"Nine Wu...sages, one Wu, Emperor Wu?"

Emperor Wu!Isn't it just as strong as her father!

Liu Yan looked at Lu Nanzhuo and asked in a panic, "My lord, it seems that they are coming for us... what should I do?"

"Whoever trespasses on Beixuan Shrine will be killed without mercy!"

It was not Lu Nanzhuo who replied to her, but the mechanical voice of the puppet headed by ten giant puppets.

After the giant puppet roared, it speeded up and rushed towards Lu Nanzhuo and Liu Yan furiously. The giant feet on the ground made clang clang clang sounds, giving people an irresistible feeling!

Liu Yan's face was pale, and she felt that she was going to die again. The terrifying lineup in front of her eyes, except for the centers of the continents, was placed in any other place on the continent, enough to sweep away!

Even in the center of each continent, this is a cutting-edge force!

Just when Liu Yan lost his mind, Lu Nanzhuo pushed him to the back.

"You step back."

Then Lu Nanzhuo looked at the ten giant puppets with shining eyes, he wanted to try...

Under Liu Yan's horrified gaze, Lu Nanzhuo rushed towards the ten giant puppets!

"Whoever trespasses on Beixuan Shrine will be killed without mercy!"

The giant puppet of Emperor Wu, who was the leader, saw that an ant dared to rush towards them and provoke them, his eyes were bright red, he raised his huge fist, and slammed towards Lu Nanzhuo fiercely!

Lu Nanzhuo's eyes were calm, and he punched out with ordinary punches.

The fist of Emperor Wudi's giant puppet is hundreds of times bigger than Lu Nanzhuo's fist, which has a great visual impact!


The two fists collided with each other, and there was a huge roar, and the whole ground of the palace was shocked!

Under Liu Yan's dazed gaze, the giant puppet of Emperor Wu flew upside down!

It fell heavily on a corner of the palace. What shocked me was that the giant puppet of Emperor Wu and the corner of the palace were intact?

Liu Yan's expression was as if she had seen a ghost. She didn't know whether it was the power of Lu Nanzhuo's punch or the intact puppet and palace that made her like this.

Lu Nanzhuo glanced at his fist which was as clean as new, then looked at the giant puppet of the Martial Emperor calmly, and finally glanced at the corner of the intact palace, his eyes flickered.

Not bad, very hard.

The nine Martial Saint puppets turned their heads and glanced at the Martial Emperor giant puppet as if they were wise.

Klang Keng!

The Martial Emperor giant puppet stood up again, its eyes flashed red!


Oh hoo?Has wisdom?

The corner of Lu Nanzhuo's mouth hooked, this is interesting...

clang sounded,

Nine giant puppets instantly surrounded Lu Nanzhuo in the center, and then each giant puppets began to seal in a very humane way...

Chi Chi!

Lu Nanzhuo saw the red beams of nine giant puppets shooting towards him!A total of eighteen!

"My lord, little...!" Liu Yan was in a hurry, and closed her mouth halfway through her shouting.

Because she saw Lu Nanzhuo let the eighteen red beams shoot into his body, and then it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no end in the end...

Seeing this, the nine giant puppets also seemed a little dazed. They stretched out their huge upper limbs and scratched their heads, then looked at their boss, the Emperor Wu puppet.

Emperor Wu's puppet's eyes glowed red, and a tyrannical wave began to gather, as if it was going to attack Lu Nanzhuo again.

Seeing this, Lu Nanzhuo casually snapped his fingers.


After the snap of fingers,

The red eyes of the Nine Dao Martial Saint puppets and the Martial Emperor puppets dimmed, and they remained still in place.

"The strength is good, the hardness is good, and there is wisdom, then I will accept it."

Lu Nanzhuo looked at the ten puppets with some satisfaction and said.

He had planned to subdue them as soon as he saw them. He just wanted to try these ten puppets.

Liu Yan saw that Lu Nanzhuo snapped his fingers and made the ten giant puppets lose their fighting power. She didn't know why the young master still punched before...

Also, even Emperor Wu is so easy for the young master...

Doesn't it mean that even her father can't stop the young master's move?

Where the hell is the young master!

Liu Yan was a little apprehensive, looked at Lu Nanzhuo's back, and suppressed those inexplicable feelings in her heart... She is not worthy of the son.

Under Liu Yan's strange gaze, Lu Nanzhuo walked up to these giant puppets, and patted each of them with his palm.

Then he snapped his fingers again.


The red light in the eyes of these giant puppets lit up again, Liu Yan was slightly startled when she saw this, she didn't understand why the young master untied their locks again... Then she saw...

clang clang clang...

Ten giant puppets knelt in front of Lu Nanzhuo one by one, a mechanical sound came out,


ah this...

