Long Bacang looked in shock at the crystal clear wine in the glass, which seemed to be surrounded by fairy mist.

"My lord, what kind of fine wine is this?"

Long Ba Cang swallowed his saliva and asked.

Lu Nanzhuo picked up the wine glass and took a sip, and said softly: "I don't know, I just conjured it up."

"Uh...yes." Long Bacang was confused for a moment, then impatiently picked up the wine glass and took a sip. After drinking the fine wine, he narrowed his eyes and enjoyed it.

He has never drank such a delicious wine, it does not seem to be owned by the world.

"Ao Tian and the others are also back. They are visiting the Sirius Starfield at the moment, and they will come back in a few days." Lu Nanzhuo said, stroking the wine glass with his fingers.

Long Ba Cang smiled happily and raised his cup: "My lord, Ba Cang respects you."

Lu Nanzhuo glanced at him, raised his glass and touched him lightly.

Long Bacang was immediately flattered, he wanted to pay respects from the air, but he didn't expect the Great Master to clink glasses with him!

Lu Nanzhuo ignored the dazed Long Bacang, drank the wine in his glass, and said softly: "Ba Cang, when the deity was still weak, you helped me a lot in the past."

Long Bacang regained his senses and his body trembled. He didn't expect Lu Nanzhuo to mention this matter suddenly, his eyes were reddish and he said: "My lord, what happened in the past is not worth mentioning."

Lu Nanzhuo smiled slightly: "Ao Tian followed this deity, and now he is truly a strong man who stands up to the sky and is able to stand on his own, so this deity will give you back."

Long Ba Cang's heart twitched, he immediately got up and knelt down, and knocked heavily: "Ba Cang... thank you, Your Majesty!"

He knew that Lu Nanzhuo said that Ao Tian is now an indomitable powerhouse, so Ao Tian really is!

There are successors to his dragon clan!

Lu Nanzhuo looked down at Long Bacang, flicked his sleeve robe on the stone table again, and immediately filled the stone table with fine wine!

Then, the figure slowly dissipated...

"Ba Cang, anyone else, the deity will disappear, the deity is gone, you just need to know about it."

Long Ba Cang's eyes widened, his body trembled and he suddenly raised his head, only to see that white-clothed figure!

All that remains is the fine wine on the stone table.

Long Bacang stared blankly, recalling just now and the past, his eyes gradually became moist.

He knew that Lu Nanzhuo really left this time.



a few days later.

Ao Tian and his party rushed back to Tianqi Continent.

In addition to Duotian, Leng Shao, Ouyang brothers, Si Wuya and Lei Qianyuan are also here!

"Father, grandpa, Tian'er is back!"

As soon as Ao Tian reached the sky above the dragon clan in Zhongxuanzhou, he shouted excitedly.

at the same time,

Ao Lei, Longqian and Long Zhanxin, who were drinking tea in the courtyard, looked up at the sky with delighted expressions.

"My God!"


"Hehe, father and mother, you still have the heart to fight."

Ao Tian and his group descended to the courtyard, Ao Tian looked at Ao Lei and the others and said with a smile.

Looking at the increasingly mature Ao Tian, ​​Long Qian and Long Zhanxin sighed inwardly.

"Senior Duotian, Senior Si Wuya, Pavilion Master Lei!" Ao Lei was startled when he saw this, and said urgently: "You boy, why don't you invite a few seniors to sit down, how dare you be negligent!"

Duotian and Si Wuya didn't care, but Lei Qianyuan quickly waved his hands and said, "Ahem, Ao Lei, we're fine, it's not a big problem..."

You must know that Ao Tian's current strength is unfathomable...

Ao Tian spread his hands and smiled wryly: "Father, there's no need, I won't say anything about senior Duotian, senior Si Wuya is half of my master, and that one is my pavilion master, they are all from my own... ..”

Ao Lei opened his mouth, speechless.

"By the way, Dad, the young master hasn't come back yet?"

Suddenly, Ao Tian looked around and asked with some doubts.

Hearing this, Duotian Si Wuya and the others were also refreshed!

Si Wuya came here just to meet that lord in white!

"Eh? You mean Great Master? When did Great Master come back?"

Ao Lei and Long Qian looked at each other, full of doubts.

"Hehe, Tian'er is back, and Senior Duotian, Senior Si, Pavilion Master Lei, these are..."

Long Bacang appeared on the scene, looked at Ao Tian and the others with a smile, then looked at Brother Ouyang and asked.

Ao Tian didn't have time to answer at this moment, but asked anxiously: "Grandpa, the son said a few days ago that he returned to Tianqi, hasn't he come back?"

Long Bacang's eyes flickered, and he pretended to be pleasantly surprised: "The Great Master is back?! When?"

