Dozens of cyan light blades set off waves of boiling waves, rushing towards those terrified-looking Martial Kings!

In an instant!


Those Martial Kings were chopped off by these sharp cyan light blades in just a short breath!

fall from the sky!

Seeing this, Hong Yi's pale face did not relax in the slightest, instead he clenched his teeth even more, because...

"Hehe... What a deep brotherhood!!" A sneer burst out behind him, and then...

boom! ! !

A loud explosion exploded from Hong Yi's back!


Right now, like time slows down...

Hong Yi's eyes gradually turned white, and he slowly raised his head, countless blood foam mixed with meat shavings spewed out...

His back was blasted until it collapsed, which was extremely tragic!

Immediately flew upside down!It landed heavily, kicking up a cloud of dust...

Hong Yi was like a puppet missing parts, lying on the ground in an extremely strange posture and twitching slightly...

The eyeballs trembled, and the corners of the mouth were full of blood foam!

He seemed to have an obsession, as if he wanted to use up his last strength, tremblingly turned his cheeks that were pressed against the ground, and looked at the big and small monkeys who were still sitting cross-legged on the ground...


The lips stained with blood froth slightly parted as if to say something, but they could no longer muster any strength...


The big and small monkeys trembled, and couldn't bear it anymore, forcibly interrupted the refinement, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood! !

They quickly came to Hong Yi and squatted down, looking down at him like this...

They didn't dare to touch Hong Yi's body. At this moment, his body is as fragile as a bubble, and it will disintegrate at the touch...

"Second...second brother..."

The big and small monkeys started to twitch, and their scarlet eyes were fixed on Hong Yi who was lying on the ground.

The indomitable second brother in the past...

At this moment, he was beaten to the ground because of them, like a puddle of mud...

Hong Yi's cheeks on the ground moved slightly, as if pulling out a smile...

Immediately, I felt that my pupils were heavy and plunged into darkness!

Seeing the smile on Hong Yi's face, the big and small monkeys trembled in their hearts!

"Uh...uh...Second brother, don't! Don't sleep! Second brother!!!"

Blood and tears gushed out from monkeys big and small, their throats seemed to be parched!

The three brothers have come here all the way from Boundary City. Although Hong Yi is the second brother, he has always acted as the boss to take care of the two of them!

But now, now!

The two raised their heads abruptly, and stared at the two jokingly looking Martial Emperors with blood-filled eyes in extreme disorder! !


Monkeys, big and small, surged up like an erupting volcano! !

boom! !

However, in just an instant, he was sent flying backwards...

The corners of the two mouths were bleeding, but they couldn't feel the slightest pain. They couldn't help laughing at themselves. They were just incompetent and furious haha...

All along, the two of them have always been trash, trash! !

It's have to gnaw a bone off those two bastards! !

In a flash of thought, the two of them ran madly again and rushed over desperately!





Even if the potential is stimulated, but being bombarded again and again, the two of them are at the end of the road...

"You three brothers are very affectionate, hehe..."

The two Martial Emperors showed no sympathy, but instead smiled mockingly.

The big and small monkeys were paralyzed on the ground, their bodies were completely stained red with blood, and their bodies were broken and even shattered in countless places. They looked at Hong Yi, who was smiling with his eyes closed, and his body was trembling...

"Cough...Second...Second brother, I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I...we are so useless!"

The two Martial Emperors looked down at them and said with a sinister smile,

"Okay, it's enough time for you to say goodbye, you can die, don't worry... if the spirit fruit in your belly is not much refined..."

"Then I'll make soup for you...that's the same!"


Inside the Aurora Boat.

Lu Nanzhuo suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if a little surprised...

"Ao Tian, ​​go there."

Lu Nanzhuo stared deeply at Shenshenyuan outside the window, and pointed to a place...

"Yes, son."

Ao Tian was slightly surprised, and then felt that it was a matter of course. It seems that the young master has never been to the inner circle of Shen Shen Yuan before...

Otherwise, he wouldn't think about going at this time, he knew that the young master was a master who could do whatever he wanted.

Immediately, he controlled the Aurora boat to dive down! !

"Falling into the abyss?"

