Twice chi chi!

Blood splattered everywhere, and the two arms of Xiongli and the others were separated from their bodies in an instant.


The two Xiongli who had just passed out were woken up again by the severe pain of breaking their arms, and their miserable howls exploded in an instant!

All the races looked pale, and felt that their arms were a little painful...

Xiong Meng hit two swords with his hand, and the two fainted again.

Then he looked at Lu Nanzhuo: "My lord..."

Lu Nanzhuo nodded slightly.

"Young Master!" Liu Yan suddenly called Lu Nanzhuo, and then looked at Xiongzhen behind Xiongmeng to signal.

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on Xiong Zhen, with some pity.

Xiongzhen's brain exploded in an instant, and he was completely panicked, what should come is still coming!

He suddenly came to Lu Nanzhuo and knelt down.

"My lord! A villain has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, and a villain has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai. My lord, please let me go, please...uh..."

His voice suddenly stopped, because Xiongmeng punched him violently in the back of the head from behind,

Instant death!

"My lord, can we go now?..."

Xiong Meng calmly looked at Lu Nanzhuo and said, as if it wasn't his own son who killed just now...

The people present looked at the majestic and calm face and felt a little cold, it was too cruel...

Lu Nanzhuo's eyes flickered slightly: "Yes."

"My lord, those people..."

Xiong Meng pointed to nearly a hundred people standing still in the air behind Lu Nanzhuo and said.

Lu Nanzhuo's pupils flickered, and nearly a hundred people behind him immediately fell to the ground!

They hurried back behind Xiongmeng and Ximentian, looking at Lu Nanzhuo in fear.

Xiongmeng bent towards Lu Nanzhuo with a respectful attitude, "My lord...then we will leave first..."

Lu Nanzhuo nodded, but his eyes were a little strange when he looked at Xiongmeng.

"Go! Bring up the young patriarch and the young suzerain!"

Xiongmeng and Ximentian organized the elder son of the sect, and then bowed to Lu Nanzhuo again before turning and leaving.

The crowds of thousands of people hurried out of the way, and no one dared to touch their bad luck.

"My... my lord, what about me..." the master of the Earth Talisman Sect asked tremblingly.

"You go too."

"Thank you, my lord, and leave."

The Master of the Earth Talisman Sect felt relieved, and hurriedly got up and bowed, beckoning his disciples to leave in desperation.

"It's all gone!" Tang Wei yelled at Wanzu, then bowed to Lu Nanzhuo, and flew away with the elder and holy son of the clan.

After Tang Wei shouted loudly, the Wan Clan withdrew quickly, not daring to stay here to face the white robe.

After a while, the gate of the city, which was originally crowded with people, became empty...

Liu Yan came to Lu Nanzhuo's side and softly called out, "Master."

Lu Nanzhuo nodded slightly with his hands behind his back, suddenly chuckled and said, "He will come back."

Liu Yan looked puzzled, not understanding what Lu Nanzhuo meant.

Lu Nanzhuo smiled: "I said that man is fierce, he will come back for revenge..."

Liu Yan frowned instantly, was he the only one?What would he use to avenge the young master?

"It's getting dark, let's go into the city."

Lu Nanzhuo looked at the sky, and walked towards the gate of the city with his hands behind his back. Liu Yan followed closely behind.

"I really want to die..."

Lu Nanzhuo's last whispers were blown away by the wind...


Chapter 90 Collusion

The night covered the sky.

Hongtian giant city, inside a magnificent building.

This is the resident of the ancient Giant Elephant Clan in Hongtian Giant City.


Xiong Meng smashed a teacup hard!


Xiongmeng gritted his teeth and roared, his eyes were red, and veins popped up on his face!

"Hey, old Xiong, what can we do then? That guy's methods are so weird... It's not something you and I can control..."

Ximentian sighed in his seat, his eyes full of helplessness.

In Tianxinyu, it's been a long time since I've been so aggrieved!

Xiongmeng came to Ximentian's side suddenly, covered his ears and said something.

"Old Meng! You..."

I don't know what Xiongmeng said, but Ximentian was shocked!

Ximenqin said with a low face, "But, if the other sects and halls spread the news... we can't afford to go around!"

"Just say you want to do it or not?! If you don't avenge this revenge, you Qinzong and my ancient giant elephant clan should not stay in Tianxin Region!"

