Broken limbs splashed everywhere!

The blood mist slowly floated over everyone, their eyes were dull...

Here, it is quiet.

Lu Nanzhuo put down his left hand and finally spoke,

"Today, all of you are not allowed to step into the Misty Misty Marsh. This is the end of the words, and the consequences will be at your own risk."

After finishing speaking, Lu Nanzhuo ignored everyone and disappeared at the entrance of the Misty Mist.

Seeing that the white clothes disappeared, everyone's tense bodies instantly relaxed.

Just what did this sentence mean?

It doesn't matter, if you come in, you will definitely come in. If you come, why don't you come back empty-handed?

What's more, the Illusory Fog is so big, you will definitely not meet that terrifying white-clothed man after entering...

Everyone looked at each other, speechless.

Finally, he cast his pitiful eyes on the remaining sluggish Mangniu tribe present.


The phantom mist was full of stagnant water, Lu Nanzhuo jumped into the air about half an inch away from the water surface, and walked without dripping water.

With his hands behind his back, Lu Nanzhuo looked around like a curious baby. Apart from being quieter, more humid, and more precious medicines, this phantom mist seems to be nothing special?

Or get straight to business.

Lu Nanzhuo directly grabbed the banyan tree, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and entered the black chain.

The Tower of Longevity.

After entering, Lu Nanzhuo tormented the god-addicted epee demon spirit, and went straight to the first floor where old man Duotian was.

"Young master, you are here."

The old man Duotian was overjoyed to see Lu Nanzhuo, and hurried forward to congratulate him.

"Duotian, you look pretty good..."

Lu Nanzhuo looked at the phantom of old man Duotian who had been completely stabilized with a smile, surrounded by three red lights,

It is the three souls of heaven, earth and life!

The old man Duotian smiled shyly, "Thank you, my lord, thank you!"

Lu Nanzhuo cast a glance at him and said, "Okay, come up with me, I will help you cultivate the Seven Souls today."

After Lu Nanzhuo finished speaking, he went to the stairs and went up to the second floor.

"Yes, son."

The old man Duotian's eyes trembled slightly. Unexpectedly, he would be reborn one day, so he hurriedly followed.

Looking at the excited Duotian old man on the circle, Lu Nanzhuo said with a playful expression,

"Duotian, if you fail to cultivate your soul, you will be completely gone. You won't blame the deity then, will you?"

Duotian was slightly shocked when he heard the words, he quickly calmed down his excitement, and replied solemnly: "Of course not, if you can successfully help Duotian to be reborn, Duotian will definitely be the only one who will follow you in this life!"

Then he continued to say in a shy voice: "If it doesn't work out...this is Duotian's fate...don't blame the young master!"

"Okay!" Lu Nanzhuo's expression gradually became serious: "Duotian, you just need to calm down like last time. When the seven souls appear, you must carefully sense them!"

"As for the rest..."

"Everything is in the deity."

Duotian heard the words, his eyes were concentrated, and suddenly he knelt and kowtowed slowly in the magic circle,

"Young master...please!"


Chapter 103 Cultivate the Seven Souls, Become a Soul

"Close your eyes! Calm down!"

Lu Nanzhuo drank lightly.

Duotian hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground, put his hands on his knees, exhaled lightly, and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Nanzhuo directly flicked a ray of light towards the magic circle with his fingers!

The magic circle was once again as brilliant as last time, and the Bagua diagram underneath was rotating, and the old man Duotian was heavily wrapped in dense runes.

Lu Nanzhuo's expression was slightly dignified, he cast aside the second half of the eye technique, and then his hands began to form seals, which was quite complicated!

"The yin and yang souls are derived from the ages, and the seven souls obey the deity's orders!"

"Tianpo, Tianchong, Linghui, Kanweining!"

"Human spirit, Qi, strength, and center, all in place!"

"Earth soul, elite, hero, Li Wei Ning!"

Following Lu Nanzhuo's soft drink, the gossip diagrams and runes on the magic circle rotated faster and faster, and the Eternal Life Tower slowly began to tremble like last time!

Seeing the seven strands of black light gradually emerge at the corresponding positions...

Lu Nanzhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and drank heavily: "Duotian! Gather the central soul first!!"


The outside world is surrounded by phantom fog.

Horror clouds gathered like doomsday, lightning and thunder!

