But Cao Desheng smiled slightly: "Actually, I have already figured out how to boost the box office for him!"

Li Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then paused the movie: "Then talk about it."

Cao Desheng looked proud: "In order to prevent Lin Zheng from suspecting us, I came up with a "multi-faceted, full-coverage" method of smashing the box office.

For example, some less important official departments.

Some of the capital companies we can control without revealing our own existence.

And some foreign forces, as well as network navy.

Spreading out the plate like this and mixing up the water, even if he can detect that the box office is brushed, and suspect that it is us.

It is also absolutely impossible to guess our true identities.

According to my research in the past two days, those foreign forces and cyber navies have very strong confidentiality and high quality.

Therefore, I suggest that these two directions are the main focus, and the other two directions are auxiliary.

Moreover, when checking the box office, we can also do some tricks..."

Cao Desheng explained his "plan" and said: "In this way, let alone Lin Zheng, even those who smashed the box office could not guess, and it was even more impossible to guess who made them smash the box office. What are we doing at the box office?"

Li Changsheng was a little surprised, this time Cao Desheng was not fooling around, but made a serious suggestion.

He carefully recalled the other party's words, and then nodded very seriously: "Yes, it is very constructive, we will do it."

After all, they promised Lin Zheng's "Happy Ghost" a full 200 ​​million box office.

Although this number is not large.

But after all, they have special identities, and they have to try to avoid Lin Zheng's doubts about their true identities through these box offices.

So when I approached Lin Zheng before, the interview news, documentaries, and various publicity methods, etc., were superficial means.

It definitely has to be arranged.

In addition, they also spent some time and means to get the scarf account of the "Mystery Media" company and the official accounts of major video websites.

Uploaded some content and gained millions of followers.

And some likes and comments, etc.

Create false prosperity.

And more importantly, after "Happy Ghost" is released, they have to boost the box office of the movie.

Of course, their behavior is different from the traffic stars in the entertainment circle.

Traffic stars spend their own money to brush, deliberately falsify, and try to deceive the public for profit.

As for them, they cooperated with the official to carry out fraud, and they were ordered to brush the data, and they only deceived Lin Zheng for the benefit of the world.

The pattern is undoubtedly higher.

All in all, in order to establish a stable and long-term relationship with Lin Zheng, they made up a bag company casually and could throw away at any time: Mystery Media.

Now it has been forced to get on the right track.

And it is foreseeable that this false and mysterious media company will have to maintain for a long time.

And may go further and further with Lin Zheng's changes...

Chapter 48 A group of movie reviewers, what ghost movies do they know?

As early as five days ago, Lin Zheng filmed all the clips needed for "Happy Ghost".

Then, had a final meal with the crew members.

After that, he was alone, with the filmed clips, looking for a special effects company in the city center of Li.

Fortunately, in the whole movie, except for the scene of hanging the temple at the beginning, there are no more terrifying scenes.

After the parts that need to make special effects are taken out separately, they have nothing to do with ghost movies.

Therefore, Lin Zheng went well and found a special effects company.

Even if the technology and capabilities of this special effects company are at best improvised.

But it's still a lot better than what Lin Zheng made by himself.

In his previous three films, because of too many horror scenes, Lin Zheng learned and produced almost all the later stages by himself.

Call it cheap.

Some really difficult departments can only be omitted.

Of course, Lin Zheng himself was not idle during the few days waiting for the special effects to be produced.

He booked a hotel next to him, in addition to checking the production progress and quality of the special effects every day.

Use the rest of the space and time for editing.

The special effects are completed and delivered on the same day.

Lin Zheng has also edited the entire "Happy Ghost".

Then replace the parts with special effects.

Use the template tool provided by "Internet Cinema" to fill in the subtitles and production information.

The finished film of "Happy Ghost" is completely completed.

Lin Zheng immediately sent the video file to the backstage of his online theater and submitted it for review.

This review usually takes more than half a month.

And only after the review is approved, the screening can be arranged.

After that, he sent the video file to Li Changsheng and the work group of "the crew who are not too afraid of ghosts".

With these friends, share the joy of the new film.