The young master actually subdued these ten giant puppets!Doesn't it mean that the young master will have nine Martial Saints and one Martial Emperor under his command in the future?

Just took a picture one by one and subdued it?

Hiss... this group of forces can already compete with her Qingluan clan...

Liu Yan was already speechless to Lu Nanzhuo, she smiled wryly, and simply stopped thinking too much... She felt that her head was going to be numb from the shock

"Well, you will follow me from now on."

Lu Nanzhuo looked at the ten giant puppets, and was a little satisfied, and finally got something.

These ten giant puppets are like killing machines that are not afraid of death or pain, and they are so hard that they can block Lu Nanzhuo's punch. Although it is a random punch, it is enough to show its hardness!

These ten giant puppets will definitely save him a lot of trouble when he fights against the alien demons in the future!

There are such giant puppets in the Beixuan forbidden area, does it mean that there are also other four forbidden areas?

Lu Nanzhuo's eyes brightened slightly.


The giant puppet headed by the mechanical sound sounded.

Where should these ten giant puppets be placed?Lu Nanzhuo suddenly thought of a serious problem. Ten giant puppet space rings with sages might not be able to fit in... Could it be that they have been allowed to follow?

Would that be too ostentatious?

While Lu Nanzhuo was pondering, he suddenly felt the black chain hanging on his chest start to feel hot!

Eyes narrowed, he gently took out the black chain from the clothes on his chest, the black chain was actually shining with a faint light at the moment,

Then Lu Nanzhuo was stunned to see the ten giant puppets in front of him disappear...

The black chain gloom disappeared and calm returned.

Is it collected into the black chain?

Lu Nanzhuo's heart was shocked, and he quickly tried to enter the black chain with his mind. He could not enter the black chain in the past, but this time he actually entered!


Chapter 78

After the ten giant puppets disappeared, needles could be heard in the palace.

Liu Yan was a little puzzled, these giant puppets were all taken into the interspatial ring by the young master? !

But it stands to reason that everything that is born with wisdom cannot be included in the space ring...

Liu Yan looked at Lu Nanzhuo standing there, but she didn't know what he was thinking, so she had to wait quietly.

Of course Liu Yan didn't know that Lu Nanzhuo's mind had entered the black chain around his neck at this moment!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Nanzhuo, who usually doesn't care much about anything, is slightly stunned now!

He thought that the interior of the black chain was just a storage space, but what appeared before his eyes was a small dim world!


In the small world, there was a sudden lightning flash and thunder, and through the flash of lightning, Lu Nanzhuo saw a tall tower standing in the middle of the distance!

Lu Nanzhuo's eyes flashed, and he took a big step towards the tower!

Amid the thunder and lightning, Lu Nanzhuo appeared under the tower out of thin air.

Immediately, a wild aura rushed over, as if standing here since ancient times, Lu Nanzhuo's heart trembled slightly.

Then he stared at the plaque

—— Eternal Life

Lu Nanzhuo murmured: "In the vast apocalypse, who dares to say immortality?"

Taking a deep breath, looking up at the flash of lightning, the tower has nine floors.

Rao Lu Nanzhuo's mind is a little blank at the moment. This black chain was obtained by accident tens of thousands of years ago. Although he knew it was a treasure, he has been unable to crack it until today...

I don't know why this black chain has a reaction?

Lu Nanzhuo walked to the quaint pagoda gate, which was the first floor.

a little push...


There was an ear-piercing friction sound from the tower door. This door should have not been opened for a long, long time...

Lu Nanzhuo stepped in,

Bang bang bang!

The moment he entered, the candle flames on both sides of the inner corridor rose one after another, extending to the depths.

Creak~ bang!

The tower door behind him closed automatically, which was a little strange.

The candles on both sides flickered slightly, looking at the aisle leading to nowhere, Lu Nanzhuo pondered slightly and began to walk.

Silence, very silence, only the sound of Lu Nanzhuo's footsteps.

After a while, a door appeared in front of him again, Lu Nanzhuo pushed it lightly without hesitation.

There were ten giant puppets standing in front of them. They were originally placed here. This is probably a storage place. Except for the larger space, which can be used to put things with intelligence, there is nothing special about it.

Lu Nanzhuo lightly snapped his fingers, boom!

The eyes of the ten giant puppets flickered red immediately, and they came to their senses. When they saw Lu Nanzhuo in front of them, they knelt down slowly.


"The deity will not let you sleep, you just wait here."


After Lu Nanzhuo finished speaking, he walked around them with his hands behind his back, and continued to walk in.

After walking for a while, a door finally appeared in front of my eyes. Looking at the door plaque, this door is the real first floor.

Lu Nanzhuo was about to push in, when suddenly his eyes moved slightly, something happened outside.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to put down the Pagoda of Eternal Longevity first, and walked towards the outside of the pagoda.

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