Her slender hands tightly clutched her aching chest!

Crystal tears began to fall from the corners of the eyes like broken pearls...

1 years old!

A full 1 years!


Lu Nanzhuo looked outside the viewing platform and seemed to sense something.

Then slowly turn around...

Seeing the beautiful face with pear blossoms and rain in front of her, she was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes trembled slightly!

"Ao Tian, ​​get out."

Lu Nanzhuo said softly.

Ao Tian was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly pulled up the monkeys of unknown size and walked towards the formation platform.

The big and small monkeys raised their heads in bewilderment,

Obediently, so beautiful, even if it's just a back view...

eyes narrowed,

Suddenly realized, when did this woman appear! ?

Before they had time to think about it, the two of them were escorted by Ao Tian from the formation platform.


Master Tongtian has been standing there blankly ever since he saw Lu Nanzhuo's face,

Just looking at it like this, the golden eyes are blurred...

One thousand years at a glance...


It's just that the tears in the corners of my eyes have not stopped...

"Jun Zhao, you are still alive..."

Lu Nanzhuo looked at the woman in front of him and said softly.

He thought that these subordinates had all died ten thousand years ago, but, there appeared in front of him...

"Great... Great Master... Jun Zhao... Jun Zhao has been looking for you... for thousands of years..."

I saw Feng Junzhao knelt heavily on the ground, weeping uncontrollably, a little helpless, no longer the indifference of the previous meeting room.

Lu Nanzhuo stepped forward and gently helped Feng Junzhao up...

Wiping away her tears, the two pairs of eyes just looked at each other.

"How do you know I'm alive..."

Lu Nanzhuo stared intently at the pair of pale golden eyes that he had never seen for thousands of years and said softly.

After all, he is not an ordinary person, so he soon calmed down a bit, Feng Junzhao began to dare not look into those dark eyes...

Then he lowered his head and said firmly: "Intuition, everyone thought you were dead, but Jun Zhao didn't believe it!"

Lu Nanzhuo's eyes were a little throbbing, and he quickly hid and turned around to look outside the viewing platform and said indifferently.

"Apart from you, who else is alive."

"Long Bacang, Bai Pojun, Zhu Yanqing, Qingtianxing and others are still alive...there are some others that Jun Zhao doesn't know..."

"However, Xuan... the old man Xuan died in battle..."

As if recalling the tragic world war thousands of years ago,

Feng Junzhao was a little sad.

"Casualties are inevitable. Ten thousand years have passed, so don't be sad. You are still alive and happy..."

Lu Nanzhuo said calmly.

This result is already very good for him, he is very happy today...

But he didn't show it.

Feng Junzhao nodded slightly, suppressed the sadness in his heart, and smiled like a smile, overwhelming the country and the city.

"Why did you come to this district's boundary city to build this Tongtian restaurant? Is it just to find the deity..."

Lu Nanzhuo turned around and looked at Feng Junzhao and asked, he didn't need to think about it to know that she founded Tongtian Restaurant.

He really couldn't think of anything other than that, the patriarch of the majestic Phoenix clan, came to this Boundary City to build the Tongtian Restaurant.

"Yes... For thousands of years, Jun Zhao has built countless Tongtian restaurants on all continents, just to find you, the great respect..."

Feng Junzhao raised his head and looked at Lu Nanzhuo with blurred golden eyes.

"What if the deity is indeed dead?"

Lu Nanzhuo suddenly asked softly.

Feng Junzhao's golden eyes trembled, he was extremely confident,

"No, everyone will die."

"Only the Great Senior will not die."


Chapter 38 Informing the Black Box



The big and small monkeys looked at Ao Tian's back and hesitated to speak.

"Don't ask about things that have nothing to do with you, and take me to the python clan."

Ao Tian turned around and was shocked!

He himself was puzzled, and asked him?


The little monkey screamed, and glanced helplessly at the big monkey.

There is no way, that woman is so beautiful, he just couldn't help but want to ask...

"Lead the way."

"Yes Yes."

The little monkey clutched his head and resentfully walked to the front to lead the way.


