After all, it's almost like putting salt on someone's scar.

But now, since the Juejuzi mask is useful, it is not impossible to consider...

After all, the effect of the mask is good enough, and the scar on Zhang Xirou's right eye will disappear sooner or later!

"Wait until the evening... I'll find a chance to ask..."

Lin Zheng was thinking about it, but at this moment, Mei Jixing, who had been following them all the time, like an invisible man, who didn't want to say a word, suddenly came up.

Holding the camera in his arms, he asked seriously, "Director Lin, I just heard you introduce the plot and heard something very interesting.

I really want to ask, how do you know about this happy ghost, the unresolved resentment, etc.? "

"Damn, what is there to ask?"

Lin Zheng smiled nonchalantly, and blurted out: "It's all made up by me, it's all feudal superstition, there's nothing to say."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly paused, looked at the camera in Mei Jixing's arms, and asked, "Will this... be included in the documentary?"


Mei Jixing was stunned, then remembered that he stayed by Lin Zheng's side in the name of doing an exclusive interview documentary.

He reacted immediately, nodded frantically, put the camera in his arms on his shoulder, turned it on in a hurry, and said, "Forget it! It's definitely counted! These moments may all be cut into our exclusive interview documentary."

Hearing this, the casual expression on Lin Zheng's face disappeared instantly.

He walked to the side, slapped the dust off his hands fiercely, tidied up his short sleeves, and took out his phone to take a picture of his hairstyle.

After he was almost cleaned up, he walked back, stood in front of the camera, looked at Mei Jixing, smiled and said solemnly, "Brother Mei, please ask again."

Mei Jixing was shocked by Lin Zheng's actions, and almost forgot what he was doing with the camera turned on.

After hearing this sentence, I reacted again, and after pondering the sentence, I asked again: "Director Lin, I just heard you introduce the plot of the movie.

I would like to ask, what does it mean about this happy ghost, the resentment has not disappeared, and where did you learn about it? "

Lin Zheng nodded, cleared his throat with a smile, and spoke again very seriously: "In our movie, the so-called happy ghost, strictly speaking, is something called resentment.

When a person dies, the resentment is too heavy and the energy of the soul does not dissipate, it will become resentment...

But there is also a way to eliminate this resentment, as long as we eliminate its resentment, we can…”

Lin Zheng explained it very patiently from beginning to end.

This information, he originally remembered, was not so clear. After all, he had only read it in movies or various novels, and there might be conflicts with each other.

But since the last time, after I drew that "Spooky Detailed Explanation" from the treasure box.

These related things in his mind were automatically integrated and formed into a system.

At this time, it is directly taken out.

Mei Jixing, who was filming with the camera in front of him, had a completely serious expression on his face.

Because what Lin Zheng said was almost indistinguishable from the knowledge in their department!

But these strange things, the entire department is strictly confidential, will not let ordinary people know.

How did Lin Zheng know about it?

Just when Mei Jixing was thinking about it, Lin Zheng in the camera changed his words: "As for these things, where did I know about it..."

Here comes the point!

Mei Jixing immediately put aside other thoughts and focused on the sound.

I saw Lin Zheng paused for a moment, but he didn't give a damn, and said directly: "Actually, all these things are made up by me.

So you don't need to take it seriously, there are no ghosts in this world, we still have to believe in science...

That's why I made this movie..."

Lin Zheng talked eloquently.

Where was the media before, willing to listen to him, a director of ghost movies on the street, say so much?

Now that he finally had such an opportunity, he was afraid that he would not be able to grasp it, so it took several minutes to talk about it.

As for Mei Jixing, everyone is stupid.

He also thought that Lin was going to use the pretext of the interview to reveal some big secret.

Unexpectedly, he just said the words that he had just perfunctory, and said it again!

You are too watery!

Those authors who write novels on the Internet do not have the same water method as you, bro!

Mei Jixing didn't want to record at that time.

But in order not to reveal his identity, he could only wait for Lin Zheng to finish speaking.

Then, patiently got together again, and asked again: "Director Lin, tell me the truth, how did you know these things?"

Lin Zheng glanced at him suspiciously, and said, "I'm really talking nonsense. It's all a joke, making a movie, isn't it just a mess, you know."

"Don't make fun of me, how can nonsense be so organized?"

"How could I lie to you? No matter how organized it is, it doesn't make sense. There are no ghosts in the world."

Lin Zheng said with a natural look on his face, then turned around and started busy with his own affairs.

With a stiff smile on Mei Jixing's face, he watched Lin Zheng walk away before narrowing his eyes with a gloomy expression: "It seems that what the captain said is right, this director Lin Zheng is indeed very shrewd..."

The information that Lin Zheng said just now.

It's all the knowledge and experience that their Blade of Destruction, as well as other countries that specialize in weird departments, have spent countless hours and energy to sum up the knowledge and experience!

How could it be made up indiscriminately?

And also compiled, exactly the same as the correct answer?

This is simply ridiculous!

Of course he couldn't believe Lin Zheng's excuses, and he was very sure that making up such remarks was exactly the excuse that Lin Zheng made.

