang Xirou in front of him.

After a pause, he finally spoke.

Tell the reason and truth of everything.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know that such a thing would happen. If I had known, I would never have given you that flower."

In the end, Lin Zheng apologized deeply.

This is what he most wants to say to Zhang Xirou now.

Originally, he was the only one who was arranged, but after all, he was resurrected again, and there is a system, and this life can be regarded as gaining both fame and fortune.

Apart from being a little tired, and being a little rushed when shooting serious horror movies in the early stage, there are almost no other bad things.

It can be regarded as a worthwhile trip, after all, this is an extra life.

But Zhang Xirou was different.

As someone who knew Zhang Xirou's past experience, Lin Zheng only had one feeling about Zhang Xirou's life experience.

That's horrible!

It made him a little heartbroken.

Therefore, Lin Zheng would rather this person be himself, or even another person who is all related, than Zhang Xirou.

But, the reality is such a coincidence.

But Zhang Xirou did not show the slightest fear.

After experiencing the accident at the beginning, Zhang Xirou suddenly had a look of surprise on his face in the next moment!

"Are you serious?"

Zhang Xirou even asked Lin Zheng in disbelief.

Lin Zheng looked at the expression on the other party's face, feeling more and more helpless in his heart.


"That's a good thing!"

After receiving Lin Zheng's affirmative reply, Zhang Xirou finally said with joy on her face: "You don't know how much I want to end this era of weird recovery, you didn't let me down, you let me down too much, you helped me the most !"

Zhang Xirou looked at Lin Zheng and asked, "What should I do, what should I do to end all of this with the power of that flower?"

Zhang Xirou even had a look of impatience on her face.

But this time Lin Zheng didn't respond.

For a while, he didn't ask.

Secondly, Lin Zheng also knew that if Zhang Xirou knew the truth of all this, he would try to end all this as quickly as possible.

And what awaits Zhang Xirou at that time will be death.

Zhang Xirou seemed to have thought of this too.

He looked at Lin Zhengyi and knew that this matter was a relief for him, and he wanted to do it very much, but it was not the case for Lin Zhengyi.

How could Zhang Xirou not know the pain in Lin Zheng's heart?

She patted Lin Zheng's shoulder with a smile: "It's okay, I'm not really dead.

Didn't you say that in the end my soul will stay with the seal that separates these two worlds?On the contrary, it can be regarded as eternal life in another sense.

Maybe after a while, you will find a way to save me.

But we can't just sit here and do nothing. "

At this moment, the phone next to Lin Zheng's desk rang again.

Lin Zheng didn't even need to answer the call, Lin Zheng knew that there was another accident somewhere.

Since the appearance of the tiger demon, gods and Buddhas in the sky are constantly appearing in the human world at an extremely fast speed. The three realms that were originally separated have also begun to slowly merge, and even some places have seen changes in topography.

If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable!


"Is there really no other way?"

Lin Zheng looked at the chat panel of the system and sent another message.

He was asking if there was any way to rescue Zhang Xirou.

"If it's me who endured all this, then I have absolutely nothing to say.

But she can't, she is not the one who should be sacrificed! "

Li Zheng kept sending out messages.

Before that, he had already told the other party about Zhang Xirou's half-life experiences.

"I also know that the things she encountered may not be worth mentioning to you gods. You have seen more miserable people and worse things.

Moreover, from the standpoint of the overall situation, sacrificing one person can save countless people, and there is a high probability that you will make such a choice. After all, whether it is me or her, to you, it is just one person, everyone is the same .

But, I think, the Jade Emperor who wants to change the Three Realms shouldn't think so! "

Lin Zheng calmed down, and continued: "If it's an innocent person, no matter what, you should always give the other party a chance to choose, right? Even if she agrees now, what if she regrets it in the future? Shouldn't he be given a little bit?" The right to regret..."

Lin Zheng tried his best to persuade the other party, hoping to find a chance for Zhang Xirou's fate.

No matter how slim that hope may be.

On the other side of the chat window, after being silent for a long time.

Finally, there is a new reply!

"Actually... if you really want to keep her alive, it's not like there's no chance..."

Lin Zheng: "What chance?"

Qi Ling: "However, you need to take a certain risk..."

Lin Zheng: "What risk?"


After hearing Qi Ling finish speaking.

The expression on Lin Zheng's face was still not relaxed.

the reason is simple.

The method Qi Ling said could not completely save Zhang Xirou.

It just kept the possibility that Zhang Xirou could break away from the seal and regain her human body.

But the price to be paid for this approach is not small at all.

That is, Qi Ling's original plan was almost declared a failure.

They will have no way to completely separate the heavens and the underworld from the human world.

Nor can it completely end the era of weird recovery.

Instead, let everything go back to how it was before.

The tiger demon and those powerful monsters will disappear and will not appear again.

But there will still be weirdness, because the Yin Qi has not been completely eliminated, it keeps appearing.

It is equivalent to Qi Ling's original plan to completely block the road between the two worlds.

So far it has only been possible to narrow down the channel.

Although this passage will be stronger, less likely to be destroyed, and can bring longer-term peace.

But through this channel, supernatural things such as Yin Qi in the human world come to us.

It will still have an impact on the human world.

Lin Zheng discussed with the other party for a long time, and finally convinced the other party to use that method and pay the price.

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