Chapter 177 Battle Zombies!

The Rishi Psychiatric Hospital, which originally stood on the mountainside, has now become a ruin.

After that, in order to hide the secret, the thick and deep foundation was also demolished.

Hidden underground, the experimental area left by the island nation during the war.

It emerges under this clear sky.

The experimental area is at the bottom of the hospital, with downward steps and a stone entrance, engraved with complicated patterns, showing a bit of ancient style.

It was originally an underground mausoleum.

After the island nation looted all the funerary objects in the tomb.

In order not to expose the existence of zombies, this place was just used and turned into an experimental area.

One of the most important experimental products is naturally the zombie that was fed by the blood of countless Daxia people on the "feeding plan".

At this time, according to the investigation of the staff, the last two days were the time when the zombie woke up!

Therefore, Daxia officials must take action at this time, and can't delay any longer!

At this time, teams of heavily armed soldiers had surrounded the entire experimental area.

And holding all kinds of guns and equipment, guarding the door.

Li Changsheng and others had already entered the experimental area.

Going down the steps, passing through a long tunnel, and entering a thin stone gate, you can see a huge open space.

At this time, there were still dusty experimental instruments one after another on the open space.

As well as a huge experimental tank, there are all kinds of experimental products floating in it.

On the walls around the open space, small spaces were carved out one after another.

Block it with an iron gate.

And behind the iron gate, there are Daxia people who died here due to various reasons.

Countless dead bones, countless lives.

Here is a piece of hell in reality!

In the middle of the open space, there is a cuboid made of glass that looks like a coffin and an experimental tank.

Above it, two pipes, running down through the roof of the cemetery, all converge in this cuboid.

One is connected to room 402 of Sunstone Psychiatric Hospital, and the other is naturally connected to the corpse pit where the same person died.

The island country deliberately set up two interfaces to ensure the success of the "feeding plan".

But now, this cuboid space is already empty.

The glass above has also been opened, and the glass shards shattered all over the place.

The zombie inside had already broken free.

At this time, he was standing in the middle of the open space, facing fifteen of the Destroyers including Li Changsheng, plus thirty of the most experienced Destroyer elites, facing each other from a distance.

Li Changsheng and the others also looked at the monster zombie who was wearing the official uniform of the Jin Dynasty, his whole body was green, and the skin on his face was like moss in a stinking ditch.

All of them were out of breath, with horrified expressions on their faces!

They have almost made complete preparations for this operation.

Moreover, these preparations were all based on the script of "Mr. Zombie" and the conversation with Lin Zheng yesterday.

It can be said that they have taken out all the methods they know that can deal with zombies.

For example, the script of "Mr. Zombie" stated that zombies have limited vision and mostly rely on human breathing to fight and hunt.

So, they each carried oxygen masks and oxygen cylinders.

The huge oxygen cylinder is enough to support their actions for several hours.

If there is nothing wrong with the information provided by Lin Zheng.

With these two things, they can be self-sufficient, and they don't need to breathe the air under the hospital at all.

In front of zombies, it will almost be like an invisible person, completely impossible to be noticed.

And the fact is, it is true!

When they walked into the experimental area with oxygen masks and oxygen cylinders on their backs.

Then open the transparent container in the middle, which looks like a coffin and a laboratory dish, and saw the zombie inside was awakened and opened its eyes.

None of them suffered any attacks!

With this self-circulating respiratory system.

Indeed, they became invisible to the zombies.

But unfortunately, whenever they attack zombies, zombies can "discover" them and fight back.

And they wanted to eliminate this zombie, so they had to do it.

Therefore, the role that this breathing suit can play is not as great as imagined.

For another example, they used various harder materials and chicken blood to make ink fountain nets, all of which were as thick as steel bars, in order to trap zombies.

He also made a huge bow and crossbow, which can burst out with great power.

Moreover, he used century-old peach wood to make countless wooden arrows, intending to seriously injure the zombies.

