Even Eternal Pictures, as well as the ghost and god organization, are aware of the recent events in Daxia.

Naturally, I have also heard about the exercises of "Mr. Zombie".

But for this matter, they did not pay attention to it from the beginning.

Even in the meeting, it was skipped.

This is because of their pride in their status as "ghosts and gods".

It's also because they don't feel at all that this so-called exercise is real.

Even if this exercise is really useful, it is absolutely impossible for people to become as powerful as Lin Zheng.

Daxia officials and He Lin's practice are also fully proving this point.

Therefore, they are only at the beginning, after finding some "experimental products" to try.

After discovering that the skills cultivated are so weak that they can't even be used at all.

He became more convinced of his guess.

In their view, if there is such a powerful technique.

The normal way of thinking and practice is absolutely to monopolize, keep secret, adopt a high threshold method, and make as much money as possible.

And find ways to consolidate their rule and monopoly position.

Moreover, don't the troops of the Great Xia Kingdom need it?

Doesn't the Great Xia Kingdom's Destroyer organization need it?

How could it be easy for others to learn it?

Or put it in the movie so that everyone who has seen the movie can learn it?

They are not worried, let other hostile countries and forces follow suit?

This is simply not possible!

They even thought about what kind of conspiracy the Great Xia Kingdom specially set up in this exercise.

Those conspiracy theories on Daxia's domestic network were created by Eternal Pictures.

This group of people organized by ghosts and gods, in essence, couldn't understand the actions of Daxia officials and Lin Zheng!


"President Liu, you can rest assured that although the house has not been repaired, they still have to repay the loan. This is something that has been stipulated in the contract long ago, and they have no way to resist."

In the office, Wang Qiang, the largest local real estate agent in Yun City, was holding a cup of tea, and looked respectfully at the middle-aged man with a crew cut sitting across from him.

The middle-aged man with a crew cut was holding a contract, looking at the marked part of one of the pages.

After reading it carefully, a smile appeared on his face immediately: "I knew that Boss Wang would never have any problems in doing things."

Wang Qiang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and immediately responded with a smile: "Where is it, I have to apologize to President Liu for this matter, really, I have brought you such a big trouble.

President Liu, don't worry, when I get over the difficulties in front of me, I will treat you to dinner! "

The middle-aged man with a flat head threw the contract to Wang Qiang, waved his hand and said, "You don't need to eat. If it's the house, you have to clear it for me as soon as possible. We can't let the tenants live. There is really no house to live in. Are you right?" Bar?"

How dare Wang Qiang say half a word?His head clicked like a spring: "President Liu, don't worry, it will be absolutely fine, absolutely fine..."

After several reassurances, Wang Qiang finally walked out of the office.

The two younger brothers outside the door greeted him immediately.

The three walked out of the building all the way, and after getting into the car, the secretary in charge of driving asked, "Brother Wang, what's the matter? What did President Liu say?"

Wang Qiang lay in the back row, let out a long breath, and said, "What else can I say? I'm just worried that his money won't come back. After I showed him the contract, everything will be fine."

"And then? President Liu didn't say anything about those buildings?" another younger brother asked.

Wang Qiang said: "Let me quickly solve the funding problem, and then fix it as soon as possible."

"What did you say, bro?"

"What else can I say? It must be guaranteed to be repaired?"

"Really repair?"

"Fix it, drive quickly, go back and get your things and go abroad directly."

"Is it really going abroad? I always feel that doing so is a bit immoral... Those residents have borrowed millions of dollars."

"They will pay off after decades of work. If you don't want to leave, then you keep it and prepare to go to prison."

"That's fine."

The car started and drove out of the underground garage all the way towards Wang Qiang's villa.

"Hurry up!"

Sitting on the back seat, Wang Qiang wiped the sweat from his forehead, urging him from time to time.

As the largest real estate manufacturer in Yun City, Wang Qiang's fortune should have been good.

But at the beginning of the second half of the year, he suddenly got a virtual currency called silly currency from a friend, which was very promising.

In the beginning, Wang Qiang only took a small amount of money and tried it out.

Just when that silly coin was soaring, the money invested was earned back dozens of times.

That income is almost faster than going to the bank to rob and gambling.

Even though Wang Qiang was tempted, coupled with the instigation of that friend, he immediately took out more money and invested in it.

Who knows, just after investing in it, there will be a wave of ups and downs, and you will be locked up immediately.

