Yunhe glanced at the endless line of creatures, and asked anxiously:

"You, you, what happened?"

"My lord, the venerable just now..."

Afterwards, a creature quickly recounted what happened just now with reverent eyes.

The more Yun He heard it, the more shocked he became, his whole body twitched slightly! !

He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the town wall, there was indeed a man in white walking away! !

Yunhe clenched his fists and dodged over!


Boom boom boom!

The giant beasts continued to bombard the barrier, and cracks had already appeared in the barrier, which would shatter at any time.

town wall.

As soon as Lu Nanzhuo stepped on, a soldier noticed and shouted: "Who are you, this place is very dangerous, get down quickly!"

The shout startled Zhao Xiong and the others, they looked back.

Zhao Xiong was stunned, isn't this the creature from before?


Just as he was about to scold him, Yunhe came to the city wall to interrupt him and shouted angrily: "Shut up!!!"

Then, regardless of the bewildered crowd, he bowed to Lu Nanzhuo and said sincerely: "Thank you, sir..."

This scene made Zhao Xiongyunqing and others stunned.

Lu Nanzhuo was humorous and calm, didn't say anything, and immediately flicked his sleeves! !

The three one-eyed stone statues raised their fists and were about to continue smashing. The two purple rhinoceros and the beasts were still there, slowly disappearing from head to toe.

After a while, Chenguang Town was empty, and there were no giant beasts.

The world fell silent at this moment.

Yunhe and the others stared blankly at the empty front, their mouths were very dry,

That terrifying monster that made them helpless was destroyed so easily?

After listening to the descriptions of the creatures before, Yunhe thought that the lord in white would do some tricks when facing these six giant beasts...

Who knew it was just a meeting.

Zhao Xiong looked at Lu Nanzhuo in disbelief. He didn't expect that the person he met before was such a peerless powerhouse. When he recalled what he said at that time, he felt very ashamed.

Under the town wall, the dazed creatures finally came to their senses, recalling the miraculous scene just now, they knelt down in unison and shouted: "Thank you, my lord!"

The tone is extremely respectful and long-lasting.

While Yunhe and the others were shocked, they couldn't help bowing down.


At night, the bright moon hangs high.

The survivors of Chenguang Town repaired the damaged foundations and buildings at an extremely fast speed.

Town Lord's Mansion.

Bai Yi sat at the front, and Yunhe, Zhao Xiong, Yunqing and others sat on the sides, with their heads bowed respectfully.

At the same time, I sighed in my heart. Hurricane City, who asked for help, agreed to an hour, but at night there was no movement at all! !These sons of bitches!

Fortunately, there is this lord, otherwise Chenguang Town would really be destroyed.

Beside Lu Nanzhuo, a maidservant was holding a wine jug, filled it carefully for him, and then stood aside with her head bowed.

After he raised his glass and took a sip, he looked at Yunhe with You Mou and asked calmly: "Tell me about this Giant God Realm, that giant beast, etc."

Hearing Bai Yi's question, everyone was shocked and slightly confused.

Regardless of the doubts in his heart, Yunhe got up quickly, thought for a moment, and said respectfully:

"My lord, the giant god realm is divided into one hundred and eight realms... There are three main gods governing it..."

After a while,

Lu Nanzhuo nodded to show that he understood.

This giant god realm is the same as the realm of heaven and man, and it is also one hundred and eight realms.

The difference is that every one hundred and eight realms in the realm of heaven and man are governed by three realm masters assigned by that realm master.

However, every 36 realms of giant gods are directly governed by a main god.

After all, there is only one main god in the realm of heaven and man, while there are three main gods in the realm of giant gods.

Lu Nanzhuo asked again: "Where is the giant beast, what's going on, does the Lord God care?"

Yunhe's complexion changed slightly, and he said helplessly: "My lord, you don't know that Chenguang Town is located in the realm of misery, a border realm, and many border realms are attacked by giant beasts. Lord God, they stand tall , usually have no time to control our fringes.”

"As for giant beasts, they can be regarded as natives of the giant god realm. They are hostile to us creatures. Their base is the forest of giant beasts. Legend has it that the three main gods also wanted to wipe out the giant beasts, but the forest of giant beasts is They randomly appeared in the Giant God Realm, and the three main gods were also very difficult to find, so nothing happened in the end."

Lu Nanzhuo's eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered softly: "The world of misery...the forest of giant beasts..."

Then he asked again: "Do you know where the three main gods are?"

