Although it is extremely plain, it has nothing to do with the world.

Here, you can live heartlessly.No one has any ulterior motives.

In the old village chief's house, the candlelight was soft and warm, making the faces of several children flush.

"Wow, Demon Slayer! Kill outsiders with one punch! Grandpa Village Chief, is the Great Master really that powerful?"

"Then and then! We still want to hear the story of the Great Senior!"


Several five or six-year-old children born in recent years pulled their sleeves with excitement.

The wrinkles on the old village head's face eased, and he smiled kindly: "Of course, this is what your elder brother Xuanling said."

Afterwards, the old village head looked at the candle, recalled Xuanling's words, and said with hazy eyes: "Later, the statues of the Great Master were all over the whole continent, and they were revered by all races. For all the races in the mainland, the Great Master is the darkness." The light in the world is the faith in the desperate situation.”


Hearing this, several children's eyes brightened.

"Grandpa the village chief, we want to go outside to see the statue of the Great Master!"

Several children immediately dragged the old village head and yelled unrelentingly.

"Oh, okay, wait for your big brother Xuanling to come in a few days, let him take you out, you bastards should let go first, my old bones..."

The old village head was helpless.

"Hee hee, I don't know where Your Majesty is now, I really want to see you!"

After a few children let go of the old village head, they propped their heads on their little hands and began to daydream.

Seeing this, the old village chief smiled, his eyes dimly recalling the scene in the past when the Great Master bowed to his ancestor's spirit tablet... The old eyes couldn't help trembling, and they turned slightly red.

Such a banished fairy, but...

The top of the valley.

Lu Nanzhuo turned his gaze away from the small village, he raised his head slightly, his eyes looked at the bright moon in the sky, the evening wind blew his long hair, and the white clothes gradually disappeared.

Afterwards, the singing of insects all over the mountain reappeared.


Chapter 372


Sirius Star Domain.

Compared with the joyousness of Thunder Pavilion, Tianxiao Sect is a bit depressed.

Xu Liuqing sat alone on the steps in front of the main hall with a look of despair.

That piece of news made him extremely frustrated.Ao Tian Hongmeng ranked first in the battle list.After Lord Bai Yi returned, Jiuyou Shura Mansion was destroyed by him.

The Thunder Pavilion monopolizes [-]% of the resources of the Jiuyou Shura Mansion......

He recalled that scene in the past, and his heart was full of regret.

"What's the use of regretting now? You have to know that one step is wrong and one step is wrong. You should be thankful that Master Baiyi didn't do anything to Tianxiaozong, and you should be even more grateful that there are disciples like Ye Fan and Fei Yangyang, who can reward Jiuyou Shura Mansion One-twentieth of the resources."

Ge Lao appeared next to Xu Liuqing and said in a flat tone.

Xu Liuqing's body shook, and he said dejectedly: "Mr. Ge, Liu Qing is about to resign as suzerain, and Liu Qing is embarrassed by his great responsibility."

Ge Lao nodded, he had already expected it, and then sighed:

"Alright, Liu Qing, you should go to retreat and improve your state of mind. As for the position of suzerain, I will manage it for you for a while."

Xu Liuqing was startled, understood what Ge Lao meant, bowed and stepped back.


a few days later.

Luoyun City has returned to its former peace, and the tens of thousands of people who came here have basically left.

No one saw the figure of the Great Senior. They originally thought it was someone's rumor or hallucination, but they were told that many people saw it, so it's okay.

From this point of view, His Majesty didn't want to see them anymore, and then left one after another, not daring to stay any longer.

Central Profound Continent, human race.

"Master, haven't you seen Your Majesty?"

Yinyin looked at the dejected Emperor Yan and said.

"Yeah. My teacher and Ba Dao Tian Jian Xie Di four went together, but found nothing. The Great Master and his dragon can't see the end." Emperor Yan smiled dejectedly.

Yinyin nodded quietly upon hearing this.

At the same time, Dragon Clan.

Long Bacang sat on the main hall with a sad face, he really wanted to see Lu Nanzhuo.

The high-level officials stood silently without speaking.


Suddenly, three figures appeared in the hall.

The dragons were startled.

"My God."

Ao Lei and Long Qian were overjoyed and hurried over.They first bowed towards Duotian and Si Wuya, and then looked at Ao Tian with smiles on their faces.

"You boy, you ran away without saying a word last time."

Long Bacang quickly put away the worry on his face, walked forward, looked at Ao Tian and pretended to blame.

Then he bowed towards Duotian and Si Wuya: "Senior Duotian, and this..."

Duotian smiled at him and said, "Patriarch Long, his name is Si Wuya, don't worry about him haha."

Si Wuya...

Patriarch Long murmured in his heart, his eyes are always good, this Si Wuya is not a simple person at first glance.

At this time, Si Wuya's eyes were full of doubts, is this Ao Tian's family, why are they so... weak.

"Senior Si Wuya." Long Bacang bowed to Si Wuya again, with perfect etiquette.

Si Wuya quickly helped Long Bacang up: "Patriarch Long doesn't have to be like this, the old man can be regarded as half of Ao Tian's master, hehe, we are all family."