Wang Qiang was a little flustered. In order to get back his money, he could only listen to his friends and invest more.

In this way, when it rises a little bit, you can earn it back.

But when it rises again next time, it has risen dozens of times.

It was completely beyond Wang Qiang's imagination.

This up and down not only aroused his greed, but also made him have an illusion.

That is, he already understood this stupid coin.

This thing can definitely be earned back.

Wang Qiang invested more and more, and as the silly coins went up and down, his mood gradually became numb.

Finally, three months ago, the value of silly coins suddenly ushered in an "epic" rise.

Moreover, a rise lasts for several days, and seeing it, there is no intention of stopping at all.

I heard that the friends I know in the currency circle are all sharing their paragraphs for a few days, and after earning hundreds of millions, billions.

After all, Wang Qiang couldn't hold back anymore, he fell into madness, and even took in some project funds and invested them all.

If you are ready to make a little money, run away immediately.

But the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and after the greed is aroused, it is difficult to restrain it.

Seeing his own money growing exponentially in the currency circle, Wang Qiang quickly forgot his original intention.

He just thought, earn a little more, earn a little more, and wait a little longer.

After another few days of sharp rise.

Finally, the turning point came.

The curve, which had already climbed to an extremely high level, descended vertically like the Milky Way falling for nine days.

The speed was so fast that Wang Qiang had no time to react.

All the money he earned before was lost.

Even the money that was taken out of the project and did not belong to him was lost.

At the beginning, Wang Qiang still thought that he could rise again.

But it's a pity that this time it fell, and there was no sign of stopping at all.

Seeing that all the money was about to be lost, Wang Qiang was finally afraid and could only cut and escape.

Although I got a part of it back, let alone getting back the cost, it was impossible to even get the project funds together.

Except for the two most trusted brothers, Wang Qiang didn't tell anyone about this secret.

But he also knew that it would not last long.

Originally, Wang Qiang planned to wait and see if there was a turning point.

However, there is an urgent need for money for the project. Today, there is a project that has just reached the ears of President Liu.

Fortunately, the other party didn't expect that he had the guts to take out all the money and lose it.

This allowed him to walk out of that office.

But Wang Qiang also knew that if this went on like this, he would definitely not be able to hide it.

And don't even think about paying back.

Silly Coin has not recovered since the big drop.

Now, in order not to go to prison, he has only one way left.

That is to go abroad, to escape.

As for the mess left behind, and those poor residents.

It can only make them feel unlucky...

Wang Qiang remained silent as thoughts kept flashing through his mind.

The two younger brothers who followed him everywhere when they were teenagers also didn't say a word.

It was extremely quiet in the car.

No one noticed that at this time, they were on the green trees on the roadside outside their window.

There is a sparrow with a strange appearance, which is following them in parallel at an extremely fast speed...

Chapter 216 Not even a cat will be spared!

"Minister Li, what's going on? Didn't you say it will take another two days? Why are you starting to take the rhythm now?"

In the early morning, in the conference room of the temporary base in Yun City.

Lin Zheng glanced at Li Changsheng next to him, pointed to the various rumors on the Internet about the conspiracy theory of "Mr. Zombie" on the phone screen, and asked.

Li Changsheng took a few concentrated glances, and then, a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"I'll ask."

With that said, he ran to the side and made a phone call.

More than ten seconds later, Li Changsheng returned, with a strange expression on his face, and said: "This...it seems that it is not our rhythm, but someone is targeting us. It can be confirmed preliminarily, and it seems to be Eternal Pictures again."

"This group of idiots..." Lin Zhengxuan didn't scold.

Li Changsheng also quickly asked: "Do we need to fight back? Or... do some countermeasures?"

Lin Zheng was about to nod subconsciously, but he stopped suddenly. After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head, looked at Li Changsheng, and said, "It feels like they've joined us, so this should be considered an assist...

So... it seems that there is no need for that, what do you think? "

Li Changsheng also looked at Lin Zheng, and nodded approvingly: "I think so too. Of course, the tricksters will closely monitor the situation to prevent the situation from getting out of control."

"I say yes." Lin Zheng nodded.


Xiaomi also nodded decently.

At this moment, the little black cat was lying lazily on Lin Zheng's shoulder with drooping eyelids.

I don't know, maybe I thought it didn't sleep last night.

Of course, in reality, it did not sleep either.

After several months, I finally saw Lin Zheng again.

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