Disappeared with a whimper...

Yao Ling'er and all the disciples felt a little cold, they knew very well in their hearts,

If Shenglongyin used this trick against them, hundreds of them would definitely not be able to stop it!

However, such a domineering Saint Dragon Yin was so easily suppressed by the soul body of the strange demon...

Lu Nanzhuo looked at Ao Tian in the field and shook his head lightly,

One word, stupid.


"Use any other means! This seat can't take it anymore, this seat will eat you!"

The soul body greedily looked at Ao Tian's huge dragon body, and licked the corner of his mouth.

Ao Tian frowned!

Glancing at the soul body with hatred, he suddenly lifted up the huge dragon body, rolled up a wave of air, and rushed over!

Seeing this, the soul body squinted its eyes,

Want to fight melee?

as you wish!


Yao Ling'er and all the disciples saw that the soul body was extremely fast, turning into a black light and rushing towards the dragon!

Seeing this, Ao Tian's eyes turned hard!

The dragon tail flicked fiercely at the black light!

The visual effect is powerful, just like swatting mosquitoes...


Collide suddenly!

It was Ao Tian's dragon tail that flew out backwards!

Ao Tian was in pain, Long Mou was a little unbelievable.

How is it possible, he is a Dragon Clan!

The hardness of the body is among the best among all races, even if the opponent is a strange monster, it is just a soul body...

Ao Tian has a deeper understanding of the power of strange demons.

Without waiting to think about it, a black light suddenly reflected in Ao Tianlong's eyes,

The black light rapidly grew larger in the reflection of the dragon eyes, Ao Tian had no time to react,


This black light slammed into Ao Tian's face, and a huge force came,

The dragon's head lifted the dragon's body and leaned back heavily,


Then, under the desperate eyes of Yao Ling'er and all the disciples, she collapsed to the ground.


"Dragon Clan! You're just trash! Do you think you're a Dragon Ba Cang?"

The black light stagnated and turned into a soul body, staring at the green dragon in disdain.

Hearing the word Long Ba Cang seems to have given Ao Tian some strength,

Ao Tianlong's body trembled, it was the patriarch of his dragon clan!

Slowly raising the dragon's head, it staggered and hovered to stand upright again, the dragon's eyes stared fiercely at the soul body.

"Is the name of the patriarch of the dragon clan worthy of mentioning you, a dirty thing?"

Ao Tian was in awe of the patriarch Long Ba Cang in his heart, except that it was his patriarch, more importantly,

The patriarch fought against the strange demons with the great master ten thousand years ago! !

What an honor that is!

After finishing speaking, Ao Tian circulated his spiritual energy, and the blue light of the dragon body flickered...

"Don't give up? Trash!"

The eyes of the soul body flickered slightly, and he drank softly!

"Dragon Clan Secret Technique! Explosion!"


Ao Tianlong raised his head to the sky and roared.

The entire body of the dragon is flickering with blue light. If you look carefully, various muscles and tendons on it are wriggling!

"In the deflagration state, I only have one stick of incense time, so I must fight quickly!"

Ao Tian thought quickly, he only had one stick of incense time, otherwise the deflagration state would end,

He will fall into a period of extreme weakness!


No more wasting time, Ao Tianlong's body directly turned into a dazzling blue light and rushed towards the soul body again,

"What a strong fighting spirit! It's just disgusting!"

The soul body turned into black light again, carrying the tail of light to meet it like a shooting star!



All kinds of sonic booms and explosions caused by impacts entered the ears of Yao Ling'er and all the disciples,

Their eyes were fixed on the hot scene in front of them, and their blood began to boil!

The two fought back and forth, punching to the flesh, but the explosion sound produced by each blow made them feel cold inside!

What a huge power is contained in each blow,

How ruthless!

They have never seen such a fighting style!

Seeing the inextricable fight between Qinglong and Lord Yimo, even Miaoli Xian, who was holding the black box, began to get a little nervous...

Lu Nanzhuo watched boredly, he felt that all Ao Tian's actions were a bit redundant,

Three words, still too stupid.



At a certain moment, the fighting parties suddenly separated.

"That's it? If my body is recast! You little dragon is not the enemy of this seat!"

The breath of the soul body was slightly disturbed, but he didn't care at all, because...

The green dragon in front of him is covered in bruises!


Yao Ling'er and all the disciples began to tremble in their hearts watching this scene, even the seniors of the Dragon Clan...

Miao Lixian breathed a sigh of relief,

This is the legendary Dragon Clan?It is not the enemy of Lord Strange Demon at all,

Sure enough, it was right to follow Lord Yimo...


Ao Tian's dragon eyes stared at the soul body, and the dragon's claws trembled slightly...

Suddenly, a drop of blood flowed down from his forehead and streaked across the dragon's eyes.

Looking at his whole body, he was already drenched in blood!

"What should I do? There is only one-third of the time left for Zhuxiang. I am seriously injured, and if I continue to fight..."

Ao Tian's heart was a little broken. The first time the young master entrusted him with the task of eliminating demons...

But he is such a waste!

Is he really a waste as the strange demon said?


Just when Ao Tian didn't know what to do next,


Lu Nanzhuo's speechless voice rang through his mind.


第52章 懵逼源"发;自;小.说,群:9;8、0!2,0;5?8'5:6!!的众人

Just as Ao Tian collapsed and thought, Lu Nanzhuo's voice resounded in his mind.


Ao Tian was a little dazed, and without waiting for him to ask, Lu Nanzhuo's voice rang through his mind again,

"Did you see the black box that the woman was holding?"


Ao Tian's pupils tightened suddenly, and he instantly understood what Lu Nanzhuo meant.

"My lord, you are right, Ao Tian is indeed a fool."

After Ao Tian responded to Lu Nanzhuo,

Suddenly he sneered at the soul body.


No matter how Ao Tian attacked before, the soul body always looked indifferent,

It's just this sudden smile that made him stunned.

What do you mean?

Haven't been convinced by him yet?


Seeing Ao Tian suddenly rushing towards another direction, the soul body was a little confused...

It's just that he quickly realized that there was the position of the black box, and his soul began to fluctuate!

"Boy, how dare you!!!"

The soul body chased towards Ao Tian in an instant, and the extremely nervous and extremely fierce words resounded in Miao Lixian's mind!

"Miao Lixian!!! You protect the black box for me!!! Death protection!!!"

Miao Lixian was also dumbfounded.

Why did the two of them fight so well and suddenly rushed towards her?

It's just that I heard the torn words of the soul body in my mind,

heart trembling,

Tighten the black box tightly with both hands!

No matter what, Lord Yimo must have his reasons!

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