"very good!"

It can be heard that the person in charge of contacting Hu Hai from the ghost organization is very excited at this moment.

However, the other party still had some professionalism after all, so he quickly calmed down.

First, let’s ask Hu Hai about the various actions of the Blade of Desperate Destruction department, as well as the latest news.

It's confirmed. At this moment, Lin Zheng, and most of Li Changsheng and others have all disappeared for a long time and have never appeared at all. At the same time, there is no one who can be contacted.

"I even found an excuse to find Minister Li, and the news I got was still that Minister Li is not here now."

In order to gain the trust of the other party, Hu Hai also added a special sentence.

"Then do you know that the building officials have sent a large number of people to look for Lin Zheng and the others in the past two days!" The other party continued to ask on the phone.


Hu Hai frowned and recalled carefully, acting very into the play.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally shook my head helplessly: "I don't think I've really heard of this."

This action of Daxia officials was originally a very secret matter, and Hu Hai couldn't even step out of the department, so it was naturally impossible to know.

Even Fu Xinran and the others knew little about this matter.

It is important to win the trust of the other party, but you should not act too proactively because of a small loss, and make the other party suspicious.

Regarding this point, Hu Hai and the others had already discussed it long before this call came.

And the other party, as expected, did not have any doubts because of this.

And straight to the point: "It doesn't matter if you don't know, we have told you now, you just need to know that now is the time when the guards of the entire building and your departments are the loosest, and it is also a good time for you to rescue the thousand-faced ghosts and gods! We have a plan for this..."

When the person on the other end of the phone spoke.

Outside the room where Hu Hai was, a large number of staff were divided into several groups.

Some are recording the content of the other party's words, and some are checking the other party's location.

At the same time, someone also recorded the entire conversation between Hu Hai and that person, and analyzed it.

I hope to find some clues through the voice of the other party.

All in all, it is to seize this opportunity to see if the caller can be officially dug out.

Of course, the Blade of Deception department is not completely unprepared.

Long before, Cao Desheng said that behind the ghost organization, there was probably Eternal Pictures.

The official, as well as the entire Blade of Destruction department, have already started a secret investigation on Eternal Pictures.

At this time, the investigation direction of the staff in this room is also as close as possible to the location of Eternal Pictures.

Time passed by minute by minute.

It can be seen that this time, this ghost organization really intends to make a real move.

Therefore, the information they told Hu Hai was more detailed and true than last time.

During this period, Hu Hai listened quietly all the time, occasionally answering a few words.

Ask questions when you encounter something you don't understand.

He didn't give any opinion of his own at all, for fear that he might accidentally startle the snake.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Hu Hai's exclusive courses and training were not in vain.

Although he doesn't have much talent in cultivation techniques, if he really wants to catch Wei Wei, he has very little courage.

All abilities, among the vast number of Deceitful Destroyers, belong to the bottom one.

But the life of stealing chickens and dogs since he was a child has also allowed him to develop a very thick skin and a mentality of not being surprised (except when he sees weird things).

Such things as hiding one's identity, pretending to be acting, telling lies, etc., are completely in line with Hu Hai's professional counterparts.

Moreover, this does not need to go to a gang or a terrorist organization like other undercover agents, and they will lose their lives if they are not careful.

At this time, Hu Hairen was in the department and was in a state of absolute safety.

Under such a situation where there is no pressure at all, his performance will naturally become smoother and more perfect.

Until the moment the phone was hung up, the other party hardly found any loopholes.

I firmly believe that Hu Hai at this time is the lone wolf in their organization!

The glass door opened, and Hu Hai walked out.

"very good!"

These two words appeared again, but this time, it was Fu Xinran, who had been waiting outside the room, who said these two words!

She looked at Hu Hai, nodded and praised: "This time, you have made a great contribution! The official will definitely reward you, so just wait for it. If this time, the plan to lure the snake out of the hole succeeds and you get more results, you will definitely be rewarded." There is a greater reward!"

When Hu Hai heard this, Dang even became happy. He was silent for a while, and then asked: "Can I get promoted?"

In his values, there is an extremely urgent need to get promoted and get rich!

But Fu Xinran didn't know about this kind of thing.

Although due to the natural attributes of a schoolmaster, calm temperament, and extraordinary wisdom.

Recently, Fu Xinran has become more and more able to take on heavy responsibilities.

Now, after Lin Zheng and Li Changsheng disappeared, she also participated in many matters and decisions in the entire Blade of Destruction department.

But she is still just a team member after all, and of course she has no right to speak about things like promotion.

Fu Xinran thought for a while, and said truthfully: "I can't promise this matter. You should know about the phone call just now. Now the minister, Director Lin, and the others are all missing at this time, and the higher-ups are also in the process of rescue. Therefore, we have to wait for the minister and director Lin to come back.