"You, Ximentian, have face, but I'm brave and shameless!"

Xiongmeng stared at Ximentian with a ferocious expression, and became more and more excited as he spoke.

Ximen Tian clenched his palms slightly when he heard the words, and finally nodded heavily under the fierce gaze!


Xiongmeng immediately relaxed, walked to Ximentian and sat down,

"I know that you, Ximen Tian, ​​are talented. Since this is the case..."

"Let's go now!"


In the giant city of Hongtian, Lu Nanzhuo and the two entered a Tongtian restaurant to stay.

For thousands of years, in order to find Lu Nanzhuo, Feng Junzhao really spread this Tongtian Restaurant all over the place...

Lu Nanzhuo was also slightly emotional about this.

"Liu Yan, I have a task for you tonight."

In the room, Lu Nanzhuo took a sip of tea, looked at Liu Yan and said.

"Sir, please tell me." Liu Yan bowed.

Lu Nanzhuo smiled slightly: "Tonight, find out all the dens of different demons in Hongtian Giant City... come back before dawn."

Liu Yan was stunned, and quickly said: "My lord... can Liu Yan find it?"

Liu Yan was a little apprehensive, how could she have such means, let alone the dens of strange demons in the entire Hongtian giant city...

"Don't worry, come here."

Lu Nanzhuo waved his hand.

Hearing this, Liu Yan quickly came to Lu Nanzhuo's body, looking at Lu Nanzhuo's dark eyes who were close at hand, she was a little nervous, not knowing what the young master was going to do.

"Close your eyes."

Hearing Lu Nanzhuo's voice, Liu Yan slowly closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her heart became more nervous.

Lu Nanzhuo stretched out his middle index finger, with a faint light flickering on it, and then gently stroked Liu Yan's eyes.

Liu Yan felt a cold touch across her eyes, and then it disappeared...

"Okay, let's go."

Lu Nanzhuo's voice rang in Liu Yan's ears, Liu Yan slowly opened her eyes, she was a little puzzled.

But dare not ask again, bowed slightly,

"My lord, that Liu Yan...has gone."


Liu Yan walked down the street with her head down, her brows were frowning at this time, how should I find this strange monster...

"Hey, I can only do my best... Presumably the young master won't blame me..."

After reading in my heart, I raised my head silently.

But immediately, she was shocked by what she saw in front of her eyes!

There was a building not far ahead that came into her eyes, which was nothing... She was so shocked that black mist was slowly emerging from the surrounding of that building!

It stands to reason that at this night, the black mist should blend into the night, making it difficult for people to see clearly...

But in Liu Yan's eyes, the black mist actually shone with fluorescence!

Liu Yan was shocked, and hurriedly stopped a passerby next to him,

"come here!"

Hearing this, passers-by were a little puzzled, but when they saw Liu Yan's appearance, they were stunned, and instantly had one of the hallucinations of life,

Fuck, it's so beautiful, does she like me?

"You, looking at the building in front of you, do you see any black mist?"

Liu Yan pointed at the building from afar and asked.

Passers-by followed Liu Yanyu to look around, but there was nothing, what black mist?

Complacent, the way this beauty strikes up a conversation is quite special, hehe.

"Nothing at all!" The passer-by turned around and looked at Liu Yan with a confident smile, and continued: "Girl likes me, just tell me, you don't have to..."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Liu Yan's heart suddenly became clear, this must be the magic-seeking method given to her by the young master before...

I used to ask the young master for it at Wanmomen, but the young master still said's all a lie!

When she heard the second half of the sentence, Qiao's face darkened instantly, and she said lightly, "Get out!"

At the same time, the blue martial ring under his body flashed up.

Wu Zong!

The passer-by turned pale with fright, turned around and ran away.

Liu Yan didn't have the time to pay attention to this anymore, she glanced at the sky, her time was a little tight...

After marking the building here, speed up and go to other places in Hongtian Giant City.

At this time, the building...

A strange demon looked at Xiongmeng and Ximentian with a sinister smile and said,

"Hehe, why did Patriarch Xiong and Suzerain Ximen come to Lord Demon General's mansion tonight? Lord Demon General is not here at this time..."

Listening to the piercing laughter, the two Xiongmeng felt a little bit bitter in their hearts. Dealing with strange monsters was like walking a tightrope.

"Hehe, the two of us came here with sincerity, and asked Master Yimo to help us deal with one person!"

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