At the same time, this was also the last gift his parents gave him before the car accident.

For Tongtong, this Jade Guanyin is very precious. It is not only his sustenance for his parents, but also his psychological comfort.

After the car accident until now, if he is seriously ill and has to go to the hospital, he will wear this Jade Guanyin on his body when riding in the car.

And since then, he really hasn't had another car accident.

For Tongtong, this Jade Guanyin is indeed a very useful amulet.

Therefore, this Jade Guanyin now has the same feelings for Lin Zheng as well as blessings.

But it also includes a little reward for Tongtong's help to Lin Zheng.

As I said before, his IQ may not be high, but he has experienced far more things than children with the same IQ.

He is wiser and kinder.

Lin Zheng stared at the Jade Guanyin in his hand, and then raised his head to look at Tong Tong who had both expectation and worry on his face.

Tongtong was worried that Lin Zhenghui would not accept it.

But Lin Zheng didn't do that. He directly put the Jade Guanyin around his neck, and said, "I've taken your amulets, and I'll give you a few amulets too."

As Lin Zheng said, he asked Xiao Mi to run back home, and brought over the corpse talisman he had obtained from the system for the experiment, as well as the writing brush, yellow paper, and ink with rooster blood that he had obtained from the system for the amulet corpse.

It took me 140 years of skill to draw three pictures for Tongtong, really!amulet!

Moreover, it is still the kind that adds his own divine sense, so that he can feel whether the amulet is damaged no matter how far away it is.

Lin Zheng folded the three amulets into three small pieces, strung them together with a red string, and tied them around Tongtong's neck.

Tongtong seemed very happy, but of course he didn't know the true value of the three little amulets.

I just thought Lin was joking with himself.

"You have to wear this amulet carefully, and you can't take it off." Lin Zheng reminded.


Tong Tong nodded vigorously, put the three amulets into his clothes, and stuck them tightly to his chest.

Seeing this, Lin Zheng was relieved.

He has already experimented before, whether it is a corpse suppressing talisman or an amulet, they are all useful.

However, the effect was not very good.

With his skill, the corpse suppressing talisman he drew could only freeze Mei Jixing's body for a little over ten seconds at most.

Not to mention Zhang Xirou, who could barely hold on for less than five seconds.

And the effect of the amulet is not as good as his own PDD armor, although it can block part of the damage.

But there is still a limit after all.

But even so, as long as Tongtong does not encounter any continuous danger, these three amulets can still keep him safe.

"Maybe in the future, I can sell talismans and make money?"

On the way back, Lin Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

At night, before going to bed, Lin Zheng grabbed Xiaomi again, and then, he gave the Jade Guanyin that Tongtong had given to him, and asked Xiaomi to secretly send him back to Tongtong's room.

Of course, it will be hidden in a place where Tongtong cannot easily find it.

Lin Zheng has seen too many such clichéd plots for amulets in various movies, TV shows, and anime.

Nine out of ten are in the flag.

He doesn't like this kind of plot.

Even if it's just superficial, he has to stop it from the root!

Chapter 165 Are My Movies As Good As They Say?

Six pm.

In Lishi's largest studio.

As the last shot freezes, the film finally comes to an end.

Along with the ending song, the subtitle list slowly rises.

Producer: Lin Zheng

Director: Lin Zheng

Screenwriter: Lin Zheng

Producer: Lin Zheng

Planning: Lin Zheng

Editing: Lin Zheng

Styling: Lin Zheng


Zhong Fabai - played by Lin Zheng

Ending song: Lin Zheng

Interlude: Lin Zheng


Following the end of the end credits, which was almost three-quarters occupied by Lin Zheng's name, the lights in the theater finally turned on.

The three-hour screening on the first day was finally half over.

Next, the main creators came on stage, accepted interviews from reporters and film critics, and shared their creative ideas and experiences.

This is also the most important link. Now, we can see one or two of the word-of-mouth and evaluation of the movie.

"Good evening, film critics, media and journalists, and audience present!

Welcome everyone to the screening site of the latest movie "Haunted Ghosts" directed by Lin Zheng, a cutting-edge comedy ghost film in my country.

Next, let us first welcome Director Lin and the main creators of the film to the stage! "

Following the host's introduction, the audience applauded.

Then, a group of people slowly walked out from the backstage.

Walking in the front was Lin Zheng, 1.8 meters tall, wearing a tall black suit.

Behind him was Liang Chi, who was also wearing a suit and looked a little nervous.