Seeing this, Ao Tian and Duo Tian couldn't help but look at each other, they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Could it be that the young master never came back to Tianqi Continent at all?

That is......

For the next few months.

Ao Tian, ​​Duo Tian and others have been eagerly looking for news about Lu Nanzhuo in Tianqi Continent, but they found nothing.

Their faces turned pale, and they vaguely understood that Lu Nanzhuo should not have returned to Tianqi Continent...

Even according to their understanding of Lu Nanzhuo,

That white dress may never appear in Tianqi Continent again.

If it weren't for the deep memory and the statues that can be seen everywhere in the mainland,

Lu Nanzhuo is like a person who has existed before,

But disappeared without a trace...



On the other side of the starry sky, the realm of the giant gods, the Lord Dragon Mountain.

The bottom of Gulong Lake.

A stooped old man dressed in white stood in front of an old rusty door.

The rickety old man was Ying Zhu, who refined the gods and regained his body.

"Ying Zhu, it's the creatures on the other side of the portal that block and restrain you. Feng You, Wu Xuan, and Bai Ming may even be captured, right?"

Lu Nanzhuo looked at the door and asked lightly.

"Back to Lu Zun, that's right. As for Feng You, Wu Xuan, Bai Ming...Ying Zhu doesn't know. But Lu Zun...the world over there..." Ying Zhu Some hesitated to speak.

Lu Nanzhuo put his hands behind his back and said lightly: "I know, that side is very strong."

Ying Zhu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Nanzhuo's glinting eyes: "You go in first."

Ying Zhu's face changed slightly, he swallowed and said, "Yes, Lu Zun, hurry up..."

He is a little scared by himself...


The door opened, and it was dark inside.

Ying Zhu glanced at Lu Nanzhuo, and resolutely sank into it.

Seeing this, Lu Nanzhuo took a step towards the door, then suddenly stopped his body and stopped!

I saw Lu Nanzhuo turned around with his hands behind his back, his eyes were looking squarely at him, a smile seemed to emanate from the corner of his mouth, and at the same time as he spoke, his white clothes slowly became illusory...

"Gentlemen, there will be a period later."

(end of book)


The text is almost here, and the application will not be completed for the time being, and some extra stories will be updated.

As for the new book, which will be released in a while, readers who like to read books about Wuyu should pay more attention. (The long gun book has been put on hold for the time being, and readers who are waiting should not wait)


Extra episode [-], the past: the boy in white and the middle-aged man in plain robe

"Cough cough..."

In the ice and snow, the boy in white was coughing while running, and he looked back from time to time with slightly wary eyes, as if someone was chasing him.

Feeling the gradual approach of the breath, the boy in white felt dignified.

"One Martial Saint, three Martial Sects...I'm afraid it will be very difficult to escape today."

The boy in white took a breath and accelerated his speed again, his eyes were like a falcon, he couldn't die!

He didn't know why he couldn't die,

All he knew was that he couldn't die!


Four people walked through the jungle and appeared in the place where the white-clothed boy had passed before.

One Wu Sheng, three Wu Zong.

The leading middle-aged Martial Saint stared at the deep and cold world with gloomy eyes and said coldly:

"This little bastard can really run! Chase him fast! Otherwise, he will run into the Dragon Clan area, and it will be difficult to do it then!"


at the same time,

Among the dragons,

A middle-aged man in plain robes frowned, and murmured: "Oh? There is a martial sage who has entered my Dragon Clan area. What do you want to do?"

The eyes of the middle-aged man in Supao flickered, and he disappeared in place with a wave of his sleeves.


Swish swish!

The sound of the white-clothed boy rushing through the air raged, his face was already pale, and he was already on the verge of fainting!

The young man in white struggled to open his eyes and looked at everything in front of him. He knew that this was the area of ​​the dragon clan, and he fled here on purpose, hoping to have a chance!

"Hehe, the speed is getting slower and slower, can you not run anymore?"

At this moment, four figures suddenly appeared in front of the white-clothed boy, and the leader Martial Saint looked at him playfully.

The other three Wu Zong didn't care about it, but their faces were serious, they knew the difficulty of the white-clothed boy in front of them.

The boy in white stopped suddenly, looked at the four of them out of breath, and felt a sense of crisis in his heart!

"Run, why didn't you run?"

The middle-aged Wu Sheng stared at the boy in white and laughed mockingly.

The white-clothed boy's eyes were dark, and his heart was unwilling. If he hadn't been seriously injured, he wouldn't pay attention to a mere martial saint!

"If you can't kill me today, I will destroy your Long River Valley in the future."

The boy in white said coldly, without the slightest trace of fear on his face.

Hearing this, the middle-aged Martial Saint's eyes froze, and the purple martial ring under his body slowly spun up,

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