Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...

After waiting for almost an hour, there was still no sign of Ren Yafan.

According to their understanding of Ren Yafan's whereabouts, although the other party went out in style last night, he did not go far, only more than ten minutes away from the company.

"Call him again." The boss of the company was a little impatient.

It was almost eleven o'clock in the morning, and a large group of them sat in the meeting room for almost the whole morning just to deal with this matter.

But Ren Yafan himself, who caused the whole crisis, seemed in no hurry and hadn't come over for such a long time.

The manager also looked impatient, immediately took out his mobile phone, frowned, and called Ren Yafan again.

But this time, something even more strange happened.

Ren Yafan didn't answer his call at all, and chose to hang up directly!

A look of surprise flashed across the agent's face, but then he figured it out, raised his head and said to the boss: "He is probably already up and will be here soon, so he didn't answer my call."

When the boss thought about it, it was indeed the case.

After all, Ren Yafan was almost completely under the control of their company, so he didn't dare to jump like this.

So he nodded and continued to wait.

But this time, another half an hour passed in a hurry.

The boss frowned, but before he could speak this time, the manager took out his phone again and dialed the number again.

"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later, sorry, it is a clever..."

A series of electronic sound prompts caught the manager by surprise.

He hurriedly called again, but he still received the same prompt.

There was an ominous premonition in the manager's heart. He simply had a dual-card dual-standby mobile phone and had another number.

So he quickly dialed another number.

This is a private account he uses in his life, and he hardly uses it at work.

And the final result is naturally to get through.

But the manager didn't look happy at all, and the expression on his face became more and more gloomy.

Because it says something.

Ren Yafan probably blocked his work number directly!

"Hey, who are you?"

The phone was connected, and Ren Yafan's slightly anxious voice came from the other end, and even seemed to be crying a little.

The ominous premonition in the manager's heart became more and more intense, he calmed down and said, "I'm your manager, I..."

He originally planned to comfort the other party first, and then ask what was going on, but he didn't expect that the phone was hung up by Ren Yafan in the middle of the conversation.

When I called again, the number was also blocked.

"Boss, something went wrong!"

The manager immediately realized that something was wrong, his face became very ugly in an instant, he stood up from his seat and said loudly.

The boss sitting at the top couldn't help frowning: "What's the situation, don't worry, just tell me clearly!"

However, the agent didn't know what was going on, so he could only recount what happened just now, and then concluded: "If things were as simple as we imagined, Ren Yafan would definitely not behave like he is now. Although the conversation just now It wasn't long, he only said one sentence, but I can still hear that he seems to know something, and he is very scared, very scared!"

The boss frowned and pondered for two seconds, and then immediately said: "Doesn't he have a personal assistant?? Usually it's not too far away from him. Call the assistant and tell him to hurry over there!"

The agent thought about it, and it was true. Because of Wu Zhe's obedience, Ren Yafan had very strict requirements on Wu Zhe.

In order to be able to keep his job and arrive in time when Ren Yafan asked, Wu Zhe almost never dared to leave Ren Yafan too far.

The agent immediately found Wu Zhe's phone number from the address book and called.

But the reminder he received this time surprised him even more than before.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty, please check and dial again! Sorry..."

Such a prompt made the manager dumbfounded.

He hung up the phone as quickly as possible, opened the address book, and continued to verify the number.

Tried again after getting it right, but the result was still the same.

The agent became completely anxious, and quickly opened various chat software, and began to contact Ren Yafan and Wu Zhe through these software.

But without exception.

No one can be reached!

Ren Yafan was okay, but he just hung up and blacked out, which meant that Ren Yafan was still there and nothing happened, but he didn't want to answer the phone now or was in some special situation.

But Wu Zhe was more terrifying, he couldn't get in touch with any kind of contact method, as if this person disappeared out of thin air.

The agent repeated the situation to the boss, and now the boss finally couldn't sit still.

They began to try their best to contact their family members.

The final situation is still the same as before. Ren Yafan's family members can be contacted normally, but they, like the agent, cannot contact Ren Yafan at all. They just seem very anxious and keep asking if their children will There will be no price to pay for going to jail, and I can't help at all.

As for Wu Zhe, after searching around, they found out that Wu Zhe was an orphan, and he dropped out of school after graduating from high school and went to work outside.

There are hardly any relatives around, only a girlfriend.

However, they don't have the contact information of this girlfriend here.

Fortunately, the agent was quick-witted, thinking that he had seen Wu Zhe often like a girl's Weibo.

Immediately realized that that woman was probably Wu Zhe's girlfriend.

The agent logged into Weibo, found Wu Zhe's Weibo account, and after clicking on it, he found that Wu Zhe really only followed one person.

After contacting Wu Zhe's girlfriend through the Weibo account, they immediately asked for the other party's phone number and dialed the number.

