If so go directly.

Maybe the next time they meet, they will have to be in prison, in the form of a prison visit, separated by iron doors and iron windows.

Although thinking about the scene of Zhang Xirou wearing a prison uniform, it's still quite funny.

But he really didn't want to see this happen.

Originally, Lin Zheng thought that Zhang Xirou should be able to calm down by talking so seriously.

But the other party didn't have this idea at all. Instead, he looked at him more seriously: "I'm not joking, and you don't have to worry about my safety."

Zhang Xirou also had a serious face, and her words were even more shocking: "I have the privilege, as long as I don't kill him, I don't have to go to jail, at most, I just lose a little freedom.

I didn't want to before, but now it looks like it's okay.

In fact, even if I kill him, I shouldn't have to pay too much responsibility, shall I kill him for you? "

Chapter 129 A call from the company boss!

This time, Lin Zheng was completely dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at Zhang Xirou, was silent for a while, and then asked:

"Privilege? What privilege?"

Zhang Xirou didn't intend to hide anything.

Although she knew that she couldn't tell all the truth with the Blade of Desperation on her back.

But since she said those words just now, she has already planned to tell Lin Zheng some things related to her that can be said, but were not willing to be said before!

Zhang Xirou was silent for a while, sorting out his words, and then looked at Lin Zheng, and said in a nonchalant tone, "My father used to be a soldier in a special army of the Great Xia Kingdom.

For some reason, he died in the line of duty, and killed everyone in our family except me.

My right eye was also injured in that incident, so maybe it was to make up for me.

Even if sometimes I do some excessive things, I will not be punished.

However, regarding the unit my father is in, because of the signed non-disclosure agreement, it is too confidential, so I have no way to take the initiative to tell you. '

There was a faint smile on the corner of Zhang Xirou's mouth, she still subconsciously wanted to make herself look more relaxed.

Lin Zheng blinked and fell silent involuntarily.

When he and Zhang Xirou met, they were already adults.

And Zhang Xirou knew there was a story at first glance, in order not to let the other party think of bad memories.

Naturally, Lin Zheng couldn't ask questions without winking.

Therefore, this was the first time he had heard about Zhang Xirou's life experience, and he had just learned that Zhang Xirou was an orphan just like him.

Although what Zhang Xirou said just now was very light, but he could still imagine it to some extent.

The incident that the other party mentioned at the beginning was definitely not a simple death in the line of duty.

Let me ask, what kind of martyrdom can kill all the members of the family? And let his daughter suffer such serious eye injuries?

Fighting a terrorist group, endangering a family?

He could only think of similar situations.

Lin Zheng took a deep breath calmly, looked at Zhang Xirou, and suddenly raised his left hand subconsciously.

Facing Zhang Xirou, who was on the sofa, stretched out her right hand that was tightly grasping the edge of the sofa.

Lin Zheng swore that he had absolutely nothing wrong with it, he just wanted to comfort the other party.

But Zhang Xirou is worthy of being a battle-tested person. Before Lin Zheng's hand moved, she immediately noticed it and turned her head to look over.

Lin Zheng was startled immediately, and he lifted his hand up to touch the back of his head.

Then, with a bit of embarrassing comfort, he said: "Since it is a secret, of course there is no need to talk about it. I'm sorry, it reminded you of these things."

Zhang Xirou didn't doubt Lin Zheng's movement of scratching his head. He shook his head and looked completely indifferent: "It's all over, let's get down to business."

As she spoke, she looked at Lin Zheng again, and said, "I suddenly felt that he is not guilty of death, or we should still be beaten and disfigured?

Moreover, I have been cultivating recently, and my progress has been rapid, and my skills have improved rapidly. If I am careful and prepare more, I may not be discovered


Lin Zheng interrupted immediately, and said solemnly: "We will not discuss this matter, we have great power, and we must learn to control negative emotions, otherwise we will end up harming others and ourselves.

Moreover, to be honest, it is indeed not to that extent, even if it is blocked, we can just make another one. '

"Okay." Seeing the seriousness of what he said, Zhang Xirou could only nod her head and put aside the idea of ​​murder, "I'll listen to you."

Only then did Lin Zheng feel relieved and heaved a sigh of relief.

Although Zhang Xirou is sometimes extreme, she usually doesn't lie. If she says she doesn't think like this anymore, then she really won't have this kind of thinking anymore.

But Zhang Xirou's main reason for coming here this time was to ask Lin Zheng if he wanted her to help him vent his anger and take revenge.Now being rejected, she has nothing to do and nothing to say.

Nor is there anything else to do like before.

But I felt that it was not right to leave directly now, so I sat quietly on the sofa without saying a word.

Straight away.

Fortunately, Lin Zheng was not such an autistic person. After the initial embarrassment, he had changed into a normal heart.He took the initiative to provoke the topic and eased the embarrassment.

After that, I took the other party to visit my new home, and took the other party to read the new script.

Although before, the relationship between the two of them was quite good.

But today, Zhang Xirou finally revealed the long-hidden secret in front of Lin Zheng.

The relationship between the two has become more and more familiar and close.

At this time, there was discussion on the Internet about the movie "Haunter Mansion".

It is also becoming more and more enthusiastic.

"Jimei guys! This movie is poisonous. After my boyfriend, every time we quarreled, he would say to me 'Monster! How dare you speak out here, Dawei Tianlong!', and then he even dared to throw me down!

The director of this movie is so outrageous that he doesn't know what he's doing, we must report it and take it down!'

"Fuck, it's him again! I remember that this guy had a movie in the box office before, and it was so lively at the time, what emperors, aliens, hemorrhoids, and maggots all ran out to help him. Everyone is shocked by the background of this director named Lin Zheng, hahaha!"

