If this is true...we can eliminate all weirdness without having to think about how to better isolate people from weirdness...

Being able to kill the weirdness is really important to a world full of weirdness like Blue Star!

Mei Jixing couldn't stop himself from thinking wildly.

"Should I go and ask him?"

"Should I go and ask him?"

"Should I go and ask him?"

Mei Jixing thought about it before and after, and after thinking about it three times, he finally couldn't help it.

"Think before you act. I've already thought about it three times. There should be no problem. I'll go to him and ask!"

He thought about it, picked up the script, took a deep breath, and walked towards Lin Zheng who was preparing for the shooting on the set with a serious face.


"Director Lin, I just read the script and have a lot of doubts, can you explain to me, is there a setting about ghosts in this movie?

These will be included in the interview documentary. "

This time, Mei Jixing played very well. He didn't forget the role he was supposed to play. He directly carried the camera to the front of Lin and asked with a serious face.

He already knew that only in this way would Lin Zheng answer the question seriously.

Sure enough, Lin Zheng patted the robe on his body, with an official smile on his face, and asked, "I don't know what the problem is?"

Mei Jixing didn't hesitate, and asked directly, "The first question is about the ghost's sojourn. In the script you wrote, this happy ghost lives on the rope used for hanging it.

Moreover, it can also move freely with this rope?Excuse me, why is this? "

Lin Zheng nodded formally: "Before I answer, first of all, I want to make it clear that there are no ghosts in this world. Ghosts and monsters are all fictional, and what I said are all fictional. I made it up."

Mei Jixing nodded perfunctorily.

Then, Lin Zheng opened his mouth and continued: "First of all, ghosts are a special kind of energy, if there is nothing to attach to, the energy will dissipate.

Therefore, almost all ghosts need a sojourn.

As long as we find the residence of these ghosts and move with them, it is equivalent to moving with ghosts. Of course, some more powerful ghosts can also control the movement of their own belongings. "

"Is this still possible?" Mei Jixing immediately widened, and hurriedly asked, "What kind of ghost can do?"

If the weirdness can really move on its own, aren't the weird places they banned dangerous?

Now Mei Jixing doesn't want to think about whether what Lin Zheng said is true or not.

He just wanted to record everything as completely as possible first. As for the truth and falsehood, they would naturally be able to clear it after they did experiments and research.

Lin Zheng didn't think too much about it, he just thought it was a normal interview, after thinking for a while, he said, "Well, it's a long story, before we know what kind of ghosts can be, we must be clear about what kind of things there are. Ghost, strictly speaking, there are seven levels of ghosts in total..."

Having said that, Lin Zheng suddenly frowned and looked embarrassed: "Tsk, forget it, this is too complicated to talk about, let's skip it and ask the next question directly!"

Chapter 30 Let me say a number, 100 million box office!

There are seven levels of weirdness?

Is there such a thing?

Mei Jixing was stunned again.

In their weird department circle, weirdness is naturally graded.

According to the strange activity area, it is divided into three levels from low to high: one hundred meters, one thousand meters, and three levels of difficulty.

Each level of promotion indicates that the strange territory, that is, the larger the scope of activities.

The harm that will be caused, and the scope of the final ban, will naturally be greater.

Because resentment can be eliminated, and most of them are not dangerous, they are not included.

But even with resentment, there are only four.

It is completely incompatible with the seven grades in Lin Zheng's mouth.

And more importantly...even the so-called seven levels are likely to be fake.

He also has to know what kind of weirdness can control the movement of the so-called body.

Because, as long as Weird can control its own movement, there is a slight possibility that it is true, but they don't pay attention to it.

That could have irreversible effects.

After all, just like that "Kunyan Pool".

No matter how outrageous it is, but...what if?

So of course Mei Jixing couldn't just let Lin Zhengmeng pass the test like this. He thought for a while and said, "It's okay, I think our audience must be very curious about these settings, so just say it, I'm patient."

The problem is that I'm impatient... I still have to make a film!

The shooting scene is all ready, you let me, a director and leading actor, accept such a long interview, and what you said are all illusory things.

Not so good?

Lin Zheng slandered helplessly.

But considering that the other party was also promoting his new movie after all, he naturally couldn't say these words clearly.

After thinking for a while, Lin Zheng could only hesitate and say, "Will the audience really like these things in the documentary? Speaking of these things, it's really troublesome, and it's meaningless, let alone I want to Shooting, it's all ready..."

Lin Zheng felt that what he said should be clear enough.

But unexpectedly, Mei Jixing nodded seriously as if he didn't understand at all: "There will definitely be audiences who like it! Believe me, I'm a professional!"

"Ah, this..." Lin Zheng was dumbfounded.

He didn't really believe that there would be audiences in Blue Star who would like these things.

At this time, when Mei Jixing said that he was a professional...he couldn't believe it even more.