Duotian was also a little curious looking at the forbidden lands that were getting closer and closer ahead. He didn't know much about Tianqi Continent, but he still knew the five forbidden lands.

It's just that in his perception, the abyss below...

Looks like there are a lot of ants...


Chapter 163 Kill All

"Hehe, die."

The two Martial Emperors stared viciously at the big and small monkeys, their palms flickering with blue light.

The moment the two of them were about to strike!

Bursts of turbulent sonic booms came down from above!

The pupils of the two Martial Emperors constricted, and they looked up quickly, only to see a dazzling stream of light rushing towards them, speeding like lightning!

The wind and waves it set off made the branches and green leaves sway wildly!

"What the hell! Isn't the sky above the Abyss of Gods forbidden?!"

"Damn it, it's coming towards us! It's too fast, dodge!"

The two Martial Sovereigns had grim faces, and immediately backed away to one side, their eyes were unwilling to look at the few people who collapsed on the ground in the field, are they about to be smashed to pieces like this...their Yuan Lingguo. ..


The Aurora boat skimmed into the field and suddenly stopped!

Seeing that the few people paralyzed on the ground were not smashed, the two Martial Emperors breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the extremely cool Aurora boat in shock, their eyes were clear, but their hearts became greedy.

This is such a treasure, the people inside must have quite a powerful background, right?But the movement here just now should have been noticed by other alien races and came here... Hehe, then...


The hatch of the Aurora boat opened, and three figures came down.

Lu Nanzhuo and Ao Tian saw the three of them collapsed on the ground, covered in blood, like dead dogs...

Ao Tian's eyes trembled, and he couldn't believe it.

But Lu Nanzhuo just watched calmly, and there was no surprise at the moment, because he sensed it when he was in the sky.

He casually pulled towards the void above Hong Yi, forced Hong Yi's soul that was about to collapse back into his body, then bounced three white streamers into the bodies of the three of them respectively, and finally put his hands behind his back without saying a word.

The big and small monkeys struggled to open their eyes, tremblingly looking at the few people who appeared in front of them... lord...and Ao Tian...senior.

How could it be, how could it be like this.

There was a sudden soreness in the heart, the eyeballs began to tremble, and the eyes were frantically dodged. This is not the meeting they imagined, they would rather...

How dare they face their former benefactor when they are in such distress.

They want to have a new posture and appearance, not the pitiful appearance like a dead dog at this time!

Unfortunately, things backfired...

Ao Tian stepped in front of them and squatted down, his eyes were slightly red, staring at them closely, staring at their dodging eyes.

Seeing this, the faces of the two Martial Emperors next to him were stiff and their eyes flickered. They could already see that these people seemed to know each other...

Things are not going well...

Ao Tian raised his head suddenly, staring at the two Martial Emperors, the rich purple martial rings burst into the sky!

The two Martial Emperors were frightened immediately!

Wu...Late period of Wuzong!

"This... my lord, I misunderstood!"


Ao Tian's fist was shrouded in purple light, and then he punched hard from the air, and the dust on the ground instantly rippled to both sides.

The purple Liuguang fist came in an instant!

Bang bang!

The terrified expressions froze on the faces of the two Martial Emperors...

After a moment of stagnation, with a bang, the body suddenly exploded, and fragments of residual limbs shot out in all directions!

Ao Tian took a deep breath, lowered his head again, and stared at the big and small monkeys.

Due to the healing and restoration of the white streamer that Lu Nanzhuo shot in, the faces of the big and small monkeys became much ruddy.

Ao Tian turned his head to look at Hong Yi who was still in a coma, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he looked at the big and small monkeys with ashamed expressions and said in a deep voice: "You three..."

da da da da da...

Suddenly, the sound of dense footsteps came from all around!

"Ao Tian, ​​take them to the back."

Lu Nanzhuo looked forward with his hands behind his back, and calm words sounded.

"Yes, son."

Ao Tian respectfully responded, and then helped up the trembling big and small monkeys, then walked to Hong Yi's side, and dragged him to the rear of Lu Nanzhuo and the other two.

"The three of you just wait and recuperate first, and I'll ask you guys later!"

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