Rao is Lu Nanzhuo's heart of steel trembling slightly, a person who firmly believes that he will not die, and builds Tongtian restaurants all over the continent, searching for him for thousands of years...

"My lord, you...why are you..."

Feng Junzhao glanced at Lu Nanzhuo with golden eyes, then lowered his head and hesitated to speak.

"This deity has been sleeping for thousands of years, and just entered the world not long ago."

Lu Nanzhuo looked at Feng Junzhao and said softly.

"It turns out...it turned out to be like this."

After finishing speaking, Feng Junzhao seemed a little unable to suppress her emotions. In the past 1 years, she has seldom interfered with the affairs of her family.

She has been looking for Lu Nanzhuo.

The search was fruitless, she had been confused and discouraged countless times, and she couldn't help but guess whether the Great Master was really dead...

Whenever such a thought arises, she kills it instantly,

Fortunately, she still persevered. For ten thousand years, the hardships...

"Great... Great Master, can Jun Zhao... hug you..."

Feng Junzhao's golden eyes were flushed, and he looked at Lu Nanzhuo expectantly and murmured softly.

Lu Nanzhuo was taken aback, thinking of her searching for him for thousands of years, he slowly opened his arms.

Immediately, a soft and delicate body crashed into his arms, hugging him tightly, as if Lu Nanzhuo would disappear once he let go.

Lu Nanzhuo was calm in his heart, slowly put his arms around Feng Junzhao, stroked his back, and whispered softly in his ear: "Just this once."


Lu Nanzhuo and Feng Junzhao sat opposite each other.

"Jun Zhao, you alone need to know about this deity."

Lu Nanzhuo said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Jun Zhao understands in his heart."

Feng Junzhao nodded with a smile, peerless elegance.

This was the happiest day for her in ten thousand years.

"Well, how is the strength of the alien demon clan now compared to ten thousand years ago?"

Lu Nanzhuo cut to the chase.

"My lord, the strength of the alien demon clan is basically the same as it was ten thousand years ago..."

"However, the new king of the alien demon race is said to be stronger than the old king."

Speaking of the alien demon race, Feng Junzhao's face also returned to solemnity, and a burst of aura burst out of the superior!

"Jun Zhao, I want to tell you some bad news..."

Then Lu Nanzhuo told Yu Feng Junzhao about Qin Cang's signing of the black box in the Palace of Weeping Blood on the way...


Feng Junzhao's face changed drastically. According to what Lu Nanzhuo said, if all the souls and bodies of strange demons in the nearly ten thousand black boxes are resurrected...

Coupled with the current strength of the entire alien demon clan...

That will be unprecedented!


As if understanding what Feng Junzhao was thinking, Lu Nanzhuo nodded slightly.

"My lord, Jun Zhao understands what you mean. After Jun Zhao goes down, he will immediately notify Long Bacang, Bai Pojun and others of this matter!"

Feng Junzhao looked at Lu Nanzhuo and said, she had a delicate mind, so she naturally understood the purpose of the Great Master telling her about this matter.


Feng Junzhao suddenly looked at Lu Nanzhuo with red golden eyes...

"Jun Zhao, I have been sleeping for thousands of years, and I should live for myself. The Demon Realm is far away. I just happened to slowly eradicate the infiltrating alien demons and the black box signers along the way, and that's all."

"Besides, if you have an urgent matter, you can report it at any time. With your ability, as long as this deity does not deliberately hide it, you should find it easily..."

Lu Nanzhuo looked at Fengjun Zhaowei's golden eyes, and said softly.

Feng Junzhao's golden eyes brightened slightly, and a little smile overflowed from them.

"Jun Zhao understands, then... Your Majesty..."

"Go and tell Long Ba Cang and others."

"Yes, Jun Zhao withdrew."

Feng Junzhao got up slowly first, then gently covered Lu Nanzhuo's lower body, gave a shallow salute, and said softly.

Lu Nanzhuo looked at her and said nothing.

Feng Junzhao took another deep look at Lu Nanzhuo with his golden eyes.

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