In fact, Mei Jixing also understood that he was somewhat difficult.

But compared to Lin Zheng's movies, he is convinced that the questions he is asking now are more important.

Seeing that Lin Zheng was still reluctant, he also knew that he could only come up with some means.

He thought for a while and said seriously: "Director Lin, as long as you follow my interview process and answer my questions earnestly, I promise to promote your "Happy Ghost" to a box office of at least 100 million! "

Lin Zheng: "..."

Mei Jixing: "?"

Lin Zheng: "What did you just say?"

Mei Jixing: "..."

He could only repeat it again: "As long as you are willing to cooperate with my interview, I promise to give your new movie a promotion of 100 million box office!"

Lin Zheng: "..."

Mei Jixing: "???"

Seeing that the other party was about to get angry, Lin Zheng didn't dare to continue to remain silent.

He quickly cleared his throat and explained: "Brother Mei, to be honest, I'm just telling the truth, it's not that I don't believe you..."

Mei Jixing just had a bad memory, and he wasn't stupid. How could he not hear Lin Zheng's implication, and immediately became unhappy: "You just don't believe me!"

Seeing this, Lin Zheng could only nod wearily: "Well, I do have a few million points that don't believe you, but not many, just a million points, really a million points."

Just kidding, Talin is also an old director who has made several movies, so he is not a fool.

Publicizing the box office of 100 million... This sounds as outrageous as using Mr. Lu as the protagonist to make "Shanghai Fortress" a new sci-fi glory.

Mei Jixing's stomach was full of anger.

As a member of the Blade of Destruction, when has he been looked down upon so much?

No, I have to convince him.

Not to prove how awesome I am, but the only way to get him to talk!

Mei Jixing thought angrily.

He felt that he had figured out who Lin Zheng was.

No matter what secrets Lin Zheng had, how much he knew, how powerful he was, and what he was planning.

But I don't know why, but this person is very serious about making movies and ghost movies!

At the same time, I also value the box office of my own ghost films!

After all, he had been staying by Lin Zheng's side for the past two days.

I saw with my own eyes that Lin Zheng spent almost all his thoughts and energy on his movies.

I have always thought about how to use limited resources to make better movies and get more box office.

Even, he easily agreed to their interview before, and later agreed to let him stay to shoot the documentary.

It's all for the sake of promoting his new movie better, and it's also for the box office.

Although Mei Jixing has not yet figured out why Lin Zheng attaches so much importance to the box office of his ghost movies.

But he knows that this is undoubtedly a point that can be used!

As long as he can prove himself, he can produce what Lin Zheng needs.

That Lin Zheng, it is very likely that he will be willing to tell the secrets he has!

And making a box office of 100 million is for Mei Jixing, more precisely, for the Blade of Destruction department behind him.

Totally a breeze!

As long as Lin Zheng's "Happy Ghost" will not have any bad influence on society.

The Blade of Unexpected Destruction department can set indicators for other departments and force them to buy, even if they just buy it and don't read it.

With only a few departments, the 100 million box office can be easily collected.

But the problem now is... "Happy Ghost" hasn't been released yet.

So no matter what Mei Jixing said, it was like writing a blank check.

So he had to think of another way to make Lin Zheng believe that he had such ability.

After thinking for a while, Mei Jixing's eyes lit up, and he immediately said happily: "Well, as long as Director Lin is willing to cooperate with me in this interview.

I'll let you increase the box office of the three previous movies, let's start with 10, how about it?10 each!A total of 30! "

Lin Zheng: "..."

"Is 10 per movie... low?" Mei Jixing asked with some concern.

He also knew that the number was not high.

But the three previous films of Lin Zheng were too terrifying to promote, and the captain even considered banning them.

Therefore, with his authority, he did not dare to offer too high a price.

This time, Lin Zheng didn't continue to play tricks, looked at the other party suspiciously, and explained directly: "Those three films have already been screened. According to the rules of online theaters, they can only watch for free now, and there is no way to increase the box office."

Mei Jixing: "..."

Chapter 31 I get it!I understand!

As a platinum member of the Internet Cinema, Mei Jixing naturally would not be ignorant of this rule, but just forgot it in a moment of excitement.

Besides, this little thing can't bother him at all.

Mei Jixing patted his chest proudly, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, our company has a deep cooperation with online movies. Just give me a call, and they will immediately re-screen it for you. Tomorrow at the latest, I will give you 30 box office!"

After finishing speaking, Mei Jixing took out his mobile phone and turned around and ran to make a call.

Only Lin Zheng was left in a mess...

Is your company so arrogant?Why didn't I see it...

Lin Zheng was thinking, in his impression, this weird media is completely a small and unpopular media company that was established not long ago.

As a result, he suddenly told him that this company can even influence the largest online movie platform in China, Internet Cinema, and modify the website rules casually...

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