In the dark cave, everyone moved forward.

Xiaomi still rushed to the front.

Zhang Xirou followed closely behind. She didn't want to be protected by Lin Zheng, but wanted to protect Lin Zheng.

The eyes of the old law enforcement officer and Mei Jixing were not so good, so Lin Zheng was also a little behind, holding their hands.

Fortunately, the cave was flat and there were no obstacles, otherwise the two might have fallen several times.

The direction of the entire cave is slanted upwards, which is a bit difficult for ordinary people.

But for Lin Zheng and Zhang Xirou, there was no pressure at all.

The further they ran, the stronger the smell of blood in the cave, and the tighter their frowns became.

After running for nearly 10 minutes, Xiaomi let out another scream, and then stopped.

There is no road ahead.

There is only one big circular pit with a radius of more than two meters, and in that big pit are lying countless bones.

Most have dried up completely, leaving only skeletons.

But on the surface, there are also fresh ones.

There are five in total, three big and two small, and they are the same, with their eyes closed, lying on the top with their heads covered in blood!

Lin Zheng rushed over immediately, resisting the pungent smell, and carefully lifted Tong Tong up from the hole.

After realizing that Tongtong was still breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was still very anxious, because after examination, he found that the arteries on the same two wrists had already been cut open, and at the same time, a big wound was opened on his head, which was very dangerous.

I don't know how much blood in the body has flowed out.

Lin Zheng immediately opened the system panel, and kept opening the black iron and silver treasure chests. After opening several times, he finally found something useful.

【Guxue powder】

He once used this thing on Xiaomi's former owner, the landlady.

The effect is undoubtedly very strong. At that time, three packs were prescribed, and one pack was used for the landlady.

There are still two packs left, and a few more packs have been opened afterwards.

But it was all used up long ago.

After all, it is common for other people to be injured when filming and fighting scenes.

And with this Guxue Powder, who would use Band-Aids?

Fortunately, he was lucky today.

Lin Zheng immediately took out the newly drawn Guxue powder, and sprinkled it on the arteries of the same two wrists, as well as the wound on his forehead.

The effect of Guxue powder was excellent, and the bleeding from the wound was stopped immediately.

But Tongtong's breath, as well as life characteristics, are still constantly weakening.

Lin Zheng was at a loss and was about to open the system to see what else he could draw.

The black cat next to him, Xiao Mi, suddenly stretched out his paw, and lightly placed it on Tongtong's foot.

Immediately, Lin Zheng saw that Tong Tong's aura, which was constantly weakening, had stabilized.

He glanced at Xiao Mi in surprise, and immediately realized: "Xiao Mi, you have become... This is your first ability?"

He realized that it was not good to speak directly of monsters, so he changed the question.

Xiaomi nodded upon hearing this.

This is indeed its first ability, nothing wrong with it.

While Lin Zheng was relieved, he couldn't help but feel a little pleasantly surprised that all these days of moonlight and dew were not in vain.

"When did it happen, you didn't tell me." He complained and glanced at Xiaomi.

Xiao Mi blinked innocently.

As for the time when it opened its intelligence, became a monster, and awakened its first ability, it was too long.

And at that time it was still a kitten who didn't know anything, so it had already forgotten.

At this moment, Zhang Chengmin also walked over from the deep pit behind him, his face was gloomy and full of anger.

"How's the situation?" he asked.

"It has stabilized for the time being, it should be fine." Lin Zheng replied, he could feel that Tongtong's vital signs were gradually recovering.

Xiaomi's first ability is really extraordinary, and this attribute is obviously very good, it can save lives and heal the wounded.

Before, he always felt that something was wrong with his body, and he even wondered if Xiaomi had awakened some kind of aphrodisiac ability.

But now it seems that it should be his own problem.

"The other corpses... have been dead for a long time." Zhang Chengmin said, he was checking this just now.

Lin Zheng nodded and didn't say anything. He actually knew it right away.

Long before he saw the scene in the deep pit, he felt that there was only one breath of life in the entire pit.

Zhang Chengmin took a deep breath, ignored the stench around him, and said angrily: "The other four corpses, two big ones, their identities are uncertain, but the two small ones should be the two children who were lost some time ago.

This murderer is a habitual offender, and he must not be allowed to escape! "

Lin Zheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he realized that the bodies of the two children coincided with Zhang Chengmin's previous mention of the missing children.

He turned his head, looked around the surrounding environment, frowned and pondered: "It feels like this cave is specially designed, as if... some kind of cult sacrifice is being carried out, and it has been there for some years.

One person should not be able to do it. Could this be a gang operation? "

Zhang Chengmin narrowed his eyes and nodded: "If it's really a cult...then it makes their motives are completely random."