Under normal circumstances, at this time, he usually receives some comments.

But he mostly doesn't change.

It is worth mentioning that Mei Jixing, who has "resigned" from Secret Media.

In fact, he has already joined Lin Zheng's crew work group.

But at that time, he was so fascinated by the short video that he didn't pay attention to the message prompts on the computer.

After sending the video files to these friends, it was almost noon.

In order to save money, Lin Zheng checked out directly, took the subway, and went to the rental house in the north of Perlis.

When I got off the subway, I went to the supermarket to sell some daily necessities and food, and when I was ready to go home.

Li Changsheng's phone number just happened to be called.

"Very good filming, Director Lin, the four of us...three of us have watched it twice, and each time there is a new harvest.

I don't know when Director Lin plans to release it?We have prepared materials and can cooperate with publicity at any time. "

Li Changsheng on the other end of the phone said a few polite words, and then asked straight to the point.

Naturally, Lin Zheng didn't know how much effort Li Changsheng and others had put in to cooperate with his movie promotion.

He sighed and said helplessly: "I'm not sure about this for the time being, it depends on the official review.

You also know that at the Bureau of Literature and Art Review, the speed is generally slower, and it may take ten days and a half. "

"Yes, yes! I hope they can review it faster this time."

Li Changsheng responded on the phone.

But in fact, he has already frowned.

What kind of literary and art review department, they have never been in contact with them, of course it is impossible to know.

He immediately decided to call the literary and art review department later.

Let them speed up Happy Ghost.

At the same time, another thought appeared in Li Changsheng's heart.

That is, the right to review Lin Zheng's film is directly in the hands of their Blade of Destruction Department!

Otherwise, there is always a literary and art review department as a middleman, although I don't worry about the price difference.

But it's definitely troublesome.

Moreover, those people in the literary and art review department are just a group of people who review movies.

Where do they know about ghost movies?

Whether Lin Zheng's films should be reviewed or not, and whether they need to be vigorously promoted.

Only their Destructive Blade Department can really see it.

If they control the review power of Lin Zheng's films.

In that movie, if there is some valuable information, they can react immediately.

If the movie is not suitable for playback, it may bring some negative impact to the society, and they can also fail the review at the first time.

However, things like this directly grab the permissions of other departments.

Li Changsheng still couldn't decide for himself.

You can only ask the minister first, and then let the minister negotiate...

Exactly at the meeting in three days to speak to the minister.

Li Changsheng's mind changed sharply, but on the surface, naturally nothing was revealed.

After a few more chats with Lin Zheng, he planned to end the call: "When the review is approved, Director Lin should remember to notify us in time, and we can cooperate with the promotion at any time."

Lin Zheng said with heartfelt gratitude, "I am really embarrassed to trouble you all so much. I will definitely repay this kindness in the future."

Li Changsheng laughed: "Director Lin, you can make more good movies related to the weirdness, which is the best reward for us!"

With that said, the two finally hung up the phone.

At this time, Lin Zheng was about to reach the door.

The place that Lin Zheng rented was almost completely deserted.

Within a kilometer of the surrounding area, there is not even a store where you can buy things, and it is deserted.

The only resident is Lin Zheng's landlord, the old lady.

This is one of the reasons why rent prices are so cheap.

On weekdays, when Lin Zheng wanted to buy something, he had to travel far to find a store.

So he usually buys a lot of them when he goes out.

At this moment, he was carrying two huge bags in his right hand, full of various food and daily necessities.

Added together, I am afraid it will weigh more than 30 catties.

Even with 20 years of skill, you can walk such a long distance with only one hand carrying such a heavy thing.

He also felt a lot of pressure.

Put the phone in the pocket and transfer the bag to the left hand.

When I looked at my right hand, I saw two deep marks.

This made Lin Zheng even more depressed.

Over the past few days, he has long discovered that although his strength has improved.

However, the strength of the body has not improved very much, and it is still at the level of a mortal body.

"It shouldn't be, obviously my face, even the old lady's cat's teeth can be broken...

Could it be that the cat is too old to have loose teeth? "

As he thought about it, he continued to move forward.

But at this time.

With a "squeak..."

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