Hearing this, they all looked at Si Wuya in astonishment.

Long Bacang was even more enthusiastic: "I see, senior Duotian, senior Si Wuya, please sit down quickly."

"No." Duotian waved his hand, and then asked: "Young Master said it was back to Tianqi, did you see it?"

Seeing Duotian's question, Ao Tian and Si Wuya also looked at Long Bacang.

Long Bacang was stunned, hearing what Duotian said, he knew that the one in Luoyun City must be the Great Senior.

"No...but..." So, Long Bacang told Duotian and the others what happened in Luoyun City in the past few days.

After a while.

Duotian and the three nodded.

"Then it seems that the young master doesn't want to see you guys anymore."

Then, Duotian suddenly continued mysteriously: "Patriarch Long, I have a method, and the young master may show up."

Long Ba Cang and Ao Lei waited for a while.

Duotian glanced at Ao Tian, ​​and laughed directly: "You let Xiaotian and that dragon fight to get married, my son may come to follow the ceremony haha."

"No!!" Ao Tian roared anxiously!

Snapped! !

Long Bacang slapped him on the head, and shouted angrily: "Okay! Why not?! Speaking of this grandpa, I forgot to ask you, but I met that girl Zhan Xin during this trip. Does she hate you? If she hates you , Grandpa will naturally not force her."

Then are you just forcing your grandson... Ao Tian groaned weakly in his heart.

"Patriarch Long, that Long Zhanxin didn't mean to hate Xiaotian, you can rest assured." Duotian laughed.

Ao Tian was dumbfounded, he hadn't spoken yet, and seeing what senior Duo Tian meant, he seemed to want him to start a family very much.Soon, a sky-shattering voice sounded in his mind:

"Hey, little boy, this is the time for you to give back to your family. Let alone this, don't you want the young master to show up? Think about it, when you get married and the young master shows up, how prestige is that? Besides, You can't beat your grandpa."

Ao Tian was startled, it seemed that he was indeed, he couldn't beat Long Ba Cang at all.

And if the young master is there, it will be a surprise.

He stopped talking.

"Oh? That's great. Senior Duotian, if we can contact Lord Longyuan, let's prepare quickly!" Long Bacang stroked his beard and smiled, his old eyes sparkling.

Ao Tian's eyes changed: "This, will it be too fast!"

Seeing this, Long Qian pulled Ao Tian away, and smiled lovingly: "Tian'er, this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later."

"That's right, what do you know, kid." Ao Lei scolded.

Ao Tian opened his mouth, not daring to say anything more.

It's a bit far away, Duo Tian frowned and was about to say something, Si Wuya stood up and said with a smile: "This is easy to handle, the old man has a star field communicator."

After finishing speaking, he spread his hands, and the communicator appeared in his hands, similar to Qiu Qianjue's before.

Without waiting for everyone to say anything, Si Wuya suddenly shot a nebula into it! !

The coercion at that moment made everyone in the hall turn pale, so strong!

Afterwards, Si Wuya carved an incomprehensible pattern on the communicator with his fingertips. After a while, he stopped, and the pattern he carved suddenly glowed! !

After a while, Long Yuan's majestic and puzzled voice came from the communicator.

"Huh? Si Wuya? Why are you looking for Long? Is it about Wu Tong? Wu Tong is with Pavilion Master Lei."

"Hehe, Master Longyuan, it's not that the old man has something to do with you, but Ao Tian..." Si Wuya said with a cheerful smile.

"Young master?! What's wrong with him, young master?" Long Yuan's voice in the communicator instantly became anxious.

This warmed Ao Tian's heart, so he stood up and said, "Uncle Yuan, let Grandpa tell you."

Long Bacang smiled slightly, and said to the communicator: "Lord Long Yuan, do you still remember the matter of Ao Tian and Zhan Xin?"


Chapter 373 Duotian preaching, do you want to go back to Blue Star?


"Hahaha, Patriarch Dragon, of course, you are...?"

In the communicator, Long Yuan's voice gradually became excited.

"Long Mou thinks it's better to get Ao Tian and Zhan Xin married quickly, Master Long Yuan thinks that..."


Long Bacang was interrupted by Long Yuan before he finished speaking.

"That's it, Patriarch Long, you set a good date, and I will announce it to the Three Thousand Star Region immediately!" Long Yuan said solemnly.

Three, Three Thousand Star Fields... can't it be?


"Master Longyuan, isn't this too grand?" Long Bacang said in a deep voice, a little tangled.

"Grand? It's not grand at all. The Jiuyou Shura Mansion was destroyed, and my Dragon God Starfield is the first starfield. Not to mention that Ao Tian is the young master of my Dragon God Starfield, and it is No. 1 on the Hongmeng Battle List. The important thing is that the young master is following the master in white!"

"Don't worry, Dragon Patriarch, as long as my Dragon God Starfield releases news, there will be no invitations, and the Three Thousand Starfields will still flock to it."

Long Yuan's words are sonorous, full of confidence!

The Jiuyou Shura Mansion was destroyed, No. 1 in the Hongmeng battle list?

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