He thought that he was already hardworking and introverted enough, but he didn't expect that Zhang Xirou was ten times more introverted than him!

After learning "Giant Power Technique" and "Dawei Tianlong" yesterday morning.

Zhang Xirou's enthusiasm for cultivation was completely ignited.

After finishing the morning exercise, he continued to practice without stopping.

In addition to eating, it is either to cultivate skills, or to be familiar with those two spells.

Seeing that Lin Zheng's scalp was numb, he was so ashamed that he didn't dare to show off any more. He immediately ran into the study and started writing the script of "Mr. Zombie" angrily.

That's right, after he decided not to make "Haunted Police Station", his own new movie will be the most classic "Mr. Zombie"!

This movie should be regarded as the most popular among Lin Zhengying's zombie movies.

Ren Tingting, played by Li Saifeng, is the favorite of many boys.

He remembered that he had seen many online stories about Uncle Nine, and the main characters in them had to have something to do with Ren Tingting.

At the same time, there are many details and dry goods in this movie.

In terms of supernatural powers and Maoshan Daoism, Lin Zhengying's films have always been the best.

It can also fully meet the requirements of the mysterious media department for the rationality of the film.

At the same time, it basically overlaps with a lot of information that Lin Zheng obtained from the system.

Of course, the more important thing is the role of the Republic of China superhero Uncle Nine.

It can be called meeting ghosts and killing ghosts, meeting corpses and beheading corpses, invincible and rare opponents.

It perfectly meets the needs of the media and the current market demand.

Lin Zheng could even imagine that after "Mr. Zombie" was released, people in this world would feel safe when they saw Uncle Nine.

With a lot of anticipation, Lin Zheng wrote the script very quickly, and even only took yesterday afternoon to draw the storyboard script of "Mr. Zombie".

But when he came out of the study and was about to cook, he found that Zhang Xirou was still practicing!

So hardworking, it's just terrifying.

And more importantly, Zhang Xirou's talent is outstanding!

The two spells were learned almost instantly, and they quickly became proficient.

Moreover, the speed of skill accumulation is also extremely fast!

During the morning exercise yesterday, the two of them had a very in-depth exchange.

After careful consideration, Lin Zheng discovered that although Zhang Xirou had only learned the exercises, it had been less than two months.

But in his body, he already had nearly five months of skill!

This is a practice speed that completely surpassed the timeline, or nearly twice as much.

It was also because of this that Lin Zheng knew about the cultivation of this exercise.

It's not like he originally thought, practicing day by day.

Rather, he is also gifted with extraordinary talent, can get twice the result with half the effort, and is a once-in-a-century martial arts talent.

And obviously, Zhang Xirou is such a person!

"Practice for one month, and you have practiced three months of skill, so four months of practice is equivalent to one year's skill.

If things go on like this, she will surpass me after practicing for more than ten years! "

A sense of crisis suddenly rose in Lin Zheng's heart.

No, I have to start working hard.

No matter what, I can't let her surpass me in skill!

Lin Zheng was thinking, his expression gradually became dignified and firm, and then he said immediately: "System, give me a lottery!"

With a thought, a black iron treasure chest was exchanged and opened directly.

[Congratulations, you got it from the Black Iron Treasure Chest: Lifespan 10 days (omitted)]

Good luck, keep going!

[Congratulations, you have obtained 1: 15 years of skill from the bronze treasure chest (omitted)]

[Congratulations, you have obtained 2: 15 years of skill from the bronze treasure chest (omitted)]

I really want to come here!Good luck today!


Looking at these 30 years of skill, Lin Zheng was extremely excited, and immediately exchanged it for a silver treasure chest.

Without saying a word, it opened directly.

[Congratulations, you have obtained 1 from the silver treasure chest: Naruto Boruto (you can watch it when you are emotional, it can calm you down quickly, and the effect is very strong)]

[Congratulations, you have obtained 2:1.5 liters of Nongfu Spring Mineral Water from the Silver Treasure Box (We do not produce water, we are the porters of nature, to prevent infringement, we have automatically torn up the trademark)]

[Congratulations, you got 3 from the Silver Treasure Chest: Catch the Wave Dragon Claw Hand (from the movie "The Deer and Ding Tale: Battle for the Imperial City", taught by Hai Dafu to Wei Xiaobao, who once caught the dragon chicken in order to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, with remarkable results and a long history)]





Although the last silver treasure chest was trashed, fortunately, the previous two rounds were very lucky.

In addition to giving away 1 day of real life, Lin Zheng's hard work has initially achieved results, increasing his skills for a full 30 years.

Including the previous 50 years, he already has a full 80 years of skill!

No matter which martial arts movie it is in, it can be regarded as a master of masters.

"Now... Big Sister Zhang will have to practice for at least 30 to [-] years before she can catch up with me."

Lin Zheng couldn't help laughing, feeling his blood boiling, he got up immediately, wanting to see how long and thick his 80-year-old Dawei Tianlong was.

As for the "Bolong Claw Hand" inherited from Hai Dafu and Wei Xiaobao...