Then there was Lin Manyu, who was wearing a dress and delicate makeup. Although she was nervous, she was more excited and looking forward to it.

As well as Mr. Chen, and several staff members of Mystery Media.

As for Zhang Xirou, she continued to practice in the background with Xiaomi.

In this movie, she only served as the action director, and she still cooperated with Lin Zheng.

In addition, she didn't like to show her face like this, so naturally she wouldn't go on stage.

There was a smile on Lin Zheng's handsome face, and his clear and clear eyes couldn't hide his excitement and anxiety.

After all, this is the first time his movie has appeared on the big screen, and it has entered the theaters in a serious manner.

Moreover, as soon as it came up, there was such a high-end screening.

Naturally, I will be a little apprehensive.

However, he was not worried about it.

I was in the background before, although I couldn't see the expressions of the audience at the scene.

But along with the promotion of the movie's plot, the laughter and exclamation from time to time cannot be fake!

After a little getting used to the lighting in front of the studio, Lin Zheng finally had a panoramic view of all the scenes in the audience.

The directors and actors of the national team sitting in the first row looked very energetic, with smiles on their faces, and several of them kept nodding, looking very satisfied.

The film critics in the second row were also in high spirits and couldn't hide their excitement.

And the audience behind them continued to applaud and scream.

At this time, the media reporters with pens and papers gathered around from behind, looking extremely enthusiastic, as if they had prepared countless questions.

Lin Zhengdu was a little flattered by such a huge battle.

Next to them, the staff held several microphones and handed them to them.

But Lin Zheng had never experienced such a big scene, and for a while, he didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, the host arranged by Mystery Media has excellent field control skills.

First, arrange for Lin Zheng and others to introduce themselves.

Afterwards, they asked some more interesting things about the filming process, as well as Lin Zheng's various simple thoughts, in order to mobilize the atmosphere.

Lin Zheng and the others had already rehearsed these questions, so they answered them very smoothly.

There is basically nothing wrong with it.

And then, comes the most important part.

The audience's viewing experience, and questions for the creators!

"Perhaps you don't know that today, apart from film critics, media friends, and the audience, there are also a few very important guests who came to our screening of "The Ghost House"!"

The host turned his head, looked at the audience, and said loudly: "Let me ask them to say hello to everyone.

First of all, it is our director Wang Baijing! "

Even though there was applause at the scene, although director Wang Baijing made many bad movies, he also had many best-selling movies.

Although he is nearly [-] years old now, he is still young and active in the front line of the film and television industry.

"Next, our director Xu Zhenke!

and our famous comedian Zhou Mengxing,

And Shen Haojian! "

The host introduced them one by one. The two directors and actors who came today are both comedians.

The audience popularity and reputation in the Great Xia Kingdom are also excellent.

As soon as the names of several people appeared, there was loud applause and cheers at the scene.

It was several times more enthusiastic than when Lin Zheng and the others appeared on stage.

It fully proves how high their popularity is.

Several people stood up from their seats and greeted everyone.

Then, the host invited the four of them to the stage, and then, standing next to Wang Baijing, he asked respectfully, "Director Wang, I don't know how you felt after watching the movie. What can you tell us, all the creative staff, and The audience in the audience, did you share it?"

Wang Baijing took the microphone and said with a smile: "I thought I was already very good at making comedies. I have made hundreds of movies, half of which are comedies.

I even felt that all the comedies were filmed by me, and no matter how other directors filmed, they were all things I used.

But today, this "Haunted Police Station" gave me a surprise.

This is something new that I have never used and never imagined, and more importantly, it looks good!

As a movie, the word "good-looking" is enough to describe it.

Director Lin Zheng is indeed a very talented director. This movie is also very novel, and it is very realistic. The action scenes in it are far inferior to me, and even... can be compared to the movies I have seen. , the top three.

I heard that director Lin Zheng still has a few more movies, I will definitely watch them in the future! "

As he said that, the director Wang Baijing even walked over with his fat body, and shook hands with Lin Zheng very seriously.

Lin Zheng was also very happy to receive such generous praise from the boss, and immediately stretched out his hand.

But with conscience, he still quietly reminded: "Director Wang, if you want to watch my previous movies, it's best not to watch the first three."

Hearing this, Wang Baijing was taken aback for a moment, then immediately made an expression that he understood, and after shaking hands with Liang Chi and others, he walked back to his original position.

Next, is the second director Xu Zhenke: "This is really a very good movie, although the story is a bit simple, but the subject matter is very novel.

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