At this time, Lin Zheng also narrowed his eyes.

Just now, in order to save Tongtong back, he was just in a hurry, after he came back to his senses.

Think of the deep pit full of bones, and the few fresh corpses above.

Especially there are two children who are only five or six years old.

How dare you do such a deadly thing to a child!

What kind of demon can do such a thing?

Unlimited anger also surged in his heart, and he gritted his teeth: "No matter who it is, I will definitely make them pay the price!"

As he said that, he looked at the black cat next to him and asked, "Xiao Mi, can you find the murderer?"

Xiaomi nodded.

But at this moment, Mei Jixing, who was looking at his phone without speaking, suddenly raised his head and said, "The murderer should have been caught! Let's go out and have a look!"

Chapter 167 Soul Search!

At this time, the hilltop near the "Sunrock Psychiatric Hospital" had already been occupied by the 31 people brought in by the island country.

They were divided into groups of three or three and cooperated with each other to monitor the surrounding area of ​​"Sunstone Mental Hospital" and the staff of the Blade of Unexpected Destruction waiting here.

Fortunately, they don't need to do anything as long as the Blade of Destruction doesn't take any formal action against the hospital.

So until now, these 31 people have been quietly hiding all the time, with no intention of revealing them at all.

At the same time, almost no one knows their existence.

Except ghost organizations!

As a member of the ghost and god organization, Cobra has naturally kept the other two companions behind his back during this period of time, and has maintained a secret relationship with the organization.

Report all the incidents in the hospital.

As long as they are sure, any ghost organization can benefit from this matter.

The ghost organization will directly participate in it.

That's why.

Therefore, when Lin Zheng and others appeared in the "Sun Rock Psychiatric Hospital", the first time.

Cobra saw it, this is the most important target person after he came to the Great Xia Kingdom!

Originally, Cobra really intended to take the time to kill Lin Zheng after the island nation's mission was about to end and everyone, including his teammates, had relaxed their vigilance.

But at this time, Lin Zheng came to the door himself.

Then of course he didn't miss the reason.

Compared to killing Lin Zheng, getting the 3 million dollars and the qualification to become a ghost.

This task of the island country is not worth mentioning at all.

He immediately used the toilet to contact the ghost organization behind him again by secret means.

And inform the other party, for him to prepare the way to escape from the Great Xia Kingdom now.

He could kill Lin Zheng immediately!

After returning, he stayed in the original position, holding his sniper rifle and aiming firmly at the front.

But the location where the gun was aimed was the secret cave that Lin Zheng and others had entered before.

As long as Lin Zheng appeared, and after receiving a notification from the organization.

He would shoot directly, killing Lin Zheng first, and then killing the two companions beside him.

Then, just run away.

As long as he is fast enough and contacts the organization in advance, he can completely escape the pursuit of Da Xia and his "companions".

Leave this dangerous country directly.


Not long after, Lin Zheng and his party finally walked out of the cave.

When he first heard Mei Jixing's words, Lin Zheng was still wondering who caught the murderer.

After hearing Mei Jixing say that the location of their team's new mission is a psychiatric hospital on this mountain.

He just reacted.

Once out of the cave, Dang even saw the familiar faces of the three of Li Changsheng.

He also saw a stranger who was being firmly controlled by Cao Desheng.

At the same time, behind Li Changsheng and others, a group of security guards from a mysterious media company were following, as well as two doctors in white coats!

Therefore, Lin Zheng immediately took Tongtong to the two doctors and asked them to help Tongtong do a checkup.

Although due to Xiaomi's ability, Tongtong's vital signs are becoming more and more stable.

The wound was also stopped by Guxue Powder.

But he was not a doctor after all, so he couldn't accurately judge what kind of condition Tong Tong was in here.

Moreover, at that time, he was only focused on saving people, and did not check carefully enough.

After calming down, I realized that the wounds on Tongtong's body were really hideous and terrifying.

Leaving aside the wrists of both hands, just on the head, the left side of the skull was smashed open a huge hole.

It can even be seen that the inside is also seriously injured, and some of the brain tissue of the lake is molded.

This injury, if it wasn't for the abilities of Guxuesan and Xiaomi.

I'm afraid Tongtong didn't die at that time, and he's about the same now.

But even with Gu Xuesan and Xiao Mi's abilities, Lin Zheng didn't feel that Tong Tong's body was definitely out of danger.

So the most important thing right now is to save Tong Tong's life.

Nowadays, there are two ready-made doctors here, who can conduct examinations directly without running around, which is undoubtedly excellent.

If he remembered correctly, the doctors of Mysterious Media are all top doctors from the army.

And those two doctors seemed to know that there were patients here who needed treatment.

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