Lin Zheng more or less had the burden of being an idol, when he was fighting with someone, he would always run towards the opponent's wave...

He still couldn't do such a thing.

Of course, if you do some follow-up research, you will find that the power of "Catch the Wave Dragon's Claw Hand" is indeed very strong.

That's not impossible to consider.

After the prize draw, he got up immediately, just after washing up, and was about to go out with Xiao Mi in his arms, when he received a call from Li Changsheng.

"Director Lin, are you in Lishi now?"


"Can you come to Li City Law Enforcement Bureau, we have important matters to discuss."

"Law Enforcement Bureau? What's the situation?"

"An accident happened here. Someone died inexplicably. There were rumors that it was a strange disturbance. We have to take action to dispel the rumors. We need your help. For example... like...making a movie like we did in Zhifu Apartment before."

"I'll come over now!"

"Wait... Dudu! Dudu!"

Before Li Changsheng finished speaking, Lin Zheng hung up the phone, and then immediately called Zhang Chengmin.

Zhang Chengmin works in Li City Law Enforcement Bureau!

After a while, the call was connected.

After hearing Zhang Chengmin's voice, he finally felt relieved.

Then, he immediately asked the other party about the Law Enforcement Bureau.

This matter has been spread in Lishi for a long time, especially the Liyue community is still next to the Law Enforcement Bureau, and everyone around it is spreading the word.

Lin Zheng and Zhang Xirou, who had never been out of the house after the morning exercise yesterday, did not know about it.

But Zhang Chengmin didn't show any doubts, he just replied normally: "Yes, there is such a thing.

But don't listen to rumors. We are still investigating the real situation of the matter for the time being. I am preparing to go there now. Don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory answer in the end. "

Lin Zheng immediately said: "Then wait for me, I have to go too."

Zhang Chengmin was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

Lin Zheng took it for granted: "Did you forget? I'm from Secret Media. Now my colleagues have gone somewhere. I have to help them."

It was only then that Zhang Chengmin "suddenly realized", and said: "Oh... I forgot about this, and I saw your colleagues at the scene yesterday."


"Sorry, the number you dialed is currently on the phone, please call again later, sorry you..."

Li Changsheng hung up the phone.

Zhou Xinyi next to him immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"Lin Zheng hung up the phone too quickly. Before I had time to ask him if he could deal with Hongyi, he hung up the phone."

Li Changsheng explained, then shook his head, and said, "It's okay, it's the same when he comes over and ask again, how is the situation over there? After we dug out the belongings, has anything changed?"

"Not yet." Zhou Xinyi shook her head.

At this moment, Cao Desheng, who had been in charge of inspections at the gate of the Law Enforcement Bureau, suddenly ran over with a panicked expression: "It has expanded! The scope of the weird activities of that island country has expanded!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Chapter 153 Doesn't he know that you are from our secret media?

In fact, since the beginning of the excavation operation, Li Changsheng thought that it might happen.

But in order to create as safe an environment as possible for Lin Zheng, they had to do this.

Given Lin Zheng's importance, they must keep Lin Zheng within this dangerous range as little as possible.

And try to shorten the entire shooting movie, that is, the time to deal with weirdness.

Therefore, they can only choose to find the deposit as soon as possible.

And, as early as possible, there will be a way to shoot action scenes.

Let Lin Zheng solve this problem.

This is impossible.

At the same time, when they acted, they have been very careful, trying not to cause too much damage to the building of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

And monitor and check very carefully to see if there are any problems.

But until the deposit was dug out, nothing happened.

Originally, they all thought that they were worrying too much.

Who knew that now, such bad news suddenly came out.

Li Changsheng immediately walked towards the gate of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and asked at the same time, "How much has it been expanded? When did it happen?"

Although Cao Desheng was in a hurry, he was still calm after all, and quickly replied: "Not much, not even half a centimeter, but it is indeed expanding. Just now, a few minutes ago, I came over as soon as I was sure about it. Measure the rate of expansion over there."

"I really didn't say anything this time, you can't blame me!" Finally, Cao Desheng emphasized it.

Li Changsheng gave the other party a blank look, and didn't even bother to complain anymore. He glanced at the gate of the Law Enforcement Bureau and immediately found the mark.

At this time, Mei Jixing was still standing there, frowning, with a serious face, and when he saw Li Changsheng approaching, he also said: "I did some calculations, and its range of motion is basically at a speed of about 1 centimeter per minute. It’s expanding, not fast.”

"One centimeter in one minute is 1 centimeters in one hour, and 1 centimeters in 60 hours a day, which is about 24 meters in one day."

Li Changsheng immediately figured out the pattern, and then glanced around.

Now the entire road around the Law Enforcement Bureau has been closed, and there are usually not too many people living around the Law Enforcement Bureau.

So just yesterday, a large open space has been vacated, which can be used as a buffer.

"If it keeps going at this speed, these spaces can last for at least 15 days, and we may be able to fight for some more space in the future, but we'd better get rid of this weirdness within 15 days!"

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