Hearing this, everyone froze.

What does this lord want to do...

Yun He trembled and said: "My lord, Yun He knows the location of a main god."

As a Quan Zun, he naturally knows a lot.

In fact, a statue like Yunhe shouldn't have appeared in such a remote place as Chenguang Town,

In fact, he went out from here. After he has achieved some strength, it is impossible to watch his homeland live under the shadow of the giant beast, so he came back here spontaneously to become a town lord.

"Oh?" Lu Nanzhuo's eyes lighted up slightly, and he asked softly, "Where is it?"

"Extremely Flame Mountain!" Yunhe gritted his teeth and said.

From the previous questioning, he could tell that the man in white in front of him was not from the Giant God Realm.

At this moment, it seems to be coming towards the Lord God...

Thinking of this, Yunhe's heart trembled!

Without hesitation, he told the location of one of the main gods, not for anything else, but because at the critical moment, it was the lord in white in front of him who came to the rescue.

It's just that he is a little worried now...

"My lord, are you looking for the main god, yes..." Yunhe asked cautiously.

"What do you think?"

Lu Nanzhuo looked at him and said lightly.His face was like stagnant water, without any waves.

"I, I..." Yunhe's pupils shrank slightly, and finally said in a trembling voice: "My lord, the Lord God is extremely powerful, and I hope you be careful."

Lu Nanzhuo glanced at everyone, and said softly: "Go down."


Everyone, including the maid, bowed quickly, and then slowly backed out.

Soon, white clothes remained.

"The realm of heaven and man, how is the progress of destroying the statue of the main god?"

Lu Nanzhuo lightly opened his thin lips, as if talking to the air.

"Master, half of it has been destroyed, I am afraid that if we destroy some more, it will attract the attention of the realm master and the gods!!"

Chu Shiyue's respectful and worried voice came from the space.

In Lu Nanzhuo's eyes, a bright light flashed, and he said softly:

"It's okay, you just continue to destroy. As for the gods, I will take care of them."


Chapter 432


Vertical sun, cloudy sky.

"To the top of the Extreme Flame Mountain, you lead the way."

In the town lord's mansion, Lu Nanzhuo looked at Yunhe and said calmly.

Yunhe's face changed, he hesitated and said: "My lord, Yunhe is naturally willing, but this Chenguang Town..."

"It's okay, this deity will help you set up an enchantment, even the main god can't get in."

Lu Nanzhuo flicked his sleeves after speaking.

Yunhe was stunned to see that a bowl-shaped barrier suddenly appeared in the sky, knocking down the entire Chenguang town!

Then it disappeared.

"The deity will wait for you at the entrance of the town and give you half a stick of incense."

After Lu Nanzhuo finished speaking lightly, he walked out leisurely with his hands behind his back.


Yunhe came back to his senses and bowed, then shouted: "Zhao Xiong, Qing'er!"

"The town lord (father)!"

After a while, Zhao Xiong and Yun Qing appeared in front of him.

The two carefully looked around, and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Lu Nanzhuo was not there.

"Zhao Xiong, the main purpose of this town is to go to the top of Jiyan Mountain with Lord Baiyi. During this time, Chenguang Town will be watched by you and Qing'er."

Yunhe looked at the two of them and said in a concentrated voice.

Zhao Xiong and Yun Qing's expressions changed drastically.

"Father! What are you doing at the top of Jiyan Mountain? Didn't you say that the main god is there?!" Yun Qing said urgently, her face turned pale.

"That's right, town lord, and Chenguang Town can't live without you. If you're not here during this time, and giant beasts attack again, I, we can't stop it..."

Zhao Xiong also had a dignified expression, and advised him.

"Don't worry, you should have noticed the upside-down bowl-shaped barrier in the sky just now, right? That's the enchantment arranged by Lord Bai."

Yunhe shook his head and smiled, then turned and walked outside.

"During this time, you don't have to worry about giant beasts, just watch Chenguang Town carefully. As for the top of Extreme Flame Mountain, my lord just needs me to lead the way."

Zhao Xiong and Yun Qing looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

However, the boulder in my heart was finally let go.


Town gate.

"My lord, Yunhe has already explained the matter in the town."

Yunhe said respectfully.

Lu Nanzhuo nodded, his body rose slowly against the sky, and he hung around in white: "Let's go, the top of Jiyan Mountain."


Yun He bowed in response, and then flew into the air with a little bit of tiptoe!

the next moment,

The two figures suddenly disappeared.


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