Specialized firearms, submachine guns, shotguns, and even glutinous rice Gatlings have also been specially manufactured that can use glutinous rice as bullets.

Of course, these things are basically used by Li Changsheng and the others.

And those destroyers carried serious weapons.

All in all, it's been more than half a month.

The entire Great Xia Kingdom has almost exhausted its methods.

Create all kinds of fancy things for Li Changsheng and the others.

Just to destroy this zombie.

But the result...was not good.

These things do work.

Whether it is a mahogany arrow or a glutinous rice gun.

Both can damage zombies visible to the naked eye, and I don't know what the chemical principle is, all in all, the effect looks very gorgeous.

Flames, explosions, vaporization, you name it.

But after the effect disappeared, they found that the zombies didn't suffer much damage!

Zombies are still very agile, although they look very hard, they can only jump and jump when moving.

But its speed is faster than the destroyer elites who have undergone countless trainings.

And the strength is astonishingly large.

It's like a locomotive that can turn at will and doesn't need tracks.

It is hard and fierce, and a light touch can break bones.

Those ten fingertips, long black nails, are sharper than any cold weapon, even the pure metal gun body can easily pierce.

Only the effect of ink fountain net is the best.

The ink developed by Chicken Blood can ignite flames on zombies. Although it is not fatal, it should not be uncomfortable.

It's what zombies fear the most.

At the same time, due to its relatively hard texture, it is not so easy to break free after it is launched and tied into the net.

But it is not impossible to break free.

This zombie is extremely powerful, and its nails are sharp and sharp.

Once the blood ink dries up, the thick steel net will be torn off and shredded easily.

Moreover, in the hands of the Exterminators, regular weapons can't hurt zombies either.

Even the most powerful armor-piercing bullets can't break through the zombie's body, it can only leave a small hole, and within a few seconds, it will return to its original state.

After a fight.

Although the clothes on the zombies were already tattered, they were unsightly.

But its body did not suffer much damage.

On the other hand, Li Changsheng and the others.

Almost all have been injured.

There were even quite a few Destroyers who even lost their own lives in order to save the lives of Li Changsheng and others.

And this time.

Less than 10 minutes had passed since they broke the glass and woke up the zombie!

It could almost be a blitzkrieg.

But it was them who were electrocuted.

In front of this zombie.

The human body is as fragile as a piece of paper.

What made Li Changsheng and the others even more desperate.

The strange ability they rely on the most is completely useless when facing zombies!

This zombie clearly has a certain ability to think.

But it seems that there is no soul at all.

All the controls, attacks, and hypnosis that come from the weirdness have no effect on the zombies.

"Fortunately, we didn't let Lin Zheng follow, this really too powerful..."

Li Changsheng spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with a wry smile.

He had just been hit in the chest by a zombie, though only with the shoulder, and he wasn't the main target yet.

But that blow broke several ribs in his chest.

At this moment, just breathing is painful.

"I don't think so, I think if it's Director Lin, there must be a way to deal with him!" Mei Jixing was also disheartened, with his right arm drooping weakly.

But he still refuted with a serious face.

Hearing this, Li Changsheng was speechless to the extreme.

"Can everyone still act?"

Li Changsheng shouted loudly: "It seems that we can't beat this zombie, get ready and leave immediately!"

"it is good!"

"I'm OK!"

"There is also a blood ink net here, which can buy us a little time."

Everyone who was still alive responded.

Li Changsheng took a deep breath, held back the severe pain, and gave orders: "Let go!"

Immediately, the blood-ink net ejected from the machine and unfolded in mid-air without any suspense, directly binding the zombie inside.

Li Changsheng and the others immediately turned around, threw away everything except the breathing suit, and headed for the exit as quickly as possible.

Although they suffered a disastrous defeat in this confrontation, the loss was still acceptable after all.

Right now, they can only choose to escape from this place.

At the same time, the soldiers outside will seal the entire place and keep the zombies in it for a while.

After that, when they are all thorough, the officials have already prepared more powerful and destructive weapons.

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