And a rather unconvincing excuse!

Not only that, after this exchange, Mei Jixing's suspicion of Lin Zheng has also greatly increased!

After all, except for these extremely low-probability leaks.

Lin Zheng still has a doubt about that movie!

"If you look at it this way, that "Kunyan Pool" may not be a coincidence. Fortunately, I stayed here. It seems that I will take the task more seriously and try to unearth the secrets of this Lin Zheng. come out!"

In an instant, Mei Jixing was full of motivation for his mission!


Chapter 26 You must be enlivening the atmosphere, right?

A rugged mountain road that is already far from Perlis.

Cao Desheng held the steering wheel and drove the car seriously.

Li Changsheng sat in the co-pilot seat, holding a copy of the file in his hand, watching quietly, his eyes were silent, making people unable to see his thoughts.

Name: Wang Xiaomeng.

Cause of death: Excessive stress, suicide by jumping off a building.

Time: 12 years ago.


There is not much content on the entire file, and the information is even more pitiful.

But it was enough for them to find out what happened.

after all,

After all, such things as jumping off the building are still relatively rare.

In particular, they also determined the location of the crime, as well as the gender, age, and appearance of the victim.

Therefore, after leaving the school, the three Li Changsheng went straight to the Li City Law Enforcement Bureau.

Using their authority, it basically didn't take much effort, and soon, they found what they wanted from the Law Enforcement Bureau, that is, the file in Li Changsheng's hand at this time.

And the girl named Wang Xiaomeng on the file is the one who stayed on the top of the teaching building of Yongxin International Noble College, causing resentment for the strange incident before!

In the eyes of ordinary people, this file may not be a problem.

After all, there are indeed many people in the world who cannot bear all kinds of pressure and choose to give up their lives.

But Li Changsheng and others knew that this matter was far from simple.

From the two sentences in Wang Xiaomeng's resentment.

It is certain that her death is 90.00% related to the person who said those two sentences.

The remaining one percent can only be called a miracle.

Therefore, Li Changsheng and the others also knew that if they wanted to eliminate Wang Xiaomeng's resentment, they had to find the person who said that.

Although the school where Wang Xiaomeng's accident happened was closed ten years ago.

But Li Changsheng and the others have extremely high authority after all. After a search, they found that the "Zhangyu Academy" where Wang Xiaomeng was located 12 years ago was actually the predecessor of Yongxin International Noble Academy!

The management right of this school has always been in the hands of Principal Yang, a returnee businessman.

Not long after what happened back then, Principal Yang closed the door directly, but after several years, he saw that people had gradually forgotten about that incident.

He then redecorated and changed its face, turning the "Zhangyu Academy" into the current "Yongxin International Aristocratic Academy".

Li Changsheng and the others quickly found Principal Yang of the "Yongxin International Aristocratic Academy" at this time.

Without much effort, they learned their ultimate goal from their mouths.

A person named Li Hongxia!

This Li Hongxia, 45 years old, taught in "Zhang Yu Academy" 12 years ago.

According to Principal Na Yang, because the incident happened on Saturday, there was basically no one else in the school.

And Li Hongxia was the only witness at the scene when Wang Xiaomeng jumped off the building.

After the incident, Li Hongxia immediately called the police and called the emergency number. At the same time, she also notified the school leaders.

According to the confession provided by Li Hongxia, she went to the school to get the lesson plan, just when she saw Wang Xiaomeng trying to jump off the building, she planned to save people.

But Wang Xiaomeng had decided to leave, and in the end, she still didn't stop her.

At that time, the investigators did investigate Li Hongxia, but since there was no camera, there was no evidence that Li Hongxia was lying.

Therefore, it cannot be convicted.

After the Wang Xiaomeng incident, the teacher Li Hongxia also resigned immediately.

I went to a remote mountain village called Yamaguchi Village and became a primary school teacher there.

This Yamaguchi Village was also the destination of Li Changsheng and others' trip.

In order to avoid alarming the snakes, they did not contact Yamaguchi Village and the administrators in the school.

Moreover, he drove the car directly and ran to the destination, to catch the other party by surprise.

"The surnamed Yang, he faltered, said one sentence and thought three sentences, it was obvious that he was hiding something.

This whole thing has loopholes and problems everywhere, how can it be based on Li Hongxia's one-sided words?

The surnamed Yang must have played a disgraceful role in it, at the very least, he must have concealed something in order to calm the situation! "Zhou Xinyi slapped the document in his hand onto the seat and said ruthlessly.

The document in her hand was the information about Li Hongxia.

Since invading Wang Xiaomeng's resentment, Zhou Xinyi's mood has been very unstable.

Among them, there is naturally the reason why Wang Xiaomeng's resentment is too strong.

But at the same time, there is also the influence of this incident itself. Anyone who sees this incident may not be able to calm down.

Li Changsheng seemed much calmer, after all, he was older and more experienced.

He put away Wang Xiaomeng's terrifyingly simple file and said, "It's human nature to calm the situation, and there was no camera at the time, and there was only one witness, Li Hongxia... Besides, Li Hongxia was also investigated at that time. But nothing went wrong.

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