"I'm also wondering, what is the background of this director named Lin Zheng? He is so rich and powerful, why doesn't he go to the theater with the movie? Isn't it easier to get it? At least he can book the show. And say It's nice to go out, too."

"Yeah, it feels so strange. Many friends I know say this movie is good, but it's so good, why does he want to check the box office?

"Pure passer-by, Lu Lun's black fan, I watched "Haunter Mansion" and "Sweet Beats" admiringly, I just want to say "Haunter Mansion" is awesome, Lu Lun, what the hell are you playing, die for me! "

"It suddenly occurred to me that two years ago, Lu Lun, a silly fan, helped him sell albums abroad, but he was directly blocked by other charts, and he was ashamed to go abroad. Now he still has the face to accuse others of selling at the box office?"

"The talk is full of doctrine, and the heart is full of business. Lu Lun's new film is at the same time as this "Ghost Building", and it is obvious that he can't do it in terms of performance, and then he uses dirty tricks here. The Internet is tearing up and playing tricks!"

"Those big Vs have given evidence and chat records. It is this "Haunter Mansion" that is making the box office. Are you all blind? And attack our brother! Brother Lu has been hiding for a year to hone his acting skills, he is not enough Trying hard? What else do you want him to do?'

"The result of honing your acting skills is that the previous bad movie was just a cutout?"

"Jimei, don't pay attention to these stupid people. My boyfriend's brother is an executive of the online theater. He has already said that as long as there are more reports, the online theater will immediately remove this bad box office movie. , we are about to win!"

"That's right, the result will tell everything. When the bad movies that hit the box office are removed from the shelves, you will know who is right and who is wrong!"

Lu Lun's appeal is not weak.

But more importantly, netizens like to join in the fun.

After all, it is really not moral to check the box office, especially when there is real evidence.

Therefore, even if the quality of the movie "Haunter Mansion" is not bad, there are still many people who have watched the movie and have been helping to speak.But the overall trend of public opinion is still going down.

Lin Zheng saw this situation in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, but unfortunately, with his current ability, he couldn't do anything.

There is only "Happy Ghost" with a box office of 1000 million. In the entire entertainment industry and the entire Internet, he cannot be allowed to have any right to speak at all!

At this time, everyone in the operation department of the online theater was watching the development of public opinion on the Internet with great interest.

It is different from what the outside world imagines.

The people in the online theater have always stood firmly on the side of "Haunter Mansion".

After all, as long as Lu Lun is a traffic star who can cut out pictures in filming, as long as he has a normal mind, he probably won't like it.Moreover, as insiders, they were more or less able to find out certain problems.

Has "Haunter Mansion" hit the box office?

Indeed brushed.

But "Sweet Beat" was actually brushed.

Many ticket purchase accounts for these two movies are under one IP address, and...the number is really not small!

In fact, in online theaters, checking the box office is already a relatively routine operation.

If there is a little condition, the metropolis will brush a little bit.

After all, if the box office is high, it is good to recommend, and if the recommendation is good, the exposure will be sufficient, and the exposure will be sufficient to make more money.

Therefore, they are not against these things.

In addition, although "Haunter Mansion" also hit the box office, it also had a lot of normal box office.

Moreover, in terms of normal box office ratio, "Haunter Mansion" is much larger than "Sweet Beat".

Of course, the more important thing is that they can't watch too many movies, and there is no aesthetic problem at all.

Which of the two films is better is obvious to most of them.

However, as things developed, public opinion became more and more serious afterwards.

They also became more or less worried about "Haunter Mansion".

Because, the current public opinion situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to "Haunter Mansion"!

"Unexpectedly, Lu Lun has been silent for a year, and the fighting power of the fans is still not weak."

"They have more or less been on the front line."

"Now there are more than 3000 reports. If this goes on, "Haunter Mansion" may really be reported to be taken off the shelves."

"This wave is really ruthless."

"It's not that there is no backing for bullying others."

"I remember that this director seems to have a backer. I heard from other departments that Lin Zheng had three movies that had been taken off the shelves before, and they were suddenly put back on the shelves, which surprised us all."

"So awesome? Did someone say why you did it?"

"It seems to be saying that our own system loopholes are compensated for others, but I don't think this is very possible."

"Don't think about it, if the backer is really big enough to let the higher-ups do this, he will still be screened here, and it will be taken offline directly.

"It's a pity, this "Haunter Mansion" does have something, it's much better than the previous "Happy Ghost", and it's about to be ruined like this

"Yeah, according to this increase, as long as the follow-up recommendations are higher, I personally feel that the box office of this movie can easily break through 7000 million, and hundreds of millions is not impossible.'

A group of people were discussing, feeling unworthy for "Haunter Mansion".

But they are just a group of part-time workers, at most they use their own private accounts to say more good things about "Haunter Mansion" on the Internet.

Can't do much.

And right now.

The long-haired man who called Lu Lun before also sneaked out of the office again, ran to the toilet, and went to announce the good news to Lu Lun.

"Now that "Haunter Mansion" has received thousands of reports, I heard from people in the company that as long as there are more, it will be taken off the shelves directly.

At that time, the hot recommendation will be yours, Brother Lu!"

in his studio.

When Lu Lun heard the good news on the phone, he immediately laughed.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with the other party, and saying some words of thanks.

He hung up the phone, jumped up from the sofa, hugged his girlfriend who had just rushed over, and kissed her beautifully.

Then, he said to Economic Humanity: "Brother, get ready, we can start the second round of ticket swiping and publicity.

If there is no accident, the fiery airborne should be ours!"

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