"Hey, we belong to Wu Zhe's company. He didn't come to work today, and his mobile phone can't be reached. He seems to have disappeared. We really have no choice but to find you. I hope you can help contact him." Although very anxious, But the manager still spoke politely.

But the other end of the phone didn't give him the answer he wanted.

"I don't know, I haven't contacted him for a long time." Chen Si's voice came out.

"What do you mean?"

"It must be a breakup. What's the point? I'll hang up."

"Wait a minute, it's convenient to ask, do you have any other contact information for him?"

"No." Chen Si's response was still very indifferent.

"No, what do you say, it was also a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend before, how could there be no private contact information?" The manager was also dumbfounded.

"None of your business? You are the only ones who are eager to ask for his contact information. If you can't contact him, won't you recruit another person? What a disease!"

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone directly.

The manager was stunned, and everyone else in the conference room was dumbfounded.

Suddenly things seemed to get stuck in the middle, to a point where they couldn't move forward.

"Forget it, let's go look for it. Let's find Ren Yafan first! If you can't find it, just call the police!"

The boss of the company ordered directly.

Everyone else also nodded.

After three seconds, the boss looked at the agent who was still standing in the conference room without moving, and shouted angrily: "Go, why are you still standing here? Do you want me to drive to find it?"

"Oh, yes, yes, I will go right away, right away..."

Only then did the manager react, nodded immediately, and rushed out of the meeting room with his mobile phone.


And in the brokerage company, when everyone is in a state of desperation.

At this very moment, Ren Yafan is at the center of the entire public opinion storm.

Going to still stay in the hotel room where the Spring Festival last night was once.

He was holding his mobile phone, looking at the article on the screen, his face was full of horror.

Muttering non-stop.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? Impossible, impossible..."

The whole person seemed to have been completely controlled by fear and panic, as if he was about to go stupid.

And the article on the screen of his mobile phone is exactly the dirty article published by that mysterious account this morning.

He didn't know this person's account at all, and he couldn't remember when he let the news spread.

He can't even use his brain anymore, because there is only despair in his heart!

The reason why the brokerage company and his agent felt that there was still room for the matter was because even if the brokerage company and the broker knew about it, they didn't have the mysterious account that published these articles, and they knew a lot.

But Ren Yafan, who is the person involved, is very aware of the gold content of these articles.

The person who published the article almost completely revealed the first half of his life.

Some of the information written in the article was almost forgotten even by himself.

Even he himself has no way to reveal it.

So he had no way of thinking about where this person got these things from.

There is absolutely no way to determine who this person is!

But the only thing Ren Yafan can be sure of is that.

One of the contents of these articles counts as one, and all of them are true!

Even his fans didn't believe it at all, the lineup that laughed out loud after seeing it, and Benxian, who was an online dating boy when he was a child, was dumped because he was too ugly, it's all true.

Since the other party can know these things, and each of them is so accurate, it proves that this person is definitely not making up, he really knows a lot of information, and there is a high probability that he has evidence.

And any piece of evidence released at will can knock him down completely, never getting back up again.

So the only thing he can hope for now is.

The person behind that account wants to get money or other things from him, what is the purpose.

Rather than... simply wanting to kill him.

Otherwise, what awaits him may not be as simple as the severance of his future...

He didn't even dare to imagine what would happen to him after all this happened and all the evidence the other party had was revealed?

That's why Ren Yafan rejected all incoming calls, blocked all those who wanted to contact him, and kept his phone idle all the time.

Just to not miss the call from the whistleblower asking for something or benefits from him.

Of course, the premise is that he really has a phone call to wait for.

Chapter 295 Lightning and Thunder Fist

Ren Yafan was like a frightened bird, curled up on the bedside of the hotel room with his knees bent, trembling while flicking his phone in a daze, there were even tears on his face, completely missing the majesty and chic of the past.

Suddenly, his door was opened from the outside.

The economic man rushed in with a lot of employees, looked around, and found Ren Yafan who was sitting by the bed, rushed over immediately, and kicked him directly.

"Did you have a fucking brain problem? I dare to block my phone. You don't want to mess around, do you?"

The economic man cursed loudly, and then kicked Ren Yafan to the ground.

If it was normal, Ren Yafan would definitely not suffer such humiliation, and he would definitely get it back.

But today, when he was kicked to the ground, he didn't have the slightest intention of resisting. He was lying on the ground like a walking dead, only holding the phone in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on the screen.

This appearance really frightened the economic man who was about to vent his anger!

He immediately ran to Ren Yafan's side, helped him up, and then asked: "What's wrong? You are talking, what is the situation? Can you tell us that the whole company can't solve it for you? Didn't it happen before?" It happened."

But Ren Yafan still didn't pay attention to it at all.

The agent could only persuade again: "Don't put on such a face for me, we can solve the things I told you, and now we have started to find a way to contact the whistleblower, your commercial value Very high, no matter how much money it costs this time, we can settle things for you, can you be a little more confident?"

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