It's exactly the same as it was in Hongtian Giant City!

All kinds of monsters in the misty marsh looked at the sky and shivered. They were also old natives, but they had never seen such a scene!

"Fuck! Look at the sky, what's going on?"

"It's never been like this before in the Misty Mist!?"

"Look carefully, this dark cloud seems to only cover the Illusory Fog and Misty Marsh!"

Many peoples of all races looked at the dark sky in bewilderment, feeling the fearful power of heaven, and their hearts trembled a little.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt struck towards the Misty Misty Ze!

"Trench digging! What's going on? It's coming towards us! It's too fast to hide! Everyone, don't keep it, and form a defensive barrier with me!"

Everyone's expressions were instantly ferocious, and they worked hard to circulate their spiritual energy, quickly condensing into a huge barrier!

boom! !

The thunder came in an instant, and the barrier was instantly shattered!

Heavy bang on the fearful people!


Everyone was killed instantly!

boom boom...

Not only this thunderbolt, but more and more thunderbolts struck down, covering the entire Illusory Fog and Misty Marsh,

At this time, the Misty Fog and Misty Ze are like thunder and purgatory!

The various screams resounding in it were quickly covered by thunder...

Before dying, the minds of many peoples involuntarily recalled the white dress at the entrance of the Misty Mist...

"Today, all of you are not allowed to step into the Misty Misty Marsh. This is the end of the words, and the consequences will be at your own risk."



Liu Yan stared blankly at the phantom mist in the distance like thunder and purgatory, her heart tensed!

It's like this again, exactly the same as Hongtian Giant City back then!

Why does the thunder strike wherever the young master goes...

At the same time, there was some worry in my heart.


Thunderbolts are still landing endlessly, this terrifying scene has attracted countless thousands of people from around the Misty Misty Marsh to watch!

The hearts of all races are in palpitations,

Fortunately, I didn't enter this phantom mist maze today...

Compared with the terrified Tianwei, the weird phantom fog that appeared randomly was nothing short of child's play.

Those who entered this phantom mist today... are probably all dead, right?


"Duotian, collect the last elite two spirits! As long as you can be reborn!"

Lu Nanzhuo was already standing aside with his hands behind his back, watching quietly, feeling the vibration of the Tower of Eternal Life, he knew that the outside world should be...

Thinking of those ten thousand races at the entrance, I don't know if they have entered this phantom mist, if they really entered, it has nothing to do with him, he has already dissuaded them.

neither listen...

Then it would be a pity to die!

Hearing Lu Nanzhuo's words, old man Duotian's desire to survive was overwhelming!I have lived for tens of thousands of years... Rebirth is just around the corner, he, one, must, want, succeed, succeed! !

Looking at the last elite two souls floating in front of them, they are still struggling violently!

The old man Duotian suddenly looked fierce, he is not a good person...

"Come here, old man!"

A violent suction burst out violently, the old man Duotian wanted to forcibly inhale the last two souls!

Seeing the struggling elite two souls slowly approaching Duotian, Lu Nanzhuo nodded slightly, and suddenly seemed to have a feeling, and disappeared on the spot.



As the elite Erpo in the Tower of Longevity approached the old man Duotian,

The outside world is even more thunderous and terrifying!

Sitting cross-legged on the weeping banyan tree, Lu Nanzhuo opened his eyes, looked at the raging thunder around him, and then looked up at the sky, his eyes flickering slightly.

He got up slowly, and then soared into the sky.

" look! Is there someone in the sky above the Misty Mist??"

"Fuck, it's true! This... this..."

Seeing a white figure appear in the dark clouds, lightning and thunder, the thousands of people watching outside the misty marsh were horrified!

Because, in comparison, that white dress is really too small...

What is this person up to?Aren't you afraid of being struck to death by lightning?

Liu Yan's eyebrows suddenly gathered, she was too familiar, this is the young master? !

Lu Nanzhuo quietly looked at the sky close at hand with his hands behind his back, the strong wind made his sleeves rattle!

Countless thunder and lightning passed by his body, but they didn't seem to dare to strike him.

"You're just an unconscious Heavenly Dao, that's all for last time, but this time again, you like meddling in your own business, don't you?"

Lu Nanzhuo's voice sounded, it was very soft, but it overshadowed all the thunder!

All the watching people could hear clearly...

Immediately, they were stunned, stunned, and then looked like hell!

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