Of course, this time, you have made such a great contribution, allowing us to gain insight into the conspiracy of this so-called ghost organization, and rewarding vision is impossible.

If we can use this opportunity to severely injure this so-called ghost organization, then the rewards will naturally only be higher. Compared to this, you should still know more about it, right? "

What Fu Xinran was referring to was naturally Lin Zheng and Li Changsheng's promotion of Hu Hai.

And Hu Hai felt sorry for it immediately, and a smile appeared on his face: "Haha, that's right! Director Lin and Minister Li must not treat me badly!"

After saying that, Hu Hai closed his mouth confidently, and stood there, watching the staff take action.

Fu Xinran didn't specifically make a sound to drive him away.

After all, this matter does have a lot to do with Hu Hai.

Moreover, maybe in the follow-up, the ghost organization will call Hu Hai.

If Hu Hai is offended at this time, it will definitely affect the implementation of the plan later.

However, Hu Hai did not stay in this place for too long.

He was just curious at first, but after realizing that he couldn't understand the above things at all, he immediately lost interest.

He found an excuse and left the office.

Fu Xinran didn't stop her, but just reminded the other party not to go far, lest there would be another call later.

"Don't worry, I'll be playing games next door."

Hu Hai said with a smile.

He is now in an important position and on a very important mission.

Naturally, it is no longer possible to attend classes and practice with other Destroyers in the reserve like before.

But such an arrangement was exactly what Hu Hai wanted.

Is there anything better than being able to play games openly during working hours?


Luo Fei led the rescue team, trying every means to ensure the safety of Lin Zheng and others, and rescue them.

The ghost organization also seized this opportunity to save their people when the Daxia officials had no time to pay attention to them.

The Blade of Deception department is also vigorously arranging various matters to deal with the actions of the ghost organization.

All of a sudden, in the entire Great Xia Kingdom, undercurrents surged, and the atmosphere continued to become tense...

And at this moment, the production crew of "Grandma" is also very lively!

After learning enough experience from "The Grudge", the crew of "The Grudge" compared with the previous "The Killer".

It's almost a complete change.

Among them, the biggest change is their shooting speed!

With the support of the ghost organization, the crew of "Grandmas" can be said to have everything they want, and they have everything they want.

Therefore, their shooting speed is actually very fast.

Back and forth, it took almost less than a month to complete it completely.

Of course, this does not mean that their shooting speed caught up with Lin Zheng.

It's that their shooting requirements and routes have been greatly reduced compared to before.

The first is the overall difficulty of shooting.

The filming location of the movie "Grandmas" is only an abandoned hospital, plus a little bit of location.

There are not many, which can save a lot of time.

Secondly, the requirements for actors have also been lowered a lot.

Although the previous "Killer" didn't look very good, the actors in it were serious about acting.

But in the current "Resentment", the main character is Ren Yafan, a little freshman, who can't talk about acting skills at all, just need to keep being cool.

Most of the other actors played supporting roles who were rescued by Ren Yafan.

As for the weirdness, it is natural to use special effects to top it up after a casual performance.

This also saves a lot of shooting time.

Of course, wrapping up now doesn't mean that the movie "Resentment" can be watched immediately.

Because in the plan of the ghost organization, the production of special effects is the top priority of this movie!

Of course, since it's just a ghost movie, and it doesn't follow the way of killing ghosts like Lin Zheng.

Therefore, the overall special effects should not take long.

But this does not mean that the movie "Grandmas" is not good enough.

On the contrary, the people of Eternal Pictures felt that this was the ghost film they accurately captured the characteristics of ghost films and shot.

It is definitely better than "The Killer".

And in every sense!

At the same time, it is absolutely impossible for the audience to think that this film will be a bad film just because the shooting time of this film is too short.

After all, this is produced by Eternal Pictures.

The previous "Killer" was not able to completely dispel the audience's idea that if it is produced forever, it must lose the high-quality goods.


After finishing the green wine.

Still in the familiar hotel room, Ren Yafan, who drank a little too much, thought that the movie of Eternal Pictures starring in him was about to be released.

His self-confidence was infinitely inflated, he just felt very angry, his head was hot, and he desperately needed to find someone to vent.

Ren Yafan took out his mobile phone and searched in the address book. After a while, he stopped on a person named "cs".

A playful smile appeared on his face, he clicked on the number, edited a text message and sent it: "?"

Not long after, the other party directly replied with a text message: "?"

Ren Yafan smiled and edited the text message: "There are good things in the old place. Wu Zhe went back drunk today and has a lot of time."

cs replied: "immediately."

Chapter 289 I'm here for your own good

"Didn't you say there are good things? Where are the things?"

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